Tag Archives: TPP

What the Chess Pieces look like to a Globalist …

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Oct 11, 2015

hands-908164_640While you are watching your football, the Globalists are moving rapidly to consolidate their control over nation-states across the globe. The International Bankers and Corporations are creating a World Structure under their governance which will necessarily eliminate the national sovereignty of the participating countries. Other than the ratifying and stitching together of the EU, NAFTA, TPP and TTIP currently underway, they intend to use UN-Agenda 21, and the Strong Cities Network (SCN) for global control at the local level. Additional control and future funding for this superstructure will be the result of International Climate Change Agreements burgeoning later this year in Paris, France.

Stitching together the Chess Pieces TPP, NAFTA, TPIP and the EU

Stitching together the Chess Pieces: TPP, NAFTA, TPIP and the EU

In times like these, the memorable words of Argus Filch come to mind… “For God’s sake, pull yourself together man. You’re going into the Forest after all. Got to have your wits about ya…
Oh, there’s more than werewolves in those trees, lad. You can be sure of that. Nighty-night”

What this means to you? The U.S.A. as a Constitutional Republic will soon be a distant memory.

death of the nation-state.-globejpgBreitbart: On Wednesday, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced at the United Nations that her office would be working in several American cities to form what she called the Strong Cities Network (SCN), a law enforcement initiative that would encompass the globe. Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.


Globalism 101 explained … This is the same scheme being cooked up with all these so called ‘Free Trade’ agreements: Labour Minister Tony Benn (shortly before his death) emotionally explains why he fought against the European Union all his life and why we should too.

European Union | Tony Benn | Oxford Union

Additional Reading at ClearNFO:

U.S. Cedes Sovereignty To New Authority

A list of the Players …

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a trade agreement between twelve Pacific Rim countries

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)

12 countries:

  1. Brunei
  2. Chile
  3. New Zealand
  4. Singapore
  5. Others
  6. Australia
  7. Canada
  8. Japan
  9. Malaysia
  10. Mexico
  11. Peru
  12. United States
  13. Vietnam

18 Countries – the 12 above, plus those who are interested in joining:

  1. Singapore
  2. Brunei
  3. New Zealand
  4. Chile
  5. United States
  6. Australia
  7. Peru
  8. Vietnam
  9. Malaysia
  10. Mexico
  11. Canada
  12. Japan
  13. Colombia (Interested)
  14. Philippines (Interested)
  15. Thailand (Interested)
  16. Indonesia (Interested)
  17. Taiwan (Interested)
  18. South Korea (Interested)

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

"North American Agreement (orthographic projection)" by Heraldry - Own work,This vector image was created with Inkscape

“North American Agreement (orthographic projection)” by Heraldry – Own work,This vector image was created with Inkscape

3 Countries:

  1. USA
  2. Mexico
  3. Canada

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)


"European Union United States Locator" by Ssolbergj - Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons

“European Union United States Locator” by Ssolbergj – Own work. Licensed under Public Domain via Commons

29 Countries:

Agreement between the US (1) and the EU (28)

The European Union (EU)

"Global European Union" by S. Solberg J.

“Global European Union” by S. Solberg J.

The Countries:

  1. Austria
  2. Belgium
  3. Bulgaria
  4. Croatia
  5. Cyprus
  6. Czech Republic
  7. Denmark
  8. Estonia
  9. Finland
  10. France
  11. Germany
  12. Greece
  13. Hungary
  14. Ireland
  15. Italy
  16. Latvia
  17. Lithuania
  18. Luxembourg
  19. Malta
  20. Netherlands
  21. Poland
  22. Portugal
  23. Romania
  24. Slovakia
  25. Slovenia
  26. Spain
  27. Sweden
  28. United Kingdom


Intel Collections at the CFR

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Oct 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Yesterday and today, I watched and listened to several Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) media events: from the global economy, to the immigration problem in Europe to Global Warming (see list below).

Now many people have learned the sorry history of the CFR from the likes of Quigley, Sutton and others but the CFR’s official face is one of kindness, intelligence and regal quality, not that of a predator.

So why watch such establishment drivel from the likes of the CFR?   Well, it is important to learn from those who seek to take your freedom and to be blunt, they do their homework and produce quality information. The trick is separating the wheat from the chaff else-wise you get sucked into their beautiful walled-garden of illusions and redirection.

Other than some useful facts, I learned the following:

  • They constantly remind you that The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.  Joe Plummer: …But they keep quiet about their origins: “The Inquiry” and Cecil Rhodes’ “Round Table Groups,” formed to bring “all habitable portions of the world” under their control.
  • They regularly throughout their presentations warn their speakers especially just before specific sensitive questions that … “Remember, you are on the record.” At which point the speaker may pause and take a bit more time to consider his response to a question.
  • All the speakers, moderators and the audience agree on fundamentals: Russia is evil. Russia invaded the Ukraine and man-made Global Warming. There is never, ever any room to question any of their fundamental assumptions which were given them by their pay masters.  These presentations are — in effect– an echo chamber.
  • They are still using the CFR to infiltrate our schools and our universities with establishment, globalist propaganda; and every single student or doctored professor in attendance eagerly gobbles up this hooey, hook line and sinker, apparently with nary a single critical thought.

Recently viewed media presentations by the CFR:


Mr. Global

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 26, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Empirical evidence that Mr. Global is really in charge: Mr. Global’s selection for the next president will certainly agree on the following issues: NDAA, The Patriot Act, The Federal Reserve, DHS, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP), using the CIA and NATO to overthrow sovereign countries across the globe, open borders, NSA illegal spying on the America public. They will never investigate the Fed, the CIA or the NSA. So you may vote Democrat or you may vote Republican and there may be some marginal debates around these issues but all of the above promote Mr. Global’s agenda and is destructive of this nation’s sovereignty, the US Constitution and your individual rights guaranteed therein.

