Tag Archives: Monsanto

The Corruption of Science – beware of the white lab coat

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 26, 2015

“Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.” – Richard Feynman

Scientist in Lab Coat

Scientist in Lab Coat

I’m a scientist at heart, so why do I love to ridicule my fellow scientists so much? I think it’s because of their highly exalted and unassailable position in our so called modern era (1946 – present) and because so many are sellouts who serve the selfish agendas of the moneyed “powers that shouldn’t be” and more particularly many serve down-right evil corporations that just happen to sign the front side of their paychecks, provide grants and donate huge sums to our likewise exalted and corrupted universities …  and it’s also partly due to the fact so many people have been trained that if someone in a lab coat says something then it has to be true. Turn off your brain… case settled.

Though many scientists are waking up to the systemic fraud and deception throughout our scientific community, the average citizen is completely unaware.

And it appears that the ‘Scientific American’ wants to have it both ways. First they are more than willing to point out the fraud, yet they are themselves a big part of the fraud perpetrated on the hapless public as evidenced by their two articles below. One supports GMO with trickery and sleight of hand while the other article complains about ‘An Epidemic of False Claims’ in scientific studies. You can’t have it both ways, Mr. Scientific American.

I’ve been reading the Scientific American since I was twelve, yes twelve years old; though I can’t claim I understood what I was reading at that age. With all the colorful diagrams and mathematical formulas, I just knew they were talking about something important and wanted to know what it was.

So what is the evidence that the once exalted Scientific American is one of the worst offenders? If you read their article below in support of GMOs, you will discover that they have munged or commingled several terms thereby obfuscating their meanings to suit their preconceived conclusions.

I really get the promise of GMO providing food to the hungry (though recent data has disproved this benefit), but I would prefer to use artificial or natural selection, not transginic bioengineering using gene-splicing and gene insertion from different species. I just don’t trust Monsanto and now I don’t trust SA. I think this article represents the best of bad science: The SA article cleverly commingles several terms: Selective breeding, Artificial selection, Bioengineering and GMO and would therefore have the reader believe they are the same. They are not. And there is a huge difference between Cisgenic and Transgenic. I would prefer Cisgenic only because I don’t think man is smart enough to have a clue about what he is doing. Of course we need to have GMO labeling. I don’t care if my food has been selectively bred: examples are the Delicious apple, the Hereford cow, etc. because in selective breeding you are breeding cow to cow or apple to apple; NOT cow to virus or cow to rat or pig or cow to cockroach…or some other unknown concoction Monsanto may have created. I want to know if there is virus, bacteria, transgenic DNA/RNA in my food and I want to know if there is Glyphosate a.k.a. Roundup® on my food and I want to know if it is safe. Another undisclosed issue is that when GMO corn pollinates adjacent fields of heirloom corn, it destroys for all time the genetics of that heirloom corn. On a global stage, this could be devastating.

Another glaring flaw in this SA article is that they seem content on referring to “other” authorities.   Just give me the science … after all aren’t you Scientific American?

Scientific American comes out in favor of GMOs
By Ashutosh Jogalekar | September 6, 2013

From Scientific American: An Epidemic of False Claims
Competition and conflicts of interest distort too many medical findings
By John P. A. Ioannidis | May 17, 2011

Scientific American Goes Full Anti-Science
September 12, 2020/ Francis Menton

 And from the Lancet, we have the following …

Vol 385   April 11, 2015 by Richard Horton
Offline: What is medicine’s 5 sigma? (PDF)
“A lot of what is published is incorrect.” I’m not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked to observe Chatham House rules. We were also asked not to take photographs of slides. Those who worked for government agencies pleaded that their comments especially remain unquoted, since the forthcoming UK election meant they were living in “purdah”—a chilling state where severe restrictions on freedom of speech are placed on anyone on the government’s payroll. Why the paranoid concern for secrecy and non-attribution? Because this symposium—on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London last week—touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human creations.”

HughPickens.com … writes in today’s Slash Dot the following brilliant little ditty…

“Richard Horton writes that a recent symposium on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research discussed one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with science (PDF), one of our greatest human creations. The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness. According to Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, a United Kingdom-based medical journal, the apparent endemicity of bad research behavior is alarming. In their quest for telling a compelling story, scientists too often sculpt data to fit their preferred theory of the world or retrofit hypotheses to fit their data.”

