Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Speaks at the Second Congress of the Intl Russophile Movement & the Multipolarity Forum in Moscow on February 26, 2024
Tag Archives: NWO
Ted Kaczynski – Canary in the Coal Mine?
by DAVID BROWN | | January 30, 2022
With the COVID Project in full swing, we are witnessing in real-time the dangers of leftism and technocracy Ted warned us about some 27 years ago.

Kaczynski as an assistant professor at UC Berkeley in 1968 Photo Credit: By George Bergman –, GFDL 1.2,
Many of us remember Ted Kaczynski as the Unabomber who was arrested in 1996 for mailing or hand-delivering a series of bombs which killed three and injured twelve, but few have taken time to read the Unabomber’s Manifesto entitled ‘Industrial Society and Its Future’. I’ve had Ted’s Manifesto on my reading list for some time now, but only recently took the time to actually read it. I was amazed at the clarity and the astonishing prescience of this 1995 writing and recommend its reading to any students of history who seek original, sourced documents to sidestep the filters of media and academia.
Ted provides the most insightful definition and causes of ‘leftism’ –with examples– I’ve read to date. There are many other nougats of insight concerning the power process, autonomy and the psychological condition modern man faces; providing me a better understanding why freewill, liberty and self-determination will necessarily evaporate if we move into the scientific dictatorship most of us now know as ‘technocracy’.
We need only look at the COVID Project currently underway to see this being played out in real time
Despite Ted’s prescience, I don’t think Ted was able to conceive of the reckless fumbling and crumbling of today’s COVID narrative resulting in a mass-awakening, which could subvert Ted’s dire predictions of a technological takeover. This awakening of the many has the potential to short-circuit Ted’s idea of the inevitable march into technological slavery. Ted, admits technology is managed by some amorphous elite group of managers, but apparently sees this process as non-directed or architected by any group. Man’s loss of freedom is inevitable according to Ted, not by the scheming of the elite, but by the very nature of technological systems as they progress. Ted’s solution is revolution and destruction of these old technological systems to bring us back to pre-17th century technology levels, reasoning reform was not possible since the technological systems will remain. Evocative of the avoidance of technologies by Old Order Mennonites and Old Order Amish.
I’m guessing Ted was never exposed to Carroll Quigley, Antony C. Sutton, Technocracy, Inc. or –of course– the current COVID-directed project which clearly shows the bind we find ourselves in is not only about technology itself, but the purposeful, directed use of technology as a weapon by a few who would rule the world. These would-be rulers of mankind and self-appointed masters of the universe have been sold a lie — a great deception. They seek to satisfy their absurd vision of immortality using technology to merge with machines. This incredible delusion of the elite and their technocrats require the creation of a new super-race through directed evolution and augmentation which would eventually separate them from the unwashed masses of human livestock they herd, fleece, skin and render.
Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. –Bertrand Russell The Impact of Science on Society (ed. Routledge, 2016)
Ted seems to have justified the terrorizing, maiming, and killing of presumably innocent people as the only way to draw worldwide attention to his important task. Ted was terrified of the impending doom for the fate of all mankind and so resorted to extreme measures to promote his warning to as many people as possible for his revolution.
Paradoxically, Ted’s strategy to destroy the existing system, to then reboot into a new system, matches pretty well with current NWO plans which seek to reduce population, destroy and replace the monetary system, disrupt supply chains, erase borders, delete cultures, etc. The major difference between Ted and the globalists are the endpoints. Ted envisions a return of power to the individual, while the globalists envision the concentration of power in their hands.
Full text: Industrial Society and Its Future (1995) Written by Ted Kaczynski Mathematics professor
Outline of the ‘Industrial Society and Its Future’ – Theodore Kaczynski 1995 – 33 pages
Additional, related information:
- Yuval Noah Harari on The Future of Humanity
- Ted K, the Movie – An exploration of Ted Kaczynksi’s life in Lincoln, Montana in the years leading up to his arrest as The Unabomber.
The ‘Power Process’: Ted Kaczynski’s “The Power Process” is a psychological need in humans to have goals, work towards them, achieve them at a reasonable rate, and do so with autonomy.1 It has four elements: goal, effort, and attainment of goal. The three most clear-cut elements are goal, effort, and attainment of goal.023 The fourth element is more difficult to define and may not be necessary for everyone.0 Kaczynski theorizes that to have healthy, functional lives, people must formulate goals and exert nontrivial efforts to attain them. Reaching goals without effort is not sufficient; reaching goals without effort is not sufficient.4 Kaczynski offers the trend that “leisured, secure aristocracies that have no need to exert themselves usually become bored, hedonistic, and demoralized.”
Ted Kaczynski: The System’s Neatest Trick
- What the System Is Not
- How the System Exploits the Impulse to Rebel
- The System’s Neatest Trick
- The Trick Is Not Perfect
- An Example
Contact: ClearNFO on MeWe, Gab, VK, Telegram, BitChute; or via email at
David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 4th, 2021)
by DAVID BROWN | | April 4th, 2021
Back before the great purge of free thought and free speech by Big Tech, life was much simpler. If you wanted great independent news and opinions, you could depend on YouTube to deliver and you could depend on Google to provide an unadulterated return on your searches. If you wanted to express your opinions and gather breaking new information you could do this on Facebook and Twitter. Those days are long gone. Today’s Big Tech platforms have become ghettos of bastardized information reeking of ham-fisted propaganda obvious to anyone who is capable of rational thought.
After Big Tech splintered authentic content creators into a thousand pieces and scattered them to the winds, today’s information sleuth has a much more challenging task when trying to uncover the unvarnished truth. Still, as the dust settles, the task is within reach. Some of our best content creators have relocated to other platforms. It takes some effort to find these great truth tellers, but once the new platforms have been located, it can be pretty much business as usual until the next attack from the powers that shouldn’t be.
Of course, before he was hung by his heels, this iconic fascist Benito Mussolini informed that “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” … and, of course, the government of Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state. Today, as the USA shreds any protections it once had from the authoritarian state, we uncover a new style of fascism. Yes it is a merger of the state and corporations, but rather than having the state in charge, we clearly see the US Federal Government is the bitch of these large corporate and banking interests… so we still have fascism but turned on its head.
The good news is more and more of us are becoming aware of the corrupt power of the state amplified by their corporate partners in crime. We no longer believe the fairytale we have a Constitutional Republic; which is not to say we can’t try to use the protections of the US Constitution to get our collective asses out of the sling, but still the state and corporate power “do what thou wilt” despite the Constitution or the protestations of the people they rule with impunity and unearned privilege.
It is obvious to me after the fraud of the 2020 election, the DOJ, FBI, Congress, the MSM, Big-Tech and the Supreme Court were all in on the illegal removal of the duly elected president of the USA. Even ‘Et tu, Brute’-Pence landed one for the big guys. In prior years, the power eliet foud it expidious –and educational for the unwashed masses– to shoot a president who displeased them in the head, in public, for all to see and let their media dutifully cover it up. The 2020 election was a coup and those listed above were willing participants in this conspiracy; guilty of the most serious of crimes possible against this Republic.
So now that Trump has been removed, no time can be wasted to cement their power over the citizens of the USA and the rest of the world to birth their unworkable wet-dream of a NWO with them in the driver’s seat.
They are rushing to mandate experimental vaccines and pushing the idea of vaccine passports; they are using fear of COVID and its next version to control the majority of the masses– herding their livestock down a one way road to a total scientific dictatorship; otherwise known as a technocracy (their word, not mine); but as they rush, many of us are watching and becoming more and more aware of what they are doing and how they are getting away with these massive crimes against freedom and self-determination. We are observing and learning… and this information is spreading like wildfire, despite all attempts to control and constrain the truth by Big Tech and the captured media.
I choose to be ‘the happy warrior’ and therefore choose to engage the enemy of man on the battlefield of ideas and non-compliance.
But to be effective we must discover who the enemy is, which can be difficult for most of us since so many of us carry around a false sense of history in our collective consciousness. This false history was provided by the same folks who serve our enemy. The enemy of our freedom has virtually unlimited economic power, political power and they control our healthcare, education system, universities and media. They therefore seek to divide us by setting men against women, black against white, Christian against Muslim, liberal against conservative, Republican against Democrat and red against blue.
To start clearing the air a bit, we must reclaim our real history starting with the major wars of the 20th century orchestrated, financed and promulgated by the Anglo-American Establishment > RIIA > CFR > US State Department, and others. These relationships were documented and exposed by Carol Quigley, Antony C. Sutton and others.
For a great update on this control structure, I submit this great interview by Tim Kelly
Matt Ehret on the British Origins of the Deep State and the Reconquest of America by Perfidious Albion by Our Interesting Times: Matt Ehret joins Our Interesting Times to discuss the British origins of the Deep State and how America was gradualy pulled back into the orbit of Perfidious Albion in the 19th and 20th centuries.Matt is historian and author of Untold History of Canada book series. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Canadian Patriot Review and a co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation.
So despite a formatable enemy owning the major levers of power, we have the truth and we have some of the brightest minds and researchers on our side: These include Tim Kelly, Joe Plummer, James Corbett, Ryan Dawson, Mark Kulacz, Jason Goodman, Charles Ortel, John E. Hoover, Patrick Wood, Richard Grove, Amazing Polly and many others. We must support these people with our eyeballs, clicks and our money when and if we can.
So I am the Happy Warrior, ready for battle. Let the games begin!
Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:
by DAVID BROWN | | June 10, 2018
The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:
Level 1: Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.
Building Blocks for a Global Government
by DAVID BROWN | | April 10, 2016

Global Power Grab
Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time researching and studying history –history that hasn’t been filtered through one of the organs of the existing power structure– I find the movements of the power elites easy to track. I often wonder why everyone else can’t see what’s so clearly going on. Well, the answer is that they have no background, other than what has been fed to them by these same power elite who seek to control them. Years of study can be difficult if not impossible to summarize in a few bullet points, but these simplified power points are what is needed if I ever hope to spread this important information to those who do not have the time, interest or perhaps aptitude to do their own hard-core, objective research. So with this in mind, I have listed below a small set of the building blocks being assembled together by man’s natural predators (the powers that shouldn’t be).
There exists a massive amount of proof behind each of these 11 building blocks, but I will be seeking to find just one or two good proofs or examples of each to keep it short and simple for those who are challenged by the clock. And of course just listing the building blocks is not enough, there must be a proof of the mortar that holds these blocks together; and of course an additional proof of who it is exactly directing the building of this global structure. I’m hoping to refine this over time, making it better and more useful as a tool for me to use to help in spreading this vital information to others with the idea of keeping this story as simple and focused as possible.
Building Blocks for the New World Order:
- Common Core (Control Education)
- UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
- Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
- Federal Reserve (Control Money)
- The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
- Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
- Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
- Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
- CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
- Vaccines (Population Control)
- Main Stream Media (Perception Control)
NWO Update
by DAVID BROWN | | April 03, 2016
The US/NATO’s underhanded destruction of Ukraine and MENA (Middle East & North Africa) has made it abundantly clear to anyone not fooled by the Western Media disinformation campaign, that US/NATO cannot be trusted. They have completed the same projects; the same way; too many times; too quickly to hide behind the protection of the ‘plausible deniability’ claim except for the profoundly uniformed American citizen. Since US/NATO has been caught red-handed using virtually identical covert operations to destabilize each of these US-targeted countries; China, Russia, Iran and anyone with an independent geopolitical policy, have taken sharp notice and have therefore been well-schooled in these common US/NATO statecraft techniques, and thus made strikingly aware of the real US geopolitical agenda of a mono-polar hegemony. China, Russia and Iran for example have no intention of rolling over for this rabid Empire of chaos, death and destruction. China and Russia have used the past 10 years or so making real improvements to their military –as Russia demonstrated in Syria; at the same time, the US has continued unabated its incestuous and corrupt practice of spending massive funds on unworkable and unneeded technology (for example, It is estimated that the worthless F-35 program will cost US taxpayers more than one trillion dollars in wasted money and effort); not for defense, but to line the pockets of their pals; American national security be damned. In the meantime, Russia and China have learned how to manufacture high-tech, highly-functional weapons of war at a fraction of the cost.
Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US policy of destabilization and regime change, they no longer contemplate a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid superpower; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down. Yes, with the EU facade crumbling, the threat of a Trump presidency and the refusal of Russia and China to commit national suicide, the NWO psychopaths have their work cut out for them as the idiom goes. There is also a global awakening that is eroding the NWO’s well-laid plans at almost every gated juncture, event or milestone in their rush to install their world domination project.
Now, James Corbett goes one step further. He describes the analysis above as 2D Chess while the real game is played at the 3D level, or as he terms it 3D Chess. His rationale is that all the oligarchs in each of these power blocks have much more in common with each other than they do with the people they supposedly represent, so the real game is going on at that level, out of sight of the average analyst. The three major power blocks would be 1) Russia-Oligarchs; 2) China-Oligarchs and 3) the Anglo-American-Oligarchs consisting of US and the UK elite. So the real game is being played at this level, and my analysis above is merely window dressing. Not definitive, but possible so we shall keep an eye on both the 2D and 3D chess game that is unfolding on the grand geopolitical chessboard.
BTW, while this game is being played, millions of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and millions more are suffering horrifically in the wake of this cruel villainy. This is a game only psychopaths can truly enjoy.
Note: The House of Saud would be considered a 4th oligarch block, but since the Anglo-American Establishment holds a ‘Sword Of Damocles‘ over their ill-gotten throne –not by a single horsehair– but by their proven strategy of tension called Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian). With little effort, the Anglo-American Oligarchs could easily run a successful Operation Gladio against the House of Saud as they have done to so many others like Ukraine and Libya.
Additional Reading / Viewing:
- All Quiet on the Eurasian Front by PEPE ESCOBAR
- UPDATE: Russia-China
- U.S. Cedes Sovereignty To New Authority
- The Rape of Western Europe
- What the Chess Pieces look like to a Globalist …
- Putin’s Number One Enemy?
