Tag Archives: TPP

Breaking History Ep. 77: The Historic Fight for a Continental Republic

Breaking History Ep. 77: The Historic Fight for a Continental Republic

Hosted by Matt Ehret, this episode of Breaking History delves into the ideological and geopolitical battles that have shaped North America. From Benjamin Franklin’s republican ideals to Lincoln’s vision of Manifest Destiny, explore the complex interplay between British, American, and Canadian policies. Learn how historic efforts to unite or divide the continent resonate in today’s geopolitical struggles and what they mean for the future of a continental republic.


The hornets’ nest is now yours – deal with it…

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | January 24, 2021

There is much we do not know about Trump’s four years in the White House.  Obviously we don’t know all the backroom conversations, deals or lack of deals, so we are left to fill in these gaps.  Do we fill in the gaps giving Trump credit for trying to save the Republic or do we assume he is a con man who just stirred up the hornets’ nest and left the rest of us to deal with the fallout?   I suppose the answer depends on your level of cynicism or if you like Trump or not.

Though President Eisenhower gave a preview and warned of the military-industrial complex, Trump was only the second President to clearly articulate the dangers of the Deep State; the first one got his head blown off. 

It is obvious from Trump’s 2016 speeches, he knew the media were liars and purveyors of propaganda; he knew the US Congress and Government were corrupt; and he knew the Deep State (DS) was destroying our Republic.  He assured us he was out to fix this, yet he kept making incredibly stupid decisions:  Not cleaning out Obama acolytes and DS players early on, say in his first 100 days, was a major fail; in fact, he kept hiring the worst of the worst – Reince Priebus, John Bolton, Bill Barr, Gina Haspel and many, many others.  Really disgusting hires.  Seems Trump insisted on surrounding himself with traitors.   Trump fell for the medical tyranny of Fauci and Birx and took the counsel of Bill Gates over Robert Kennedy Jr.  This shows Trump’s profound ignorance, naiveté or complicity.  Continuing this medical fraud, demonstrates the politics of science by consensus over evidence and shows a poor understanding of math by the general public.

“There was no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.” Attorney General William Barr (Dec. 1, 2020)

I didn’t realize just how deep-state Bill Barr was until I watched Housatonic live’s Mark Kulacz’s outstanding, in-depth research on Mr. Barr.  Barr was and is amazingly deep state and no surprise when he stabbed Trump and the American people in the back at the most effective time to serve the DS.  Trump should have known.

Trump’s Rhetoric Nails it!

I knew Pence was a traitor to this country and a globalist long before he was tapped as Trump’s VP, yet I assumed Pence was forced on Trump by the DS as a back-stop in case Trump got out of control, and he was.  How did I know?  Read my article on the TPP.  If I knew, Trump should have known.

Despite promises to put Hillary in jail if elected president, Hillary’s blatantly criminal Clinton Foundation continues unabated with nary a nick or a scratch from the former WWE enthusiast Mr. Trump (see Charles Ortel’s investigation). Mr. Ortel has done all the heavy lifting and casework for an honest IRS, DOJ or any state attorney general to prosecute Bill and Hillary’s serious crimes; however, no one cares or no one dares. Trump was aware, and did nothing.

Chief Justice Roberts had proven many times to a watchful public he was not to be trusted and was likely compromised, yet Trump and others seemed to assume he would step up and save the day.  However, Roberts and Trump’s newly minted Justice Amy Coney Barrett refused to even lift a finger to save the Republic in its most dire moment of need — feigning gossamer process objections.    They and other ‘Supremes’ refused to do their constitutional job and rather decided to aid and abet the on-going coup against President Trump.  Their inaction promoted a fraud on our system of justice; a fraud on our Republic and assured the ascendency of an illegitimate, unindicted felon to the highest office in this land.

Trump made no major arrests while maintaining the corrupt FBI, CIA and DOJ, only to be unleashed on the American public after he unceremoniously left office.   These criminal organizations were scared by Trump’s potential and rhetoric, but now these same criminals are embolden and are planning vicious attacks on the MAGA movement and the US Constitution without constraint.   Trump never cleaned house.

Trump swore an oath to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, but he didn’t.   He stirred the hornets’ nest and then said “see ya latter bye”. 

Trump has left the Republic and the US Constitution in tatters and left the American people more vulnerable than ever to the evil he claimed to be fighting against.

