by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 10, 2016
Many of my astute friends make fun of anyone who is stupid enough to even vote.

Why Vote?
I think their reasoning goes something like this:
- Why vote when your vote doesn’t count
- Voter fraud
- Public manipulation
- Pre-selected candidates by the party structure: you have no real choice
- They select and then you choose from their rigged selection
- Manipulation of the nomination process
- Manipulation by the press
- Why vote when by voting you are giving credibility to a corrupt system.
- Voting is like voting on whose house to burn down.
These are all good reasons not to vote, and so they conclude those who vote are just being bamboozled by the entrenched system, ergo they are stupid.
It’s really hard to argue against their analysis based on history. While the DNC and RNC differ around the edges on divisive issues used to engender support, they are substantially the same on many important issues: More spending, more government, more corruption, more wars, etc. At the same time candidate’s promises are broken on a systemic and regular basis. One side will blame the other for this or that, but if you do a detailed analysis, you will find that both sides are colluding behind closed doors to offer each other cover. Texas Senator John Cornyn is a good example. He put on his boots and cowboy hat and campaigned telling Texas that he was against ObamaCare and would make sure it was repealed. Later we find out through a sneaky cloture vote he in effect voted to fully fund ObamaCare. This cloture vote gave him the cover he needed to maintain to the public that he was against ObamaCare, yet the effect of his vote was to fully fund Obamacare. This sort of thing goes on all the time on both sides and is prearranged out of site of the voters and they know no difference. The Republicans said that they needed the congress to stop Obama. We gave them the congress in 2010 to stop Obama’s unconstitutional usurpation of our rights and our constitution; only to watch them give in to Obama’s slightest whim or desire. Rubio, once the Tea Party darling turned on them once in office and did the exact opposite of what he promised on immigration. Rubio is not the only one.
So each election year is like a grand football game or the super bowl where we get to root for our team Red or Blue. We ignore faults of our team and accentuate the faults of the opposing team; and to make this dance really sad, most of these inflammatory faults are completely irrelevant; provided, du jour, by our master-manipulators in the media and political think tanks. Surly they laugh at us!
American Politics basically boils down to whose lies you like better…do you like the Democrat lies…or, do you like the Republican lies? Once you take sides, you turn your brain off and start yelling at each other until one side gets tired. After a short rest the cycle starts all over. Meanwhile, whilst you are busy passing your time with this popular American sport, your masters in D.C. are taking everything you own. This is the game.
And then along comes Trump. Is he another Marco Rubio or a Mitt Romney or is he different? We shall see.