Don’t believe me? Inform yourselves by reading Antony C. Sutton’s book entitled ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution’. Did Stalin kill millions of people including Ukrainians? Yes. Did the New York Times cover-up Stalin’s genocide? Yes. Did the Wall Street bankers fund arms through Russia used against U.S. Soldiers in Vietnam? Yes. Is Putin a saint? No. Putin is ex-KGB (USSR) and as a requirement of staying in power must deal with the corrupt oligarchs left over from the USSR era and the newly minted mafiosi in Russia today. While all of this is true, don’t confuse the old Soviet USSR (existed between 1922 and 1991) with the current Russian Federation. They are not the same. The ‘Anglo-American Establishment‘ of international bankers who run the USA are after a one world government. Putin still believes in the ‘nation-state’ as most Americans do. This, my friends, is what the real battle with Russia is all about. The propaganda you read and watch in the Western press is orchestrated by the same people who are shredding the U.S. Constitution and would enslave you. Get a clue. By buying into and repeating the Western propaganda against Russia, you are unwittingly promoting the sacrifice of your sons and daughters to advance the NWO’s agenda and your own enslavement.
“There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between international political capitalists and international revolutionary socialists – to their mutual benefit.” -Antony C. Sutton Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution
It has always been my opinion that the oligarchs of Russia, China and the West have more in common with each other than they do with their respective citizens within the countries of their origin. Thus, they are all globalists seeking power without regard to nation-state or the benefit of the individual. The report below challenges this idea. China and Russia seek to build a second world order to create a bipolar world order to offer a kinder, gentler world order and an alternative to the failing financial structure of the Anglo-American oligarchs of the West; or so this report would have you believe. I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of their intentions but human nature is consistent across national and cultural boundaries and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so I wouldn’t expect much better treatment under the new management. As they say: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”. So Russia and China would convince us to trade one world order for another; yet most of us will have no choice. I am impressed that this report reveals Russia and China clearly understand what is a stake here and are under no illusions of the real intent and purposes of the ruling elite of the West. The days of the corporatocracy embodied in the American empire are numbered and that is clear to anyone who is vaguely familiar with arithmetic or the facts. So the question is, what comes next and what will the American empire do in the throws of self-inflicted wounds to save itself? Will America create WWIII to write off its massive debts? Will America turn in on itself as it apparently is doing, and destroy itself like it has done to so many other countries: Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, etc. (See America’s Achilles Heal, below)
Russia, China and others are building a new, replacement or alternative NWO (AIIB, BRICS, SWIFT analog, and the conversion of RMB into an international reserve currency based on the introduction of its gold standard), but this time they seek to do it ‘right’; based on the nation-state and with the consideration of the benefit of the individual citizen.
Below is an insightful report based on the recent ‘scientific-practical conference’ held in Beijing on May 4th, 2015. Despite being broken up into four parts it is a relatively short read showing that neither China nor Russia are the USA’s fools. It is no secret that the West’s oligarchs have destroyed the middle class and therefore the market economy; or that the massive debts created by the central banks can ever be repaid; and it is no secret that the unfunded liabilities or the promises the USA has made to its citizens can ever be paid and it is no secret that almost 100 million Americans are out of work despite the rosy official jobs reports. Both Russia and China are therefore making plans to combine their efforts financially and strategically to counteract what will inevitably be the failure of the US Dollar and the Western economies. They are very much aware that WWIII may be the West’s only solution for a debt write off, and are preparing for that challenge. The USA coup in Ukraine and the formation of a Nazi state has put both Russia and China on notice of the abject duplicity and corruption of the USA’s geopolitical strategy. Nothing could be clearer than the naked overthrow of Ukraine government by the USA to demonstrate to Russia and China that the US cannot be trusted. This has driven China and Russia closer together.
To counteract the fall of the USA, Russia and China –along with other countries– are currently constructing a second World Order governed not by international corporations but by Nation-States who consider not only efficiencies represented by profit but the benefit of their own citizens. A better NWO if you will. It is uncertain if the current NWO of the Western Globalists will survive or in what form, but in any event, China and Russia are preparing the infrastructure without asking the USA or its vassal states.
From Fort Russ by Mikhail Delyagin Translated by Kristina Rus. The familiar world has crumbled. Russia and China must create a new one. About the need to unite the potential of both countries. The article is based on the report at the scientific-practical conference “China and Russia in a changing world” in Beijing, on May 4, 2015.
Having read the Antony Sutton books James Corbett references in his excellent podcast (below), certainly helps provide for a much better historical context; and helps to fill in the gaps in any story this big. As usual, this is a well-researched video/podcast that will provide a deeper understanding of the ruling oligarchies, and also an understanding of the way James vets and conducts his research. Many hours/years put into this short piece. If you are familiar with Antony C. Sutton’s and Carroll Quigley’s work, all of this will make much more sense. In any event, Hope you enjoy and benefit.
James Corbett:“Military tensions, cyber espionage accusations, a brewing currency war; with every passing day, the headlines paint a convincing portrait of an emerging cold war between China and the West. But is this surface level reality the whole picture, or is there a deeper level to this conflict? Is China an opponent to the New World Order global governmental system or a witting collaborator with it? Join us in this in-depth edition of The Corbett Report podcast as we explore China’s position in the New World Order.”
China and the New World Order…
A final thought: So what is the Big Picture? First off, the state does not equal the oligarch. One oligarch will play, maneuver and influence one or more states into a particular configuration to his liking to influence relatively current events. More often one or more oligarchs will combine their efforts for a particular goal. See the specific techniques used by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner of the Milner group. For the longer-term strategies, they use the outer rings of the kindergarten, along with the media, prestigious Universities rewriting history if necessary by cultivating and seducing those bright minds it discovers and supports financially for doing the right thing. Remember, they are the establishment. All other opinions are suspect. Quigley gives specific, documented examples of how this is constructed and how it is accomplished in the real world. Joe Plummer does an excellent job making some of these techniques up-close, personal and real in his novel ‘Leaving the Illusion’. It is important to remember that despite the position of the state and the people within the state, the oligarchs have much more in common with each other than they do with their respective citizens. The state represents pieces on the chessboard and they are not generally emotionally vested in a state the same way commoners are. Many in Lord Milner’s day did, however, believe that the British culture was superior; today’s oligarchs are less inclusive and represent a ‘break-away’ civilization. Most of these people show all the love and care and remorse of your typical psychopath and LITERALLY see most of their fellow citizens as bugs to be squished beneath their feet. To most of these folks, we are worthless breeders and eaters consuming their resources. –David Brown
Postscript and additional clarification: Let’s see if I can deconstruct my comments above just a bit: My first comment was that the state does not equal the Oligarch. What this means is that to a certain extent, the state and those who support and believe in the state do not necessarily have parallel agendas with the real power centers. For example, within the state, you have true believers of the state’s authority and legitimacy in the general population, in universities, authorities, politicians, bureaucrats and the trained technocrats (who BTW work for the oligarchy without realizing it); and of course, certain elements in the defense apparatus. So this collection of folks in say China or Russia can have disagreements with their analogues in say the USA, etc. But what none of these folks are aware of, is the real power which controls the overall vector (direction and force). These folks can be seen as looking at just part of the elephant without ever seeing the entire beast and thus the beast is not recognized for what it is. This is what Quigley calls rings within rings.
The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture
Additional NFO:
At least 18 of the Immortals’ descendants own or run entities linked to companies registered offshore, including the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands, as well as Liberia and other jurisdictions that offer secrecy, the reporting showed.
While the Immortals vilified the “bourgeois individualism” of capitalist nations, almost half of their heirs lived, studied or worked abroad, some in Australia, England and France. The princelings were among the first to travel and study overseas, giving them an advantage not available to ordinary Chinese.
The U.S., which established diplomatic ties with Communist China in 1979, was the top destination: At least 23 of the Immortals’ descendants and their spouses studied there, including three at Harvard University and four at Stanford University, according to the Bloomberg data. At least 18 worked for U.S. entities, including American International Group Inc. and the law firm White & Case LLP, which hired one of Deng’s grandsons. Twelve owned property in the U.S.
There is no accepted measure for the degree of control the princelings exert on the economy. Academics who study China estimate that wealth and influence is concentrated in the hands of as few as 14 and as many as several hundred families.
“MAO WAS A YALIE – Back in 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as ‘Yale in China.’ It has since been shown that ‘Yale in China’ was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American “Establishment” hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to growing dope. One of ‘Yale in China’s’ most important students was Mao Zedong.