Jarred Kushner: Trump’s ball and chain

How could Trump stand idly by and watch son-in-law Jarred Kushner pilfer some $500M+ from the Trump Campaign Funds?  Once you realize what Jarred’s father did, how could Trump give Jarred Kushner’s corrupt, and slimy father this undeserved pardon?  How could Trump not pardon Ross Ulbricht or Julian Assange?  Trump’s pardons tell us a lot, and prove he never cared about his fans.

Trump’s hires and appointments were a great disappointment to me.  Trump never brought to justice any of the major players who were obviously guilty of serious crimes.  Trump pardoned the most unredeemable and disgusting list of criminals while leaving the unjustly persecuted to rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

We do not know how much of a fight Trump may have put up against the coup, but many of whom Trump may have relied upon were in fact coup-plotters and co-conspirators.  Despite all the excuses from die-hard Trump supporters, the buck stops at Trump’s desk. Trump was at the scene of the crime and left.  Maybe Trump exited the stage for self preservation, but he left an entire country he swore to protect to the wolves.

Whether naiveté, stupidity, intentional, or other … Trump did not protect this Republic nor the US Constitution.  What Trump did,  was feckless toward his stated goals,  and provided the DS an unencumbered path to dominate and destroy the last vestiges of this once great Republic.


Send comments to David Brown at: ClearNFO@gmail.com

film from PSB



from Ryan Dawson’s ANC Report.  Trump’s ball and chain…


First Trump Administration – an assessment

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | December 31, 2020

There is plenty I don’t like about the Trump presidency, but when compared with Obama, Hillary, Biden, and many others, Trump looks pretty darned good to me.

If you take Trump’s campaign speech dated October 13th 2016, he hits the nail pretty squarely on the head.   When you compare this speech with JFK’s speech on April 27th 1961, about “Secret Societies.”, you have a pretty good high-level understanding of some of the problems we face as a people and as a country.  However, after four years of the Trump administration, the corruption and infiltration is wider and deeper than most of us realized.

Trump’s trust in Israel is misplaced: I would fault Trump’s naiveté concerning Israel.  Despite common wisdom to the contrary, Israel is not our friend and I don’t think Trump really gets this.  You can get banned and attacked for even mentioning this, so I will leave this here.  If you want, you can read more about this on my web site @ ClearNFO.com or take a look at the USS Liberty, Jonathan Pollard, etc. for starters.  You can find real information if you look but the ADL and others have been effective in keeping any and all such material hidden from the public.   It is also illegal in 17 countries to even question historical claims about this tribe.

Trump was / is apparently unaware of just how deep the corruption goes in our legions of three letter agencies (17 in the IC alone) including the most notorious: FBI, DOJ, CIA, NSA, IRS, etc.  Other areas of misplaced trust were in the CDC, FDA, SES, and W.H.O.

Despite this misplaced trust, the Trump administration by hook or crook has forced this collection of criminals, liars, thieves and traitors to uncloak for all to see.  This then is huge, since our fundamental problem has always been our profound ignorance and naiveté concerning the malevolent US Federal Government and our lying media.

The media and big tech have clearly shown themselves to be untrustworthy and in cahoots with the globalists — they have been outed as liars and traitors to their country of origin.

In my opinion, Trump should have cleaned house the first 30 to 90 days of his administration.  Additionally, he should not have hired Bolton, Barr, Durham among many other very poor choices.

The depths of Trump’s naiveté can be seen in his almost blind trust in big pharma’s vaccines.  His promotion of the ventilators likely killed unknown 1,000s of people.   The untested experimental vaccines are risky and unneeded when we already have safe and effective treatments documented by our Front Line Doctors and others.   The media, big pharma and our captured regulatory agencies are guilty of serious crimes by keeping these life-saving treatments hidden from the public.

For some, all Trump’s negatives, can be explained away by the notion Trump is playing 3D or 4D chess, but can we trust all these apparent mistakes were on purpose?  I say no.

Trump’s biggest accomplishments so far:

I’m hoping on January 6th we will have four more years of Donald J. Trump.



Pence is a Globalist and Cannot be Trusted

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | September 20, 2020

Leaders from 10 of the 12 prospective member states at a TPP summit in 2010. A summit with leaders of the (then) negotiating states of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). Pictured, from left, are Naoto Kan (Japan), Nguyễn Minh Triết (Vietnam), Julia Gillard (Australia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile), Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore), Barack Obama (United States), John Key (New Zealand), Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei), Alan García (Peru), and Muhyiddin Yassin (Malaysia). Six of these leaders represent countries that are currently negotiating to join the group.

