Tag Archives: CFR

The True Story of The Bilderberg Group

Posted September 29, 2024 – for those who read

The True Story of The Bilderberg Group
The North American Union Edition by Daniel Estulin

The True Story of The Bilderberg Group | The North American Union Edition by Daniel Estulin |  Published February 22 2009 |Pages: 385 (Paperback)

ClearNFO: Daniel Estulin provides a well-researched exploration into the agendas and organizations of those who seek absolute rule over earth’s human and natural resources.  Mr. Estulin’s careful research provides a compelling composite view using primary documents, his own personal experience and the groundwork of pioneering scholars like Carroll Quigley, Antony C. Sutton, and many others.   

This book exposes the power centers, their structures and methods operating at a stratum where the nation-state is merely another piece on the global chessboard to be moved and manipulated unrestrained by any conventional morality or empathy for any person or anything that may stand in their way.  

Delving into a world once shrouded in complete mystery and impenetrable security, this investigative report provides a fascinating account of the annual meetings of the world’s most powerful people—the Bilderberg Group. Since its inception in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the small Dutch town of Oosterbeek, the Bilderberg Group has been comprised of European prime ministers, American presidents, and the wealthiest CEOs of the world, all coming together to discuss the economic and political future of humanity. The working press has never been allowed to attend, nor have statements ever been released on the attendees’ conclusions or discussions, which have ramifications on the citizens of the world. Using methods that resemble the spy tactics of the Cold War—and in several instances putting his own life on the line—the author did what no one else has managed to achieve: he learned what was being said behind the closed doors of the opulent hotels and has made it available to the public. This second edition includes an entirely new chapter and updated information on topics such as an earlier attempt to break up Canada and the portents of a North American union.

-Excerpt from page 23 –

No matter where you look – government, big business and any other institution seeking to exercise power – their key to control is secrecy. Meetings such as those of the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (IECD), the G8, World Trade Organization, World Economic Forum, Central Banks, the European Union Council of Ministers and the EU Commission, EU summits, government cabinet meetings, numerous think tanks, etc. are always conducted behind closed doors. The only possible reason for this is that “they” don’t want you and me to know what they are discussing.  That well-worn excuse for keeping things under wraps – “Its is not in the public’s interest” – really means that it is not in the interest of the institutions in power for the public to know what they are discussing and deciding. 

Beyond this common reluctance to reveal the proceedings of meetings the secrecy principle extends to the forums and meetings themselves’ i.e. by and large, we don’t even know meetings are taking place, let alone what is being planned and discussed in them.  “There’s the World Economic Forum at Davos in January/February, the Bilderberg and G8 meetings in April/May, and the IMF/World Bank annual conference in September.  A kind of international consensus emerges and is carried over from one meeting to the next.   But no one’s really leading it.  This consensus becomes the background for G8 economic Communiqués; it becomes what informs the IMF when it imposes an adjustment programme on Argentina; and it becomes what the U.S. president proposes to Congress”

Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | June 10, 2018

The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:

Level 1:  Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.

Continue reading

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | June 04, 2017

Truth Fears No Questions

With the aid of the internet and the great research provided by Quigley, Sutton and Perloff, the real history of WWII can now be told, and it does make a difference.

Feb 13, 1945: Firebombing of Dresden

Over the years, I’ve been asked for my take on World War II many times. I’ve mostly avoided this topic only giving hints at my perspective (warning that it’s not what it appears) until I had time to properly sequence the events in light of the new information I had learned from reading the well-researched and documented writings of Quigley, Sutton and Perloff.   So in lieu of my reasoned opinion based on the more recent and accurate context provided by the three gentlemen above, I offer up two interviews and discussions between Tim Kelly and James Perloff and Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill (below).  To supplement this, consider reading the following relatively short books:

The Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

And Antony C. Sutton’s trilogy:

  1. Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists.
  2. Wall Street and FDR
  3. Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler
  4. And watching James’ excellent lecture (found on YouTube) entitled ‘The Shadows of Power; the CFR and decline of America

You can also find James Perloff’s book on this same topic entitled ‘The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline

To round-out your understanding of World War II, it is highly desirable –once you have read the above—to read Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf‘ to get a complete view of the context. You will discover what you have been told by the American education system and the corporate media is a total and complete fabrication. The only way to defeat our masters is to defeat the mythology they have placed in our heads.

