Tag Archives: society

Do you see a pattern here?


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | JUNE 12, 2011

Do you see a pattern here? Believing in the primacy of the state over the individual is a religion in every sense of the word yet spreads undetected into all aspects of our lives. Although Darwin himself was not an atheist, the Darwinian Theory is based on the materialism that man is just a soulless animal or a series of chemical reactions; a cog in a wheel, and thus merely an effect –not cause over effect– converges with the godless belief system in the state over the individual. This epistemology is devoid of any real morality and produces a barren moonscape robbed of meaning or the juice of life. This epistemology contains no external standards which cannot be modified whimsically to fit the fashions or the politics of the day. Their standard is not a standard at all. Not believing in the individual, freewill or individual personal responsibility, the progressive Democrats –which are in fact authoritarians– regularly check themselves into rehab after engaging in socially unacceptable behavior thus taking no real responsibility for their actions as individuals. It is always someone else’s fault. It’s a mental illness, It’s their childhood, it’s big business, it’s society’s fault, its poverty, it’s mom or dad…it’s fill in the blank with anything but the person actually responsible. All they require is some counseling, group therapy, new religion or a magic pill and they will be all better. This aberration in identifying the real culprit frustrates any attempt to take responsibility; break away from the old ways that did not work and to make meaningful changes so that the individual can grow into new healthy and prosperous ways of living. True healing and corrective action can only come after the total destruction of the old faulty assumptions, the old habits and the old ways of thinking that did not work so that a rebuilding of healthy habits that do work can take place on new ground thus provided.