“During World War II, ‘Yale in China’ was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power. ‘Yale in China’ was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden, the husband of Bush’s cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones.
“The Maoists made China into the world’s largest opium producer. “‘Yale in China’ was also closely associated with the New York-based Union Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia (literal wolves in sheep’s clothing – Branton). Every prominent radical leader operating in Korea today, for example, was trained at Union Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.
“Nor should it be forgotten that Averell Harriman, the former Ambassador to Moscow who did so much to build up the Soviet Union, was a member of Skull and Bones. Harriman was also a business partner of Prescott Bush, Sr., the father of Maoist enthusiast George Bush.”
Note: This Skull and Bones – Communist connection is also confirmed by geopolitical and economicsresearchers such as Dr. Antony Sutton (Sutton’s books may be obtained through THE PATRIOT REVIEW., 33836 SE Kelso Rd. #6., P.O. Box 596., Boring, OR 97099; OR via THE MIDNIGHT MESSENGER., P.O. Box 472., Altadens, CA 91001). Not only did the Skull and Bones (Western Illuminati) help to build up the Communist movement in China, but they gave considerable financial aid to the Soviet Union communists as well. According to Sutton, this power cult has for centuries been playing a “two ends against the middle” type of game, attempting to control America (the thesis) and Russia (the anti-thesis) and other countries or movements, carefully pitting them against each other at the lower levels in order to keep the populations of the world in a state of confusion and despair, to the point that they will – hopefully – resign themselves into accepting the New World Order “synthesis” as the only alternative to solve the very “problems” which THEY, the New World Order initiators, created in the first place! One startling, though documented, claim which Mr. Sutton makes is that the Nazi Movement was largely financed by the Skull and Bones -Illuminati as well. This connection was recently described in a mailer describing Val Valerian’s book MATRIX III (c/o Leading Edge Research., P.O. Box 481-MU58., Yelm, WASH 98597). Part of this mailer states:
“Interspaced with the material comes a host of data, supplementary material, interviews, and revealing information. The ‘Final Scenario’ is discussed relative to the New World Order and the plans for total economic control, a one-world religion, and the electronic mind control objectives, schools of thought, and research. MATRIX III brings out in detail how various families in the United States and Europe are also involved in a scenario which has as its main tenet the suppression and elimination of human beings on many levels – a scenario which includes worldwide traffic of drugs, vast laundering of drug money by national banks of several countries, and assassination and murder. These are the people who arranged and supported all the wars. There is discussion of the Bush family, and how Prescott Bush assisted the finance and management of the Nazi empire – the so-called Hitler project…
The membership list of the Trilateral Commission (Pacific Asian Group), the Rockefeller org similar to the Atlantic Bilderbergers is litered with Chinese names:
The link below is a recording of last night’s interview with Craig Hulet by George Noory of Coast to Coast AM. While I don’t agree with everything Craig has to say –particularly concerning FDR– he does hit the nail squarely on the head on many issues that confront all of us today as we engage in the battle of minds and information. Make no doubt about it, we are at war and what is at stake is individual sovereignty and freedom. Information contained in this interview will help you understand the big picture and understand better what ‘the powers that shouldn’t be’ have planned for you and me. Relax and enjoy.
“Craig is a man who I call for expert advice on international and domestic terrorism, and white supremacy, (to name a few)… (Rita Rich, Producer The Jim Bohannon Show)
“I have known Craig Hulet for many years and find him to be one of the brightest guys in the nation with an insightful mind and a wealth of knowledge.
–Oliver Stone
From Coast to Coast AM with George Noory: World Turmoil/ Old Earth
Thursday – April 16, 2015
In the first half, analyst Craig Hulet offered commentary on current events, terrorism, and world conflicts. “It looks to me unbelievably clear that money is going to buy the presidency, and Jeb Bush will be the next president,” he declared.
