Tag Archives: ISIS

Sad day for Syria. Sad day for the world.

Posted December 08, 2024 



Former commander of Al-Qaeda Abu Mohammed al-Jolani is the new leader of Syria.

‘Syria: A Battle Lost Amid a Wider War’   with Brian Berletic (aka Tony Cartalucci) of The New Atlas (previously Land Destroyer) 

  • Syria’s collapse is a loss for the Syrian people and their Iranian, Russian, and Chinese allies;
  • It is a reminder that while US military and industrial power wanes, it still possesses potent “superweapons” in terms of monopolizing information space, poisoning populations against their own best interests, and toppling nations;
  • The US strategy has been to create multiple crises for Russia along its periphery including in Syria, forcing Russia to make difficult decisions regarding where it commits limited resources;
  • The multipolar world must accept the reality that what is essentially World War 3 is ongoing and they will all eventually be targeted in turn;
  • Investment is required in securing and defending national and regional information space from US interference through the creation of local education programs producing journalists and analysts, local social media platforms to replace US-based platforms, and laws ending foreign funding of media inside targeted countries;


New Yorker – The Redirection (2009):
Judicial Watch – DIA document (2012):
NYT – U.S. Groups Helped Nurture Arab Uprisings (2011):
CNN – Syrian rebel leader says goal is to ‘overthrow’ Assad regime (Dec. 6, 2024):
US State Dept. – Foreign Terrorist Organizations:
RAND Corporation – Extending Russia (2019):



From Caitlin Johnson (@caitoz) on X:

Another Nation Absorbed Into The Blob Of The Empire And now the imperial blob rolls on to absorb its next target, having grown one Syria-sized increment larger after spending years digesting that nation via proxy warfare, sanctions, relentless bombing campaigns from Israel, and a military occupation designed to steal its food and fuel. Reading by Tim Foley.


Patrick Henningsen Syria the collapse and the BS of the entire War

Syrian Girl on Twitter/X @Partisangirl

Stopping ISIS


Scott Ritter: The Fall of Assad and its consequences in Syria and Beyond

Syria power vacuum w/ Jeffrey Sachs (Live)

Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | June 10, 2018

The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:

Level 1:  Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.

Continue reading

F. William Engdahl, ‘The Lost Hegemon’

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | July 04, 2017

F. William Engdahl

Over the years, I have marveled at F. William Engdahl’s brilliant writings and interviews, so it is with great pleasure I present a snippet from the latest book I purchased.

“As I sit down to write these words, Western Europe is being overwhelmed with a cultural and social challenge unprecedented in her history. A brutal four-year long war in Syria has spread around the world. An organization calling itself ISIS or the Islamic State erupted violently onto the world stage in 2014 to claim the right to create what they termed The Global Caliphate. The conditions of war and terror in Syria had created more than two million refugees on the move for safety, more than one million of them coming to Europe seeking asylum during the final months of 2015 alone.

On September 30, 2015 the Russian Federation accepted a call from Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to help defeat ISIS in Syria. That call came despite bombing from the United States, allegedly against ISIS strongholds, for more than one year, a bombing that appeared only to have expanded the control of ISIS.

The direct Russian involvement in military action far from her shores signaled a new era in global politics following the collapse of the Soviet Union a quarter century before. The world seemed to be ineluctably moving towards a new world war, this one with religion at its core. Ultimately, Islamic terror was being instrumentalized as a weapon of war, one being aimed to defeat Russia, China and pre-empt emergence of a rival to the sole hegemony of the United States.

On November 13, 2015 grotesque suicide bomber attacks across Paris signaled a new phase in the attack on civilization. Yet few asked who or what was actually behind the IS and its reign of terror. To answer that it would be necessary to go back to the early post-World War II period and the birth of a new American intelligence agency.

For more than six decades, a faction in the US intelligence community used, and even trained, various Islamic political groups for their goal to extend an American hegemony in the world. The relationship between the CIA and certain specific groups of political Islamists began in the 1950s in postwar Munich and reached a new dimension in the 1980s, when the CIA, together with Saudi Arabian intelligence, brought a wealthy Saudi Islamist named Osama bin Laden to Pakistan to recruit Islamic Jihadists for a terrorist war against the Soviet Red Army in Afghanistan.