So, if you don’t agree to promote and/or sustain these individual-rights-and-prosperity-killing issues, you will never, EVER get the RNC or the DNC nomination. It’s really that simple. You may disagree on divisive issues (by design) like gay rights, race issues or how much to spend on this or that, on government waste, etc… but you will never, EVER be allowed to change the fundamental trajectory of this tyranny which has been planned and implemented behind closed doors by your real masters. The issues Mr. Global allows debate on have one thing in common: They divide the public. This is a technique that Mr. Global calls Scientific Social Engineering.

Keep watching your sports, your sitcoms, your movies, your corporate news … there is nothing to see here. It’s all just a conspiracy theory made up by all those tin foil hat-wearing buffoons.

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 7, 2015

Now I know it is popular to hate the police, the illegal aliens, the white racists, the ungrateful minorities and the Muslims; but I think it is important to pause for a minute, sit back and take in the larger view; or as I would term it, the Gestalt view to see the ‘Bigger Picture’.  Now, are there bad police, bad whites, bbeverage-15706_1280ad blacks, bad illegals and bad Muslims? Yes there are; but that does not provide us the answers we need to certain questions we should always ask when confronted with external forces that are generating strong emotional valences like hate: Questions like 1) who is responsible for generating or orchestrating the hate; 2) who benefits from our hatred; and 3) for what practical purpose has our hatred been ‘genned-up’?

Police:  Yes, they have killed people’s dogs, murdered the very people they are sworn to protect, acted thuggish; they have  shredded the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and yes, they have been militarized by the folks in Washington, D.C.

Illegal Aliens:  Yes, they have broken the law by entering the USA illegally and yes many are committing more crimes once they are here, but Washington, D.C. has allowed and even promoted this.  It is interesting to observe that in the EU,  Muslim immigrants are being used in much the same way as the Latino illegal aliens here in the US.

White racists: Yes, there are white racists, but there are also black racists and Latino racists; but most people are not racist, yet the media love to hype this division between the races; and yes, the current US Administration has been caught red-handed ‘Race-Baiting’ when Eric Holder Likens Michael Brown to Emmett Till.

Ungrateful minorities:  Yes, there are some minorities that have yet to figure out that life is a struggle and that not all their problems are the ‘white devil’s’ fault. Many minorities have overcome the challenges of language and culture to prosper, yet others are stuck in the blame game enabled by Washington DC.

Muslims: Yes, some have cut heads off, committed honor killings against their daughters and sisters, committed FGM (female genital mutilations), destroyed ancient artifacts, bombed people and things and acted like a bunch of brainwashed morons. If you look at pictures from the 1960 – 1970, it was not always this way.

Iran in 1960 - 70s

Iran in 1960 – 70s

Despite reformatting their countries after WWI, Islam was on the path to moderation and modernization, until the US began stirring the shit in earnest according to the ‘Made in America’ strategies cooked up by Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and others.

So, if we drink the ‘hater-aide’ and play into this game, what we have is something called division, never having lifted our heads up to see who has been orchestrating all this hate and division.

It is clear to any thinking person that Washington, D.C. is inflaming racial hatred and militarizing our police; and Washington D.C. is inviting undocumented and illegal aliens into this country ‘en masse’.  So what is Washington D.C.’s role in the Muslim problem? Well, first off they have been involved in regime change in Muslim countries for the better part of the last century. They have created Al-Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL and IS in this century and supported many other Muslim and right-wing terrorist groups though Operation Gladio. Not only have they created these groups, they have armed, trained and funded them; and radicalized them in torture camps strewn across the globe … and they used them to destabilize various targeted countries. Additionally, Washington, D.C. has brutally slaughtered millions of innocent Muslims (men, women and children). Would you expect no hatred or blow-back from this? One fine point on blow-back: It’s not technically blow-back if it was planned.

So we have a common and the proximate cause to all this hatred and division: Washington, D.C. But it is not only Washington, DC but the people who control the vortex of power here in the US of A.

Ignorance Fear Hate

So who benefits from all this fear, Ignorance and hate that produces division? Answer: The Military-Industrial Complex, the international bankers and the power centers in Washington, D.C. increase their relevancy to the protection of the good citizens of these United States of America. Washington, D.C. increases the scope of their power and control, while the individual loses his freedoms as guaranteed by this country’s founding documents.

So now we have the answers to 1 & 2 above: Who caused this, who benefits and a partial answer to the question of purpose. The answer to Question 3 (for what purpose) flows from 1 & 2 but to fully understand this question, we must look at some of the larger geopolitical moves by Washington, D.C. and its controllers on a global basis.

The big moves are:

  1. The rapid bankrupting of nation-states worldwide with historic levels of debt created out of thin air.
  2. The destruction of nation-states though treaties and agreements. For example the EU in Europe destroyed the sovereignty of the duly elected representatives of nation-states and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.
  3. Likewise, in the Americas, agreements like NAFTA, TTIP, TPP and others along with UN-Agenda 21 have bypassed the duly elected representatives of America and handed over the reins of power to unelected officials controlled by an elite group of globalists.

We can therefore reasonably conclude that the purpose of all this hatred and division is to destroy the idea and function of the nation-state and turn over the power to certain well-placed individuals who seek to control the world from a single fulcrum.

So the question to you is: do you want to play their game? I say no. Rather than drink their ‘Hater-Aid’ against the police, the whites, the blacks, the Latinos, the Illegal Aliens, the Muslims, etc., perhaps we should identify the real culprits and go after them.

Additional Reading: