David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday April 4th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | April 4th, 2021


Back before the great purge of free thought and free speech by Big Tech, life was much simpler.  If you wanted great independent news and opinions, you could depend on YouTube to deliver and you could depend on Google to provide an unadulterated return on your searches.  If you wanted to express your opinions and gather breaking new information you could do this on Facebook and Twitter.  Those days are long gone.  Today’s Big Tech platforms have become ghettos of bastardized information reeking of ham-fisted propaganda obvious to anyone who is capable of rational thought.

After Big Tech splintered authentic content creators into a thousand pieces and scattered them to the winds, today’s information sleuth has a much more challenging task when trying to uncover the unvarnished truth.   Still, as the dust settles, the task is within reach.  Some of our best content creators have relocated to other platforms.  It takes some effort to find these great truth tellers, but once the new platforms have been located, it can be pretty much business as usual until the next attack from the powers that shouldn’t be.

Of course, before he was hung by his heels, this iconic fascist Benito Mussolini informed that “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” … and, of course, the government of Nazi Germany was a fascist, totalitarian state.   Today, as the USA shreds any protections it once had from the authoritarian state, we uncover a new style of fascism.  Yes it is a merger of the state and corporations, but rather than having the state in charge, we clearly see the US Federal Government is the bitch of these large corporate and banking interests… so we still have fascism but turned on its head.

The good news is more and more of us are becoming aware of the corrupt power of the state amplified by their corporate partners in crime.  We no longer believe the fairytale we have a Constitutional Republic; which is not to say we can’t try to use the protections of the US Constitution to get our collective asses out of the sling, but still the state and corporate power “do what thou wilt” despite the Constitution or the protestations of the people they rule with impunity and unearned privilege.

It is obvious to me after the fraud of the 2020 election, the DOJ, FBI, Congress,  the MSM, Big-Tech and the Supreme Court were all in on the illegal removal of the duly elected president of the USA.  Even ‘Et tu, Brute’-Pence landed one for the big guys.   In prior years, the power eliet  foud it expidious –and educational for the unwashed masses– to shoot a president who displeased them in the head, in public, for all to see and let their media dutifully cover it up.   The 2020 election was a coup and those listed above were willing participants in this conspiracy; guilty of the most serious of crimes possible against this Republic.

So now that Trump has been removed, no time can be wasted to cement their power over the citizens of the USA and the rest of the world to birth their unworkable wet-dream of a NWO with them in the driver’s seat.

They are rushing to mandate experimental vaccines and pushing the idea of vaccine passports; they are using fear of COVID and its next version to control the majority of the masses– herding their livestock down a one way road to a total scientific dictatorship; otherwise known as a technocracy (their word, not mine); but as they rush, many of us are watching and becoming more and more aware of what they are doing and how they are getting away with these massive crimes against freedom and self-determination.  We are observing and learning… and this information is spreading like wildfire, despite all attempts to control and constrain the truth by Big Tech and the captured media.

I choose to be ‘the happy warrior’ and therefore choose to engage the enemy of man on the battlefield of ideas and non-compliance.

But to be effective we must discover who the enemy is, which can be difficult for most of us since so many of us carry around a false sense of history in our collective consciousness.  This false history was provided by the same folks who serve our enemy.  The enemy of our freedom has virtually unlimited economic power, political power and they control our healthcare, education system, universities and media.   They therefore seek to divide us by setting men against women, black against white, Christian against Muslim, liberal against conservative, Republican against Democrat and red against blue.

To start clearing the air a bit, we must reclaim our real history starting with the major wars of the 20th century orchestrated, financed and promulgated by the Anglo-American Establishment > RIIA > CFR > US State Department, and others.  These relationships were documented and exposed by Carol Quigley, Antony C. Sutton and others.

For a great update on this control structure, I submit this great interview by Tim Kelly

Matt Ehret on the British Origins of the Deep State and the Reconquest of America by Perfidious Albion by Our Interesting Times:  Matt Ehret joins Our Interesting Times to discuss the British origins of the Deep State and how America was gradualy pulled back into the orbit of Perfidious Albion in the 19th and 20th centuries.Matt is historian and author of Untold History of Canada book series. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of The Canadian Patriot Review and a co-founder of the Rising Tide Foundation.

So despite a formatable enemy owning the major levers of power, we have the truth and we have some of the brightest minds and researchers on our side: These include Tim Kelly, Joe Plummer, James Corbett, Ryan Dawson, Mark Kulacz, Jason Goodman, Charles Ortel, John E. Hoover, Patrick Wood, Richard Grove, Amazing Polly and many others.  We must support these people with our eyeballs, clicks and our money when and if we can.

So I am the Happy Warrior, ready for battle.  Let the games begin!

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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 28th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 21st, 2021


I use many sources to stay informed and to satisfy my desire to learn … too many to discuss here, but there are a few I’d like to mention today.  Besides reading excellent books as I find them, there are a few internet sites I visit on a regular basis: these include Tim Kelly, James Corbett, Amazing PollyJason Goodman, Farmer Jones LawSGT Report,  the Spidr (news aggregator) … all for different reasons.

I consider Tim Kelly and James Corbett reliable sources of well-researched information.  Amazing Polly does some great research and comes up with novel approaches and ideas that are very insightful. Mark Kulacz with Housatonic Live has done truly amazing deep research on many topics, uncovering important facts Tim Kelly and James Corbett missed on Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, for example.  Though not as prolific, I consider Mark the Mae Brussell of our era.

PSB (Patriot Soap Box): I’ve been watching Radix Verum and her husband Pamphlet as they grow, shrink, and change to meet many challenges as the MSM and others hunt them down attempting to silence their voice — so far, unsuccessfully.  This shows what a threat they are to the MSM.   Though there are only a few shows I listen to on their 24X7 broadcast, I still find value in their new paradigm on news delivery and hope they succeed.  I am a Christian, but PSB has way too much religiosity and music videos for my taste when I’m looking for hard-hitting news.  Of course this is their choice not mine.  Still there is some valuable and important information revealed on this unique alternative news outlet.   They are struggling and showing growth pains as they venture into some real history via Quigley and Sutton.  They have even started broadcasting some James Corbett and JBS.  The breakup of the Q phenomenon and the Trump / Kushner presidency fiasco has been painful; but Radix & Pamphlet are young and resilient, so I think they will survive this current, painful and disruptive coming of age milestone they are working their way through.

A lot of major influencers have migrated to Telegram after being driven from mainstream platforms; and so, I find a lot of interesting information there along with specific people I can have extended conversations with.

Also for way-out-on-the-limb kind of NFO, I look at 4Chan’s /pol/  (Politically Incorrect) for gems that may have slipped through the cracks of the Overton window, but the reader please beware of this little grease trap since this site is heavily infiltrated by DS players, LEOs, the IC and other nefarious actors promulgating false and misleading NFO. (Note:  Some say the CIA operated the DC/Servers in Austin, TX hosting the notorious Usenet alt.binaries back in the day)

If you tire of MSM’s retail propaganda, you can find more sophisticated propaganda here: I subscribe to the RIIA’s (Chatham House) the CFR’s (Pratt House) and the Atlantic Council’s newsletters among others to see what the great deceivers and apex predator class are up to.

John E Hoover does some great prezos using beautiful graphs based on the actual COVID data from the CDC; unfortunately, John is still mostly on YouTube –which in today’s cancel culture and censorship hysteria– is a risky gamble.  Maybe his pal Jason Goodman can pull him over to his new streaming servers once John is kicked off YouTube.

Suspicious0bservers (YouTube) – Space and earth weather.  Most excellent: entertaining and informative to the max.  Apparently YouTube hasn’t figured out this channel does not parrot their globalist narrative, so they are safe for now; and,  they have their own web site here:  https://suspicious0bservers.org/

Mark Kulacz  Housatonic Live – deep dives on a range of topics.

  • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HousatonicLive/videos
  • Web site: https://sites.google.com/a/housatonicits.com/home/

PSB (Patriot Soap Box)

  • 24X7 Live: https://dlive.tv/PSB
  • Their Shows: https://patriotssoapbox.com/shows/
  • Web site: https://patriotssoapbox.com/

The Corbett Report

  • Web site:  https://www.corbettreport.com/

Tim Kelly produces ‘Our Interesting Times’.  Can be found on the following platforms:

  • Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/sQfbO7OvyqWL/
  • Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/thkelly67
  • Podomatic: https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/
  • Internet Archive: https://archive.org/search.php?query=creator%3A%22Tim+Kelly%22

Note: Tim does a weekly podcast with Joe Atwill called Powers & Principalities also found on the above platforms

I used to use the Drudge Report as an aggregator of news to get a view of what was trending in the MSM, but since Drudge has gone rogue– propagating DS/Globalist naratives,  I rarely if ever visit his site.  I do use https://spidr.today/ as an alternative to peek in on what the MSM wants us to believe on any given day without giving them the benefit of my clicks.

And for a higher quality propaganda, I turn to the CFR and the Atlantic Counsel where I’m subscribed to their newsletters.

Checkout Substack  Bokhari: Establishment Media Is Terrified of Substack, for Good Reason

The March of Globalism

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On the matter of the John Birch Society (JBS)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 21st, 2021

I’m going to file this report under solutions.  Why?  Because the JBS has a long history of successes and has a well-oiled and established national organization to help us fight against the enslavement our current set of globalist tyrants have planned for us. The JBS has been fighting the NWO long before most of us were born.  Let’s see what they have learned.

If we turn to the heavily compromised Wikipedia we are not surprised to find the familiar echo chamber echoing the corporate media narrative.  This is still instructive, since we must have a fulcrum from which to view this topic.   But we soon find terms like fringe, far-right and conspiracy theorists embellishing Wiki’s JBS page; this sophistry is designed to stop thought dead in its tracks; and to deflect any additional analysis away from the topic at hand … thus, these prejudicial terms become “well-established facts”  within the walled-garden of permitted discourse allowed by the existing power structure. To conclude before we have the facts may save some time initially, but does not advance our understanding of the topic.


“The John Birch Society (JBS) is an American political advocacy group supporting anti-communism and limited government.  It has been described as a radical right or far-right organization.

Businessman and founder Robert W. Welch Jr. (1899–1985) developed an organizational infrastructure of nationwide chapters in December 1958. After an early increase in membership and influence, efforts by critics of the JBS, such as conservative William F. Buckley Jr. and National Review, pushed for the organization to be identified as a fringe element of the conservative movement, mostly out of fear of the radicalization of the American right. More recently Jeet Heer has argued in The New Republic that while the organization’s influence peaked in the 1970s, “Bircherism” and its legacy of conspiracy theories have become the dominant strain in the conservative movement. Politico has asserted that the JBS began making a resurgence in the mid-2010s, while the JBS has argued that it shaped the modern conservative movement and especially the Trump administration. Writing in The Huffington Post, Andrew Reinbach called the JBS “the intellectual seed bank of the right.”

Originally based in Belmont, Massachusetts, the John Birch Society is now headquartered in Grand Chute, Wisconsin a suburb of Appleton, Wisconsin, with local chapters throughout the United States. The organization owns American Opinion Publishing, which publishes the magazine The New American.”

Memo to Wikipedia: Hang on there just a minute, Skippy!”

Now, just because Wikipedia, the MSM, the Southern Poverty Law Center and other marketers of propaganda choose to smear the John Birch Society with fuzzy, inexact, emotionally-charged “well-established” presumptive fact-claims that magically mesh so well with the current globalist agenda, is no reason for us to think highly or lowly of the JBS.   Why?  Because we have our own brains and do not need to rent a brain from known prevaricators;  AND,  we also know how to think critically and objectively.   After all, many of these smear-merchants are the same ones who have lied us into every major war of the 20th century and continue to lie to us about  JFK, 9/11 and the recent “fair and honest” election giving Biden more votes than any other human in American history.  These folks are merchants of BS (smearing it everywhere) and purveyors of lies and deceptions we politely call spin or propaganda; and so, any of their fact-claims deserve to be thoroughly examined.

I would invite you to thoroughly investigate and register your email with the JBS.org web site to see what great work JBS is doing and how well organized they are.  James Perloff use to write for their New American magazine and G. Edward Griffin provides a great introduction to the JBS below.   Also see Alex Newman Senior Editor of the New American.

