USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.
It is no secret t
o the informed that the US and NATO have orchestrated and funded last year’s coup in Kiev and continue to foment the conflict in Ukraine after installing their own puppet government at the seat of power in Kiev. The result, is the wholesale murder and slaughter of innocent men, women and children to please Ukraine’s new ‘Anglo-American Establishment‘ masters.
Some frequent updates on the conflict in Ukraine are available from ‘Bürgerinitiative für Frieden in der Ukraine’ (Citizens’ Initiative for Peace in Ukraine) on Facebook HERE. (In German, but can be easily translated in most cases with one click.)
Here’s one example of the near real-time reporting available with videos and pictures …
+++ Video +++ UKRA FASCIST artillery BOMBED residential areas of the city STAKHANOV in LUGANSK. +++ A reporter of life News TV station interviewed citizens of the city of 75,000 residents Stakhanov in Lugansk, whose Stadt weeks massively destroyed by the ukra fascist of heavy artillery and zerbwird!
The people flee in the direction of Lugansk, including many families with children. They had a long time hiding in their cellars from the bomb attacks of nag, but now many houses no longer stand. Almost all residential areas of the city Stakhanov are bombed!
In the video, you can see several sad scenes. One it shows how ordinary citizens of the town berries must – things their killed relatives while in the background the ukra fascist artillery further bombed their town!
At the beginning of the video, the man shows that the artillery of the Kiev regime shoots just in the city. Schools, school facilities and residential, without any strategic or military significance be met!
This is a blatant genocide of the Donbass population – in the middle of Europe! And the world is silent!
The war criminals in Kiev may bomb continue with impunity entire cities and civilian population – without that one critical word from the EU comes!
Of the United States, we want to not even talk because they are the mainstay of this kriegsverbrecherischen bloody regime in Kiev!
Video here.
The Comments are very telling. The US and NATO are not fooling these people. They know full-well who is behind this Operation Gladio.
More on this conflict from ClearNFO here…