How to create a deadly pandemic in five easy steps
A copybook for dictators and psycho-philanthropists globally.
- Release an ordinary virus (because your GoF abilities suck).
- Euthanise old folk and blame it on the virus.
- Advise against the usual early treatment of frontline antibacterials and corticosteroids for those you cannot get away with euthanising.
- Introduce a “cure” in the form of a “vaccine” which is deadly and blame it on the virus.
- Slowly, allow again the use of antivirals – previously admonished as being only for animal use – in addition to the antibacterials and corticosteroids, and let the “vaccine” take the credit.

Joel Smalley
From ClearNFO…
‘The protocol’
- Patient presents with flu-like symptoms
- Patient sent home with Tylenol and watchful waiting
- Patient having trouble breathing, lips turn blue
- Patient goes to hospital
- Hospital prescribes Remdesivir which damages kidneys and other organs
- Lungs fill with fluid
- Patient given morphine and put on a vent
- Patient leaves hospital in a box
- Hospital reports another COVID death and collects their payout
- Go to step one and repeat
More background on Project COVID: