Tag Archives: neo-nazi

Ignorance is Not an Excuse (Ukraine)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 29, 2015

While our geopolitical geniuses at the Pentagon make their geopolitical plans irrespective of the lives impacted or the murders committed in our name, there is real human tragedy as a result which creates the most bitter anger and hatred that cannot be satisfied without justice (see picture and comment below).  This is what the USA and its lapdog press are doing in the Ukraine. You may pretend you don’t know about this but your tax dollars and your willful ignorance are paying for all of this. It is a documented fact that the US instigated a violent overthrow of the democratically elected government in Ukraine spending over $5 billion of your tax dollars as a result. Documented and admitted to. The US with your tax dollars has replaced the democratically elected government in Ukraine with neo-nazis who have slaughtered countless men, woman and children all across the Ukraine. The MSM and the US Government are covering up these easily provable and documented facts.

Ukraine Fascists


“Westerners, you crossed the fucking line. Prepare yourselves for war. For real war. Are you ready for that? Actually, we do not give a shit about this. We are ready for war – and we will teach you (in hard way) how bad is war – like in the WW2. History is repeating itself. Sad, but true…”  –Светлозар Радев

“These violent delights have violent ends.” –William Shakespeare




Additional Reading at ClearNFO: MSM Lying about Ukraine