by DAVID BROWN | | April 09, 2016

RNC’s finger prints found on deceptive email.
Deception from the RNC … and I caught ’em Red-Handed.
The RNC sent me an email today (04/09/16) pretending that the email was from:
Donald Trump News at Reagan Reports (Screen shot below)
Here is the physical name and address located at the bottom of the email (omitted from the screen shot)…
Donald Trump News
1501 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 104
West Palm Beach, FL 33407 USA
Trump Breaking News <>
Notice that the domain name in their email address contains the words Reagan Reports.
Now, how do I know it came from the RNC? Since I own my own domain and am my own email admin, I can do some very interesting things. For example, when I subscribe to any web site, I always list the website’s name as the first few characters in my email address. That way if they sell my email address, I know exactly who the original seller was. In this case the first three letters on my email are RNC, to wit… RNCpoll@<<MY DOMAIN NAME>>.com. This is a made up email address but comes to my domain in any event since it has no other place to go.

RNC dirty tricks (Click to enlarge)
Additional NFO on the uncloaking of the RNC: