Tag Archives: Anglo-American Establishment

The City of God by Saint Augustine of Hippo


Written at least 50 years prior to the fall of the Roman Empire in 476 AD, ‘The City of God’ provides interesting insights and a plausible ‘root-cause-analysis’ of the ultimate demise of the Roman Empire; reminiscent of today’s  ‘Anglo-American Empire’ who are desperately clinging to their fading power. And like the Roman Empire, they are looking in all the wrong places for solutions and of course scapegoats.  My take: unexamined assumptions blind our current power structure’s ability to see the underlying causes and thus are unable to advance any potentially workable solutions.  Alternately, this may be a controlled demolition.

St. Augustine was very knowledgeable on the pagan gods of his time, while I personally struggle to keep up with the many relationships, names and detailed critiques of pagan contradictions, activities and the resultant impact on Rome.  At the same time, I find this book fascinating in terms of its historical insights into the fall of this great empire.  Perhaps a ‘lessons-learned’ for today?   – ClearNFO

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Hitler as the fool

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | February 9th, 2021

Despite repeated deceptions, lies, extortions and murders of his fellow countrymen; Hitler continued to  negotiate in good faith, trying to understand his opponent’s logic.  Their only logic was total destruction of Germany.   Unfortunately for the German people, Kaiser Wilhelm had already sprung the trap set in 1914 — well before Hitler’s pointless and naïve attempts to negotiate with the Anglo-American Establishment.

Chapter 3 documents Hitler’s futile attempts.  Listen and learn.

On the matter of William Thomas Stead …

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | February 16, 2020

It is interesting to note Alfred Milner was one of the most –if not the most– powerful men on planet earth from the 1890s to the 1920s; and Stead was part of the Milner-Rhodes inner circle for a time.

While reading  ‘Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War’ by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor, I discovered some interesting information on one of the main characters in Quigley’s Anglo-American Establishment. This person’s name is William Thomas Stead or W.T. Stead.

Stead was part of the Rhodes hidden circle of elites, who personally investigated and wrote four stories about child prostitution in his Pall Mall Gazette – this was an effort to pass the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1885, to increase the age of consent from 13 to 16.  After the Titanic hit an iceberg, survivor Philip Mock, saw Stead clinging to a raft with John Jacob Astor IV. “Their feet became frozen”, reported Mock, “and they were compelled to release their hold. Both were drowned.”

Stead meets Cecil Rhodes

From The Origins of the Deep State in North America by Matthew Ehret in The Duran (04 May 2019):  Stead was officially recruited to the  [Anglo-American Establishment‘s] grand design in 1889 which was instigated by Rhodes and his sponsor Lord Rothschild. It was when Stead had been recently released from prison due to his Gazette’s promotion of “organized vice” only to find his paper in serious financial trouble, when he was first called upon by Cecil Rhodes, a long time follower of his journal in South Africa. After their first meeting, Stead ecstatically wrote to his wife:

“Mr. Rhodes is my man! I have just had three hours talk with him. He is full of a far more gorgeous idea in connection with the paper than even I have had. I cannot tell you his scheme because it is too secret. But it involves millions. He had no idea that it would cost £250,000 to start a paper. But he offered me down as a free gift £20,000 to buy a share in the P.M. Gazette as a beginning… His ideas are federation, expansion, and consolidation of the Empire…. He took to me. Told me some things he has told no other man—save Lord Rothschild— and pressed me to take the £20,000, not to have any return, to give no receipt, to simply take it and use it to give me a freer hand on the P.M.G. It seems all like a fairy dream….”

Stead Investigates Child Prostitution and gets three months in Prison

Not only was Stead part of what Quigley called the Network, the Milner Group or the Round Table, Mr. Stead was editor of the Pall Mall Gazette and credited with creating a “new journalism” which demonstrated how the press could be used to influence public opinion and government policy, and he advocated “Government by Journalism”.

To this end, he wrote a scandalous four-part piece on human trafficking and child prostitution in a successful effort to raise the age of consent from 13 to 16.  His writings were  based -of course- on his own personal investigative research which earned him a three-month prison sentence for purchasing 13 year-old Eliza Armstrong  from her alcoholic mother without obtaining the permission of her father.  Note: Both Stead’s writings and the details of the Eliza Armstrong case can be purchased on-line.

Wikipedia: In 1893–94 Stead lived in Chicago for six months, campaigning against brothels and drinking dens, and published If Christ Came to Chicago.