Holocaust Encyclopedia
The Witness Tree by Brendan Howley & John J. Loftus

12/22/21: Update.. Since so many of the videos below have been deleted, I’m posting this recent interview here:  Timothy Kelly podcast episode: “E. Michael Jones on the Holocaust Narrative

EPISODE DESCRIPTION: Dr. E. Michael Jones returns to Our Interesting Time to discuss his article in this December’s Culture Wars “Dachau for Dummies: A Review of The Defeated.” We also talk about last month’s election in Virginia and how the oligarchs’ attempt to impose centralized technocratic control is revitalizing States’ Rights and undermining the legitimacy of the American Empire. 

Dr. Jones is the editor of Culture Wars magazine and the author of several books including Logos Rising: A History of Ultimate Reality and the recently released second edition of The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History.

Mike King on the The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About World War Two by Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly

James Perloff on the Myths of the “Good War”

Published on Jun 3, 2017
James Perloff returns to Our Interesting Times with Tim Kelly to discuss his presentation on the Second World War. We talk about several myths of the “Good War” and why a revisionist interpretation of that event is long overdue and necessary to avoid another global conflagration.

James is the author of several books including Shadows of Power and Truth is a Lonely Warrior. His website is jamesperloff.com

Powers & Principalities Episode 30 (Published on Dec 15, 2017)
The Real Winston Churchill by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

Tim Kelly interviews Germar Rudolf on the Holocaust (Published on Feb 25, 2017)
Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer

Germar Rudolf joins the show to discuss his research regarding the Holocaust and share his experience as a revisionist researcher, writer and lecturer on that topic. We discuss what Holocaust revisionism is and what it is not and we talk about some of the evidence that indicates the official narrative of the Holocaust is a gross distortion of history. Later we talk about the migrant crisis in Europe and demographic winter that is enveloping the entire industrialized world. Germar Rudolf was born in Limburg, Germany. He studied chemistry at Bonn University, where he graduated in 1989. From 1990-1993 he prepared a German PhD thesis at the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in conjunction with the University of Stuttgart, Germany. During this time Rudolf prepared an expert report on chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz, The Rudolf Report. He is the founder of the small revisionist outlet, Castle Hill Publishers. He has published several books including Dissecting the Holocaust, Lectures on the Holocaust and Resistance is Obligatory. Germar’s website is germarrudolf.com *Please consider a donation to support this podcast.



False flags do not stand alone. They are better understood – and more credibly explained to skeptics – when seen in history’s context.

Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler by Tim Kelly (published July 1, 2017; Length – 1:50:28)

The Morgenthau Plan: The Final Solution to the German Question (Published on Mar 3, 2018) Powers & Principalities: Episode 41 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

The true origins of the German National Socialism (Published on Mar 31, 2018)
Powers & Principalities: Episode 45 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

More on this topic …

James Perloff: Hitler vs. the Elite Cabal of International Bankers

The Myth Of German Culpability
The 2nd World War
The True Sequence Of Aggression
By Michael Walsh

Chol0cau$t Denial Laws & Free Speech  (Published on Aug 11, 2018) 
Powers and Principalities: Episode 64 by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” –Voltaire


One Third of the Holocaust


(added on 1/19/22): Mike King’s ‘The Bad War’…

The Bad War: The Truth NEVER Taught About World War II (text)
Monika Schaefer on Truth and Justice for Germany
Our Interesting Times (1/19/23)
By Timothy Kelly

Monika Schaefer joins Our Interesting Times to discuss her activism on behalf of Holocaust revisionism and justice for the German people who have been subjected to decades psychological warfare. We talk about the many inconsistencies, contradictions and lies which constitute the ever-changing Holocaust narrative and the necessity for promoting truth in our public discourse.

Monika is a musician and child of German immigrants who re-located to Canada in 1959. Her family stayed connected to “the old country” observing German traditions at home while assimilating into Canadian society. She has devoted much of her adult life to raising public consciousness regarding the crimes committed against Germany in the past century and promoting justice for the German people. Her primary website is Truth and Justice for Germans Society.

Updated 4/27/2023:

Updated 3/1/2023: As you can see many of the videos above have been removed.


NIST and the 9/11 coverup

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 24, 2017

One must ask why the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) would hide the truth from the American people, making NIST and its leadership accessories after the fact in a crime conducted by elements within America’s own government. The need and desirability of this ‘New Pearl Harbor’ event was presaged by a US think tank in 1997 called the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); and in articles from the Council on Foreign Relations’ (CFR) publication called Foreign Affairs.  Smelling a rat in the preposterous NIST report, 2,841 Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth banded together to present conclusive evidence that the 9/11 Commission Report’s conclusions are simply a physical impossibility; in short, the official story is a complete fabrication by the US Government.