This is The John Birch Society 1969 by G. Edward Griffin

The John Birch Society vs. The Communists:  (circa 1965) John Birch Society founder Robert Welch lists the stark differences in operating principles between the JBS and the communists (now called Neocons and liberal Democrats).

Additional resources:

Important Videos Channel The John Birch Society

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 21st, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 21st, 2021


Web: drekberg.com

My first topic this morning is health.  Until I discovered a few key pieces of data last year, I thought I had a better than average understanding of health.  After all I was exercising almost daily, ate almost no sugar and ate mostly healthy foods, yet I discovered how blissfully ignorant I was when no matter how hard I tried, I could not get below 185 lbs.  My goal was 165 to 175 but that was not possible under my current regimen.  Enter Dr. Sten Ekberg (YouTube).  Dr. Ekberg taught me a few simple changes that would allow me to break the 185lb barrier.  Here’s how I was able to quickly and easily get below the impossible 185:

My steps to lose weight

  • No sugar (I was already doing this)
  • Little to no carbs
  • No snacks between meals (my biggest challenge)
  • Eat once or twice a day
  • Aerobic exercise (walking 3 miles per day: I was already doing this)

Not only did I learn how to reach my goals, I learned much, much more about the dangers of belly fat and type-2 diabetes.

Some of my benefits:

  • My clothes fit better
  • I look much better (looking at some of my old photos is revealing about how fat I really was)
  • My blood sugar is within range (no longer am I borderline diabetic)
  • I breathe better while I sleep (reduced fat around my neck and throat area)
  • I feel better, think better and have more energy
  • I have a better self-image

One final note on the good doctor:  The thing I like the most about Dr. Ekberg (Web site) is that he gives you the logical and scientific reasoning for everything he says.  This makes it much easier for me to become motivated to think through and follow his guidelines.  Why?  Because it makes sense.

Of course all the topics and categories below are related in some way.

  • HEALTH – We need to maintain our good health for our happiness, to protect our families and to resist and defeat the propaganda war machine aimed at destroying our families, our culture, our traditions and our freedom.  Without your health, you don’t have much.
  • COVID – Just another tool used to destroy the financial viability and strength of the middle class while enslaving the rest of us in this orchestrated medical tyranny.
  • CRIME –  Many or most of the attempts by the enemies of man in their foolish rush to subdue the world for their own selfish interests depend on crimes against humanity.
  • POLITICS – Another tool to place the power of government under their control to advance  their hidden, duplicitous goals.
  • HISTORY – History is a well-established PSYOP used to inoculate the vast unwashed masses against a true understanding of the history and crimes of the ruling elate. The false history we are taught provides an inaccurate map of the territory in front of us since we know not what was behind and we are thus unprepared to recognize the bandits waiting along the road we are traveling to fleece, shear and render us.
  • MEDIA – A propaganda cannon mixing truth with lies to control our perception of truth and therefore our reactions.
  • EDUCATION – Used to advance the globalist agenda destroying our culture, critical thought, individual freedom and self-determination.
  • GLOBALISM – A false idea that all our wars were born from a sense of nationalism and this and other global challenges can only be mitigated or solved with a global control infrastructure.
  • PERSONAL – The good things we can to as individuals for ourselves.
  • MUSIC – Can be manipulative, healing, inspiring or a mixture.
  • HUMOR & SATIRE – Consisting mostly of MEMEs, this category can provide some comic relief to help cope with the challenges before us.  Effective ridicule can also damage these enemies of man and be a most simple means of communicating with the masses.

One important category I’ve left out may be the most important of all: the war against our culture

The Globalists’ Creed:

  • Sustainability via UN Agenda 21, 2030 and beyond
  • Man-made global warming and carbon taxes
  • Abortion on demand for any reason at any age
  • One world governance by a singular government or power structure – preferably the existing power structure
  • All 51 to 71 gender flavors recognized by FB
  • Vaccines are safe and effective
  • Supporting and promoting the lies, obfuscation and disinformation of the Mainstream Media cabal.
  • No borders with unlimited and unregulated immigration
  • Anti-male; anti-family; anti-white; anti-Christian

The Building Blocks for their unworkable New World Order:

  1. Common Core (Control Education)
  2. UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
  3. Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
  4. Federal Reserve (Control Money)
  5. The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
  6. Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
  7. Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
  8. Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
  9. CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
  10. Vaccines (Population Control)
  11. Main Stream Media (Perception Control)
  12. Open Borders  (destroy the idea of the nation-state)
  13. NATO (destabilize targeted countries)
  14. Supreme Court (pack the Supreme Court; undermine the rule of law)
  15. Terrorism and proxy army support (ISIS, Al Qaeda, Daesh, Al-Nusra Front, Wahhabism, etc.)

Below, you will find a list of links I found interesting and informative this past week.


A COMING COVID CATASTROPHE  The HighWire with Del Bigtree.  World renown vaccine specialist, Geert Vanden Bossche, gave a groundbreaking interview this week risking his reputation and his career by bravely speaking out against administration of #Covid19 vaccines. In what may be one of the most important stories ever covered by The Highwire, the vaccine developer shared his extreme concerns about these vaccines in particular and why we may be on track to creating a global immunity catastrophe.

“Crash Course” PCR Testing: What is It? How Does it Work? What Are Its Strengths and Weaknesses?  by John E Hoover

John Cullen LIVE, Without a Net..!!!

Tax receipts in Texas look healthy despite the COVID scamdemic … (download the csv files)

The Global Public Health Mafia – Follow the Connections! Amazing Polly Published March 20, 2021


BROWN:  Looks like the DS may have to turnaround and eat their own vomit: This had to be hard on this criminal buffoon’s knees and shins. Ouch! This lifetime fraud demonstrates for the world he can’t walk much better than he can talk. An appropriate icon to represent the current state of the union.  Like most Americans, the world knows Biden is a fraud and does not possess the legitimacy or the support of the American people. The USA is a joke and everyone knows it: Chinese Official To Secretary Of State Blinken: USA “Not Qualified To Speak To China From A Position Of Strength”  This circus show was created by the established power structure, a compliant DOJ, FBI, Supreme Court, the MSM and the Three hyaenas in Big-Tech.

