From the Reading list
America’s Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull & Bones by Antony C. Sutton
Publisher’s Foreword:
Antony Sutton was a giant among men. His integrity cost him dearly: his vocation, his income, his family … maybe even his life.
After coming across this book in 1988, I searched out and read all that I could find of Professor Sutton’s works. One reason: his books helped me to understand what my father had told me in 1969, ten years after he had quit a high-level job at the CIA — because he wouldn’t go along with their corrupt practices. Dad had mentioned “secret societies,” drug trafficking, and that the fight-to-the-death struggle between Communism and Capitalism was a “managed” conflict. Almost twenty, I was newly married with a baby, and had no idea what my father was talking about. America’s Secret Establishment contributed greatly to my garnering a different thesis of how the world actually works, versus what was presented to me by the media and schooling.
Kris Millegan
March 3, 2009
ANTONY SUTTON was a research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, from 1968 to 1973. He is a former economics professor at California State University Los Angeles. He was born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and California with a D.Sc. degree from University of Southampton, England.
Authors Preface:
America’s Secret Establishment
After 16 books and 25 years in basic research I thought I’d heard it all … the world was a confused mess, probably beyond understanding and certainly beyond salvation – and there was little ’1 could do about it.
Back in 1968 my Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In three substantial volumes I detailed how the West had built the Soviet Union. However, the work generated a seemingly insoluble puzzle – why have we done this? Why did we build the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler’s Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts? Why have we boosted Soviet military power? And simultaneously boosted our own?
In subsequent books, the Wall Street series, I added more questions – but no answers. I had more or less arrived at the conclusion that there was no rational answer that could be proven.
Then a year or so ago I received an eight-inch batch of documents – nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the sheets it was more than obvious – this was no ordinary group. The names spelled Power, with a capital P. As I probed each individual a pattern emerged … and a formerly fuzzy world became crystal clear.
The book you will read here is a combined version of a series reporting on this research. Each volume builds on the previous volume in a logical step-by-step process.
These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can’t read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys.
This series is infinitely more important than the original Western Technology series on technological transfers. If I have a magnum opus, this is it.
Phoenix, Arizona
July 30, 1983
I recommend purchasing the book, but here is a full text copy that is searchable.