Tag Archives: Paganism

The City of God by Saint Augustine of Hippo


Written at least 50 years prior to the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD, ‘The City of God’ provides interesting insights and a plausible ‘root-cause-analysis’ of the ultimate demise of the Roman Empire; reminiscent of today’s  ‘Anglo-American Empire’ who are desperately clinging to their fading power. And like the Roman Empire, they are looking in all the wrong places for solutions and of course scapegoats.  My take: unexamined assumptions blind our current power structure’s ability to see the underlying causes and thus are unable to advance any potentially workable solutions.  Alternately, this may be a controlled demolition.

St. Augustine was very knowledgeable on the pagan gods of his time, while I personally struggle to keep up with the many relationships, names and detailed critiques of pagan contradictions, activities and the resultant impact on Rome.  At the same time, I find this book fascinating in terms of its historical insights into the fall of this great empire.  Perhaps a ‘lessons-learned’ for today?   – ClearNFO

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