Mike Pence is a true globalist, though many uninformed have debated me on this.  Pence being labeled as a conservative Christian is enough for them.   What they do not realize is that I was doing some homework on Pence prior to his selection as VP.  What I discovered was very disturbing.  I read Pence’s web site while he was Governor of Indiana (2013–2017).  On his web site was a glowing, detailed endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which was my major concern with Cruz.  This was removed from the Website immediately after Pence was picked for VP.  Unknown to many who have their head permanently stuck inside the propaganda cannon we call TV, the TPP would have ceded US sovereignty to an unelected board of bureaucrats reporting to international banking and business interest subjugating the US Constitution under this globalist framework. The TPP would have controlled the movement of goods services and people and relegated the US Constitution to an historical foot note.  Even the passage of the fast track authorization for TPP in the Senate was done underhandedly.  Since the TPP is a treaty and not an agreement it is required to have a 2/3rds vote (66) in the senate—which they did not have– but the Republican-controlled senate changed this constitutional requirement to a simple majority vote of 51 calling this treaty an agreement.  Additionally, the agreement was held behind locked doors in the basement where none of the Senators could read this 5,544 page treaty prior to passage without special provisions.  You could not have a cell phone, take pictures or notes or have an aid accompany you.

NPR: “For any senator who wants to study the draft TPP language, it has been made available in the basement of the Capitol, inside a secure, soundproof room. There, lawmakers surrender their cellphones and other mobile devices. Any notes taken inside the room must be left in the room.

Only aides with high-level security clearances can accompany lawmakers. Members of Congress can’t ask outside industry experts or lawyers to analyze the language. They can’t talk to the public about what they read. And Brown says there’s no computer inside the secret room to look something up when there’s confusion. You just consult the USTR official.”

So for Pence to support TPP, either he is a moron, uninformed or he is a globalist.  Pence is no moron.

U.S. Cedes Sovereignty To New Authority



Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | June 10, 2018

The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:

Level 1:  Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.

Continue reading


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April  23, 2017

({RED PILL}): The Globalist plan for global conquest was as so… to fit regional pieces into a global super-structure: The EU (28 countries) was to fit into NAFTA (3 countries) using TTIP as the connector, then the TPP (12 -18 countries) was to be used to connect the EU, NAFTA and TTIP to the Pacific Rim countries. This global structure –once completed– was to be further homogenized using UN-Agenda 21 (now 2030 Agenda). To fund the governance of such a massive system, a global tax was required: Carbon Taxes, which could be used as a tax and a ‘justifiable’ control mechanism for every single human on the planet. The final goal is a scientific dictatorship, they call a ‘Technocracy’ to protect mother earth through population reduction. This is not about orange hair, small hands, left or right, male or female or Islam. Islam is being used as a tool by the globalists: out of chaos comes order, a new order controlled by the money masters, who are the natural predators of man. The death of TPP, the Brexit and the populism of Marine Le Pen (even if she loses), has set this global plan back decades. Russia and Putin are being used as the ‘big bad wolf’ to scare their livestock (that’s you) back into the pen. While you are at work, paying your bills and your taxes and raising your family, this is the kind of shit these folks are thinking up. Stop being their fool. Now.

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | September 05, 2016

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller's father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller’s father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

An important whitepaper by K. L. Roberts posted on Cryptome.org and linked below provides the names, companies, organizations, locations and interlocking relationships of our current batch of human predators; updating us on some details where Sutton and Quigley left off.  This is a story of how transnational powers continue to subsume rights of the individual the US Constitution is designed to protect –under the cloak of secrecy– using hijacked government powers, extra-constitutional agreements, treaties and tribunals.  This document clearly demonstrates how the Deep State operates beyond the view or control of the citizens of this great country.  These powers that shouldn’t be appear to the public as being very separate institutions, but this is an illusion. It is interesting to compare the close physical proximity of these players to each other –within 1.5 miles—as was done extensively by Antony C. Sutton in his book Wall Street and FDR with no fewer than 75 references to 120 Broadway.   Roberts does this clearly with maps. You can learn a lot from documenting the physical locations of those operating clandestinely as Sutton and Mae Brussell have shown in their excellent work.  Much synergy can be accomplished by our natural predators from rubbing shoulders at the ‘water cooler’ so to speak; none of which need be documented.   One of the more interesting topics includes new information on the previously unknown “public-private partnership” organization known as the DSAC, or Domestic Security Alliance Council and what they are up to.  This white paper demonstrates the nexus of the following in clear, easy to understand charts and tables:

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and NAFTA
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • The Business Roundtable (BRT)
  • The American Bankers Association (ABA)
  • The US Chamber of Commerce (USCoC)
  • Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
  • Manhattan Institute (MI)

Don’t forget to read Roberts’ great appendixes at the end.  Enjoy!