To make matters worse for this official myth,  a former NIST employee presents additional damning evidence 9/11 was an inside job;   but it doesn’t stop there. Much more evidence is available; evidence that does not require ANY physical data to prove up this case conclusively to the rational mind.  This evidence has been carefully chronicled and documented by researchers like Richard Grove and James Corbett (see Corbett’s 9/11 Suspects here).

So why is it so important to hold the real perpetrators accountable? Because the perpetrators of this crime against America are the same people in charge of the levers of power today.  They are still very dangerous to the interests of the American people, and seek –not America’s benefit– but their own selfish agenda.   Who benefitted from the 9/11 project?  There are many who benefitted, but those who make their living from the American war machine benefitted most.

Why 9/11 was necessary

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, America’s #1 bad guy was no more; and defense spending was taking a frightful downturn, requiring a new, more permanent, intractable  enemy to motivate the American public to spend to be safe. They needed a “new Pearl Harbor”.

Enter Project for the New American Century (PNAC) .  According to PNAC and others who feed at the US Military Industrial Complex (MIC) trough, it was necessary to discover or invent another scary bad guy to replace the now deceased Soviet Union;  but this time, this new frightful enemy should go on forever, and not end suddenly like the Soviet Union did.  9/11 was the perfect project to solve their spending problem, and to create in their own words “A new Pearl Harbor”:  transformation of American armed forces through “new technologies and operational concepts” was likely to be a long one, “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

As a result of the 9/11 Project, millions of innocent people have lost their lives and been dislocated from their homes in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).  Meanwhile, the bank accounts of the MIC once again are swollen with trillions, and the bankers are happy too. Today, as people tire of the War on Terrorism meme, this same MIC –with the help of the Main Stream Media (MSM)–  are attempting to resurrect and restimulate America’s decade’s-old fear of the big bear, Russia.  It doesn’t matter that the Soviet is no more, they believe they can demonize Russia with the help of the corporate media and poison the minds of the American people enough to resurrect fears so profitable decades ago.   It’s time to stop being their fool. Now.

Published on Mar 13, 2017

In August of 2016, a former employee of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began looking into the reports his agency had released years earlier on the collapse of the World Trade Center. What he found shook him to the core.

In this poignant half-hour interview, Peter Michael Ketcham tells his story of discovering that the organization where he had worked for 14 years had deliberately suppressed the truth about the most pivotal event of the 21st century.

Through his willingness to look openly at what he failed to see in front of him for 15 years, Mr. Ketcham inspires us to believe that we can all muster the courage to confront the truth — and, in so doing, finally heal the wounds of 9/11.

Featuring: Peter Michael Ketcham
Producer: Ted Walter (AE911Truth)
Videographers: John Massaria and Richard Grove

Learn how you can make a difference at http://AE911Truth.org.


Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | September 05, 2016

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller's father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

The headquarters of the Council on Foreign Relations on 68th St. in Manhattan, New York City. The facility was donated to the CFR by David Rockefeller’s father, generally known as “Junior”. Even at 100, David remains the power behind the organization.

An important whitepaper by K. L. Roberts posted on Cryptome.org and linked below provides the names, companies, organizations, locations and interlocking relationships of our current batch of human predators; updating us on some details where Sutton and Quigley left off.  This is a story of how transnational powers continue to subsume rights of the individual the US Constitution is designed to protect –under the cloak of secrecy– using hijacked government powers, extra-constitutional agreements, treaties and tribunals.  This document clearly demonstrates how the Deep State operates beyond the view or control of the citizens of this great country.  These powers that shouldn’t be appear to the public as being very separate institutions, but this is an illusion. It is interesting to compare the close physical proximity of these players to each other –within 1.5 miles—as was done extensively by Antony C. Sutton in his book Wall Street and FDR with no fewer than 75 references to 120 Broadway.   Roberts does this clearly with maps. You can learn a lot from documenting the physical locations of those operating clandestinely as Sutton and Mae Brussell have shown in their excellent work.  Much synergy can be accomplished by our natural predators from rubbing shoulders at the ‘water cooler’ so to speak; none of which need be documented.   One of the more interesting topics includes new information on the previously unknown “public-private partnership” organization known as the DSAC, or Domestic Security Alliance Council and what they are up to.  This white paper demonstrates the nexus of the following in clear, easy to understand charts and tables:

  • Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and NAFTA
  • The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
  • The Business Roundtable (BRT)
  • The American Bankers Association (ABA)
  • The US Chamber of Commerce (USCoC)
  • Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
  • Manhattan Institute (MI)

Don’t forget to read Roberts’ great appendixes at the end.  Enjoy!

