Tag Archives: RIIA

Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | June 10, 2018

The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:

Level 1:  Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.

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Cecil Rhodes

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 13, 2016

Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers and the world we live in today.

Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers and the world we live in today.

Cecil Rhodes (1853 – 1902), the founder of De Beers, is one of the most significant figures in world history, though many outside of Africa have never heard of this man and those who have, know only of  his time in Africa and his diamonds. The hidden history of Cecil’s real power and influence on world affairs was no accident. His vast fortune, his organizations of ‘rings within rings’ and his last will and testament created much of the unseen network that controls the world we live in today (Round Table, RIIA, CFR, The Milner Group, etc.);  waiting to be exposed sometime later by Professor Carroll Quigley in ‘The Anglo-American Establishment‘ and ‘Tragedy and Hope‘. Below, you will find some interesting collateral information on Cecil’s De Beers Empire from PBS and others, though the complete story is difficult to tell in one podcast. Time to get your know on. Please take the time to enjoy Richard Grove’s podcast below:  DIAMONDS: The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome


Cecil Rhoads timeline

NOTE: The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (written in 1949 and published posthumously in 1981) by Quigley.  In 1966, Quigley published a one-volume history of the twentieth century, titled Tragedy and Hope. – Wikipedia

Project 9/11: Benefits

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 16, 2016

World Trade Center Memorial

World Trade Center Memorial

It has been over 14 years since the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, yet those responsible for this crime have not been brought to justice. Not a single one. Though whistleblowers like Sebel Edmonds and investigations like the 2,428 ‘Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ have cataloged an impressive list of facts that prove the Official Government Report is a complete fabrication, still the perpetrators of this crime remain at large. We’ve heard a lot of complaining and demanding for a real investigation, but nothing has happened. During these 14 years we have been able to discover many incontrovertible facts that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that 9/11 was an inside job followed by an official cover up, but the people who ran this covert project have not been prosecuted, and so remain in control of many levers of power in this country and world-wide advancing their agenda every day.

Many institutions have benefited like the CFR (Pratt House) and its sister, the RIIA (Chatham House); and entire industries like the Military-Industrial-Complex that Eisenhower warned about in the video below have benefited greatly from the events of 9/11. The “New Pearl Harbor” that all the twenty-five signatories to PNAC yearned for happened on 9/11, and of course the Federal Government has increased the scope, size and effectiveness of its power over the American people using illegal mass surveillance; more properly called spying and the Patriot Act among other unconstitutional powers the government has granted itself.  We can even point to individuals who benefited like the owner of the World Trade buildings and others.

There are many losers: the people who lost their lives on 9/11, their families; the millions we have slaughtered in endless illegal wars in the name of ‘fighting terrorism’; our dead soldiers and their families; the U.S. Constitution has been shredded; the freedoms, liberties and privacy U.S. citizens use to expect and enjoy are all gone… all in the name of ‘National Security’.

With all that we have lost, it occurred to me to ask how we have benefited. There are a few easy wins here. We have become more aware of the real and present danger we face from our own predatory government; and so, many of us have decided to stop doing what we used to do and spend more time paying attention to our government. We –America, collectively– have become more aware. No longer do we take the default position that what is reported by our government or by the news media can be trusted. We question the news media and we question our government, like never before; and for many like me, we have decided to take the time to discover what other lies have been told.

Since 9/11, I have read too many books to recount here but what I can tell you is that I have discovered a history and a pattern that heretofore was unknown by me. A history that had been covered up and hidden by design. A history that would show me that certain groups of men in America and Western Europe stole the Russian Revolution of 1917 and orchestrated the creation of the brutal, bone-crushing Soviet Union and their gulags; it showed me that these same groups of men orchestrated and benefited from both WWI & WWII; it showed me that the Korean and  Vietnam wars were just geopolitical projects orchestrated by these same folks. But more important than knowing there were certain powerful men who had benefited from so much human tragedy, was the knowledge of how they did it. Not a general, second-hand knowledge or a theory, but a front-row, prima facie knowledge; the foundation of which, was provided by Carroll Quigley in his ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ and his ‘Tragedy and Hope’. There are many other well–documented books that provide deep insights, but only Quigley had unlimited access to the Council on Foreign Relations archives.

