by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 30, 2016

WALL: Am I for a wall on our Southern Border? Not necessarily. I would be happy if our Border Patrol Agents were permitted to do their jobs; and I think it is important for any nation that intends on remaining a nation, to know who exactly is entering their country. Even if a wall is never built, Trump’s wall represents a symbol, a chess piece in the grand globalist game; it says that the days of the globalist are ending; it says no more open borders; it is a gutsy, in-your-face challenge to the establishment power structure that says no more, this charade of yours must end. The globalists are freaking.
TRADE: Am I for Free Trade? Hell, yeah! I am for free trade that is fair trade. Am I for trade agreements like TPP that cedes our sovereignty to an unelected bunch of bureaucrats who report only to cabals of international banks and corporations? Nope.
DEFENSE: Am I for a strong defense? Yep. Defense is the operative word; not offense. I am not for going all around the globe kicking everyone’s ass I see. I am not for foreign entanglements all across the globe which serve only to enrich a select group of military contractors and their bought and paid for pals in congress.
NATO: Has outlived its original purpose and has become a tool of the CFR, the RIIA and their geopolitical agenda.
PUTIN: Am I for working with Putin and Russia? Yes! Putin has proven he is the only adult in this crazy game of chicken our Pentagon planners are playing. There is mutual respect between these two.
VETS: Am I for taking very good care of our Vets? You bet’cha! That’s part of the price of waging all these pointless, illegal and unconstitutional undeclared wars. We need to own this.
FED: Am I for auditing the Fed? Duh.
ACTING PRESIDENTIAL (a.k.a. being PC): Since we are all so tired of professional politicians lying to us with their nice sounding words, it would be nice to have someone who was not afraid to say what was on his mind, even if it ruffled a few feathers.
FINANCIAL ACUMEN: Since we have fifteen hundred trillion in derivatives floating around the globe, it would be nice to have a president who actually knew what a derivative was. Since we have $19 trillion in debt and $101 trillion in unfunded liabilities, it would be nice to have a president who has actually read and understands balance sheets and income statements.
HATE: Trump’s list of haters are the same people who are trying to destroy this country and control the world: The Globalists, George Soros, the DNC/RNC duopoly, the Bilderbergers and the Davos crowd.
CAUTION: Will any of the Presidential Candidates be able to deliver on all or most of their promises? No. Why not? Because we have an entrenched structure of special interests and bureaucrats who control the mechanisms of government. Until you change this, there will be no fundamental change. The private CFR for example controls the US foreign policy and dictates our geopolitics. The private Federal Reserve for example can do whatever it wants irrespective of the President or the Congress. The secretive CIA and NSA keeps everyone in line using blackmail or worse.
P.S. Just Trump mentioning the ‘Wall’, sends shivers of fear and loathing down the spines of the Globalists since that would derail a major part of their plans; likewise, Trump’s comments on the so called trade agreements would set them back decades. I like that a lot; but what I’m curious about is the possibility of a real investigation that would expose their role in 9/11. Trump is a builder, a NYC builder and knows full-well that three buildings could not have been brought down by two planes; free-fall no less. Trump knows that this was a controlled demolition that had to be pre-planned months in advance. I bet the Globalists are wetting their pants over this. On the other hand, this might be a grand opportunity for Trump to make the deal of his life or for his life. Sit back and enjoy the full-on offensive as the Globalists and their hired hands uncloak and try to wreck Trump’s assault on their one world government Utopia.
Additional NFO:
Roger Stone: Will They Cancel the Election?
- Ted Cruse a Globalist Tool?
- The Difference It Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President By Brandon Turbeville
- Why Vote?