Deep Politics: Institutionalized Corruption at the Top and the Corporate Assault on Democracy
By K. L. Roberts

Here are a few good quotes from this whitepaper…

“. . .all the physical and conceptual walls associated with the modern, sovereign state—the walls that divide domestic from international, the police from the military, intelligence from law enforcement, war from peace, and crime from war—are coming down.” –The Manhattan Institute

“Fascism should more appropriately be called corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power.”  –Attributed (incorrectly) to Benito Mussolini’s Encyclopedia Italiana article, but nevertheless true

“The finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist.” –Charles Baudelaire

Excerpt from the whitepaper …. “We’ll see that these corporations have long cultivated an intimate relationship with the Executive branch (that is, the Presidency ) of the United States, as well as with the NSA and (previously unknown) FBI mass-surveillance programs. And we’ll also see that they are a key force behind the “trade accord” known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which Chris Hedges calls “the most brazen corporate power grab in American history.”

Because it would be easy to lose sight of the forest for the trees even in this sort of simplified account, it should be stated clearly that the “brazen corporate power grab” Hedges is talking about is, incredibly, like something straight out of a Bond movie: the CEOs and bankers involved are seeking nothing less than total global political, economic, and military control by the owners of transnational corporations and banks.

If it passes, the TPP will hand over to them a big chunk of what they want on a silver platter.

On now to the anatomy and physiology of the more domestic side of the nexus, the engineers of this mad power grab. Hold on to your hat. You are about to experience one wild ride into terra incognita.”  –K.L. Roberts

Cecil Rhodes

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | May 13, 2016

Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers and the world we live in today.

Cecil Rhodes, founder of De Beers and the world we live in today.

Cecil Rhodes (1853 – 1902), the founder of De Beers, is one of the most significant figures in world history, though many outside of Africa have never heard of this man and those who have, know only of  his time in Africa and his diamonds. The hidden history of Cecil’s real power and influence on world affairs was no accident. His vast fortune, his organizations of ‘rings within rings’ and his last will and testament created much of the unseen network that controls the world we live in today (Round Table, RIIA, CFR, The Milner Group, etc.);  waiting to be exposed sometime later by Professor Carroll Quigley in ‘The Anglo-American Establishment‘ and ‘Tragedy and Hope‘. Below, you will find some interesting collateral information on Cecil’s De Beers Empire from PBS and others, though the complete story is difficult to tell in one podcast. Time to get your know on. Please take the time to enjoy Richard Grove’s podcast below:  DIAMONDS: The Jewel of Denial / Outgrowing Stockholm Syndrome


Cecil Rhoads timeline

NOTE: The Anglo-American Establishment: From Rhodes to Cliveden (written in 1949 and published posthumously in 1981) by Quigley.  In 1966, Quigley published a one-volume history of the twentieth century, titled Tragedy and Hope. – Wikipedia

Building Blocks for a Global Government

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 10, 2016

Global Power Grab

Global Power Grab

Since I’ve spent a considerable amount of time researching and studying history –history that hasn’t been filtered through one of the organs of the existing power structure– I find the movements of the power elites easy to track. I often wonder why everyone else can’t see what’s so clearly going on. Well, the answer is that they have no background, other than what has been fed to them by these same power elite who seek to control them. Years of study can be difficult if not impossible to summarize in a few bullet points, but these simplified power points are what is needed if I ever hope to spread this important information to those who do not have the time, interest or perhaps aptitude to do their own hard-core, objective research. So with this in mind, I have listed below a small set of the building blocks being assembled together by man’s natural predators (the powers that shouldn’t be).

There exists a massive amount of proof behind each of these 11 building blocks, but I will be seeking to find just one or two good proofs or examples of each to keep it short and simple for those who are challenged by the clock.   And of course just listing the building blocks is not enough, there must be a proof of the mortar that holds these blocks together; and of course an additional proof of who it is exactly directing the building of this global structure.   I’m hoping to refine this over time, making it better and more useful as a tool for me to use to help in spreading this vital information to others with the idea of keeping this story as simple and focused as possible.

