by DAVID BROWN | | April 14, 2016

Very sad to see the widespread corruption in Kenya in the short film below and to understand what this corruption means to the hopes, dreams and hard work of the good people who live there. Seems like this is a growing epidemic around the world. Mexico seems almost as corrupt as Kenya and of course there is much of the same corruption here in the USA, especially concerning the whistle blowers. Here, like in Kenya, the whistle blowers are also punished. I don’t know how you get rid of corruption once it has taken hold in the government. What do you think the solution is?
Even if you executed those who are corrupt, the question is, who decides who is corrupt? If the ones doing the execution are themselves corrupt, what have you accomplished? Also, once you remove one corrupt regime, in short order the next regime becomes corrupt so the cycle starts all over again. The founders of this country (USA) had it right; creating a republic based on a constitution that attempted to constrain the power of the government, placing the rights of the individual above those of the collective, but over time the evil-doers have corrupted this system too. To make matters worse, the people of America are ignorant and are corrupt themselves; no government can survive if the people have no morals or character. All I know to do –from my perspective– is to continue to educate people and teach them that morals and character are really the only logical way for humanity.
Why do we need to educate our people? Because those who would be our masters here in the USA and in Kenya have taken over education and corrupted our youth. They began the replacement of the Trivium system with the Prussian system some 150 years ago. Trivium teaches critical thought and self reliance using Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric; and that you find authority by discovering the truth. Prussian however teaches that you can only find truth from authority.