Tag Archives: Refugees

Stopping ISIS

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April  14, 2017

Fort Hood has put a boot on the ground for every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. A powerful memorial.

Though it is an admitted fact, the CIA built the tunnels we are now bombing with MOAB in Afghanistan, this is only a small piece of the larger puzzle that seems to confound the general public who has little knowledge or context that is not supplied by the MSM or the entertainment industry. Add to this the fact most Americans don’t read and have a very short attention span.

You may champion Trump’s bombing of the evil radical’s tunnels in Afghanistan, but when you add the other pieces of the puzzle, you might come to a different conclusion. What are the other pieces? They are that Al-Qaeda actually is just the name of a file at the FBI that means ‘the base’ and that Al-Qaeda was an invention of the USA. Ben Laden was funded by the CIA ($3 billion). The CIA gets much of its off the books funding from drug trafficking, thus it is no surprise US forces in Afghanistan are protecting the poppy fields; and opium production in Afghanistan has mushroomed from a small trickle to now providing 90% of the world’s opium since the US illegal and unconstitutional invasion of this sovereign country. ISIS has been funded, trained and armed by the USA, (Gen. Michael Flynn and others) ISIS is part of a US-backed Gladio-B operation used to destabilize the MENA (FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and others). Gladio-A was used in Ukraine. The sarin gas in the 2013 attack was supplied from Libya by the US and delivered by US-backed rebel-fighters (Seymour Hersh, CIA operative Tosh Plumlee and others), though the US blamed Assad. Assad and Russia are the only ones protecting Christians in Syria. Prior to the US efforts to destabilize Syria, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived and worked in relative peace together in Syria for 200 years. The US-backed rebels have slaughtered some 300K innocent civilians mostly Christians. ISIS, et al. are just a US-proxy army carrying out a larger US Geopolitical strategy outlined in Zibig’s 1997 book entitled ‘The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives’. The US had a policy to destroy 7 countries in 5 years in the ME (see General Wesley Clark Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO). BTW this is all illegal and unconstitutional. The US cannot be trusted. The US is the greatest force for evil on the planet.

Most of the so-called radical extremists are grown and cultured in the 1000s of Wahhabi Madrassas funded by our best head-chopper pal Saudi Arabia.

How to defeat the radical extremists? Stop funding, arming and training them and then get rid of their major supporter, the House of Saud. Next, stop bombing the shit out of everyone, then stop destabilizing the MENA through regime change. By destroying Libya –for example—we have taken the lid off of Africa which ushered in a massive influx of refugees into the EU.

It’s all theater for public consumption, while the neocons get rich and the globalists get their larger geopolitical goals met. Stop being their fools. Now.

The Rape of Western Europe

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 13, 2016

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Looks like Europe is having a Rape-Fest all around and the police are trying their best to cover all this up.   Let us not forget why the refugees are in Europe in the first place, eh? The US and NATO have destroyed Libya, Syria and caused much mayhem in many other countries in MENA (Middle East & North Africa). It’s a massive human tragedy that we created!!! These people have no place to go!! So our overlords created this problem, and now they are making it worse by letting these people enter their countries un-vetted, not knowing a darned thing about them (just like Obama).   And what is not being reported is the massive number of little girls who are being raped by these same people in the Refugee Camps.  What child should have to face this?  Many so-called refugees are in fact ISIS fighters supported by US/NATO that had their asses kicked by Putin.  And now these refugees and ISIS fighters are having a rape fest and scaring the crap out of the helpless, unarmed people in Europe. Next, the European Union will need to come in and save the day. How? By increasing the power of the police state. This is the oldest hoax in the books if you are a government leader. It’s called PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION.  It’s that simple.  You will see this same technique used over and over again and we fall for it each and every time begging our overlords to save us… and they do… at a price.

Get ready for the invasion of Europe at the request of their leaders no less. With leaders like these who needs enemies? Of course the informed know that this is part of the globalist’s plan to usher in their unworkable Utopia of a one-world government. Once the interlopers have decimated what is left of Europe, the globalists will save the day and dispatch these Islamic Pirates to Allah. America, don’t feel too special even though you are protected by an ocean. Your overlords are shipping them in via airplane and through the Southern border. The idea in their own words is to remove the Nation-State and that means you America. Question: Is there enough testosterone left in Europe and America to quell these soft slow-moving coup d’états?

DRUDGE REPORT: GERMAN OFFICIAL: 10 Million More Migrants Headed for Europe…

The Arabic gang-rape ‘Taharrush’ phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted… and has now spread to Europe

Russian Documentary “World Order”

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 07, 2016

Just watched the video below. It was very good. Thanks to Hugh Cameron for directing my attention to this excellent video. Obviously Putin is in a leadership position so must chose his words carefully so that he doesn’t foreclose diplomatic or strategic options to move his agenda forward. What the USA has done to Russia and Ukraine is a crime. The good citizens of America and Russia and in fact the good citizens of the world are facing the same enemy and that is the NWO which seeks to destroy nation-states like Russia to usher in their unworkable Utopia with those in charge of this new order running the globe from a single fulcrum. What Russia, Europe and others may not realize is that part of this new order will be substantial population reductions. I think Putin realizes that he is dealing with certifiable psychopaths who give not a twit about human life. These folks who have insinuated themselves into the halls of power in this country (U.S.) would just as soon step on a bug as kill 100,000 or a million people. There are no mistakes about the Arab Spring or about Ukraine. This is all according to design using proven methods and is documented for all to read; but as Allen Dulles said… “People don’t read.”

Russian Documentary “World Order” with English subs

Additional Reading…