More on the F-35 debacle. The US has done more damage to itself than either China or Russia could dream of…
JFK Conspiracy
by DAVID BROWN | | Dec 12, 2015
JFK Conspiracy
The Quigley Formula and the CFR
by DAVID BROWN | | Oct 11, 2015
Please take time to listen to this outstanding speech by renowned Federal Reserve expert G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island. There are some sound drop-out issues at the beginning of this video; and the video and sound are out of sync throughout, but the information contained herein is critical to any understanding of who controls the real power centers in the United States and around the world. G. Edward Griffin does an excellent job summarizing Quigley’s 1,300 page Tragedy and Hope volume and quotes from Quigley’s equally important The Anglo-American Establishment . I’ve listened to many Griffin speeches, but this one does the best job summarizing Quigley’s substantial contribution to our understanding of history and then bringing this critical information into current time. You will not be disappointed.
Note: Due to the sync problems of this video, I listened but could not watch.
If you don’t have the time to read Quigley’s Tragedy and Hope, please check out Joe Plummer’s excellent –much shorter version- Tragedy and Hope 101.
Super rich are in a conspiracy to rule the world – G. Edward Griffin – 2007
Uploaded on Jun 11, 2011
A most renowned expert on Federal Reserve and the New World Order will share how the super Rich of the World have organized to create a New World Order that they will control.
Recorded at Freedom Law School’s ( 2007 Texas Justice, Peace, & Freedom Conference
Screwing the Pooch
by DAVID BROWN | | July 28, 2015
Did the U.S. ‘Screw the Pooch‘ by its bloody warmongering across the Middle East, North Africa and Ukraine? Despite millions of casualties, the U.S. has not succeeded in intimidating Russia or China but rather put them both on high alert. Interesting that after the failed U.S. putsch to install U.S.-backed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, former U.S. ally Egypt is now also fully awake to the ‘Realpolitik’ tactics of the Empire of Chaos. Who –other than the U.S. Media– could miss the mass-murder and suffering created by the U.S. slogging its way through the Middle East and North Africa, destabilizing and wrecking Libya, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan; none of whom are national security threats and have done nothing to threaten the U.S. in any way. And now a pivot to Asia? What madness! Russia and China wanted to be arms-length partners with the U.S. but U.S. military planners would have none of it. Now the U.S. has driven these two former rivals closer together to build a financial and security counterbalance against murderous U.S. global hegemony. The NWO must be crapping in their pants. We live in interesting times. Russia, China and others realize that the NWO represents an existential threat to the idea of the ‘Nation-State’ and to most of humanity; including the American people. Most Americans have yet to wake up to see who their real enemies are; hint: It’s not Russia or China. According to Catherine Austin Fitts, the Western Banks have stolen at least $40 trillion from their citizens, so these money masters still have plenty of juice to cause some global havoc advancing their mission. While Americans struggle under the tyranny emanating daily from their masters in D.C., will they finally wake from their slumber in time to identify the real villains in this geopolitical drama for world domination? Americans have been robbed, raped, pillaged and plundered, yet they remain loyal to the illusion that their vote still actually counts and America is a beacon of freedom for the world. Even after the U.S. Congress handed over the keys to America’s sovereignty to international bankers and corporations (all done in secret) with TPP, Americans are none the wiser. This soft coup d’état of America has already taken place, yet Americans still live clueless in their walled-garden of propaganda constructed by their masters.
In the article below, Pepe Escobar details Russia and China’s reaction to U.S. aggression, driven by a rabid U.S. desire for ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’. If Russia and China are successful, this does not bode well for the masters of the Angelo-American Establishment who use America as a military enforcement appliance.
BRICS, China, Iran, P5+1, Russia, US Empire
The Seeds of Eurasia; A vision manifests, by Pepe Escobar
July 26, 2015
Countering the neo-Cold Warriors
by Wayne Madsen
Voltaire Network | Washington D. C. (États-Unis) | 18 July 2015
A Reporter Said “Screw the Pooch” on Face the Nation. Where Does That Phrase Come From?
Geopolitics 101:
by DAVID BROWN | | July 14, 2015
The idea behind ‘Anglo-American‘ Geopolitics is to remove the concept of the ‘nation-state’ and replace it with global governance: a single point of control. To do this, our masters need to fuse 1) the North American Union; 2) the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and 3) the European Union (EU) into one organization. Monies from carbon taxes will help support this governing bureaucracy — ergo the need for man-made global warming. They still need China, Russia, Iran and some other stragglers to join the club of one. Libya, Syria and many others have been dealt with. Ukraine is being used to draw Russia into making the mistake of attacking. To accomplish this grand scheme, they need a major global crisis to bring everyone to heal so that they can save the world from the problems they created.