The success of the CIA’s Operation Cyclone, to arm and train Afghani and other Mujahideen Islamic combatants, led Washington to deploy the same tactic after the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union in the early 1990s. Veterans of the Afghan Mujahideen war, many of them Saudi and other Arab nationals recruited by bin Laden’s organization, Al Qaeda, were brought on CIA private air transports into Azerbaijan, where British and US oil companies had their eye on the petroleum riches of the Caspian Sea. The CIA brought them into Yugoslavia to fan the flames of war there, from Bosnia-Herzegovina to Kosovo. They smuggled them into Chechnya and Dagestan to sabotage Russian oil pipeline routes.

As evident success grew with each attempt, some in Washington became heady with their strategy. They were convinced they had discovered the ideal instrument for making terror anywhere in the world to advance their agenda of global hegemony now that the Soviet Union had collapsed, while blaming it on crazed “stirred up Muslims,” as Zbigniew Brzezinski once termed them.

The CIA and Pentagon finally had their new “enemy image” to replace the old Soviet communism when they blamed the events of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington on Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network, whether true or not. Washington promptly declared a War on Terror and, under that banner, spread US military bases and its hegemony across the globe to places inconceivable just a decade before. Fear gripped an uncertain American population. They joined in the new war.”

–F. William Engdahl, The Lost Hegemon: Whom the gods would destroy


Another great book from F. William Engdahl:  Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order

From ClearNFO:

Russia’s Remarkable Renaissance (Engdahl)

Trump and the Neocons

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April  15, 2017

There are many theories on the Trump phenomenon.  Here are a few variables to consider:

  • The RNC and the DNC did not want Trump to win.
  • The DNC’s preferred candidate was Hillary Clinton
  • The RNC’s preferred candidate was Jeb Bush
  • The establishment Republicans preferred Hillary to Trump (on record); there were likely many more.
  • Trump was seen by the DNC and likely by the RNC as a tool to assure a Hillary victory
  • The CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) did not want Trump
  • The Trilateral Commission did not want Trump
  • The Neocons did not want Trump
  • The Bilderbergers did not want Trump
  • The Davos bootlickers and groupies did not want Trump
  • The MSM did not want Trump
  • Elements of the deep state did not want Trump (Deep State: The permanent state.  Those elements controlled by the CFR who reside within the permanent state. Examples: CIA, NSA, State Department and many other top agencies.)
  • The European Commission which controls the EU did not want Trump
  • Hillary cheated Bernie out of the nomination
  • The RNC attempted to cheat Trump out of the nomination
  • There was massive unreported voter fraud committed by Hillary supporters during the election
  • George Soros did not want Trump
  • The uninformed and misinformed Democrat rank and file did not want Trump

The table was set for a Hillary win, but Trump’s populism overwhelmed the system.  Despite Trump’s win, the powerful enemies list above was not to be denied.  Their next step was to stop Trump at any cost.  They’ve tried to tie Trump to the Russians with absolutely zero evidence and despite the full support of the MSM to paint this narrative in the minds of the American public, this ruse has failed. They would like to have an impeachment, but I’m not sure if they have figured this one out yet, though they are working day and night on this tactic.  In the meantime, Trump’s enemies within the deep state, and with help from the neocons in Congress, have been able to apparently cause Trump defaults on many of his campaign pledges; though some may seem to be a default are in fact consistent with his prior statements.

