by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

Leaders from 10 of the 12 prospective member states at a TPP summit in 2010. A summit with leaders of the (then) negotiating states of the Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPP). Pictured, from left, are Naoto Kan (Japan), Nguyễn Minh Triết (Vietnam), Julia Gillard (Australia), Sebastián Piñera (Chile), Lee Hsien Loong (Singapore), Barack Obama (United States), John Key (New Zealand), Hassanal Bolkiah (Brunei), Alan García (Peru), and Muhyiddin Yassin (Malaysia). Six of these leaders represent countries that are currently negotiating to join the group.
Mike Pence is a true globalist, though many uninformed have debated me on this. Pence being labeled as a conservative Christian is enough for them. What they do not realize is that I was doing some homework on Pence prior to his selection as VP. What I discovered was very disturbing. I read Pence’s web site while he was Governor of Indiana (2013–2017). On his web site was a glowing, detailed endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which was my major concern with Cruz. This was removed from the Website immediately after Pence was picked for VP. Unknown to many who have their head permanently stuck inside the propaganda cannon we call TV, the TPP would have ceded US sovereignty to an unelected board of bureaucrats reporting to international banking and business interest subjugating the US Constitution under this globalist framework. The TPP would have controlled the movement of goods services and people and relegated the US Constitution to an historical foot note. Even the passage of the fast track authorization for TPP in the Senate was done underhandedly. Since the TPP is a treaty and not an agreement it is required to have a 2/3rds vote (66) in the senate—which they did not have– but the Republican-controlled senate changed this constitutional requirement to a simple majority vote of 51 calling this treaty an agreement. Additionally, the agreement was held behind locked doors in the basement where none of the Senators could read this 5,544 page treaty prior to passage without special provisions. You could not have a cell phone, take pictures or notes or have an aid accompany you.
NPR: “For any senator who wants to study the draft TPP language, it has been made available in the basement of the Capitol, inside a secure, soundproof room. There, lawmakers surrender their cellphones and other mobile devices. Any notes taken inside the room must be left in the room.
Only aides with high-level security clearances can accompany lawmakers. Members of Congress can’t ask outside industry experts or lawyers to analyze the language. They can’t talk to the public about what they read. And Brown says there’s no computer inside the secret room to look something up when there’s confusion. You just consult the USTR official.”
So for Pence to support TPP, either he is a moron, uninformed or he is a globalist. Pence is no moron.
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