by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 03, 2016

I‘ve had better years and I’ve certainly had worse. What does the future hold? The certainty of death and taxes and of course the metastasizing growth and corruption of a psychopathic government and its bureaucracy who have spread death, destruction and misery across the face of the earth, enriching the very few while leaving mountains of unpayable debt in its wake.
I’ve done my fair share of bitching and identifying the problem. Shall we allow history to repeat itself or shall we become educated on the facts that surround us and put a stop to this foolishness?
In many ways we ARE winning the NFO-War, but while we are winning the hearts and minds of more every day, the enemies of the individual and of freedom are on the march, destroying creativity, self-reliance and freedom. Our natural predators are busy constructing their web; doing real things in the real world that will forever ensnare the entirety of mankind like never before. George Orwell paints a clear picture: “If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever.”
The beast we have unleashed wants to know everything about each and every one of us. Everything. It collects all our DNA at birth for its federal registry, it poisons our water, our air, our food, our medicines and our minds. It removes our ability to think critically and clearly in our own self-interest using the state education system; teaching us truth based on authority rather than authority based on truth. It poisons our mind and our freewill and spreads distrust and division among us using scientific social engineering and propaganda. It has corrupted our science and universities through grants, tax incentives, government-created monopolies and tax-free foundations; while promulgating the illusion that truth is a well-established fact arrived at by consensus. It has corrupted our traditions and our families replacing mother and father with an all-powerful centralized authority; while attempting to destroy every good and wholesome tradition our forbearers held dear. It has convinced our young mothers that murdering their own child is just a medical procedure.
A spectre is haunting man—the spectre of a tyranny; the likes of which has never been seen.
While many are awake to the evil this spectre brings, the beast marches on. As our natural predators have learned, we too must learn to do real things in the real world. If we are to avoid Orwell’s vision of the future we must preserve what it means to be free and to be human whatever the cost.