Tag Archives: family

On the matter of man, woman and the family

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | November 12, 2019

It’s been my observation that women are at the heart of our culture and civilization. Women magically transform a house into a home and sit at the seat of a healthy, happy family –which is a fundamental building block of what I consider society. So from my perspective, where the women goes; so goes society.

Now in the patriarchal society of Western Christendom, there have been many abuses against women which our modern societies have attempted to correct. From my perspective, this attempted correction has been an abysmal failure on many counts but not all. In our rush for egalitarian perfection, we have ignored the fundamental physical, mental and emotional differences between male and female; and many have wondered why we should value the physically stronger male at all.

Not too long ago, man’s successful interface with the world depended on the physical as much –or more– than the intellectual; and so, it was up to the physically stronger male to offer safety and protection to the physically weaker female. For this arrangement, there was a contract: the contract said that if the male would protect the female, the female would build a home and provide children for the home. In today’s technical society, we still need the physical strength of the male for certain tasks, but this value proposition has been greatly depreciated.

So on the road to correct our patriarchal abuses, we have gained some parity in terms of self-determination for the female, but we have lost much in terms of our fundamental building block of society we call the family. We have lost a fundamental respect for the position the matriarch holds in building a strong, happy and healthy family. We have thrown her out into the streets to fend for herself and we have turned her into an object of sex for sex’s sake only. Innocence and virtue no longer have lasting value, but to be consumed on demand; and to be degraded. Her fertile womb from which the family springs has been turned into a death chamber for our next generation. Our naive and short-sighted rush for equality convinced us infanticide is a reasonable choice for family planning.

We have lost our wholesomeness, our innocence and our commitment to the idea of one man, one woman and one family.

We have shirked our responsibility; we fail to take ownership of our actions, and so we are turned over to our own devices and avarice.

Like cackling hyenas over a recent kill, we feast at the hoax sold to us as sexual freedom and equality, we choose death over life, debauchery over love and are left howling into the vast existential abyss of meaninglessness — without our families.

Incrementalism and the Destruction of the American family

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | July 14, 2019

If you are like me, you believe in ‘live and let live’ so you really didn’t care what consenting adults did in the privacy of their own homes as long as they were not harming anyone, especially children. We thought that we could give in to this so called gay agenda and leave them to their own devices. But this was not enough. We now find this was the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent. Now –to our amazement and shock– we discover –perhaps too late– the camel is sleeping comfortably in the tent and we are left out in the elements with no protection from the cold, heat and the rain. This is astounding when we consider the percent of the population claiming to be LGBT is only 4.5% and those identifying as transgender are a tiny 0.6%. So why then has such a tiny minority been able to set the national agenda and steam-roller over all the rest of us without so much as a whimper? A: Normalizing the LGBT life-style has been promulgated through our print and news media, our universities and public school systems and glamorized in our entertainment media; non-stop and unabated for years. The cumulative impact has devastated our youth and our culture. This is no mistake, but a carefully planned agenda; well-financed to fundamentally transform our culture into something unrecognizable only a few decades ago. Our youth will grow up in this environment thinking these new life-styles are normal and the way it has always has been. What will be the impact? The continued destruction of the family and the atomizing of the American public into discrete units, easily controllable and manipulated. The next phase in this decadent, family-destroying agenda has already begun as our media promote the sexualization of our children. It is time to stop being a door mat and kick the camel out of the tent.

Unconditional Love? Does it exist?

David Brown Pic SnapShotWhat is unconditional love? It’s love with no conditions, of course, which is close to impossible to attain if you carry this out to some theoretical level of the absurd. But for general parlance, we can all understand the useful idea of unconditional love. For example, you may love your wife or your kids unconditionally, but there are obvious conditional connections going on there; and you may love all humanity or nature but then how do these lofty constructs gain any real emotional juice or practical application?

For me, my parents represented good examples of unconditional love. Sure, they would beat my ‘bo-hinny’ if I stepped out of line, but they were always there and always cared through thick or thin. Another example, is the idea of the Goodly Shepard who would leave his entire flock of let’s say 100 sheep or so to go find and rescue that one unique, black little sheep that had wandered away from the flock, slipped off the side of a cliff and was hopelessly trapped, surely to die of exposure or in the jowls of a hungry wolf.   If you have ever been that black sheep, and if someone has ever rescued you for no good reason, then you know what unconditional love feels like.  Feels pretty darned good.

Unconditional love, when you receive it, changes you profoundly and forever. It means you are special and uniquely valuable just because you are you. You are not just a series of electro-chemical reactions in the material world. You are more. You have value. This unconditional love deeply binds ethics and character into the individual, it binds the family unit together, which in turn binds society and produces a better world for all of us to live in.

This is why it is important to realize that the small human we call a fetus is not just a blob of protoplasm to be discarded as you would an abscessed tooth, long finger nails or unkempt hair.  And this is why it is important to revere, honor and respect our elderly, even if they can no longer contribute financially to the economy. If we want a better world to live in, we must start by being better people to live with; and for me, unconditional love is a good place to start.

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Prince Ea “LOVE” (Everything you have been told was a lie)

If Al, Jessie, Barry, Eric & the media really cared about Blacks


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | August 22, 2014

If Al, Jessie, Barry, Eric & the media really cared about Blacks, they would be concerned about Blacks with no father: 72.3% of blacks have no father. This was not true during the 60’s before the government insinuated itself into the black family substituting itself for the father. In 1960 the illegitimacy rate in the black community was 2.3%–then the Great Society started.