Tag Archives: David Rockefeller

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | September 05, 2016

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller's father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller’s father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

An important whitepaper by K. L. Roberts posted on Cryptome.org and linked below provides the names, companies, organizations, locations and interlocking relationships of our current batch of human predators; updating us on some details where Sutton and Quigley left off.  This is a story of how transnational powers continue to subsume rights of the individual the US Constitution is designed to protect –under the cloak of secrecy– using hijacked government powers, extra-constitutional agreements, treaties and tribunals.  This document clearly demonstrates how the Deep State operates beyond the view or control of the citizens of this great country.  These powers that shouldn’t be appear to the public as being very separate institutions, but this is an illusion. It is interesting to compare the close physical proximity of these players to each other –within 1.5 miles—as was done extensively by Antony C. Sutton in his book Wall Street and FDR with no fewer than 75 references to 120 Broadway.   Roberts does this clearly with maps. You can learn a lot from documenting the physical locations of those operating clandestinely as Sutton and Mae Brussell have shown in their excellent work.  Much synergy can be accomplished by our natural predators from rubbing shoulders at the ‘water cooler’ so to speak; none of which need be documented.   One of the more interesting topics includes new information on the previously unknown “public-private partnership” organization known as the DSAC, or Domestic Security Alliance Council and what they are up to.  This white paper demonstrates the nexus of the following in clear, easy to understand charts and tables:

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and NAFTA
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • The Business Roundtable (BRT)
  • The American Bankers Association (ABA)
  • The US Chamber of Commerce (USCoC)
  • Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
  • Manhattan Institute (MI)

Don’t forget to read Roberts’ great appendixes at the end.  Enjoy!

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy
By K. L. Roberts

Here are a few good quotes from this whitepaper…

“. . .all the physical and conceptual walls associated with the modern, sovereign state—the walls that divide domestic from international, the police from the military, intelligence from law enforcement, war from peace, and crime from war—are coming down.” –The Manhattan Institute

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”  –Attributed (incorrectly) to Benito Mussolini’s Encyclopedia Italiana article, but nevertheless true

“The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” –Charles Baudelaire

Excerpt from the whitepaper …. “We’ll see that these corporations have long cultivated an intimate relationship with the Executive branch (that is, the Presidency ) of the United States, as well as with the NSA and (previously unknown) FBI mass-surveillance programs. And we’ll also see that they are a key force behind the “trade accord” known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Chris Hedges calls “the most brazen corporate power grab in American history.”

Because it would be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees even in this sort of simplified account, it should be stated clearly that the “brazen corporate power grab” Hedges is talking about is, incredibly, like something straight out of a Bond movie: the CEOs and bankers involved are seeking nothing less than total global political, economic, and military control by the owners of transnational corporations and banks.

If it passes, the TPP will hand over to them a big chunk of what they want on a silver platter.

On now to the anatomy and physiology of the more domestic side of the nexus, the engineers of this mad power grab. Hold on to your hat. You are about to experience one wild ride into terra incognita.”  –K.L. Roberts


posted by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 28, 2016

Important interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts by Dr. Julian Charles
(Published on Saturday, 28 May 2016 21:24)

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

from The Mind Renewed

“Remain” or “Leave”? What does the UK’s EU Referendum—scheduled 23rd June—really amount to? Is it simply the opportunity for UK citizens to decide if Britain should stay in the European Union? Or is it something of greater significance, with broader and more serious implications? And just what is this thing called the EU anyway?

Joining us, once again, to discuss these questions is Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former US Assistant Secretary to the Treasury for Ecomonic Policy, who explains the EU’s beginnings as a project of the CIA, and assesses its current role as as an anti-democratic tool of corporate control. Whether or not a majority “leave” vote will actually lead to Brexit, Dr. Roberts argues that a decisive rejection of EU membership by UK citizens could embolden other EU member states to follow suit, thus precipitating the break-up of NATO, and in turn, bringing an end to Washington’s crazy designs for a New World Order.

TMR 145 : Dr. Paul Craig Roberts : Vote Brexit – End the EU, a CIA Covert Operation


The Art of Propaganda

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 27, 2015

Eleanor Clift

Eleanor Clift

This article is a good, teachable moment for discovering –for yourself– the clever methods and techniques of propaganda …

Many who read the article below by Elenor Clift entitled ‘Behind the Man Who Outed Clinton’s Cash’, may get a sense of Clift’s honesty and truthfulness –and she may very well be all of those things; however, what perhaps is a bit less obvious is that this article is laced with sugar-coated propaganda; which, if you don’t have your ‘bull-shit protector’ on, can go undetected into the mind’s vast archive of unexamined assumptions; which are indeed, and in fact completely erroneous. This is how propaganda works. You mix some truth with some lies and feed it to the population.

I am a Peter Schweizer fan and greatly admire his amazing work in investigating our permanent political class and their financial malfeasance, bribery and outright theft. He has a long history of going after both the Democrats and the Republicans without prejudice. This fact is well known to those familiar with Schweizer’s work.

Ms. Clift makes some good points: like it took both the NYT and 60 Minutes to expose Schweitzer’s great research on insider dealing by our elected officials. Congress would do nothing to stop this corruption until they were exposed by these two MSM spigots.

To get an idea of the thick propaganda laced throughout this article, here is just one syrupy example…

“It’s a mistake for the Clinton campaign to write off conservative author Peter Schweizer as a right-wing hack. It won’t work, and it’s not true. If he were as off-base as the campaign and its allies portray him, would a high-quality publication like The New York Times risk its reputation by partnering with him? And would Common Cause, the gold standard for good-government groups, which is currently chaired by former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich, be calling for an independent review that would be made public of all large donations to the Clinton Foundation?

What’s wrong with the above paragraph by Ms. Clift? “… high-quality publication like The New York Times risk its reputation by partnering with him?”  Now it is crystal clear to anyone educated in history that the NYT has anything but a good reputation and has used the illusion of its good reputation to carry the water for many an evil and corrupt government. You can start with the NYT hiding the massive genocide of the Ukrainians by Stalin: some 10 million souls lost on that lie. This is not my opinion but a documented fact. In another example and there are many, David Rockefeller thanked the NYT for hiding the truth from the American people below:

“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

He went on to explain:

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.”

–David Rockefeller 1991

Peter Schweizer’s book, Throw Them All Out, was published in 2011 and we are just now recognizing its importance? Why did it take the MSM so long?

If you read Ms. Cliff’s entire article you can barely find a sentence or paragraph without some deception or propaganda mixed in. The problem is that if you are not aware of this, you can read the entire article and think wow, if the NYT risked its reputation to publicize this then it must be true. Well Schweizer’s work stands on its own and is true with or without the NYT. The fact is, the NYT has zero credibility and has caused itself to be used by the Anglo-American establishment since its inception.

The information on the Clinton’s corruption has been out in public for a very long time. This is not news. So the real question is: Why has the establishment decided to gut Hillary now?

04.27.155:15 AM ET
Behind the Man Who Outed Clinton’s Cash
Author Peter Schweizer may be a conservative, but that doesn’t mean his investigations don’t have merit, and his allegations won’t stick.
by Eleanor Clift

Note: Eleanor Clift covers politics for The Daily Beast.  A regular panelist on the McLaughlin Group, she has also appeared as herself in several movies, including “Dave,” “Independence Day,” “Rising Sun,” “1600 Pennsylvania Avenue,” and the CBS sit-com, “Murphy Brown.”