by DAVID BROWN | | June 1, 2015
A one of a kind interview with the head of the Russian Government’s foreign intelligence service.
Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov (Rtd) – Director of Russia’s Institute of Strategic Research
“A few weeks ago Colonel General Igor Sergun, the Head of the Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, gave a brief interview in which he publicly linked the U.S. to jihadi terrorism. Now it is the turn of Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov, Director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Research (RISR), the Russian government’s chief centre for foreign policy analysis.”
Q – That is, the joint Russian-American fight against terror, in particular, against ISIS – is a fiction?
“Of course. America creates terrorists, feeds them, trains them, and then gives an order to the whole pack: “catch”. Perhaps, they can shoot one “rabid dog” in the whole pack, but the other dogs will be set even more actively.”
Q – Some European leaders already lament that the USA effectively forced sanctions on them. Europe may break out of the “friendly” American embrace?
“Never. America holds her on several chains: the Federal Reserve printing press, the threat of color-coded revolutions and of the physical elimination of unwanted politicians.”
Q – Are you exaggerating about the physical elimination part?
“Not at all. The Central Intelligence Agency of the USA is not even an intelligence service based on the level of the tasks set before it. The PGU KGB or the SVR of the RF are classical intelligence services: information gathering and reporting to the leadership of the country. In the CIA these traditional features of an intelligence service are at the end of the list of its problems. The main goals are: elimination, which included physical elimination, of the politicians and the organization of coups. And they do this in real time.”
Q – Leonid Petrovich, you think that the USA and the American presidents are just an instrument. Who do you think determine their policy?
“There are communities of people who are effectively unknown to the public, which not only determine the American presidents but also determine the rules of the whole “big game”. In particular, these are the transnational financial corporations. But not only them.”
Russia’s Chief Intelligence Analyst Comes Out of the Shadows
Lieutenant General Reshetnikov of the Russian Institute of Strategic Research gives a wide-ranging interview on threats Russia faces from the West, to militant Islamic groups, to the conflict in Ukraine — by Alexander Mercouris Thu, May 28 | 3,003 6