What are the Three Religions of science or the three sets of laws? First, to handle the really big stuff, we have Einstein’s general theory of relativity, string theory, M-Theory, etc. Second, for the medium-sized stuff– that is generally understandable by the human mind– we have Newton’s classic laws of physics and for the really small stuff we have the third child in this sibling rivalry called Quantum Physics . The problem with all three of these separate and distinct sets of rules is that no one can stitch them together into a consistent set of rules that are universally applicable. In short they are not in agreement. All three theories are true except when they are not. The solution is for us to change our religion or more precisely our epistemic system based on what we are observing. So, is there some enduring truth to be offered up by science or is science just a grand illusion based on the pragmatist philosophy that if it works then it’s true? What kind of enduring truth have we found here? We change our rules based on what works as dictated by our environment; but we are not very well equipped to probe beyond merely being a reaction to external events and then inventing a language and a resultant description of what we have observed.
We can create and then memorize the Phylum, Genus and Specie of every plant and insect in the Trans-Pecos Wilderness but what do we really know? As gods we sit on our lofty body of knowledge assured in the truth of what we know but what do we know really? Just because we can regurgitate the Phylum, Genus and Specie of the Creosote bush, do we know more about the Creosote bush than the Creosote bush grasshopper who makes his living there?