by DAVID BROWN | | December 10, 2014
CLEARNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin
by Joseph Plummer (December 19, 2008)
Note: there is an updated third edition dated 2011
Paperback: 175 pages
Available at Amazon and other book resellers
The information contained in ‘Dishonest Money’ is critical to any accurate understanding of money and banking, period. Having studied these topics for years, I am familiar with most of what Mr. Plummer discusses, but I have yet to see all the disparate pieces of this –sometimes confusing—puzzle come together so nicely in one easy to read and easy to understand book. It is easy and
understandable because Mr. Plummer takes you step by step in a very thoughtful process meant to communicate not impress. ‘Dishonest Money’ will surly help even the expert clear out a few cobwebs and misunderstandings while being extremely approachable to the novice.
In my view, ‘Dishonest Money’ should be a vital part of any standard curriculum in public / private schools and universities interested in educating their students. With this knowledge in the hands or rather the minds of the public, the Central bankers would likely never have another restful night’s sleep and would be looking over their shoulders with every step they take.
Other Plummer Books I recommend:
- Tragedy and Hope 101
- Leaving the Illusion
Editorial Reviews of ‘Dishonest Money’ …
“An excellent job of condensing a large and complicated topic.”
-G. Edward Griffin, author of The Creature from Jekyll Island
“A great book on the private Federal Reserve…you can’t put it down.”
-Alex Jones,
“A well-researched, well-written, user-friendly guidebook to how billions of people are being exploited and what we need to do about it. This is a major contribution to what is needed, highly recommended.”
-Foster Gamble, creator of THRIVE
“Understanding the Federal Reserve System has never been easier. A must read!”
-George Shepherd, Republic Magazine
“If someone is new to the subject and wants to get up to speed quickly on the Federal Reserve, Joe Plummer’s book is a great place to start, because he’s made the complicated both clear and concise.”
-Jim Babka, President of Downsize DC
“This could be the most important book you read in your lifetime! Succinct and illuminating, after reading this, you will possess the knowledge of history’s greatest scam. Read this book. Get your family to read this book. I can’t over emphasize this book’s import.”
-Mark Edge, host of Free Talk Live
After reading ‘Dishonest Money’, a good follow on would be G. Edward Griffin’s ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’

Below is a video of Mr. Griffin discussing ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’.