The Fraud

Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine )

This next story is sad, very sad.  This man was likely murdered because he would not yield  to the global ScamDemic hoax.  A true hero.   R.I.P. dear hero Magufuli… UPDATED: President Magufuli dead at 61  A corporate coup has removed Tanzania’s “Covid denying president”, and nobody should be surprised.

Look at the propaganda they are teaching our military:  Oh… poor little old Pepe the frog … and the Oath Keepers, seriously? The folks running our military are a joke.  Can’t even afford to recognize or identify our real enemies: too busy twisting themselves in knots trying to please their globalist masters.  In sum: our pitiful military are selling their birthright, their oath, and the US Constitution for a chance to lick the boot of the DS.

Norwegian media says some people “have to die” from coronavirus vaccines as a sacrifice to humanity

BROWN: You might also want to look into who owns and is benefiting from Genie Energy.  Syrian Oil Minister Reveals US Has ‘Pirated’ $92 Billion In Crude

The Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash


The Biden pay-for-play frauds “can’t get no respect” WATCH: China, U.S. Trade Rebukes At Alaska Diplomatic Talks | NBC News NOW‌

Tim Kelly interviews Josh Neal on American Extremism in Our Interesting Times
Josh Neal joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his new book American Extremist: The Psychology of Political Extremism from Imperial Press. Neal provides a clinical analysis of American culture and explains how mainstream institutions create and enable extremists of both the Left and Right.

Confronting Deep State Swamp Monsters: Solutions   In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman interviews John Birch Society Executive Field Coordinator Evan Mulch about his recent action confronting Deep State swamp monster Richard Haass, president of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. In addition to explaining a lot about the role of the CFR in the Deep State, Newman and Mulch talk about building relationships with elected officials and other leaders, always speaking the truth, and working in one’s community to educate the electorate. Mulch encouraged activists to ask their legislators to allow them to represent the legislator on the CFR’s ongoing webinar series seeking to recruit state and local officials into the Deep State’s agenda.

Deep State CFR Boss Haass Asked About “New World Order”
The New American

Ghost Town USA – Huntington Beach, CA Worldwide Freedom Rally by Jason Goodman

Great piece by Tucker… I rarely link or quote anything from Fox News since they have proven to be controlled opposition and a limited hangout, but Tucker did a good job here…

Katii Blood: “Beware the BAIZUO”  Tucker: Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against us

Interview 1625 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato


BROWN: If you read this book, you will never see WW2 the same way again



Media Propaganda:  At this point, what on the MSM is NOT propaganda?  Almost nothing, but this is particularly egregious and in your face BS… credit to James Corbett …

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make in Life Today


North Carolina School District Launches Campaign to ‘Disrupt White Culture,’ Urges Teachers to Subvert White Parents and Families


The Good Club | Grand Theft World by Richard Grove

Tim Kelley & Joe Atwill: Powers & Principalities: Episode 195 by Our Interesting Times

TECHNOCRATIC TAILSPIN The Highwire with Del Bigtree

from /pol/ … Iron triangles resulted in the defense industry prioritizing blowing up their supply chain for political support and pork barrel spending rather than making good products, same with every other industry under the sun. The US government shields failing businesses and shitty planned obsolescence habits and MBA globohomo hiring practices but demands little to nothing in return

Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms


BROWN: Pretty cool applet for translating bitmapped Russian (or other languages) images into readable and translatable text…



David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 14th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 14th, 2021

COVID: A Globalist’s Wet Dream


Farmer Jones Law: 3/5/21 Late Update! History Repeats itself!


Message from Israel. Oppression and Medical apartheid:



Jon Rapaport Swine Flu and the CDC in 2009:

James Corbett: Episode 396 – Bioethics and the New Eugenics

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was vilified for rejecting harsh lockdowns. But Florida’s Covid-19 numbers are better than California’s or New York’s, and its economy thrives

IDAHO STATE CAPITOL BUILDING Parents encouraging kids to burn masks on Idaho Capitol steps

Death Rates Skyrocket in Israel Following Pfizer Experimental COVID “Vaccines”
By Brian Shilhavy Health Impact News March 3, 2021

“PEGs were long thought to be biologically inert, but a growing body of evidence suggests they are not. As much as 72% of people have at least some antibodies against PEGs, according to a 2016 study led by Samuel Lai, a pharmaco-engineer at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, presumably as a result of exposure to cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. About 7% have a level that may be high enough to predispose them to anaphylactic reactions, he found. Other studies have also found antibodies against PEG, but at lower levels.

Szebeni believes CARPA explains the severe anaphylactoid reactions some PEGylated drugs are occasionally known to cause, including cancer blockbuster Doxil. A team assembled by Bruce Sullenger, a surgeon at Duke University, experienced similar issues with an experimental anticoagulant containing PEGylated RNA. The team had to halt a phase III trial in 2014 after about 0.6% of 1600 people who received the drug had severe allergic responses and one participant died. “That stopped the trial,” Sullenger says. The team found that every participant with an anaphylaxis had high levels of anti-PEG IgG. But some with no adverse reaction had high levels as well, Sullenger adds. “So, it is not sufficient to just have these antibodies.”

Nevertheless, the companies were aware of the risk. In a stock market prospectus filed on 6 December 2018, Moderna acknowledged the possibility of “reactions to the PEG from some lipids or PEG otherwise associated with the LNP.” And in a September paper, BioNTech researchers proposed an alternative to PEG for therapeutic mRNA delivery, noting: “The PEGylation of nanoparticles can also have substantial disadvantages concerning activity and safety.’””

Suspicions grow that nanoparticles in Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine trigger rare allergic reactions

Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill – Powers & Principalities: Episode 194
Transhumanism and the Jab


Whistleblower from Berlin old people’s home: The terrible death after the vaccination (Google Translate)

Covid-19 vaccine: Your existing health policy is unlikely to cover costs, adverse reactions

Ep 74.9: One Health : There can be only one 1918 influenza narrative

It’s Here: First Court Case Against Mandatory Vaccination: Attorney Interview

Does Governor Dewine Know What He Is Doing? Hypothetically Speaking: Great Moments from the Pandemic

Facebook Censors Wall Street Journal Over ‘Fact Checked’ Coronavirus Op-Ed by Johns Hopkins Surgeon

Russ Winter on Clown World Delusions and Disinformation by Our Interesting Times
Russ Winter returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss fake news and role the corporate media play in creating the delusions and disinformation that afflict and confuse the public.
Russ is the proprietor of Winter Watch.