Building Blocks for the New World Order:

  1. Common Core (Control Education)
  2. UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
  3. Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
  4. Federal Reserve (Control Money)
  5. The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
  6. Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
  7. Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
  8. Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
  9. CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
  10. Vaccines (Population Control)
  11. Main Stream Media (Perception Control)

Is Ted Cruz a Globalist tool or not? You decide…

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Mar 28, 2016

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

Neil Bush (Globalist), Jeb’s brother, joined Ted Cruz’s finance team on March 8th.

Jeb Bush (Globalist) endorses Ted Cruz for Republican nomination March 22nd.

Cruz’s wife Heidi was a member of the Globalist CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and helped the CFR craft the document espousing the Globalist North American unity. However, in a campaign event in Tyler, Texas, in 2011, Cruz called CFR “a pernicious nest of snakes” that is “working to undermine our sovereignty.” This BTW is a very true statement that applies to all Globalists including the Bush family and Goldman Sachs.

In the 2007 bestselling book “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Robert Pastor (CFR), who served as co-chairman of the committee which Hedi served, was called “the father of the North American Union” for the influence the CFR report had on the summit meeting between the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Heidi served in the Bush White House, under Condoleezza Rice, as economic director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council. She had previously served as the director of the Latin America office at the U.S. Treasury Department and as an assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick (Globalist), U.S. trade representative; an American banker who was the eleventh president of the World Bank.

Ted Cruz first supported Fast Track which would allow Obama (Globalist) to bypass the constitutional treaty approval requirement of 2/3rd senate vote. He even wrote an op-ed supporting this: “We strongly urge our colleagues in Congress to vote for trade-promotion authority” Cruz stated, along with co-author Rep. Paul Ryan (Globalist), R-Wis., in a Wall Street Journal (Globalist) op-ed on April 21.

This Trade Promotion Authority, also called fast-track would allow this treaty now called an agreement to be negotiated in secret by Obama, dumped on the Senate floor with no time to read, debate or change, and passed with a simple up or down vote of only 51% to pass not the 2/3rds required by the US Constitution. This TPP treaty BTW would end US Sovereignty and place this country and our constitution under the control of international corporations (Globalism). Next, Cruz does a 180 on this decision… “Cruz’s criticism of fast-track comes as a surprise, considering his public praise of the bill only two months prior.”

Where was Ted Cruz on the Audit the Fed vote? Answer: Missing in Action, no where to be found. However, Ted had no such problem when it came to reauthorizing the 100% Unconstitutional Patriot Act.

Cruz also had large, unreported loans with Goldman Sachs (Globalist), one of the major promoters of globalism. His wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs.

Globalism 101 explained … This is the same scheme being cooked up with all these so called ‘Free Trade’ agreements: Labour Minister Tony Benn (shortly before his death) emotionally explains why he fought against the European Union all his life and why we should too.

European Union | Tony Benn | Oxford Union

Additional Reading …

Project 9/11: Benefits

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 16, 2016

World Trade Center Memorial

World Trade Center Memorial

It has been over 14 years since the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, yet those responsible for this crime have not been brought to justice. Not a single one. Though whistleblowers like Sebel Edmonds and investigations like the 2,428 ‘Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ have cataloged an impressive list of facts that prove the Official Government Report is a complete fabrication, still the perpetrators of this crime remain at large. We’ve heard a lot of complaining and demanding for a real investigation, but nothing has happened. During these 14 years we have been able to discover many incontrovertible facts that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that 9/11 was an inside job followed by an official cover up, but the people who ran this covert project have not been prosecuted, and so remain in control of many levers of power in this country and world-wide advancing their agenda every day.

Many institutions have benefited like the CFR (Pratt House) and its sister, the RIIA (Chatham House); and entire industries like the Military-Industrial-Complex that Eisenhower warned about in the video below have benefited greatly from the events of 9/11. The “New Pearl Harbor” that all the twenty-five signatories to PNAC yearned for happened on 9/11, and of course the Federal Government has increased the scope, size and effectiveness of its power over the American people using illegal mass surveillance; more properly called spying and the Patriot Act among other unconstitutional powers the government has granted itself.  We can even point to individuals who benefited like the owner of the World Trade buildings and others.

There are many losers: the people who lost their lives on 9/11, their families; the millions we have slaughtered in endless illegal wars in the name of ‘fighting terrorism’; our dead soldiers and their families; the U.S. Constitution has been shredded; the freedoms, liberties and privacy U.S. citizens use to expect and enjoy are all gone… all in the name of ‘National Security’.

