by DAVID BROWN | | February 9th, 2021
Unneeded and Unnecessary…

Evidence the 2020 election was stolen, is clear and abundant. Additional proof is not necessary, so why the rush and exuberance for this new and improved absolute proof? We already have ‘Absolute Proof’, if anyone cares to look.
Many in the MAGA movement seem excited about My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary.
But what if this is not a “blessing from God” as Mike believes, but yet another psychological operation (PSYOP) designed to make fools of our sincere Trump supporters who want to believe:
“if only the existing power structure would just see this new, absolute proof documentary, they too would believe”.
NOTE: The people who stole the election know they stole the election and they don’t care about your evidence. The Democrats and the Republicans also know the election was stolen and they don’t care. Add to this the FBI, DOJ, the State Department, the Supremes and the MSM — all know the election was stolen. All are now running a PSYOP against reason and logic peeing on your leg and telling you it’s raining.
However, if Mike’s documentary is proven false, this stench will perfectly discredit existing REAL evidence already in abundance. The Deep-State is not stupid and knows how to run a PSYOP. Its propaganda media arm will be ready and able to prove the HAMMER narrative false and Dennis Montgomery a con man: soon, everyone will forget the real proof, and the believers in Mike’s new hopium will become demoralized, cynical and therefore unable to trust or support any credible evidence.
Why do I doubt the seemingly sincere Mr. Lindell?
- Dennis Montgomery has been proven to be a con man per Jason Goodman, and many, many others.
- Where is the validation the deep-state supercomputer called “The Hammer” and software called “Scorecard” was ever used in the 2020 elections?
- General McInerney has a long history of being wrong.
Be aware of your own confirmation bias and beware of Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary which is based on Marry Fanning’s research, which is based on Dennis Montgomery, who is not very based.
A house of cards based on hopium?
Additional reading:
February 10, 2021
Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption
By J.R. Dunn