A few signs of problems surfaced prior to the election like Trump’s pick of Pence for VP.  Pence is a true-blue globalist, though many uninformed have debated me on this.  Pence being labeled as a conservative Christian is enough for them.   What they do not realize is that I was doing some homework on Pence prior to his selection as VP.  What I discovered was very disturbing.  I read Pence’s web site while he was Governor of Indiana (2013–2017).  On his web site was a glowing, detailed endorsement of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) which was my major concern with Cruz.  This was removed from the Website immediately after Pence was picked for VP.  Unknown to most of Americans who have their head permanently stuck inside the propaganda cannon we call TV, the TPP would have ceded US sovereignty to an unelected board of bureaucrats reporting to international banking and business interest subjugating the US Constitution under this globalist framework. The TPP would have controlled the movement of goods services and people and relegated the US Constitution to an historical foot note.  Even the passage of the fast track authorization for TPP in the Senate was done underhandedly.  Since the TPP is a treaty and not an agreement it is required to have a 2/3rds vote (66) in the senate—which they did not have– but the Republican-controlled senate changed this constitutional requirement to a simple majority vote of 51 calling this treaty an agreement.  Additionally, the agreement was held behind locked doors in the basement where none of the Senators could read this 5,544 page treaty prior to passage without special provisions.  You could not have a cell phone, take pictures or notes or have an aid accompany you.

NPR: “For any senator who wants to study the draft TPP language, it has been made available in the basement of the Capitol, inside a secure, soundproof room. There, lawmakers surrender their cellphones and other mobile devices. Any notes taken inside the room must be left in the room.

Only aides with high-level security clearances can accompany lawmakers. Members of Congress can’t ask outside industry experts or lawyers to analyze the language. They can’t talk to the public about what they read. And Brown says there’s no computer inside the secret room to look something up when there’s confusion. You just consult the USTR official.”

So for Pence to support TPP, either he is a moron, uninformed or he is a globalist.  Pence is no moron.

Then we have the case of General Michael Flynn (Trump’s National Security Adviser) who was forced to resign because he wasn’t entirely honest with VP Pence about talking to the Russians.  This is a bold-faced lie and used as cover to get rid of Flynn.  Why?  Because, yes Flynn did talk to the Russians, but that is his job. Now what did he say to the Russians?  Flynn deflected from any substantive talks and said that they could discuss with Trump and others once Trump was confirmed.  Nothing wrong here, but Flynn was forced out nonetheless.

It is important to note why Flynn is so important here.  Flynn was the General who outed Obama’s support for ISIS, and Flynn led that part of the deep state that refused to support ISIS.  Flynn’s leadership in this internal battle helped elect Trump and protect Trump, yet Trump thought nothing of throwing Flynn and his reputation under the bus.  Why?  I do not know, but what I do know is that the reason Trump gave for removing Flynn was a bold-faced lie.

Since the Flynn removal, Trump has moved closer to the position of the Neocons as evidenced when he used the exact same lie Obama did to attack Syria.  Trump lie #2.  Everyone including Trump knows that Assad did not release sarin gas on his own people, but that doesn’t matter for the narrative promulgated by the neocons and their sycophant press.  So now, Trump is seeming to look more acceptable to the Neocons but has alienated much of his base.    Trump has done a 180 on his support for NATO and is showing other signs of compromise on previously stated core values.  Trump’s selection of CIA Chief Mike Pompeo is very worrisome to say the least.

The true-blue Trump supporters are saying that Trump is playing –not 3D chess– but 64D chess, and we just can’t see the big picture.   While Trump is a great improvement over a Jeb or a Hillary and continues to deliver on some domestic promises, we cannot relax, we must continue the battle to reestablish this Republic and the Individual Rights our founding documents guarantee.

Stopping ISIS

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April  14, 2017

Fort Hood has put a boot on the ground for every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. A powerful memorial.

Though it is an admitted fact, the CIA built the tunnels we are now bombing with MOAB in Afghanistan, this is only a small piece of the larger puzzle that seems to confound the general public who has little knowledge or context that is not supplied by the MSM or the entertainment industry. Add to this the fact most Americans don’t read and have a very short attention span.