The health authorities have, due to precautionary measures, suspended vaccination with AstraZeneca following a signal of a possible serious side effect in the form of fatal blood clots. It is currently not possible to conclude whether there is a connection. We act early, it needs to be thoroughly investigated

Vaccine from AstraZeneca put on hold (Google Translate)

Michigan mystery: Former COVID policy chief took Whitmer payout, advised Biden transition

The Nobel Prize-winning inventor of the PCR Test Kary Mullis on Anthony Fauci


Operation Vaxx-All Deplorables: Codename; “Satan’s Poker”

Millions Harmed by the Mother of All Con Games

Was Kary Mullis’ PCR Test the Modus Operandi of the Biggest Coverup / 21st Century? w Jason Goodman


After nine months, we still know masks don’t work


Charles University in Prague just released the DNA results for King Tut. He’s 100% haplogroup R1b, specifically R1b1a1b, which is Western European.

Not what we were told and not what we expected

Uh oh. Oops! AI is only as good as the programmers of AI, eh?

BROWN: Get your know on … “Hitler’s Revolution” by Richard Tedor Audiobook – Chapter 1

Unless of course you are talking about the fairy tales of WW2…





Deep State CFR Boss Haass Asked About “New World Order”


Joe Biden Makes History! Joe Biden is now the first US President in 100 years NOT to hold a press conference in his first 30 days in office. He can’t. Joe Biden is the first US President NOT to hold a State of the Union Address or Joint Session of Congress Address

20 State AGs Threaten Legal Action if H.R. 1 passes

Powers & Principalities: Episode 193 – Our Interesting Times Avoiding Rabbit Holes and Critical Thought

John Cullen Prepares His Testimony for the Grand Jury

Hum… the paid liars are getting laid off? And they don’t like it one darned little bit!
/pol/ … Exactly what they deserve lmao. Get your sock puppets in their feeds telling them to learn to code. It’s what they did in the face if Americans losing their manufacturing jobs anyway.
“This Was A Bloodbath” – Liberal Journalists Outraged After Huffington Post Fires 1/3rd Of Its Staff

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Ballots In Arizona’s Maricopa County Found Shredded and In Dumpster – Days Before Senate Audit To Begin


Farmer Jones law: 3/7/21 Updates! Economics, Data, WEF and Philosophy

PCR: As We Knew They Would, Democrat House Passes Bill That Cements in Place Their Ability to Steal Elections

Q: Is this psychopathic killer going to the slammer? Why did the Dems and the media turn on Cuomo in coordinated fashion at the flick of a switch? A: Obama and team are clearing the field of the old democrat party machine to replace Cuomo and other common criminals with much worse strain of ideological “Progressive” criminals. Sexual harassment, murder or both. Why do we keep electing these psychos?

Retired 30-Yr Navy Chaplain Volunteered To Speak With FBI About Protest At Capitol On Jan 6th…What Happened Next Is Terrifying [VIDEO]

Genocide is A-Okay when CHINA does it… or if you are offing 62 million babies here in the USA.
Report says China in violation of UN Genocide Convention, has perpetrated genocide against Uyghurs

Transgender surgery is now free for military, thanks to Biden executive order

Transgender Men in Women’s Showers Must Get ‘Dignity and Respect,’ Says U.S. Army

James Corbett: Hello, I Must Be Going! . . .  I’m one strike away from having my main YouTube channel deleted and Patreon has permanently “suspended” my account, so if you’re only following my work through these controlled platforms then all I have to say is: It was nice knowing you! For everyone else, here’s how you can continue watching The Corbett Report even after YouTube pulls the plug… SHOW NOTES

REVEALED: Emails Show Zuckerberg-Funded Group Overruling Election Officials, Accessing Mail-In Ballots BEFORE Election.

Interview 1622 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

CASE FALLS APART: Capitol Hill Investigators Ask for 60-Day Delay to Build a Case Against Jan. 6 Protesters After FBI-Media Conspiracies Implode

Jesse Lee Peterson taking time out to school some tards.



Ruth Bader Ginsburg statue unveiled in Brooklyn to mark her birthday, Women’s History Month

Natural News: Supreme Court Justice and infanticide advocate Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, passing away “peacefully” even though over 60 million human babies have been violently murdered in America due to abortion policies that Ginsburg helped advocate across this nation. Ginsburg refused to grant millions of children their own right to die peacefully, without medical violence being perpetrated against them, as she was a staunch advocate of partial-birth abortions.




You can contact David Brown at ClearNFO@gmail.com |  You can catch up with him on MeWe here… mewe.com/i/davidbrown24 | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor (Chapter 2)


by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 13th, 2021

Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor Chapter 2
The New Germany 
Germany Prostrate 

On February 10, 1933, Hitler discussed his economic program at a mass meeting in Berlin for the first time as chancellor. Telling the audience, “We have no faith in foreign help, in assistance from outside our own nation”, the Führer opined that Germany had no friends beyond her own borders. World War I had ended in 1918 when the German Reich and Austria-Hungary surrendered, and harsh terms imposed by the Allies, despite U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s promise of an equitable settlement, had left the Reich more or less on a solitary course.

Allied delegates opened the peace conference in Versailles, France, in January 1919. They demanded that Germany accept blame for the war and compensate the victors for damages. This enabled them to initiate reparations requirements that reduced the Germans to virtual bondage. To extort the Reich’s signature onto the treaty, Britain’s Royal Navy maintained a blockade of food imports destined for Germany. The blockade had been in force since early in the war. Over 750,000 German civilians, mainly children and the elderly, perished from malnourishment.