The problem with Quigley however is that his best and most detailed history spans from the late 19th Century to about 1945. From 1945 to the present we must rely on Quigley’s foundation and then on the more traditional approaches to history.

Though Quigley gave us the map and detailed directions, we are currently driving through the fog: suspecting but not knowing in detail who the current batch of predators are. This is the major benefit of 9/11 as I see it. With all the mistakes made on 9/11 and the subsequent cover-up, we can now –almost in current time– identify by name those who were part of the 9/11 project. How can we do this? Well, we know the names of those who benefited like the owner of the World Trade Center buildings (Larry Silverstein) and we have good evidence he had foreknowledge by his actions just prior and during 9/11, but I see Larry as a bit player who likely assisted but didn’t do the planning.

With all the evidence coming forth since 9/11, we can know for certain that government agencies like NIST, and the FBI were key players along with Philip D. Zelikow executive director of the 9/11 commission; and of course Dick Cheney, who ordered the stand down. There are many others. I’m sure there are great people working at NIST and the FBI, but there is incontrovertible evidence the top levels of both the FBI and NIST were in on the cover-up if not the planning and so at a minimum are accessories after the fact and should be prosecuted.

Making a detailed list of the names of these folks; doing a Mind-Map using ‘The Brain’ software; and following their financial and political movements, will provide us much of what is missing since Quigley.  Our ‘Natural Predators’ have always been there; waiting, watching and planning for the opportunity that a project like 9/11 provided; but now, with their sloppy planning, execution and cover-up, like the invisible predator –who suddenly reveals himself– we now know their names, and we know their methods.  We will be watching.

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

Incontrovertible – New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke

Insider Exposes Officials That Planned 9/11

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9/11 Revisited

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 3, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

If you are like me, you found the conclusions of the official 9/11 Commission Report hard to believe.   Why? Because it seemed implausible that two airplanes could bring down two skyscrapers in such a nice, even pattern. Reminded me of all the controlled demolition videos I had watched with amazement prior to 9/11. The 9/11 demolition was picture perfect, and something just wasn’t right. After my initial shock, I was surprised to discover that building #7 fell in just the same way, only it was never hit by a plane. I was even more shocked when I learned that most New Yorkers were unaware that building #7 wasn’t hit by a plane. I would hope that most New Yorkers know by now.  There is overwhelming detailed scientific evidence –that I won’t bore you with right now– which proves the official story is not plausible. You can do your own research if you feel the need.

So here we have three buildings taken down by two planes.  Reminds me of the JFK magic bullet theory, and since the US Government has a long, documented history of lying to the American public, I wasn’t buying their official story without some hard evidence. Videos were confiscated and evidence was shipped to China to be melted down; SEC records were destroyed. The US Government destroyed as much evidence as it could before any real investigation could even be suggested; and before the general population smelled a rat; and in fact NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was the government agency assigned to investigate the building collapses participated in this government cover-up. NIST likely committed many criminal acts, though was never prosecuted …

Exposing the Criminal Cover-Up of 9/11 – Review of David Ray Griffin: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

I could go on and on with the physical evidence, but even without any of the physical evidence we have insider evidence from whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds in her excellent book entitled ‘Classified Woman’ that proves to me that top FBI officials were also in on the cover-up. And now we have the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 Report that supposedly implicates Saudi Arabia though no one can give specifics since this information is part of the National Security ruse.  My concern is that if the 9/11 report can’t be trusted, why can we now trust the missing 28 pages?  Is this yet another layer to confound those in search for the truth?

9/11 was  a pivotal event which provided the US Government vast and far-reaching, unconstitutional powers over the good citizens of America and unfortunately many of America’s vassal states have emulated this abuse of their citizen’s rights. What were once rights are now privileges to be doled-out at the whim of a new tyrannical government.   It made it easy to pass the Constitution-killing ‘Patriot Act’ and NDAA authorizing the government to indefinitely detain or murder its citizens without due process; and it has opened the financial flood gates for undeclared and illegal wars across the globe.  It has ushered in the police state with the help of the DHS and removed any expectation of privacy by the NSA.  So who benefited from 9/11? Not the 3,000 who lost their lives or their families. Not the average American citizen. Not the US Constitution or Bill of Rights.  The Government benefited with new powers and the Military-Industrial Complex benefited. Who else? Well the planners at the Pentagon who get their instructions from the likes of the CFR, RIIA, GCHQ, and the Trilateral Commission. In fact, these same folks got their dream (documented in PNAC) for a ‘New American Pearl Harbor’ to help move their agenda along quicker.