You may champion Trump’s bombing of the evil radical’s tunnels in Afghanistan, but when you add the other pieces of the puzzle, you might come to a different conclusion. What are the other pieces? They are that Al-Qaeda actually is just the name of a file at the FBI that means ‘the base’ and that Al-Qaeda was an invention of the USA. Ben Laden was funded by the CIA ($3 billion). The CIA gets much of its off the books funding from drug trafficking, thus it is no surprise US forces in Afghanistan are protecting the poppy fields; and opium production in Afghanistan has mushroomed from a small trickle to now providing 90% of the world’s opium since the US illegal and unconstitutional invasion of this sovereign country. ISIS has been funded, trained and armed by the USA, (Gen. Michael Flynn and others) ISIS is part of a US-backed Gladio-B operation used to destabilize the MENA (FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds and others). Gladio-A was used in Ukraine. The sarin gas in the 2013 attack was supplied from Libya by the US and delivered by US-backed rebel-fighters (Seymour Hersh, CIA operative Tosh Plumlee and others), though the US blamed Assad. Assad and Russia are the only ones protecting Christians in Syria. Prior to the US efforts to destabilize Syria, Muslims, Jews and Christians lived and worked in relative peace together in Syria for 200 years. The US-backed rebels have slaughtered some 300K innocent civilians mostly Christians. ISIS, et al. are just a US-proxy army carrying out a larger US Geopolitical strategy outlined in Zibig’s 1997 book entitled ‘The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives’. The US had a policy to destroy 7 countries in 5 years in the ME (see General Wesley Clark Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO). BTW this is all illegal and unconstitutional. The US cannot be trusted. The US is the greatest force for evil on the planet.

Most of the so-called radical extremists are grown and cultured in the 1000s of Wahhabi Madrassas funded by our best head-chopper pal Saudi Arabia.

How to defeat the radical extremists? Stop funding, arming and training them and then get rid of their major supporter, the House of Saud. Next, stop bombing the shit out of everyone, then stop destabilizing the MENA through regime change. By destroying Libya –for example—we have taken the lid off of Africa which ushered in a massive influx of refugees into the EU.

It’s all theater for public consumption, while the neocons get rich and the globalists get their larger geopolitical goals met. Stop being their fools. Now.

Rogue Nation

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 29, 2016

Rogue Nation

Rogue Nation

The Western Media act as the gatekeepers of information using two primary methods: Omission: They partially or completely ignore important information without which their consumers cannot make informed judgements. They are in effect the editor of the story they are selling. Propaganda: They use the many tools in the propagandists’ quiver such as the 42 primary logical fallacies, promotion of truth by authority not authority by truth, disinformation based on false assumptions and promulgate information that is fundamentally false and of course Hollywood. At the end of the day, you have a general population who believes the officially promulgated narrative which serves not the consumer’s interest but the interest of others.

So it is not surprising most Americans think Putin invaded Ukraine for example, not realizing it was their own State Department and CIA that orchestrated the violent takeover of a democratically elected government resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children. This is all well-documented, but cannot be found in the major media organs in the West. The techniques of this takeover in Ukraine are also well documented: Gladio B, Color Revolutions, NGOs, etc.

These same techniques were used by the US/NATO using Gladio A, the Arab Spring, etc… setting the entire MENA region on fire; resulting in the deaths of millions, and the total destruction of many nations in this area. Still most Americans blame this on the local people and on IS/ISIS/ISIL, etc. as their media have taught them to do. It is also a well-documented fact, that the US/NATO, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey and Qatar have armed, trained and funded IS/ISIS/ISIL for use as their covert proxy army to give them plausible deniability. They pretend to fight ISIS, while at the same time supporting ISIS.

The media have kept this important information from most of their consumers, but they have not been successful hiding the US/NATO actions from the likes of Russia and China and others. All have watched in horror as the leader of the so called ‘Free World’ has uncloaked in front of them, revealing a chilling unchecked duplicity and villainy with no respect for human life, national borders, international law or even the laws of their own countries. The result is that while Russia and China once believed that they could engage in arms-length transactions, build trust and a workable relationship over time; all this has now been shattered by the actions of the US and its vassal states in tow. A great opportunity has been lost.

Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US, they no longer dream of a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid, rogue nation; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down.

