by DAVID BROWN | | April 10, 2016

The Walled-Garden
Imagine, if you will, a vast collection of people, scurrying about doing their daily chores surrounded by walls. Within these walls lay rolling hills of green grass, tall strong oak trees, and of course fruit, wine and game, all for the taking. You and your fellows live within these walls constructed so long ago, that everyone ignores them and has just about forgotten they even exist; so much so, they have become invisible to the average man. But still, every so often, a hapless chap ventures beyond the walls and becomes raving mad. No one will have anything to do with him or even hire him to do a job because he makes no sense. No one knows for sure, where precisely the walls begin or end but by fear. The story goes that if you were to get close to the wall, fear would surly warn of your impending demise and you would quickly go mad if you did not possess the good sense to immediately turn back toward home.
Over the many years of living within the walls, there were disagreements and ruckuses and tussles, but they all stayed clearly within the confines of this walled garden; and so life was not perfect but tolerable, understandable and well-behaved within the garden.
Yet still it is necessary to remind all through education and broadcasting of the tribal knowledge we have gained from past experience. Highly-trained and trusted experts inform the masses that these walls really do not in fact exist as described; they represent only an illusion, yet warn not to get too close lest ye shall surly lose your mind.
So this is where the majority of Americans find themselves today. Even our brave and brilliant luminaries like Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and others give homage to our wall.
So what is this wall constructed of? It is made from mythologies and cherished beliefs based on false assumptions. What are some of these beliefs? I have listed a few below, all of which are demonstrably false, yet still the majority of Americans still believe.
- That America is a good and decent country trying to save democracy and freedom
- That America’s wars of the 20th century were justified to save democracy and freedom
- That America uses its financial and military might to spread democracy and freedom in the world
- That JFK was killed by a lone gunman
- That the Warren Commission Report was a true and accurate report
- That the attacks on 9/11 were planned and carried out by Al Qaeda
- That the 9/11 Commission Report was a true and accurate report
- That the invasion of Iraq was a mistake
- That the invasion of Afghanistan was to fight Al Qaeda
- That the invasion of Libya was to save the Libyan people
- That the war in Ukraine was caused by Putin
- That the war in Syria is to save the Syrian people
- That the Federal Reserve is federal and has reserves
All of the above constitute parts or bricks of the wall that surrounds our garden. There are many more such bricks but they all have one thing in common. They are all false. Provably false.
Additional Reading from ClearNFO:
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