Note: A quick note on Coast to Coast AM and George Noory. Coast to Coast broadcasts 4 hours Monday – Friday from Midnight to 4 a.m. (CST) and has reruns sometimes on the weekend. While I certainly don’t endorse all the subjects covered or the opinions expressed, I must admit that George and team have done a marvelous job building on what Art Bell started many years ago. There is virtually no topic off-limits including UFO abductions, reptilians, moth man, ghosts, etc. What I like about the format is that they have excellent bumper music and they let the music play for several minutes so that you can actually get a real feel of the music. Also, my hat is off to George for putting up with all the crazy callers. He shows each and every one respect no matter how bizarre their comments or questions are. He is all inclusive of all opinions and ideas and doesn’t just dismiss crazy callers out of hand. I think this is part of the phenomenal success of this program which is available world-wide. Some of the top scientists in the world, major movie moguls and other people at the pinnacle of their industries and professions will not hesitate to appear on Coast to Coast because they know that George will give them a fair hearing with great questions and dialogue; not to mention his massive audience. So if you listen to Coast to Coast sometime, just try to have an open mind and consider all opinions fairly and enjoy the great discussions.
“First we Americans are going to have to yield up some of our sovereignty, and that to many is going to be a bitter pill.”
–Walter Cronkite
(accepting his award for lifetime achievement toward the cause of the World Federalist Association, now Re-branded for public consumption as ‘Citizens for Global Solutions’)
With special appearance by Hillary Rodham Clinton –then ‘First Lady’
Hillary starts at ~ 15:25
“In 2004, the World Federalist Association changed its name to Citizens for Global Solutions.”
It is the American branch of the World Federalist Movement.
byDAVID BROWN | | Jan 22, 2015 If you are like me, you probably don’t know much about the practice of Satanism or why anyone would waste their time with such foolishness. Well, they waste their time because Satanism is nothing like what I thought it was. After watching the short interview below with a real live ex-Satanist (Mark Passio), a very different picture starts to emerge; especially surrounding the 4 tenants of Satanism. What I found is that rather than worshiping a red horned beast with a pointy tail, they are basically materialist psychopaths using what they call hidden knowledge against us while keeping us ignorant of their tricks. Sounds a lot like our current batch of Globalists. Lots of good, useful data here. Reminds me of Howard in Joesph Plummer’s novel entitled ‘Leaving the Illusion‘, where there is a debate raging between Howard –the elite globalist– and Alex, an average guy standing up for individual rights and freedoms. Probably some good research material here that might tie these 4 tenants of Satanism directly to the operational methods of the NWO and the Globalists. Very interesting, indeed.
Briton –like other members of the EU– gave up much of their sovereignty to join a Globalist Construct called the EU; managed –not by elected officials– but by unelected bureaucrats controlled by the monied Globalists. The aim here is to erase national boundaries and erase the concept of the nation-state all together; and of course help concentrate power in the hands of the few. The same is planned for all the Americas (Canada/US/Central & South America); and is currently under construction using secret trade agreements not even the US Congress is privy to. This is a world-wide actual conspiracy designed to build the New Order so many of our betters envision. National, State and Individual rights will be replaced by decrees from faceless bureaucrats, who serve these ‘powers that shouldn’t be’. Many, like the average Brit below, are waking up and smelling this rancid brew, but is it too late and what are their options? A sober review of history, teaches us that these same powers created wars and financial calamity to provide the necessary ‘attitude adjustment’ for the restless natives –like the Brits– to get accomplished what they otherwise couldn’t do.
ClearNFO Rating:5 / 5 Stars Leaving the Illusionby Joseph Plummer Paperback: 190 pages Joseph Plummer’s first Novel Available at Amazon and other book resellers
Joseph Plummer’s wonderful Novel called ‘Leaving the Illusion’ reveals the reality behind the illusion most of us can never see. Using a clever mechanism of a debate between a brilliant elite named ‘Howard’ (who has a hidden agenda) and ‘Alex’ (who is living the illusion), Howard brings Alex into a frightening but all too real understanding of the dominant class in the hope that he can teach and train Alex to willingly become one of the chosen few. The tools, techniques, sources and methods Howard reveals are spot-on and shows that Plummer has done his homework. Howard’s cold logic is the best argument I can imagine to promote the elite’s agenda. The debate that emerges between Howard and Alex is brilliant and reaches into the deep core set of beliefs and assumptions that most of us share. Great read. I also recommend Tragedy and Hope 101 by Plummer.
NOTE: I’ll be conducting an interview with Mr. Joseph Plummer in the near future. Stay tuned.