Obama is killer #1 (Проект 60sec №220. Акция: “Обама киллер №1”)

What China really thinks. Translated from Mandarin…
Russia snubbed from exclusive Western circle
Source:Global Times Published: 2016-4-9 0:58:01

Additional Reading …

Financing the Head-Choppers

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 28, 2016


The White Side of the Daesh Coin: House of Saud

Now, to be fair, not all Muslims want to chop your head off or rape your five year old daughter. I have known and continue to know many Muslims that are excellent, upstanding citizens and good friends. What we are witnessing however is the spread of Black Daesh (via the White Daesh), Wahhabism and of course Sharia. So, where does this come from? Mostly from our good pals in Saudi Arabia. How so? Whelp, these head-choppers in Saudi Arabia have built thousands of their madrassahs all across the Western world with our oil money. These madrassahs spread this virulent form of Islam en masse. Our actions in MENA (Middle East, North Africa) have also contributed. How many of these countries have we destroyed so far? I’ve lost count.

Documented Fact: The USA has funded, trained and armed al-Qaeda and ISIS. The USA also supports and protects the major progenitor of this violence, Saudi Arabia. We also know that Muslims, Jews and Christians have lived and worked side by side in relative peace in Syria for over 200 years until the USA decided they wanted to impose regime change and get rid of Assad. Why? Because the House of Saud did not like Assad, and because Assad wanted to build a pipeline that would supply the Western European market which would have cut in on Saudi Arabia’s profits. There is much more to this story, but we, the USA, need to own our role. Where do you think all the Christians in Syria came from that ISIS murdered? They were protected by Assad until the USA unleashed its proxy army called ISIS on Syria. So the reality is that the USA –a Christian nation by tradition–is funding, arming and training those who are killing Christians. We should be asking why.


The Rape of Western Europe

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 13, 2016

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany

Looks like Europe is having a Rape-Fest all around and the police are trying their best to cover all this up.   Let us not forget why the refugees are in Europe in the first place, eh? The US and NATO have destroyed Libya, Syria and caused much mayhem in many other countries in MENA (Middle East & North Africa). It’s a massive human tragedy that we created!!! These people have no place to go!! So our overlords created this problem, and now they are making it worse by letting these people enter their countries un-vetted, not knowing a darned thing about them (just like Obama).   And what is not being reported is the massive number of little girls who are being raped by these same people in the Refugee Camps.  What child should have to face this?  Many so-called refugees are in fact ISIS fighters supported by US/NATO that had their asses kicked by Putin.  And now these refugees and ISIS fighters are having a rape fest and scaring the crap out of the helpless, unarmed people in Europe. Next, the European Union will need to come in and save the day. How? By increasing the power of the police state. This is the oldest hoax in the books if you are a government leader. It’s called PROBLEM > REACTION > SOLUTION.  It’s that simple.  You will see this same technique used over and over again and we fall for it each and every time begging our overlords to save us… and they do… at a price.

Get ready for the invasion of Europe at the request of their leaders no less. With leaders like these who needs enemies? Of course the informed know that this is part of the globalist’s plan to usher in their unworkable Utopia of a one-world government. Once the interlopers have decimated what is left of Europe, the globalists will save the day and dispatch these Islamic Pirates to Allah. America, don’t feel too special even though you are protected by an ocean. Your overlords are shipping them in via airplane and through the Southern border. The idea in their own words is to remove the Nation-State and that means you America. Question: Is there enough testosterone left in Europe and America to quell these soft slow-moving coup d’états?

DRUDGE REPORT: GERMAN OFFICIAL: 10 Million More Migrants Headed for Europe…

The Arabic gang-rape ‘Taharrush’ phenomenon which sees women surrounded by groups of men in crowds and sexually assaulted… and has now spread to Europe

On the very useful and orchestrated hatred of Muslims

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Dec 14, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

