by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 28, 2016

Talk radio KTRH 740 AM’s talent and employees all agree that Cruz is a saint and Trump is the devil. They have used their own group-think to work themselves up into a frothing mental lather of insanity and in the process turned KTRH into a Cruz echo-chamber. Their folks are constantly pumping Cruz and dissing Trump; and in the process, twisting themselves into unnatural mental pretzels. It is an amazing display of ignorance masquerading as truth and wisdom. All their talent: Michael Berry, Matt Patrick and Shara Fryer; even the weather-person and traffic man are getting in on the action. Add to this their paid programming: Mark Levin’s blind allegiance to Cruz and even Rush spent an hour defending Cruz; though Rush is much more circumspect, and you have a complete programming day designed to pump Cruz ad nauseam. The team at KTRH are amazingly monolithic in their politics. The lengths they will go to protect Cruz is very entertaining. For example, they are 100% positive that Cruz has never, ever cheated on his wife. How could they possibly know this? If it turns out that the National Enquirer is correct, they will all look more ignorant than they already do. How will they explain this to their loyal audience they have misled?