by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

Former CIA Analyst / Spokesperson Marie Elizabeth Harf – Don’t worry George, Marie’s got your back on this one!
In an amazing –and likely unintended– reveal, former CIA analyst and spokesperson Marie Elizabeth Harf, demanded Newt Gingrich stop talking about Soros in mid-sentence causing a long, cringe-worthy pause. Of course Newt was speaking about Soros financing the DAs who refuse to prosecute the violent BLM and Antifa rioters. Listen for yourself:
Newt Gingrich gets cut off on Fox by saying “Soros”. Newt Gingrich Gets Booted Off of Fox News Set…
Newt wrote more about the Fox News attempted censorship here… Newt’s Article on the censorship of mentioning Soros:
Faulkner’s next-day, teleprompter-read, explanation was not helpful…
Clip: @HARRISFAULKNER comments on yesterday’s @OutnumberedFNC
“We don’t censor on this show.”— johnny dollar (@johnnydollar01) September 17, 2020
It is common knowledge and open source that Soros’ has been financing local District Attorneys in the USA for years. This recent dust-up on Fox News happened Wednesday September 16th 2020. For anyone doubting the CIAs’ Operation Mockingbird or the Smith–Mundt Modernization Act, these doubters received a front-row demonstration of the watchful eye of the DS and the CIA over what you are allowed to see / hear from the MSM.
H.R. 5736 Smith–Mundt Modernization Act of 2012: The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act (SMMA) was buried in the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act for good reason – because it repealed the 1948 Smith-Mundt Act. The Smith-Mundt Act is also known as the U.S. Information and Education Act, which authorized the State Department to engage in propagandizing foreign countries as a form of public diplomacy.
Former CIA as an analyst and spokesperson Marie Elizabeth Harf called a halt to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich when he mentioned George Soros’ role in supporting Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA terror
Marie Elizabeth Harf (CIA) acting as George Soros’ personal body guard on Fox News. @marieharf #UnitedForUkraine
Headlines with a Voice – Get Out Now!
Daily Press Briefing: December 5, 2013
Marie Harf and Joshua Lucas announcement in the NYT of all places April 15, 2012
OUCH! AP reporter asks Harf if she wants Americans trapped in Yemen to ‘swim’ home April 10, 2015 | Michael Dorstewitz
Fox News Panel Melts Down After Gingrich Exposes George Soros
Fox News Panel Melts Down After Gingrich Exposes George Soros
Complete List Of U.S. Organizations Funded By George Soros
By Editorial Staff -September 18, 2020