I cannot and do not dispute any quotes found in the Quran.  I cannot and do not dispute any of the horrible violence committed by Muslims, nor do I condone any of this violence.  I cannot and do not dispute that much or all of this violence can be justified by what is found in the Quran.  The Quran is full of contradictions. There is nice stuff in the Quran and there is violence in the Quran.  The context of which I speak is that most of the violence we see on the world stage today has been financed and supported by the USA and Saudi Arabia and most of the Islamic violence sources from Wahhabism which is spread by the 1,000s of madrasas funded and supported by our major alley in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia.  The USA has funded, trained and armed al-Qaeda and ISIS. This is not my opinion, this is a documented fact.  The USA also supports and protects the major progenitor of this violence, Saudi Arabia.  We also know that Muslims, Jews and Christians have lived and worked side by side in relative peace in Syria for over 200 years until the USA decided they wanted to impose regime change and get rid of Assad.  Why?  Because the House of Saud did not like Assad, and because Assad wanted to build a pipeline that would supply the Western European market which would have cut in on Saudi Arabia’s profits.  There is much more to this story, but we, the USA, need to own our role.  Where do you think all the Christians in Syria came from that ISIS murdered? They were protected by Assad until the USA unleashed its proxy army called ISIS on Syria.  So the reality is that the USA –a Christian nation by tradition–is funding, arming and training those who are killing Christians.  We should be asking why.

Related Videos:

Bush Military Official: The Empire’s Ship is Sinking

Jay Dyer on the Paris Attacks, ISIS, and Anglo-American Support of Radical Islam

Gladio and the Creation of Geopolitical Chaos: “Gangs and ‘Counter Gangs” in Europe, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Now in Syria

Why Does The “War on Terror” Serve Western Policy?

By Jay Dyer | Monday, July 20, 2015


Peter O’Toole as British Intelligence agent, T.E. Lawrence

From Benghazi to Turkey, the ISIS “supply lines” are directly from NATO-controlled territory, and apparently it never occurs to the minds of western media to ask where, in fact, the so-called Islamic State obtains their arms.  The reason for this is obvious, as it would demonstrate that the Islamic State is not a homegrown, indigenous Wahhabist extremist group, but western creation, funded and aided like Al Qaeda since its inception, as Carter and Brzezinski openly discussed.  Not much has changed in the international terror theater since 1979, save the targets.  Counterpunch noted over a decade ago:

“Q: The former director of the CIA, Robert Gates, stated in his memoirs [“From the Shadows”], that American intelligence services began to aid the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan 6 months before the Soviet intervention. In this period you were the national security adviser to President Carter. You therefore played a role in this affair. Is that correct?

Brzezinski: Yes. According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. And that very day, I wrote a note to the president in which I explained to him that in my opinion this aid was going to induce a Soviet military intervention.”

Concerning the aiding and funding of the updated Mujahideen-Al Qaeda-ISIS brand, Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns by  Tony Cartalucci.

The London Telegraph would report in their 2013 article, “CIA ‘running arms smuggling team in Benghazi when consulate was attacked’,” that:

“[CNN] said that a CIA team was working in an annex near the consulate on a project to supply missiles from Libyan armouries to Syrian rebels.”

Weapons have also come from Eastern Europe, with the New York Times reporting in 2013 in their article, “Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With Aid From C.I.A.,” that:

“From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.”

And while Western media sources continuously refer to ISIS and other factions operating under the banner of Al Qaeda as “rebels” or “moderates,” it is clear that if billions of dollars in weapons were truly going to “moderates,” they, not ISIS would be dominating the battlefield.

Recent revelations have revealed that as early as 2012 the United States Department of Defense not only anticipated the creation of a “Salafist Principality” straddling Syria and Iraq precisely where ISIS now exists, it welcomed it eagerly and contributed to the circumstances required to bring it about.”

In terms of foreign policy, the target with ISIS is still Syria, as Washington elites have expounded through their Brookings Institute discussion of June 24, a rebound from the failed attempt by John Kerry to drum up support for war with Syria that fell flat due to the exposure of the laughable false flag “chlorine attack” propaganda pinned on Assad.  Now ISIS is both the means and the raison d’etre for invading and saving Syria, in the classic problem-reaction-solution strategy the West never tires from enacting in the global “freedom” war.


Acting far inferior to Peter O’Toole.