In case you haven’t seen these videos, I think you might want to take a look for yourselves…

VIDEO 1: We blew up our Pentagon with a cruise missile. We have it on video…here’s the video and a pic of the missile. The gray object above the Orange Cone on the right. The little gray object is supposed to be a 43′ high 757. It is not. Frames at 24,25, and 26 seconds…

Plane Hits The Pentagon

VIDEO 2: There is another angle from down the street at the Hilton.
NEW: 9/11 Hotel Video Released of NO PLANE hitting the Pentagon!

VIDEO 3: 9/11 – The Truth In 5 Minutes – James Corbett

VIDEO 4:  Excellent film from James Corbett: 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
(Published Sep 11, 2015)

“Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail.”

Until America and the world fully realize that 9/11 was an inside job, there is little hope we can turn back the tyranny and global wars that have engulfed planet earth as a result of this villainy.

Additional information at ClearNFO:
America: The Greatest Force for Good?
Michael Springmann on Visas for Terrorists
Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney
Classified Woman
Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression



Operation Gladio Basics

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Feb 8, 2015

Started as aDavid Brown Pic SnapShot left behind strategy after WWII to counter a potential Warsaw Pact invasion of Europe, Operation Gladio  quickly morphed into a “strategy of tension” used by NATO to shape public opinion with false flag operations employing rightwing terrorists; first in the 1969 Piazza Fontana bombings  killing 17 people and wounding 88.  Gladio was so successful in shaping public opinion after the Piazza Fontana bombings in Italy that NATO and the CIA continued Gladio, improving and modifying to include regime change via a putsch.  This is Gladio A.  Later, in Turkey, Islamist terrorist were used as proxies for the first time in what became known as Gladio B.  Gladio B employed Al-Qaeda, then ISIS to perform Gladio operations. However, in the case of Ukraine, A & B were mixed slightly with the use primarily of neo-Nazis (A) in Kiev and a small smattering of Islamists (B) further east.  During the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, much of the more technical aspects of Gladio was likely outsourced to private military companies (PMCs).  According to Kelley Vlahos’ article on ‘A Blackwater World Order’: “From 1999 to 2008, at the peak of the wars, Pentagon spending on outsourcing alone increased from $165 billion to $466 billion a year.”  It is important to note that many of these operations –as in the case of Ukraine– start with Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) which are in reality CIA fronts or cutout organizations which the target countries naively accept as a positive influence or assistance.  These operations are guided by the geopolitical goals outlined in the Wolfowitz Doctrine and the Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew Brzezinski with input and coordination from the CFR, The Royal Institute of International Affairs and GCHQ and no doubt the HIGHLANDS forum/group.  All of these organizations support the larger financial interests which control the FSB (Financial Stability Board), the BIS (Bank for International Settlements)  and Central Banks.  The origins of this control structure and their tactics can be found in Carroll Quigley’s ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ and ‘Tragedy and Hope’ among other historical, investigative books.

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 1

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 2

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 3

Sibel Edmonds on Gladio B – Part 4

Operation Gladio – Full 1992 documentary BBC

NATO’s Secret Armies – Operation GLADIO

Silenced Whistleblower Defies Authorities: A Conversation with Sibel Edmonds

More Resources …

Below is a link to Joseph Plummer’s highlighted references from Daniele Ganser’s excellent book on NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio…

NATO’s Secret Armies: Operation GLADIO and Terrorism in Western Europe (Contemporary Security Studies)


The Hidden Hand


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | October 18, 2014

So much of what we read today is information about information with very little new core information to help move the general discourse in consequential ways or to increase understanding in meaningful ways.  We seem destined to go over and over the information we are provided by the many gatekeepers of truth and knowledge;  or if we question the ‘well-established facts’ with conjecture we are sentenced to be categorized under the weaponized term of ‘Conspiracy Theorist‘.   The information provided in the book below, brings new light and new understanding based on 20 years of meticulous work and two years examining the secret papers of the ‘Network’ by an Ivy League Historian named  Carroll Quigley.

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