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy
By K. L. Roberts

Here are a few good quotes from this whitepaper…

“. . .all the physical and conceptual walls associated with the modern, sovereign state—the walls that divide domestic from international, the police from the military, intelligence from law enforcement, war from peace, and crime from war—are coming down.” –The Manhattan Institute

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”  –Attributed (incorrectly) to Benito Mussolini’s Encyclopedia Italiana article, but nevertheless true

“The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” –Charles Baudelaire

Excerpt from the whitepaper …. “We’ll see that these corporations have long cultivated an intimate relationship with the Executive branch (that is, the Presidency ) of the United States, as well as with the NSA and (previously unknown) FBI mass-surveillance programs. And we’ll also see that they are a key force behind the “trade accord” known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Chris Hedges calls “the most brazen corporate power grab in American history.”

Because it would be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees even in this sort of simplified account, it should be stated clearly that the “brazen corporate power grab” Hedges is talking about is, incredibly, like something straight out of a Bond movie: the CEOs and bankers involved are seeking nothing less than total global political, economic, and military control by the owners of transnational corporations and banks.

If it passes, the TPP will hand over to them a big chunk of what they want on a silver platter.

On now to the anatomy and physiology of the more domestic side of the nexus, the engineers of this mad power grab. Hold on to your hat. You are about to experience one wild ride into terra incognita.”  –K.L. Roberts

Building Blocks for a Global Government

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 10, 2016

Global Power Grab

Global Power Grab

Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time researching and studying history –history that hasn’t been filtered through one of the organs of the existing power structure– I find the movements of the power elites easy to track. I often wonder why everyone else can’t see what’s so clearly going on. Well, the answer is that they have no background, other than what has been fed to them by these same power elite who seek to control them. Years of study can be difficult if not impossible to summarize in a few bullet points, but these simplified power points are what is needed if I ever hope to spread this important information to those who do not have the time, interest or perhaps aptitude to do their own hard-core, objective research. So with this in mind, I have listed below a small set of the building blocks being assembled together by man’s natural predators (the powers that shouldn’t be).

There exists a massive amount of proof behind each of these 11 building blocks, but I will be seeking to find just one or two good proofs or examples of each to keep it short and simple for those who are challenged by the clock.   And of course just listing the building blocks is not enough, there must be a proof of the mortar that holds these blocks together; and of course an additional proof of who it is exactly directing the building of this global structure.   I’m hoping to refine this over time, making it better and more useful as a tool for me to use to help in spreading this vital information to others with the idea of keeping this story as simple and focused as possible.

Building Blocks for the New World Order:

  1. Common Core (Control Education)
  2. UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
  3. Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
  4. Federal Reserve (Control Money)
  5. The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
  6. Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
  7. Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
  8. Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
  9. CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
  10. Vaccines (Population Control)
  11. Main Stream Media (Perception Control)

TRUMP – Keeping it Simple

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 04, 2016

Trump face

Jerome Corsi has known Trump for over 40 years and says that Trump is the real deal.  Jeff Sessions is one of the few Senators who has read the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) and took a strong stand against it. Those who voted for Obama’s fast track of TPP were paid over $200 million to sell our sovereignty to un-elected international bankers and corporations. Sessions also supports Trump.

Longtime friend, confidant and former Trump adviser, Roger Stone told Alex Jones that Trump was “fully awake”.  By this I assume we are to believe that Trump knows about the big game to place the US under the control of a super-constitutional authority a.k.a. the NWO, using some of the following:

  • Open Borders – overwhelm the social system (Cloward-Piven strategy), reduce wages, dilute the vote and remove the idea of the ‘nation-state’
  • UN Agenda 21 (now 2030 Agenda) – destroy property rights, control people’s behavior, concentrate people into large cities where they can be controlled and monitored thus saving mother earth
  • Strong Cities Network (SCN) – Global Police Force here in the US, yes that’s right foreign police forces on US streets to prevent violent extremism
  • Free Trade Agreements – TPP, TTIP, etc. This will cede US Sovereignty to international Banks and Corporations and their paid, un-elected bureaucrats
  • NATO’s Operation Gladio – used to destabilize governments, now tuned in on the US to divide and conquer, destabilize using color-style revolutions
  • 9/11 inside Job – excuse for unconstitutional and illegal, undeclared wars; and used to remove individual rights though the Patriot Act and the mindless, incessant mantra of ‘National Security’ for all matters increasing the size and scope of government control and the removal of civil liberties
  • US support for ISIS – the new bigger, badder and better funded boogie man that we can all fear
  • Etc., etc., etc.…

So far, all of Trump’s positions line up nicely against the above globalist initiatives (strategies); and of course, his enemy list is impressive: DNC/RNC, CFR, Bilderbergers, Davos groupies, Goldman Sachs all of whom are on the exact opposite side of Trump on all of these NWO initiatives.

Trump’s problem, however, is in dealing with the press and of course the naive public. He must, therefore, speak in broad generalities, simple terms, and be circumspect; since neither the uninformed public nor the gatekeeper-press can tolerate the truth, which would require the destruction of deeply-held assumptions and the years of 360º, 24X7 programming by the media.

Thus, when Trump says we need to eliminate NATO because its usefulness and original purpose has long expired or when he says we need to eliminate NATO because we are paying too much, the press and the public jump on this and question his uninformed position by crying “Who will fight ISIS?”, etc. not realizing of course that it was the US and NATO that have long been using ISIS, Al-Qaeda (The Base) and other ‘crazy Islamists’ as their own personal proxy army to accomplish their clandestine geopolitical goals; which BTW are NOT in the interest of US or EU Citizens.

Trump must do the same dance for all the other topics listed above, or any anti-globalist positions for that matter, which may require a sense of history or context to understand.  Trump must not say too much, else wise he be labeled the CIA-Weaponized term: ‘A Conspiracy Theorist!’ by those who still believe in the establishment’s synthetic reality.

NOTE: Stone served as an adviser to the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. He left the campaign on August 8, 2015.

Why Obama and Hillary must stop Donald Trump at all costs: (This video has been removed, sorry.)

Jeff Sessions: America’s Sovereignty at Stake in 2016 Presidential Election

Is Ted Cruz a Globalist tool or not? You decide…

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 28, 2016

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

Neil Bush (Globalist), Jeb’s brother, joined Ted Cruz’s finance team on March 8th.

Jeb Bush (Globalist) endorses Ted Cruz for Republican nomination March 22nd.

Cruz’s wife Heidi was a member of the Globalist CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and helped the CFR craft the document espousing the Globalist North American unity. However, in a campaign event in Tyler, Texas, in 2011, Cruz called CFR “a pernicious nest of snakes” that is “working to undermine our sovereignty.” This BTW is a very true statement that applies to all Globalists including the Bush family and Goldman Sachs.

In the 2007 bestselling book “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Robert Pastor (CFR), who served as co-chairman of the committee which Hedi served, was called “the father of the North American Union” for the influence the CFR report had on the summit meeting between the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Heidi served in the Bush White House, under Condoleezza Rice, as economic director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council. She had previously served as the director of the Latin America office at the U.S. Treasury Department and as an assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick (Globalist), U.S. trade representative; an American banker who was the eleventh president of the World Bank.

Ted Cruz first supported Fast Track which would allow Obama (Globalist) to bypass the constitutional treaty approval requirement of 2/3rd senate vote. He even wrote an op-ed supporting this: “We strongly urge our colleagues in Congress to vote for trade-promotion authority” Cruz stated, along with co-author Rep. Paul Ryan (Globalist), R-Wis., in a Wall Street Journal (Globalist) op-ed on April 21.

This Trade Promotion Authority, also called fast-track would allow this treaty now called an agreement to be negotiated in secret by Obama, dumped on the Senate floor with no time to read, debate or change, and passed with a simple up or down vote of only 51% to pass not the 2/3rds required by the US Constitution. This TPP treaty BTW would end US Sovereignty and place this country and our constitution under the control of international corporations (Globalism). Next, Cruz does a 180 on this decision… “Cruz’s criticism of fast-track comes as a surprise, considering his public praise of the bill only two months prior.”

Where was Ted Cruz on the Audit the Fed vote? Answer: Missing in Action, no where to be found. However, Ted had no such problem when it came to reauthorizing the 100% Unconstitutional Patriot Act.

Cruz also had large, unreported loans with Goldman Sachs (Globalist), one of the major promoters of globalism. His wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs.

Globalism 101 explained … This is the same scheme being cooked up with all these so called ‘Free Trade’ agreements: Labour Minister Tony Benn (shortly before his death) emotionally explains why he fought against the European Union all his life and why we should too.

European Union | Tony Benn | Oxford Union

Additional Reading …