“Nineteenth Precinct, First Ward, Chicago”, 1894 – map by Stead presenting 37 brothels, 46 saloons, 11 pawnbrokers

The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon

I’ve included some quotes from Stead’s The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon – Child Prostitution and Victorian Journalism below.

From Wikipedia: William Thomas Stead – The Pall Mall Gazette in July 1885 …

The disclosure proper began in the July 6 publication, in which Stead reveals that he had asked if genuine maiden virgins could be procured, and being told it was so, asked whether such girls were willing and consensual, or aware of the intentions planned for them:

“But,” I continued, “are these maids willing or unwilling parties to the transaction–that is, are they really maiden, not merely in being each a virgo intacta in the physical sense, but as being chaste girls who are not consenting parties to their seduction?” He looked surprised at my question, and then replied emphatically: “Of course they are rarely willing, and as a rule they do not know what they are coming for.” “But,” I said in amazement, “then do you mean to tell me that in very truth actual rapes, in the legal sense of the word, are constantly being perpetrated in London on unwilling virgins, purveyed and procured to rich men at so much a head by keepers of brothels?” “Certainly,” said he, “there is not a doubt of it.” “Why,” I exclaimed, “the very thought is enough to raise hell.” “It is true,” he said; “and although it ought to raise hell, it does not even raise the neighbours.”

“But do the girls cry out?” “Of course they do. But what avails screaming in a quiet bedroom? Remember, the utmost limit of howling or excessively violent screaming, such as a man or woman would make if actual murder was being attempted, is only two minutes, and the limit of screaming of any kind is only five… But suppose the screams continue and you get uneasy, you begin to think whether you should not do something? Before you have made up your mind and got dressed the screams cease, and you think you were a fool for your pains… Once a girl gets into such a house she is almost helpless, and may be ravished with comparative safety”.

Stead commented that “Children of twelve and thirteen cannot offer any serious resistance. They only dimly comprehend what it all means. Their mothers sometimes consent to their seduction for the sake of the price paid by their seducer. The child goes to the introducing house as a sheep to the shambles. Once there, she is compelled to go through with it. No matter how brutal the man may be, she cannot escape”. A madam confirmed the story for him, stating of one girl that she was rendered unconscious beforehand, and then coercively given the choice to continue or be homeless afterwards:

“I engaged her to be my little maid at the lodgings where I was staying. The very next day I took her off with me to London and her mother never saw her again. What became of her? A gentleman paid me £13 for the first of her, soon after she came to town. She was asleep when he did it–sound asleep. To tell the truth, she was drugged. It is often done. I gave her a drowse. It is a mixture of laudanum and something else. Sometimes chloroform is used, but I always used either snuff or laudanum. We call it drowse or black draught, and they lie almost as if dead, and the girl never knows what has happened till morning. And then? Oh! then she cries a great deal from pain, but she is ‘mazed, and hardly knows what has happened except that she can hardly move from pain. Of course we tell her it is all right; all girls have to go through it some time, that she is through it now without knowing it, and that it is no use crying. It will never be undone for all the crying in the world. She must now do as the others do. She can live like a lady, do as she pleases, have the best of all that is going, and enjoy herself all day. If she objects, I scold her and tell her she has lost her character, no one will take her in; I will have to turn her out on the streets as a bad and ungrateful girl. The result is that in nine cases out of ten, or ninety-nine out of a hundred, the child, who is usually under fifteen, frightened and friendless, her head aching with the effect of the drowse and full of pain and horror, gives up all hope, and in a week she is one of the attractions of the house.”

Stead quoted a former brothel-keeper who confirmed the nature of the trade:

“Maids, as you call them – fresh girls as we know them in the trade – are constantly in request, and a keeper who knows his business has his eyes open in all directions, his stock of girls is constantly getting used up, and needs replenishing, and he has to be on the alert for likely “marks” to keep up the reputation of his house. I have been in my time a good deal about the country on these errands. The getting of fresh girls takes time, but it is simple and easy enough when, once you are in it. I have gone and courted girls in the country under all kinds of disguises, occasionally assuming the dress of a parson, and made them believe that I intended to marry them, and so got them in my power to please a good customer. How is it done? Why, after courting my girl for a time, I propose to bring her to London to see the sights. I bring her up, take her here and there, giving her plenty to eat and drink–especially drink. I take her to the theatre, and then I contrive it so that she loses her last train. By this time she is very tired, a little dazed with the drink and excitement, and very frightened at being left in town with no friends…”