“Can bad scientific practices be fixed? Part of the problem is that no-one is incentivized to be right. Instead, scientists are incentivized to be productive and innovative. Tony Weidberg says that the particle physics community now invests great effort into intensive checking and rechecking of data prior to publication following several high-profile errors. By filtering results through independent working groups, physicists are encouraged to criticize. Good criticism is rewarded. The goal is a reliable result, and the incentives for scientists are aligned around this goal. “The good news is that science is beginning to take some of its worst failings very seriously,” says Horton. “The bad news is that nobody is ready to take the first step to clean up the system.”

The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal. Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma

Additional Reading from ClearNFO:

And from skeptiko…

Why you, me, and our neighbors have a distrust of science and New York Times science journalists

SCIENTIFIC REGRESS by William A. Wilson May 2016

There’s more to Monsanto than meets the eye

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 8, 2015



There’s more to Monsanto than meets the eye …

Frederic Mousseau, who is a Policy Director at The Oakland Institute:

“We saw in 2013 that Monsanto invested $140 million in new seed plans in Ukraine. It is clearly the bread basket of Europe and it is a key target for a company like Monsanto, which sees this huge potential for production and this huge market. Europe has been quite resistant in allowing GMOs, but if they are successful in Ukraine then there might be a domino effect in Europe.”

The $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine is contingent on Ukraine allowing GMO crops: IMF loan stipulations require permitting GMO production.

Putin doesn’t like GMO BTW.

Additional reading on ClearNFO




by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 29, 2015

monsanto-152587_640Most of us have at least heard of Monsanto and the GMOs that it produces; and most of us know that Monsanto GMOs are not a result of careful selective breeding of the same specie of plant or animal but rather the splicing of genes from one specie to another providing a quicker and a more targeted approach; and after all,  genes are genes so why should you care if part of the corn you are eating has virus or pesticide DNA?   Like much of the ‘settled science’ by consensus, we are assured that GMOs are safe to eat by all the paid authorities, yet many countries have banned GMOs.   So my questions are:  If GMOs are so good for you, why has Monsanto spent millions preventing labeling of their products all across America?  If I built a fine product, I would be proud of the product and want to at least label it and let everyone know about my product, right?   And if GMOs are so good for you, why did Monsanto seek and receive legal liability protection from the US Federal Government?  There is much, much more to this story and it all makes Monsanto look bad in my opinion.  You can do your own research on the documented health effects and the law suits Monsanto has used to put its competition out of business.  Keep in mind that Monsanto also made Agent Orange.   Not a good citizen in my opinion.

Believe it or not, there is a link from Monsanto to the US takeover of Ukraine.  Apparently the IMF loan of $17 billion to Ukraine is conditioned on Ukraine allowing GMO crops.

Frederic Mousseau, who is a Policy Director at The Oakland Institute:

“We saw in 2013 that Monsanto invested $140 million in new seed plans in Ukraine. It is clearly the bread basket of Europe and it is a key target for a company like Monsanto, which sees this huge potential for production and this huge market. Europe has been quite resistant in allowing GMOs, but if they are successful in Ukraine then there might be a domino effect in Europe.”

The $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine is contingent on Ukraine allowing GMO crops: IMF loan stipulations require permitting GMO production.

10 Reasons to Avoid GMOs
The City of San Diego is Suing Monsanto
Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT
Regulators Discover a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops

GMO Advocate Says Monsanto’s Roundup Safe to Drink, Then Refuses Glass

Though Monsanto has under performed against the Nasdaq and S&P 500, it tracks the DOW pretty well over the past 5 years.  In any event, the overall trend is up.  The trending is lower Feb and March of this year, but it is not clear if all the mounting bad press will have any lasting impact on this politically well-connected and intrenched company.

Monsanto | Source Yahoo Finance

Monsanto | Source Yahoo Finance (Click for Larger View)


Study Linking GMOs and Tumors Vindicated Yet Again…MSM Stays Silent

Genetic Fallacy: How Monsanto Silences Scientific Dissent


MSM Lying about Ukraine

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 7, 2015

Brian W LiarHow do you know the entire MSM (Mainstream Media) are lying to you about Russia and Ukraine? It is an easily provable fact to any person capable of critical thought that the US orchestrated the war in Ukraine, not Russia, yet the MSM insist on blaming Russia. How do I know this? The evidence is overwhelming to anyone who cares to pay attention.

The Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs at the United States Department of State Victoria Jane Nuland and the US Ambassador to Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt have been caught on a leaked phone call planning the replacement of the democratically elected government in Ukraine. Prior to this takeover by the US, the CIA spent over $5 billion on covert NGOs to foment unrest in Ukraine. George Soros has admitted to helping the CIA with this putsch and we have copies of original documents showing that billionaire Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with the US government.

Frederic Mousseau, who is a Policy Director at The Oakland Institute:

“We saw in 2013 that Monsanto invested $140 million in new seed plans in Ukraine. It is clearly the bread basket of Europe and it is a key target for a company like Monsanto, which sees this huge potential for production and this huge market. Europe has been quite resistant in allowing GMOs, but if they are successful in Ukraine then there might be a domino effect in Europe.”

The $17 billion IMF loan to Ukraine is contingent on Ukraine allowing GMO crops: IMF loan stipulations require permitting GMO production.


Crimea for Dummies

Published on Sep 12, 2014:  Miguel Francis, a Los Angeles film school graduate, travels to Crimea to discover for himself how life there has changed since it was reunited with Russia. He explores the beautiful Peninsula’s history and cultural heritage and takes in some of Crimea’s tourist attractions while talking to local people about their attitudes to becoming Russian citizens.

The famous Russian documentary on Crimea with Putin (with subtitles)

GMO and Europe’s “Bread Basket”. Monsanto’s Land Grab in Ukraine
Monsanto in Ukraine: IMF loan for Ukraine may give GMO giant a backdoor into EU
Pierre Omidyar co-funded Ukraine revolution groups with US government, documents show
US spent $5 billion to destabilize Ukraine

Related articles from ClearNFO:
Macedonia: Kiev Version 2.0
Can Ukraine Escape IMF trap?
Crisis in Ukraine
Asset-Stripping Ukraine
CFR: Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West’s Fault
Ukraine Crisis
Ukraine: USA/NATO aka Murder, Inc.
Ukraine: Stop the Killing!
Ukraine Update – Saker Podcast #5

What Brian Williams and his pals are NOT telling you

Brian W Liar Lyin Brian

Yes, they lie to us constantly and as they are found out, a decreasing percentage of Americans tune in to watch, but there is a more sinister side:  Here are a few things Brian Williams and his pals are NOT telling us …

  1. The War in Ukraine is completely orchestrated by the USA and NATO
  2. Obama removed the democratically elected government in Kiev, Ukraine (Western Ukraine) and installed his own puppet government backed by neo-Nazis
  3. Out of fear of the new Obama regime in Kiev, 90% of the citizens in Crimea (Eastern Ukraine) voted to associate with Russia for protection
  4. Ignoring the Crimean vote and to support Obama’s propaganda, the US News media falsely reports that Russia invaded Crimea
  5. Joe Biden’s crack-head son –Hunter Biden—was appointed to board of major Ukrainian gas company
  6. Ukraine Agreed to a Monsanto “Land Grab” to Get a $17 Billion Loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
  7. IMF said no more money to Kiev until they get the Donbas area under control
  8. Obama’s puppet in Kiev starts bombing cities and villages in the Donbas area (central Ukraine) killing thousands of innocent men, women and children.
  9. Kiev forces start to defect this illegal and criminal genocide orchestrated by Obama and team
  10. Obama puppet starts to shell Donbas area cities with white phosphorus
  11. Complete news blackout by the US Press on the human carnage and atrocities committed by the Obama regime in Kiev.

Some lies and omissions –with the intent to deceive– are more impactful than merely fluffing one’s resume, eh?

Additional Reading …

War in Ukraine

Operation Gladio

Monsanto’s part


Half of All Children Will Be Autistic by 2025, Warns Senior Research Scientist at MIT

GlyphosatePosted By ANH-USA On December 23, 2014 @ 6:40 pm In Protect Our Children

Why? Evidence points to glyphosate toxicity from the overuse of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide on our food.

For over three decades, Stephanie Seneff, PhD, has researched biology and technology, over the years publishing over 170 scholarly peer-reviewed articles [1]. In recent years she has concentrated on the relationship between nutrition and health, tackling such topics as Alzheimer’s, autism, and cardiovascular diseases, as well as the impact of nutritional deficiencies and environmental toxins on human health.