The endless, eternal war on terror is a contrived strategy of tension the Atlanticist establishment has used for over a hundred years, dating back to the exploits of Harry St. John Philby, T.E. Lawrence and the British carving up of the Middle East and special relationship with Saudi Arabia.  As mentioned, nothing has changed in the last century, other than the focal point of the terror attacks, as the Middle East must constantly be broken up, destabilized and reorganized into “micro-nations” more amenable to Washington’s corrupt corporate and ideological expansionist domination.  Recent so-called “terror events” are merely dots on the long timeline of terror, a scripted narrative designed to remodel the American landscape as much as the Middle East, according to D.C. think tank machinations.

Saudi Arabia, is of course one of the world’s chief funders of terror, operating as a proxy for the western elites.  Jordan, Qatar, the UAE, Oman, Bahrain and Kuwait are all “Gulf Cooperation nations,” arising from the aegis of the British Empire, and adopted under the U.S. empire.  And what is constantly forgotten is the origin of this cadre’s alignment of the West through oil production was not merely the result of OPEC and Kissinger, it was in fact organized by Bilderberg: It was Bilderberg that organized the 70s OPEC oil debacle.  Isn’t it curious the GCC pro-terror states are also western-supplying oil states?  Citing William F. Engdahl in his A Century of War, Andrew Gavin Marshall writes:

“One enormous consequence of the ensuing 400 percent rise in OPEC oil prices was that investments of hundreds of millions of dollars by British Petroleum, Royal Dutch Shell [both present at Bilderberg] and other Anglo-American petroleum concerns in the risky North Sea could produce oil at a profit,” as “the profitability of these new North Sea oilfields was not at all secure until after the OPEC price rises.”  In 2001, the former Saudi representative to OPEC, Sheik Ahmed Yamani, said, “’I am 100 percent sure that the Americans were behind the increase in the price of oil. The oil companies were in real trouble at that time, they had borrowed a lot of money and they needed a high oil price to save them.” When he was sent by King Faisal to the Shah of Iran in 1974, the Shah said that it was Henry Kissinger who wanted a higher price for oil.” (136-7)


Heartland versus Rimland

In other words, war is a racket, as General Smedley Butler famously stated, and the new “War on Terror” (TM) of our day is not new, but an updated version of the old British strategy of staving off Russia.   Little has changed a century later, as the major power bloc of the West, the Atlanticists still charge forward according to the Mackinder Heartland doctrine that the western merchant/banking sea power must dominate and control the Eurasian “heartland” to ensure no Eastern rivalry.  Through the export of Opium, China was subjugated, and through export of Marxism, both China and Russia experienced the havoc of western-born ideological materialism.

It is precisely this same utilitarian Anglo-empiricist, pragmatist philosophy that has ultimately turned on its own populace in a parasitical fashion unheard of for past empires.  Promising sensual and economic utopia, the Bolshevik export to Russia on the part of the Atlantic banking power is not the top-down social engineering strategy of the corporate elite upon the U.S. population itself.  The great delusion is that the West is “free,” when it is entering the realm of greater enslavement than Sovietism experienced.  The only difference is the foolish western populace cannot grasp their enslavement is at the hands of Marxist corporations

The central banks, the Fortune 100 and their shareholders love cultural Marxism and command and control, socialist economic models because it is the quickest way to consolidate wealth and transfer the actually valuable assets to the controlling oligarchy.   In such a system, the opposition will inevitably all be titled “terrorists,” as the appellation is already being extended beyond radical Islamists.  And after it extends beyond the average person, the conditioning will be so strong that any thoughts, words, actions or potential-pre-crime actions will also follow under the elastic notion of “terror.”

Terrorism is thus a social weapon, not of indigenous, individual “actors” and lone wolves, but stage managed dupes, patsies and tools of an international oligarchical cartel, as Orwell demonstrated in 1984 with the fictional villain of Immanuel Goldstein.  Indeed, who funds these groups? (We saw who, above).  The most obvious fact of the contradiction of the “War on Terror” (TM) is that it almost always works to further Washington’s domestic and geopolitical aims.  Terror, then, is like Trotsky’s notion of perpetual war – perpetual war on the psyche of the globe (it’s a global war on terror), as a phase in the dialectical convergence on the path to global government.  That is why terrorism serves western political aims.

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