Despite Germany’s capitulation, the British continued to block food deliveries until the summer of 1919. On March 3 of that year, the English cabinet minister Winston Churchill told the House of Commons, “We are holding all our means of coercion in full operation or in immediate readiness for use. We are enforcing the blockade with vigor. We have strong armies ready to advance at the shortest notice. Germany is very near starvation. The evidence I have received from the officers sent by the War Office all over Germany shows first of all, the great privations which the German people are suffering, and secondly, the great danger of a collapse of the entire structure of German social and national life under the pressure of hunger and malnutrition. Now is therefore the moment to settle.” Allied leaders bluntly told German delegates at Versailles to accept the treaty or face a military invasion and extension of the blockade. The Germans signed on June 28, 1919.

The Allies’ conditions degraded Germany to a secondary power. The victors divided 13 percent of the Reich’s territory among neighboring states. The 7,325,000 Germans residing there became second-class citizens in their new countries. Lost natural resources and industry included 67 percent of Germany’s zinc production, 75 percent of iron ore, a third of the coal output and 7.7 percent of lead. The Allies demanded twelve percent of Germany’s exports, with the option of raising the amount to 25 percent, for the next 42 years.

The malnourished German nation also surrendered a million cattle including 149,000 milking cows, plus 15 percent of the harvest. The Allies confiscated a quarter of Germany’s fishing fleet. In addition to large amounts of timber, 7,500 German locomotives and 200,000 freight cars went to the former enemy.  Germany also relinquished her prosperous African colonies to the Anglo-French overseas empires. Every transport vessel exceeding 1,600 tons, practically the Reich’s entire merchant fleet, enriched the Allies’ war booty. Germans forfeited private investments abroad.

Morally justifying the terms, the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, described how the Allied victory accomplished Germany’s “liberation from militarism.”  He gloated on another occasion, “We have got most of the things we set out to get. The German navy has been handed over, the German merchant shipping has been handed over, and the German colonies have been given up. One of our chief trade competitors has been most seriously crippled and our allies are about to become Germany’s biggest creditors. This is no small achievement!”  Between 1880 and 1900, Germany’s share of world trade had risen from 10.7 percent to 13.8 percent. During that period, Britain’s had declined from 22 to 16 percent, and France’s from 13 to eight percent.  Woodrow Wilson remarked in September 1919, “Is there any man or woman—let me say, is there any child—who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? This was an industrial and commercial war.”

The war transformed Germany from a flourishing industrial power to a distressed state. Military service had cost 1,808,545 German soldiers their lives.  Another 4,247,143 had been wounded. The country was bankrupt from defense expenditures. Marxist agitation provoked labor walk-outs. There were 3,682 strikes in 1919, which impacted 32,825 businesses and 2,750,000 workers.  Decline in industrial output and reparations burdens contributed to massive unemployment. Demobilized soldiers couldn’t find jobs. A new law required managers to reinstate former employees who had served on active duty during the war; however, many business owners were among the slain and their companies were gone.

Additionally, large numbers of foreign workers were in Germany, having taken over the manufacturing positions of men inducted into the army. Soldiers returning home found their pre-war jobs occupied by ersatz labor. People out of work lacked purchasing power. This decreased demand for consumer goods, leading to production cut-backs and further lay-offs. Unemployment fluctuated dramatically. The downward spiral began late in 1927. In 1931 alone, 13,736 companies filed for bankruptcy. An average of 107,000 people per month lost their livelihood. In mid-1932, almost 23 million Germans (36 percent of the population) were receiving public assistance.

The London Declaration of May 5, 1921, established Germany’s aggregate debt at 132 billion reichsmarks (RM). One mark equaled approximately 50 cents. It also imposed a “retroactive payment” of twelve billion gold marks plus another billion in interest. The German government in Weimar could not meet the obligation. Without foreign commerce, Germany had little income. Fearing inordinate taxation to meet Allied demands, affluent Germans invested capital abroad. The flight of currency and the national deficit contributed to inflation. In November 1922, Weimar requested a moratorium on cash payments. The Inter-Allied Reparations Commission declared Germany in default. The French army garrisoned the Ruhr-Lippe region, source of almost 80 percent of Germany’s coal, steel and pig iron production. Demonstrating passive resistance, civil servants and laborers there boycotted the work places. This increased the number of persons on public aid and further reduced productivity. The Ruhr debacle precipitated the currency’s slide into worthlessness. Inflation wiped out the savings of Germany’s middle class.

A commission chaired by the American Charles Dawes made recommendations to balance Germany’s budget and stabilize the money system. The Allies assumed control of the Reich’s Bank and sold shares in the national railroad. They fixed annual payments at $250 million. Another committee convened in Paris in February 1929 under the American banker Owen Young. The Young Plan arranged a new payment plan for Germany to extend to 1988. Since 1924, Weimar had been borrowing from Wall Street banks to meet reparations demands. The worldwide fiscal crisis of 1929 curtailed this source of capital. Despite tax increases, the German government failed to generate sufficient revenue to restore the economy. By March 1933, the German national debt amounted to 24.5 billion reichsmarks.


You can contact David Brown at ClearNFO@gmail.com |  You can catch up with him on MeWe here… mewe.com/i/davidbrown24 | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

Additional Resources:

Meet Rudolf Steiner

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 7th, 2021

Important dates / information to keep in mind:

  • World War I: 28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918 (4 years, 3 months and 2 weeks)
  • Rudolf Steiner: 27 February 1861 to 30 March 1925 (64 years)
  • Born in Murakirály, Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire (now Donji Kraljevec, Croatia) Died in Dornach, Switzerland.

The Karma of Untruthfulness | Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
Vol 1, 13 Lectures 1916

The Karma of Untruthfulness | Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
Vol 2, 12 Lectures 1917

As I’m listening to and reading Rudolf Steiner’s Karma of Untruthfulness, I am struck by how much detail he is able to provide from history and his current events surrounding WWI.   What a wonderful treasure-trove of fascinating information.

I was completely unaware of Steiner’s Anthroposophy or spiritual science and would tend to dismiss this kind of foolishness out of hand, but on closer inspection I can find some agreement with his motives and some of his conclusions.  Worth a look, and Wikipedia seems to do a great job on Anthroposophy– worth reading the entire article.

Wikipedia: Anthroposophy’s supporters include Hilma af Klint, Pulitzer Prize-winning and Nobel Laureate Saul Bellow,[15] Nobel prize winner Selma Lagerlöf,[16] Andrei Bely,[17][18] Joseph Beuys,[19] Owen Barfield, architect Walter Burley Griffin,[20] Wassily Kandinsky,[21][22] Andrei Tarkovsky,[23] Bruno Walter,[24] Right Livelihood Award winners Sir George Trevelyan,[25] and Ibrahim Abouleish,[26] child psychiatrist Eva Frommer,[27][28] Fortune magazine editor Russell Davenport, Romuva (Lithuanian pagan) religious founder Vydūnas, and former president of Georgia, Zviad Gamsakhurdia. Albert Schweitzer was a friend of Steiner’s and was supportive of his ideals for cultural renewal.[29] The historian of religion Olav Hammer has termed anthroposophy “the most important esoteric society in European history.”[30] However, many scientists and physicians, including Michael Shermer, Michael Ruse, Edzard Ernst, David Gorski, and Simon Singh have criticized anthroposophy’s application in the areas of medicine, biology, agriculture, and education to be dangerous and pseudoscientific.

I’ve been listening to an audio version during my morning exercises but have discovered I must actually read these writings if I hope to have any retention.  Still, listening to the audio version does raise my interest in reading, thinking and discovering more of the meaty little morsels contained in Steiner’s dense writing.    There is just too much information to provide a summary or high-level review, but I have picked out a few tidbits below to perhaps whet your apatite.

Steiner speaks of the old slogan of 1789: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and compares it to the new slogan of 1914: Order, Duty, Justice.

Steiner: “Looking more closely we find that these so-called new words are in fact quite old and pretty threadbare. Comparison between the two reveals the ancient conflict that characterizes human spiritual life, the conflict between an inner world of free personal activity and an outer world of rigid laws, coercive measures. Even as long ago as the time of Christ, justice as the fulfilment of the law was balanced by mercy, duty by love, and the legal order by voluntary imitation of Christ.”

WWI was pre-planned and orchestrated: “I have told you before that in certain secret brotherhoods in the West—I have proof of this—there was talk in the 1890s about the present war. The pupils of these brotherhoods were given instruction by means of maps which showed how Europe was to be changed by this world war. The English brotherhoods in particular discussed a war that was to take place—indeed, that was to be guided into being and properly prepared. I am speaking of facts, but there are certain reasons why I have to refrain from drawing maps for you, though I could quite easily draw for you the maps which figured in the teachings of those western secret brotherhoods.”

Propaganda against Germany: “Without stating my own opinion one way or the other, I must admit that outside Germany I have hardly met a single judgement about Germany that is really understanding and friendly. Judgements have been pronounced with immense confidence, yes, but not with genuine understanding. On the other hand, there are innumerable extraordinarily benevolent judgements about everything in the periphery. Nobody need believe that this surprises me. It certainly does not. I am not in the least surprised, but I do try to understand why it is so. The reason is that there is absolutely no will to gain a proper perspective. People do not even suspect that a judgement about what lives today in Central Europe has to be made from a perspective that differs utterly from that needed to judge what lives in the periphery. They have no idea what it means that with everything contained in Central Europe each single individual is vulnerable and threatened, and therefore that the scale of affairs is at a human level, whereas in the periphery the scale is that of state and political affairs which require to be judged from an entirely different perspective. Each is judged on the same basis, but this is meaningless in this case.”

Steiner on the MSM aka the Press: “Nevertheless, we do stand in the world and it does influence us via at least one fatal indirect route, for we always allow ourselves to be influenced by what some people have called a major power: the Press! The effect of the Press really is most disastrous, for it falsifies and blurs virtually everything. How little would be written if those who write were really called upon to write properly! Who does not write today about the relationship of Romania to Russia, or Romania to any of the other states? It does not even occur to them that a fundamental prerequisite for saying anything about these relationships is to read the memoirs of the late King Carol of Romania.  Those who write without having done this only write things which are not worth reading, even by the simplest people.

Times are grave; therefore only grave and earnest views of the world and of life can serve in these times. So it is important to sense something of a feeling that I have often described as essential: above all not to judge rashly but, instead, to look at things side by side and wait for them to speak. In the course of time they will say a good many things to us. To acquaint oneself with as many aspects as possible is the best preparation for penetrating thoroughly into the difficult and complicated conditions of life today.”

The Karma of Untruthfulness V.1, Lecture five (Dornach, 16 December 1916), Page 95
Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
13 Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Things now developed in such a way that in 1888, a year in which war could have broken out just as it did in 1914, the crisis was averted because Crispi remained loyal to the Triple Alliance. He remained loyal to the Triple Alliance because France was proceeding to spread herself in North Africa. France embarked at that time on a political tactic aimed at Italy, who was starting to turn away from her. The French themselves said this tactic was intended to bring about the ‘re-conquering of Italy by means of hunger’, that is, a kind of trade war was attempted against Italy, and this trade war certainly played an important role at that time. The consequence was that Italy’s practical links with Central Europe were increasingly strengthened. It is perhaps just as well if I give you the opinion of a Frenchman on this, rather than that of a German. He said that modern Italy was economically a German colony.

It has often been stressed, not only by Germans but by others as well, that Italy was saved by her close economic ties with Germany from the danger of being conquered by France through hunger—not a nice prospect. All this contributed to the peaceful settlement of the crisis at the end of the eighties. It is most interesting to study this crisis in all its details. It reveals something quite special to someone who is inclined to take account of interconnections and not be deceived. I did the following: I called to mind the events of 1888 and superimposed on them the date 1914. The events are absolutely identical! Just as in 1914 the incitements in the press were started in Petersburg and then taken up in Germany, so it was in 1888. As then, so also in 1914, a conflict was to be brought about between Germany and Austria. In short, every detail is the same. It is interesting that I have read aloud to various people a speech made in 1888 in which I replaced the date 1888 by 1914. Everybody believed that the speech was made in 1914!

When such things are possible we are not inclined to speak of coincidences. We have to understand that there are driving forces and that these driving forces work in a systematic way.

