by DAVID BROWN | | October 29, 2014
While it is no secret that the CIA gets much of its off-budget and out of sight money from trafficking illegal drugs; what is sometimes missed is the financial help the CIA receives from the likes of George Soros and Pierre Omidyar: billionaire founder of eBay, PayPal, the Alt news publication the ‘Intercept’ and BTW Glenn Greewald’s boss. Both of these shady characters have motives hidden from public view.
For example Pierre Omidyar and George Soros provided financial assistance to the CIA’s recent takeover of Ukraine by funding and backing neo-Nazis. This is nothing new for Soros since as a boy he is on record helping Hitler. ‘George Soros Says He Feels No Remorse For Collaborating With Nazis During WWII to Send His Fellow Jews to the Death Camps, Steal Their Property’.
Pierre Omidyar’s publication called The Intercept is an online publication launched in February 2014 by First Look Media, the news organization created and funded with a $250m check from Pierre. And who heads up this alternative news outlet? None other than Glenn Greenwald of Edward Snowden fame. And the roots run deeper, Pierre was key in assisting the CIA’s takedown of Julian Assange’s Wikileaks. So now we see there are some interesting connections between the CIA, Pierre, Glenn Greenwald and Edward Snowden.
Below, you will find more meddling in Brazil by George Soros and his pals at the CIA. And of course when the CIA shows up there is usually a convenient political death by plane crash. My political advice: If you know the CIA doesn’t like you, stay away from planes. Get a ride by donkey, burro or bicycle.

Soros and the CIA Now Banking on Neves to Defeat Rousseff
The Snowden Connection