by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 16, 2016

World Trade Center Memorial
It has been over 14 years since the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, yet those responsible for this crime have not been brought to justice. Not a single one. Though whistleblowers like Sebel Edmonds and investigations like the 2,428 ‘Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth’ have cataloged an impressive list of facts that prove the Official Government Report is a complete fabrication, still the perpetrators of this crime remain at large. We’ve heard a lot of complaining and demanding for a real investigation, but nothing has happened. During these 14 years we have been able to discover many incontrovertible facts that prove beyond a shadow of doubt that 9/11 was an inside job followed by an official cover up, but the people who ran this covert project have not been prosecuted, and so remain in control of many levers of power in this country and world-wide advancing their agenda every day.
Many institutions have benefited like the CFR (Pratt House) and its sister, the RIIA (Chatham House); and entire industries like the Military-Industrial-Complex that Eisenhower warned about in the video below have benefited greatly from the events of 9/11. The “New Pearl Harbor” that all the twenty-five signatories to PNAC yearned for happened on 9/11, and of course the Federal Government has increased the scope, size and effectiveness of its power over the American people using illegal mass surveillance; more properly called spying and the Patriot Act among other unconstitutional powers the government has granted itself. We can even point to individuals who benefited like the owner of the World Trade buildings and others.
There are many losers: the people who lost their lives on 9/11, their families; the millions we have slaughtered in endless illegal wars in the name of ‘fighting terrorism’; our dead soldiers and their families; the U.S. Constitution has been shredded; the freedoms, liberties and privacy U.S. citizens use to expect and enjoy are all gone… all in the name of ‘National Security’.
With all that we have lost, it occurred to me to ask how we have benefited. There are a few easy wins here. We have become more aware of the real and present danger we face from our own predatory government; and so, many of us have decided to stop doing what we used to do and spend more time paying attention to our government. We –America, collectively– have become more aware. No longer do we take the default position that what is reported by our government or by the news media can be trusted. We question the news media and we question our government, like never before; and for many like me, we have decided to take the time to discover what other lies have been told.
Since 9/11, I have read too many books to recount here but what I can tell you is that I have discovered a history and a pattern that heretofore was unknown by me. A history that had been covered up and hidden by design. A history that would show me that certain groups of men in America and Western Europe stole the Russian Revolution of 1917 and orchestrated the creation of the brutal, bone-crushing Soviet Union and their gulags; it showed me that these same groups of men orchestrated and benefited from both WWI & WWII; it showed me that the Korean and Vietnam wars were just geopolitical projects orchestrated by these same folks. But more important than knowing there were certain powerful men who had benefited from so much human tragedy, was the knowledge of how they did it. Not a general, second-hand knowledge or a theory, but a front-row, prima facie knowledge; the foundation of which, was provided by Carroll Quigley in his ‘Anglo-American Establishment’ and his ‘Tragedy and Hope’. There are many other well–documented books that provide deep insights, but only Quigley had unlimited access to the Council on Foreign Relations archives.
The problem with Quigley however is that his best and most detailed history spans from the late 19th Century to about 1945. From 1945 to the present we must rely on Quigley’s foundation and then on the more traditional approaches to history.
Though Quigley gave us the map and detailed directions, we are currently driving through the fog: suspecting but not knowing in detail who the current batch of predators are. This is the major benefit of 9/11 as I see it. With all the mistakes made on 9/11 and the subsequent cover-up, we can now –almost in current time– identify by name those who were part of the 9/11 project. How can we do this? Well, we know the names of those who benefited like the owner of the World Trade Center buildings (Larry Silverstein) and we have good evidence he had foreknowledge by his actions just prior and during 9/11, but I see Larry as a bit player who likely assisted but didn’t do the planning.
With all the evidence coming forth since 9/11, we can know for certain that government agencies like NIST, and the FBI were key players along with Philip D. Zelikow executive director of the 9/11 commission; and of course Dick Cheney, who ordered the stand down. There are many others. I’m sure there are great people working at NIST and the FBI, but there is incontrovertible evidence the top levels of both the FBI and NIST were in on the cover-up if not the planning and so at a minimum are accessories after the fact and should be prosecuted.
Making a detailed list of the names of these folks; doing a Mind-Map using ‘The Brain’ software; and following their financial and political movements, will provide us much of what is missing since Quigley. Our ‘Natural Predators’ have always been there; waiting, watching and planning for the opportunity that a project like 9/11 provided; but now, with their sloppy planning, execution and cover-up, like the invisible predator –who suddenly reveals himself– we now know their names, and we know their methods. We will be watching.
9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
Incontrovertible – New 9/11 Documentary by Tony Rooke
Insider Exposes Officials That Planned 9/11
Richard Grove’s Tragedy and Hope MIND MAP: Brain Blueprint on the 9-11 Terrorist Attacks (2001) / September 11, 2001
1971 (2014 film) Is an outstanding documentary entitled ‘1971’. Sincerely wish everyone could watch this. Puts a lot in perspective and provides original sourced facts and personal drama demonstrating what a few average American citizens did back in 1971 to push back against the growing abuse and tyranny of the U.S. Federal Government. After watching this documentary, it is clear to see how we have been nudged since that time into a Panopticon as a result of 9/11. These young people –some with families– realized America had a serious problem and risked everything to fight for America and for her freedom. -David Brown
Synopsis from Wikipedia The film focuses on the events of March 8, 1971, when eight people broke into an FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania. The group, all of whom were ordinary citizens, called themselves the Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI and stole every file in the office. The content in the stolen files ranged from training manuals to information about organized crime and draft resistance. Over time the group mailed the files to various newsrooms. One of the more significant elements in the stolen materials were files relating to COINTELPRO, a secret surveillance program that was run by J. Edgar Hoover.
Another Nineteen: Investigating Legitimate 9/11 Suspects by Kevin Robert Ryan
“Were the crimes of September 11, 2001 solely the work of Osama bin Laden and nineteen troubled young Arabs, or were more powerful people involved? After a decade of investigation, the long-time co-editor of the Journal of 9/11 Studies, Kevin Ryan, offers an evidence-based analysis of nineteen other suspects. Although a number of books have demonstrated that the official accounts are false, Another Nineteen takes the next, crucial step toward a new investigation into the crimes of 9/11. With the support of victim’s families and leading 9/11 researchers, Ryan examines nineteen suspects who were in position to accomplish major elements of the crimes that still need to be explained. Detailed evidence is presented that reveals how each of the alternative suspects had the means, motive and opportunity to accomplish one or more aspects of the 9/11 events. In light of a forty-year history of deep events and crimes against democracy, Ryan shows how 9/11 fits into the pattern of a deep state operation, how the alternate suspects worked together throughout that history, how each was connected to two men who were in perfect position to coordinate the attacks, and how these suspects can either be charged with 9/11 crimes today or further investigated in focused ways.”
Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks? | James Corbett of the Corbett Report 09/08/2013
James Corbett: “As we approach the 12th anniversary of 9/11, it is time for 9/11 truth to mature as a movement before it stagnates into insignificance. Either the movement will live up to its potential by naming names and identifying suspects in the crime, or it will become another JFK assassination investigation, doomed to spend half a century fighting pointless territorial battles while the real perpetrators walk free. Join us for this 9/11 anniversary edition of The Corbett Report as we ask the question and demand an answer: Who was really behind the attacks?”
CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Can Now Speak 10 years after 9-11
From Zero Hedge ….
Why Did the 9/11 Commission Not “Follow the Money?”, by Lars Schall
James Corbett’s 9/11 Suspects