by DAVID BROWN | | April 10, 2016

Global Power Grab
Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time researching and studying history –history that hasn’t been filtered through one of the organs of the existing power structure– I find the movements of the power elites easy to track. I often wonder why everyone else can’t see what’s so clearly going on. Well, the answer is that they have no background, other than what has been fed to them by these same power elite who seek to control them. Years of study can be difficult if not impossible to summarize in a few bullet points, but these simplified power points are what is needed if I ever hope to spread this important information to those who do not have the time, interest or perhaps aptitude to do their own hard-core, objective research. So with this in mind, I have listed below a small set of the building blocks being assembled together by man’s natural predators (the powers that shouldn’t be).
There exists a massive amount of proof behind each of these 11 building blocks, but I will be seeking to find just one or two good proofs or examples of each to keep it short and simple for those who are challenged by the clock. And of course just listing the building blocks is not enough, there must be a proof of the mortar that holds these blocks together; and of course an additional proof of who it is exactly directing the building of this global structure. I’m hoping to refine this over time, making it better and more useful as a tool for me to use to help in spreading this vital information to others with the idea of keeping this story as simple and focused as possible.
Building Blocks for the New World Order:
- Common Core (Control Education)
- UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
- Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
- Federal Reserve (Control Money)
- The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
- Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
- Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
- Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
- CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
- Vaccines (Population Control)
- Main Stream Media (Perception Control)