Related resources:

Text: https://bibleandbookcenter.com/read/the-karma-of-untruthfulness/
Audio: https://youtu.be/VBuynSLfTcg
Rudolf Steiner Audio web site: http://www.rudolfsteineraudio.com/
Rudolf Steiner Web Site: https://www.rudolfsteiner.org/
calibre reader: https://calibre-ebook.com/download
epub version for Vol 1 & 2: https://www.e-bookdownload.net/search/the-karma-of-untruthfulness-v-1

Psychology & the separation of the conscious and subconscious
Freud and Steiner: Contemporaries:
-♦ Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939 (83 years)
-♦ Rudolf Steiner: 27 February 1861 to 30 March 1925 (64 years)

►Steiner’s separation of the conscious and subconscious: Our Connection with the Elemental World
►Freud’s separation of the conscious and subconscious: Observations on Psychology


You can contact David Brown at ClearNFO@gmail.com |  You can catch up with him on MeWe here… mewe.com/i/davidbrown24 | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 7th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | March 7th, 2021

Of course we are still living in the aftermath of the unabashed, in-your-face political coup which installed a globalist puppet into the Oval Office to continue the work his establishment predecessors teed up before the four year pause created by naïve outsider Trump.  The Trump phenomenon must have scared the holy crap out of our globalist masters since they are moving so quickly to secure their control and make sure this never happens again.  Unlike the tepid Trump, Biden’s controllers have no problem firing and hiring the right people to promote their agenda.  So as Trump exits, we are left to deal with this mess.  The great hope of returning America to a nationalistic stance has now been upended; we are rushing at warp speed to secure globalist control of every citizen and asset in this country— the law be damned and the Constitution be damned.  At this point it is crystal clear the FBI, DOJ, Supreme Court, Big-tech and the MSM are all part of the coup.   Even the military –who some believed would protect this Republic– are now protecting not the Republic– but the traitors hunkered down in Washington, DC.  This same military has no problem following orders happily killing innocent men, women and children in Syria for no good reason whatsoever just to please the psychotic frauds they serve.

Why is the Capitol still so heavily guarded? Something doesn’t add up… 1) Politicians finally figured out how much the public hates them or 2) Because Biden is the most popular president?







Why is it that the most popular President in history still hasn’t had a press conference?

This week, I’ve collected an amazing collage of interesting and enlightening articles, videos and podcasts for your edification.  So much great new information and so little time.

Focus on the crime and villainy surrounding the COVID project…

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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 28th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | February 28th, 2021

Today’s Sunday edition is organized into categories – hopefully making it easier to find a topic that may interest you.


The Neverending Story of Big Tech’s Censorship is ‘the nothing’ Atreyu was fighting…

Please remember to download any important videos, podcasts or articles to a local hard drive — not the cloud.  Big-tech’s censorship is in high-gear, so if you want to save our modern day Library of Alexandria from the Big -tech Arsonists, save frequently before Big-tech marks it for deletion.  Also, it is important to have your own physical books since physical books –unlike digital books– cannot be edited after the fact.   Coming from an engineering and philosophical background, I’m thinking of problem solving 101 to help protect ourselves from this coordinated attack on our First Amendment by the rich and arrogant who seek to control our speech and our thoughts.

Problem solving according to David Brown…

  1. First step in solving a problem is realizing you have a problem;
  2. Second step is accurately describing the problem;
  3. Third step is proposing solutions;
  4. Fourth step is implementing one or more of the solutions that actually addresses and solves the problem(s);

If none of your solutions work, rerun the process above after doing a retrospective.

Key to all of this –permeating every step– is visualizing the end point or target goal. The solutions proposed may or may not work requiring a retrospective and reiteration, also the solutions may depend on many smaller tactical solutions to achieve a larger goal. In any event, it is my opinion that our institutions are corrupt and therefore many of our people in positions of power are corrupt. No law or constitutional convention can fix a corrupt system. We must therefore ask how corrupt it is and what were the steps taken to corrupt this system; and finally what can we do to target and remove this cancer.

Here is another solution from Brent E. Hamachek entitled Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident

And James Corbett of the Corbett Report also provides many ideas on solutions under #SolutionsWatch …  https://www.corbettreport.com/?s=solutions

Big-Tech Alternatives

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David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 21st, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | CLEARNFO.com | February 21st, 2021

Igloo our son built in the back yard.

BROWN: A week of winter in Houston like none I’ve ever experienced.  I’ve lived in snowy areas like Boston and Denver, but the greater Houston area is known for its mild winters where you will find yourself wearing shorts and sandals during much of the winter months.  Not so much starting the night of Valentines Day 2021.  We had predictions of 4 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit (Celsius: -13 to  -16).  We wrapped our pipes as best we could not knowing that we would also be without power for almost 5 days during this bitter cold spell.  Our house is 100% electric, so no gas to heat the house or the water.   Many of my neighbors and co-workers suffered through 20 °F internal house temps and numerous frozen and broken water pipes.  Luckily our house never got below 43 °F but still without power it was dark and cold. We had no frozen pipes I think because we of course opened a few faucets and let the water run out slowly.  We also would turn off the water at the meter every evening at ~5:00 p.m.  drain the pipes and then refill the next day around 11:00 a.m. We had no power to cook with so we used a Colman camping stove outside to heat water for coffee.  After a few days a friend from work brought over an extra power generator that we put on our covered back porch.  This ran one space heater for one room and our computer equipment.  Prior to that, I was running my business out of my warm running car with my cell phone.  Looking for POs on a cell phone or conducting WebEx meetings and taking notes is not easy. Laptop battery was dead, so I had no choice.  One unfortunate lady we knew was set to close on her house only to find the ceiling fell in from water damage on the day of closing.

This cold week without power has taught us many, many lessons on preparedness.  I thought I was prepared, but I would do so many things differently if I had a do-over: buy more bread for sandwiches, paper plates, paper or plastic bowls, plastic eating utensils, an electric hot plate, water proof shoes, gloves, etc.,   I believe we are now motivated to act on our plans for a full house power failover system with a 500 or 1,000 gallon LP tank.  I’ve already been shopping prices and have requested a bid.   This is exciting.  No longer will I be subject to our unreliable power company during rain, cold or hurricanes.  It will be nice to just sit here as though nothing at all has happened and carry on as usual.

BROWN: My reaction to the winter forecast below on 2/14 was this: Hey, this is Houston-F’ing-Texas for Pete’s sake!!!! 9 °F tomorrow and 4 °F Tuesday!!!! WTF HOMER!!! Is there a vaccine for Global Cooling?

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