With all that we have lost, it occurred to me to ask how we have benefited. There are a few easy wins here. We have become more aware of the real and present danger we face from our own predatory government; and so, many of us have decided to stop doing what we used to do and spend more time paying attention to our government. We –America, collectively– have become more aware. No longer do we take the default position that what is reported by our government or by the news media can be trusted. We question the news media and we question our government, like never before; and for many like me, we have decided to take the time to discover what other lies have been told.

Since 9/11, I have read too many books to recount here but what I can tell you is that I have discovered a history and a pattern that heretofore was unknown by me. A history that had been covered up and hidden by design. A history that would show me that certain groups of men in America and Western Europe stole the Russian Revolution of 1917 and orchestrated the creation of the brutal, bone-crushing Soviet Union and their gulags; it showed me that these same groups of men orchestrated and benefited from both WWI & WWII; it showed me that the Korean and  Vietnam wars were just geopolitical projects orchestrated by these same folks. But more important than knowing there were certain powerful men who had benefited from so much human tragedy, was the knowledge of how they did it. Not a general, second-hand knowledge or a theory, but a front-row, prima facie knowledge; the foundation of which, was provided by Carroll Quigley in his ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ and his ‘Tragedy and Hope’. There are many other well–documented books that provide deep insights, but only Quigley had unlimited access to the Council on Foreign Relations archives.

The problem with Quigley however is that his best and most detailed history spans from the late 19th Century to about 1945. From 1945 to the present we must rely on Quigley’s foundation and then on the more traditional approaches to history.

Though Quigley gave us the map and detailed directions, we are currently driving through the fog: suspecting but not knowing in detail who the current batch of predators are. This is the major benefit of 9/11 as I see it. With all the mistakes made on 9/11 and the subsequent cover-up, we can now –almost in current time– identify by name those who were part of the 9/11 project. How can we do this? Well, we know the names of those who benefited like the owner of the World Trade Center buildings (Larry Silverstein) and we have good evidence he had foreknowledge by his actions just prior and during 9/11, but I see Larry as a bit player who likely assisted but didn’t do the planning.

With all the evidence coming forth since 9/11, we can know for certain that government agencies like NIST, and the FBI were key players along with Philip D. Zelikow executive director of the 9/11 commission; and of course Dick Cheney, who ordered the stand down. There are many others. I’m sure there are great people working at NIST and the FBI, but there is incontrovertible evidence the top levels of both the FBI and NIST were in on the cover-up if not the planning and so at a minimum are accessories after the fact and should be prosecuted.

Making a detailed list of the names of these folks; doing a Mind-Map using ‘The Brain’ software; and following their financial and political movements, will provide us much of what is missing since Quigley.  Our ‘Natural Predators’ have always been there; waiting, watching and planning for the opportunity that a project like 9/11 provided; but now, with their sloppy planning, execution and cover-up, like the invisible predator –who suddenly reveals himself– we now know their names, and we know their methods.  We will be watching.

9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money

Incontrovertible – New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke

Insider Exposes Officials That Planned 9/11

Continue reading

Intel Collections at the CFR

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Oct 10, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Yesterday and today, I watched and listened to several Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) media events: from the global economy, to the immigration problem in Europe to Global Warming (see list below).

Now many people have learned the sorry history of the CFR from the likes of Quigley, Sutton and others but the CFR’s official face is one of kindness, intelligence and regal quality, not that of a predator.

So why watch such establishment drivel from the likes of the CFR?   Well, it is important to learn from those who seek to take your freedom and to be blunt, they do their homework and produce quality information. The trick is separating the wheat from the chaff else-wise you get sucked into their beautiful walled-garden of illusions and redirection.

Other than some useful facts, I learned the following:

  • They constantly remind you that The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is an independent, nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher.  Joe Plummer: …But they keep quiet about their origins: “The Inquiry” and Cecil Rhodes’ “Round Table Groups,” formed to bring “all habitable portions of the world” under their control.
  • They regularly throughout their presentations warn their speakers especially just before specific sensitive questions that … “Remember, you are on the record.” At which point the speaker may pause and take a bit more time to consider his response to a question.
  • All the speakers, moderators and the audience agree on fundamentals: Russia is evil. Russia invaded the Ukraine and man-made Global Warming. There is never, ever any room to question any of their fundamental assumptions which were given them by their pay masters.  These presentations are — in effect– an echo chamber.
  • They are still using the CFR to infiltrate our schools and our universities with establishment, globalist propaganda; and every single student or doctored professor in attendance eagerly gobbles up this hooey, hook line and sinker, apparently with nary a single critical thought.

Recently viewed media presentations by the CFR: