Tag Archives: religion

Misc thoughts on religion

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 28, 2016

David Brown

David Brown

In full disclosure, I was born and raised a Christian and am a Christian today. I do however have a brain and have a background based on personal experience in many different denominations, religions and philosophies.

Depending on whose numbers you use, there are between 20,000 and 40,000 different Christian denominations. It is remarkable that all claim to base their religion on the reading of the same book. Though born and raised a Baptist, I have spent most of my life in many diverse denominations and found it curious that one would condemn the drinking of alcohol while another would use alcohol as part of Holy Communion (Eucharist). Some would baptize via sprinkling while others full-immersion. Some believe in the elect and predetermination while others believe in free agency. Some would allow singing but no musical instruments, others would not permit coed swimming or dancing and so it goes. All this from one book?

I use to enjoy torturing some of these people by turning their own words against them using exegesis and then watching them flop around with the logic bomb I just released. This was not done as a cruel joke, but rather an opportunity for them to think and grow out of their self-imposed rut. I have also censored many of my comments like there were two major edits of the KJV of the Bible and over 600 books entirely left out of the version they are reading.

But based on the diversity of belief systems we discover in the wild, it occurred to me that perhaps we each read a lengthy book like the Bible and then we each find something of ourselves within this book. We find our loves, our fears and our hatreds –and of course being flawed humans– accentuate and embellish those things we find that stimulate a particular emotional charge that makes each of us unique. In effect the Bible can reveal to us our biases and our prejudices and we are then turned over to our own strong delusions to create our own man-made religion. So in a sense our reading of the Bible can be like looking into a mirror of Erised. So how do we avoid the mirror of Erised effect? Firstly, we must be willing to gore our own ox in the pursuit of truth; and secondly, we must be lovers of the truth. In short, we must have a pure heart. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. (God = Truth = Light = Love). More on this topic in the link below…

More reading on this topic:

On Religion

TED Talks

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 16, 2015

TED Talks_400x400Like many people, I’ve watched and learned from the many TED Talks that have been produced over the years as published on YouTube and other places.  Lots of different, thoughtful topics have been covered, yet I have always been bothered a bit by how their audiences seem to accept the information contained within these talks as fact without question.  I have also wondered who the gatekeepers were and how the topics and speakers were filtered.  These talks use the tried and true TED format wherein someone gets up on stage and gives a personal testimony of some hidden truth or fact and the audience dutifully oohs and awes and claps in adoration.   Reminds me of my early church-going days where the requirement was to turn off all my critical thought processes and accept what the preacher was saying without question. You can find more on my religious proclivities here: On Religion.  In any event, I have wanted for some time to write an article on how TED Talks are like a religion but Megan Hustadmarch beat me to the punch with her excellent Opinion piece in the NYT linked below.  I would have taken a different approach:  Listing common features of Religion and mapping those to the TED Talks.  I applied this technique to my article entitled: Misc Musings on the surety of science or why I am skeptical of ‘Well-Established’ facts:

“Science…I believe in the empirical method. I also believe that many in our scientific community have let their emotions and political point of view turn their science into a religion. You either believe certain “well-established facts” or you do not get tenure or you are ridiculed or…. These “well-established facts” represent a dogma or a credo similar to any religion. The result is that many place their minds in a box and their ability to take in new information and process this information critically and honestly is therefore necessarily aberrated.”  – David Brown

In any event, TED Talks are part of the human condition and should therefore be part of the exhibits we proffer as we explore the world around us and what it means to be human; they are useful, but shouldn’t be taken as gospel.

Banned TED Talk- The War on Consciousness -Graham Hancock

The Church of TED  By MEGAN HUSTADMARCH 14, 2015

And just for fun, the Satire Web Site Called ‘The Onion’ does a great job poking fun at the TED Talkers:

Compost-Fueled Cars: Wouldn’t That Be Great? – Onion Talks – Ep. 1
Young media professional Cameron Hughes delivers a compelling argument for his vision of the future–one filled with cars powered by compost. He outlines the idea he came up with in detail, leaving the formalities for other visionaries in other fields. One thing is for certain: he already came up with the idea.

Ducks Go Quack, Chickens Say Cluck – Onion Talks – Ep. 3
Young media professional Cameron Hughes delivers a compelling argument for his vision of the future–one filled with cars powered by compost. He outlines the idea he came up with in detail, leaving the formalities for other visionaries in other fields. One thing is for certain: he already came up with the idea.

‘Thought Leader’ gives talk that will inspire your thoughts | This is That | CBC

Related ClearNFO thoughts on science and religion:

On Religion…

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | October 18, 2009
David Brown
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Many of us claim to know the most about that which we know the least. This aberration can result in feeling and acting self righteous. Self righteous thought manifests as a temporary or sometimes chronic condition of being “self-righteous”; the particular target of this self righteousness can be related to an emotional charge that hasn’t been thoroughly processed through the intellect…in other words, some people may have a predisposition to this state of mind due to partially processed information. Whether a character defect, lazy-brain or an uninformed brain I think most would see self righteousness as disagreeable despite the source or the object of self righteousness. I would guess that we all could be or have been subject to this repugnant state of being. Not sure the mechanics of how we succumb but it might be that it can reside beneath our awareness, bypassing our normal “bull shit protector” criteria for knowledge also known as our epistemic system; possibly through acceptance of faith as a legitimate source of knowledge or scientific theory as immutable fact. In defense of religion, I hope to prove, that faith is a normal and necessary condition of man while scientific theories are tools to improve man’s condition.

I believe that I can also prove that much of science is a religion.

Someone once said that “all politics are local”. If we peal back the obvious meaning of this statement a bit, there is more to see. First, the obvious meaning is that people vote on what is directly effecting them before considering the broader dynamics of national or global politics, for example. A second derivative might point to our tendency to myopic points of view wherein we are limited by our own personal experiences. If we, for example, have had limited experiences with one partition of a particular religion and this experience was not a satisfying experience we would naturally tend to leverage this direct experience and along with our judgment or invalidation therein include the entire offending belief system of which our experience is merely a part—possibly an aberrant part. This judgment could be accurate or not but this method definitely saves time. This experience may have produced fear, disgust or even hatred if you have felt bamboozled. If however after this limited, unsatisfactory experience there still exists somehow an interest in further evaluation, more data must be gathered to make a more accurate assessment.

If you accept my premise that roughly 80% of any population are “sheeple” or followers, then you might share my appreciation that weekly “Church-going” offers an incredible reoccurring opportunity for the work-a-day average folk to partake in a pause to consider something outside of their normal diet of sitcoms, football and movies…to consider the profound, the supernatural, the philosophical…to ask questions and to contemplate their existence. Of course they have guides on this weekly tour and they have structure. In Christiandom we call the guides preachers and the structure is a combination of tradition, dogma and liturgy. Of course there are many out-of-band sub-currents weaving in and out of this dynamic weekly communion of the “sheeple”. Examples would be the tour guide’s need for money and validation from an ever-increasing flock and you have the social element of friendships, etc.

So what are some of the benefits of church going? The first one I have already mentioned…the meeting once a week to ponder matters of the profound. You might consider your fellows uninformed, unenlightened or buffoons but you share much with these mere mortals, I assure you. For the astute, there is much more, I think. The astute have the opportunity to directly observe, appreciate and try to understand the interplay of the archetypes on display; to breathe the aroma of the sublime and seek to understand the emotional and metaphysical content. Other benefits are a sense of belonging to a group, joy, happiness and opportunities to interact socially. For me, the “be attitudes” and the sermon on the mount represent pearls of wisdom that have produce much good thought and understanding in my life and have also stimulated my intellectual curiosity on my quest for understanding.

Ah…but you say this stuff is for the weak-minded and cannot be true. Evolution, science and the belief in my own intellectual powers are the mooring by which I will secure my ship.

What if I could prove to you that faith was pervasive and more importantly a necessary part of the human condition? There are too many examples in every day life. You believe that this metal box with wheels you call a car will get you to work safely or you would probably just stay in bed that day, right? You believe that there is something you can do to improve your current status in life or you would just stay in bed and never get up. You believe that if you will your finger to move or your hand to grasp a glass of water that it will obey…what if you didn’t believe? Would your hand tremble? Faith is a necessary part of everyone’s life every day. The person who commits suicide is the eternal optimist because he believes that the next world or the lack thereof will be better than this. So belief is the natural state of being and there is nothing wrong with believing.

So how do you know what you believe is true? You know the same way you know all things… by experience.

Additional Reading:

In Pursuit of Lady Truth

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Do you see a pattern here?


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | JUNE 12, 2011

Do you see a pattern here? Believing in the primacy of the state over the individual is a religion in every sense of the word yet spreads undetected into all aspects of our lives. Although Darwin himself was not an atheist, the Darwinian Theory is based on the materialism that man is just a soulless animal or a series of chemical reactions; a cog in a wheel, and thus merely an effect –not cause over effect– converges with the godless belief system in the state over the individual. This epistemology is devoid of any real morality and produces a barren moonscape robbed of meaning or the juice of life. This epistemology contains no external standards which cannot be modified whimsically to fit the fashions or the politics of the day. Their standard is not a standard at all. Not believing in the individual, freewill or individual personal responsibility, the progressive Democrats –which are in fact authoritarians– regularly check themselves into rehab after engaging in socially unacceptable behavior thus taking no real responsibility for their actions as individuals. It is always someone else’s fault. It’s a mental illness, It’s their childhood, it’s big business, it’s society’s fault, its poverty, it’s mom or dad…it’s fill in the blank with anything but the person actually responsible. All they require is some counseling, group therapy, new religion or a magic pill and they will be all better. This aberration in identifying the real culprit frustrates any attempt to take responsibility; break away from the old ways that did not work and to make meaningful changes so that the individual can grow into new healthy and prosperous ways of living. True healing and corrective action can only come after the total destruction of the old faulty assumptions, the old habits and the old ways of thinking that did not work so that a rebuilding of healthy habits that do work can take place on new ground thus provided.