“I offer her nice lodgings for the night: she goes to bed in my house, and then the affair is managed. My client gets his maid, I get my £10 or £20 commission, and in the morning the girl, who has lost her character, and dare not go home, in all probability will do as the others do, and become one of my “marks”–that is, she will make her living in the streets, to the advantage of my house. The brothel keeper’s profit is, first, the commission down for the price of a maid, and secondly, the continuous profit of the addition of a newly seduced, attractive girl to his establishment. That is a fair sample case of the way in which we recruit. Another very simple mode of supplying maids is by breeding them. Many women who are on the streets have female children. They are worth keeping. When they get to be twelve or thirteen they become merchantable. For a very likely “mark” of this kind you may get as much as £20 or £40…”

Additional reading:

Misc. Musings … the political strata according to David Brown:

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | June 10, 2018

The deep-state, the Globalists (not to be confused with globalism), NWO, etc… Are not one homogenous group. There are many layers and aligned interests, but it breaks down according to my calculus along these lines:

Level 1:  Worker class At the bottom you have the masses, that’s you and me. We supply the real work that produces real products that make everything else possible. We are the gears in the clock dutifully ticking by. Honesty and ethics are enforced generally by the human condition we find ourselves in where we have to work in a competitive market and if we don’t produce, we are replaced. This requires functionality and the ability to do real things in the real world based on first principles. Many of us are the ‘salt of the earth’. Examples: You and me.

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Replacing False Data with Real Data

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Oct 01, 2017


We now have documented evidence that the Civil War, Spanish-American War, WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution, WWII, the Korean War and the War in Vietnam were all based on lies and fraud orchestrated and managed by people whose names few would recognize … and so the history we thought we knew is just not so.

There are many important books –and of course I would never claim I know them all– but a few major works provided me a peek over the walled garden in which I lived most of my life.   These represent a few milestones in my journey to better understand the world into which I was born and provided me actual facts that cut deeply against the mythology promulgated 24X7 from womb to tomb by the propaganda organs of our existing power structure.   Unfortunately these propaganda organs include our public schools, our news and entertainment media, our universities, tax-exempt foundations and our government. Most believe these myths and so repeat them.   These common myths have now become the bedrock of our general understanding and collective agreement of how the world works. In short, these myths have become our generally accepted and agreed-to reality. A reality based not in fact but in deception, fraud, obfuscation and lies. So who would do such a thing?   And how could so few men keep this information hidden for so long? Surely someone would have discovered these facts and told the world, right?   Well they did tell the world but few have the time or interest to pay attention while the generally promulgated myths have their many benefactors.

So what to do? Spread knowledge based on sourced, documented fact.

Most people don’t have time, energy or interest to read Quigley’s academic 1,348 page ‘Tragedy and Hope’ or his 354 page ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ or the many other books by Sutton, Griffin, Perloff, etc.… to get their own front row seat to the workings of real power on the world stage, and so are denied their real history or an understanding of how it was managed.

Recognizing the problem of the large size and difficulty of these great books, Joseph Plummer invested many years of his life distilling these great works into two small easily approachable books: ‘Tragedy & Hope 101’ and ‘Dishonest Money’ which are now available to anyone.

For my part, I offered to give Plummer’s two books away for free (including the S&H) to any who would promise to read them. I am proud to say, I have given away 11 sets of these excellent books. I’m planting good, clean, healthy, honest seeds which may take years to germinate, but am hoping this butterfly wing flapping in the wind of this small town in Texas will become a tsunami washing away some of the evil which has enslaved the minds of so many; replacing false data with real data.

Additional reading:

  • Tragedy & Hope: A History of the World in Our Time by Carroll Quigley Hardcover: 1348 pages
  • Anglo-American Establishment by Carroll Quigley Paperback: 354 pages
  • Federal Reserve: ‘Creature from Jekyll Island’ Paperback by G. Edward Griffin 608 pages
  • Tragedy and Hope 101: The Illusion of Justice, Freedom, and Democracy Paperback – April 24, 2014 by Joseph Plummer, G. Edward Griffin (Introduction) Paperback: 224 pages
  • Dishonest Money: Financing the Road to Ruin Paperback – December 19, 2008 by Joseph Plummer Paperback: 184 pages
  • Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists by Anthony C. Sutton (Jan 1, 2012)
  • Wall Street and FDR Hardcover March 1, 2007 by Antony C. Sutton
  • Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler Paperback – June, 1976 by Antony C. Sutton
  • The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline by James Perloff



Solving the Wrong Problems

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | July 02, 2017

I’ve been watching the news since at least five, but back then my only sources were CBS, NBC and ABC… but even as a child, it was curious to me that all three channels selected the same news and same viewpoint. Truth –it seemed– was nice and well-behaved. Different personalities, yes, but there was an obvious sameness that I could recognize but not explain. Later, we had PBS and NOVA which I loved and then there was CNN which seemed to break the monotony of the big three networks … and soon, there were hundreds of stations. Despite the explosion of stations and choices, little in-depth, satisfying news was available. There was no real choice.

As CNN’s newness grew stale, Fox News came to the rescue, again breaking the monotony of sameness. But Fox turned the news into entertainment soundbites and punished any like Andrew Napolitano who dared to question the walled garden of ‘well-established’ fact-claims. Again monotony and sameness prevailed until the Alt Media presaged decades earlier by Mae Brussell, energized by Alex Jones, documented by Patrick Wood, James Perloff, James Corbett, refined by Richard Grove and others emerged from obscurity to question the officially promulgated narrative of the big sameness.

And despite my love of news and current events, history in the public school system was a dull, boring monotony of sameness promulgating the same set of unexamined fact-claims echoed in the news media. Something was wrong, but I had no real proof, until I read the Reece Committee report of 1953 (United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations), where I learned our history was contrived, controlled and basterdized by some of the most respected institutions in America: American Historical Association; Tax-Free / Exempt foundations like the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Guggenheim and Ford foundations. These folks had paid for the version of history we all willingly consumed; and no one was the wiser. After all, who would read these 1953 congressional reports and investigations into this blatant fraud?

I then read a true accounting of our major wars from James Perloff; based on actual source documents and found that all our major wars (Spanish/American, WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam) were based on manufactured narratives; contrived, false information; and no one was the wiser.

But the lens revealing the men and the methods behind this corrupt fog of obfuscation was Carroll Quigley’s ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’; which proves beyond any doubt, we are being controlled by lies and herded like livestock to be fleeced, rendered and used by those –who today– seek to control the free flow of information on the internet.

What our masters know: Information is power and without the truth, we will all be trying to solve the wrong problems and never be able to identify the real villains who control our worldview and therefore our destiny.

Solution: Stop relying on the paid authorities and learn to read and think again on our own. After all, it was Allen Dulles who assured his coconspirators all is well since “Americans don’t read.”

Additional Links and References:

Philip Dru: Administrator

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Jan 21, 2015

250px-Colonel_Edward_M._HouseFascinating discussion between Richard Grove and James Corbett using a book written by one of the architects of the world we live in today, Edward Mandel House. “Philip Dru: Administrator” by Edward Mandell House is a starting point for this discussion which feathers out into the Milner group, the Cecil block, H. G. Wells, Woodrow Wilson, Royal Institute of International
Affairs (RIIA), Cecil Rhodes, Rhodes Round Table, Lloyd George, etc.

If you haven’t read ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ by Carroll Quigley and understand the contents of G. Edward Griffin’s ‘The Creature from Jekyll Island’, I’m not sure you can appreciate the veracity or the importance of the information contained herein. In any event, hopefully this important historical discussion will spark some interest within many to do some additional study on this topic. Understanding the reality behind the illusion that our masters have crafted, designed to keep us ignorant and under control will be key to preserving what little freedom the individual still possesses. We must fight the lies and propaganda spewing constantly from the media, the universities, the tax-free foundations and the government; we must fight these lies with a true accounting of history to preserve individual liberty and help the cause of liberty flourish.

Please enjoy this most exceptional discussion and book review…

Richard Grove of TragedyandHope.com and PeaceRevolution.org joins James Corbett on this month’s edition of Film, Literature and the New World Order to discuss “Philip Dru: Administrator” by Edward Mandell House. Richard and James examine the man behind the work and how the novel presages House’s time as the power behind the throne of the Wilson presidency.

No citation exists for this passage and is therefore unproven, but has been widely shared.  According to Kevin Cole:

“Unfortunately, this is a passage that *I don’t think can be substantiated*and is therefore bogus.”

This quote has been floating around online for the least eight years (never cited) or more and is one that I have tried to substantiate over a long period of time (as have others) which *included calling the presidential library. The only citation ever given from which this passage allegedly came is the autobiography of House, however it is not there.

While the passaged maybe contextually true, it passes way too much mustard. If it was in a private meeting was it documented? How? Where is the citation? You won’t find one.

[Very] soon, every American will be required to register their biological property in a National system designed to keep track of the people and that will operate under the ancient system of pledging. By such methodology, we can compel people to submit to our agenda, which will affect our security as a chargeback for our fiat paper currency. Every American will be forced to register or suffer not being able to work and earn a living. They will be our chattel, and we will hold the security interest over them forever, by operation of the law merchant under the scheme of secured transactions. Americans, by unknowingly or unwittingly delivering the bills of lading to us will be rendered bankrupt and insolvent, forever to remain economic slaves through taxation, secured by their pledges. They will be stripped of their rights and given a commercial value designed to make us a profit and they will be none the wiser, for not one man in a million could ever figure our plans and, if by accident one or two would figure it out, we have in our arsenal plausible deniability. After all, this is the only logical way to fund government, by floating liens and debt to the registrants in the form of benefits and privileges. This will inevitably reap to us huge profits beyond our wildest expectations and leave every American a contributor or to this fraud which we will call “Social Insurance.” Without realizing it, every American will insure us for any loss we may incur and in this manner; every American will unknowingly be our servant, however begrudgingly. The people will become helpless and without any hope for their redemption and, we will employ the high office of the President of our dummy corporation to foment this plot against America.”

– Edward Mandell House; in a private meeting with Woodrow Wilson [President 1913-1921]

Edward Mandell House
by Christian name Mladen (Scribd.)


More NFO related to this topic:


The Walled-Garden of History and Politics

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | November 17, 2014

Walled Garden

Walled Garden

Now Rush Limbaugh is a brilliant political analyst, whom I have always admired; and Mark Levin –also known as the ‘Great one’—is a brilliant legal mind. Both of these gentlemen are great American patriots and very studied on the much agreed upon version of history promulgated by academia. The point I would like to make here, is that no matter how brilliant these two gentlemen and others in their league are, or how studied they are, they have unwittingly confined their studies to the domain of generally accepted facts which have been promulgated and funded by the very power structure they either cannot see or have chosen to ignore. This means that no matter how brilliant their analysis is, their conclusions are necessarily limited to rehashing generally accepted fact-claims of history which may or may not be correct. All logic –after all– has its origin in the fundamental assumptions upon which it is based; so, if the assumptions are in error or incomplete, the resultant conclusions must therefore, by necessity, be suspect or at a minimum deserve a fresh analysis based on new evidence grounded on source documentation, not on generally promulgated truth-claims originating from establishment-fed institutions including Academia.

The power of accepting these officially promulgated assumptions is that it places everyone who accepts these assumptions within the confines of a walled-garden in which debate can officially be conducted. There is money and fame to be found here and legitimacy by consensus. If you happen to go outside the walls that protect the garden, your reputation can be destroyed and thus you lose your certification to debate within the garden of acceptable discourse. Within the walled-garden, you can have spirited disagreements and you can have people who don’t know the facts (collective truth-claims) and you can have people who know the fact-claims inside and out and you can find people who press their own agendas despite the given fact-claims, but all discourse is necessarily limited to the garden provided, surrounded by the wall of permissible historical assumptions. And these are the rules of the game.

Now some of us doubt the validity of the assumptions, but up until recently had no access to evidence they were invalid. We did notice that that many things within the walled-garden did not make sense, so we suspected that there was more to learn. We could see the effects of those things out side of the garden, but could not see the things themselves; thus we had no direct proof and were therefore marginalized by the establishment. Now the source evidence we seek has been here for some time, but the access to the evidence has been difficult or impossible to discover by design. With the advent of the internet more access to more information has been forthcoming and many of us have stumbled upon the documented evidence outside the walled garden which shows the walls to be a farcical creation of the predominant power structures.

Many of us start out slowly. We discover that the Federal Reserves for example is not Federal and has no Reserves. We discover that the second Gulf of Tonkin incident never happened. And we discover many covert operations and illegal experimentations by our government which have never been well-publicized, yet we still do not have the complete picture. Are these all isolated events or is there more to this? Well, there is much more than just these isolated pieces and most of us will never understand the glue that binds until we avail ourselves the time to read Carroll Quigley’s book entitled ‘The Anglo-American Establishment’ where the source documentation is provided in irrefutable detail. Now Quigley is no outsider, he is an establishment historian with impeccable credentials who even agrees with the current template we have been provided by the predominant power structure that he calls the ‘Network’.  Because of this, he was selected to document some of the history we never knew. He spent some 20 years working on this followed by two years of unlimited access to the archives at the CFR. And despite his painstaking documentation, yet even he was unwilling to disclose all he knew.  But for the first time we are able to see that which casts its shadow into the wall-garden and that which created the walls we use to limit our understanding.

So as I watch Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin prattle about trying their hardest to understand and explain to their listeners why the Republicans are so ineffectual against the tyranny of the current president –despite huge public support– I look forward to the day when they finally see that their debate is limited by artificial walls which have been constructed by the ‘network’ that has been so clearly documented in Carroll Quigley’s books.

Related Information …

History we never knew

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | October 20, 2014

In an effort to better understand today’s political and economic structures, it is important to take a look back to discover from whence they came and how they arrived at the apex of the predominant power structure we see all around us today.

Like no other, Carroll Quigley gave us a back-stage introduction of the actual workings of the network who shaped yesterday’s world. (See: Anglo-American Establishment and Tragedy and Hope) In today’s world, we see these same forces, structures and techniques at work from the happy heirs of the power structure set into motion by the Anglo-American Establishment. Some of the names have changed, but there exists an unmistakable lineage that can be exposed by fact, not conjecture or theory.
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Anglo-American Establishment

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | Sep 02, 2014

Tha Anglo American Establishment by Carroll Quigley

Anglo-American Establishmen
by Carroll Quigley (June 1, 1981) Paperback: 354 pages

One of the most important books I have ever read.  There is no review that can do justice to the sheer magnitude and gravitas of this book.  It unashamedly and unabashedly builds fact upon fact, detail upon detail in a raw presentation of the names, dates, relationships, methods, sources, strategies and tactics of the predominant powers who were behind the scenes creating the world we live in today.  If geopolitics appears confusing to you today, many of the missing pieces of the puzzle will fall nicely into place after a reading of this book.  You may not have known or heard of many of the people in this book, but these were the men pulling the strings behind the historical personalities historians prattle about and study today.   Moving continents, people and resources like pieces on a chess board;  controlling heads of state; starting wars or making peace when convenient; making deals with Hitler, Stalin and others … these methods, organizations, societies and minds are the foundation of today’s world.   Within this book you will discover the importance of Cecil Rhodes and the  Rhodes Scholarship and what it means today.  You will discover the origins of the CFR and its older sister the RIIA and much, much more.

This amazing book by historian and insider Carroll Quigley provides an eye-opening front-row seat to the secret machinations of power. Quigley is such a through, detailed researcher providing excellent documentation, that he has a reputation of having few claims or statements of fact disputed. After reading this book, what historian would dare put in the detail or the effort to challenge such precise accounting? What an amazing trip through the many relationships of the very secret inner circle of the Milner Group and the Cecil Bloc with their many levers of power and propaganda and their interrelationships: Oxford Colleges of Balliol College; All Souls College; New College and others; the second ring, the Kindergarten, Cecil Rhodes, the Round Table, the Times, RIIA (Royal Institute of International Affairs) which is the British version of the CFR, the CFR, Rhodes Scholarship, Rockefeller Foundation,  J.P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild, the Rhodes Trust, the Beit Trust, the Carnegie Trust, etc, etc, etc ….

The immense power of the Milner group started by Toynbee and Milner lasted from 1875 to 1945 and is still in existence today but lost most of its political power after some very bad decisions in India and their ill-fated support of Hitler in the run up to WWII. Nonetheless, there are real gems in this reading that can be had nowhere else like a true accounting of Hitler’s real power leading to WWII or the lies and deception used to terrorize the British public. I think the best information for me is an understanding of the roots of today’s power centers which gained their start with the Milner group and that they have yet to give up the dream of a one world government. Other benefits include the methods and techniques of how real power is wielded in private behind closed doors. The politicians we see in the media are there for show and to communicate what has already been decided by those who have the real power and know how to use it.

More on this topic here:

History… Connected: Cecil Rhodes and the Anglo American Establishment redux

See also:

Tragedy and Hope 101 by Joseph Plummer