The David Brown Freedom Prize
The David Brown Freedom Prize: If a wealthy arms dealer can create the Nobel Peace Prize, and BTW award it to war criminals like Henry Kissinger and Obama, we need something to counterbalance this odious prize. Though I don’t have the money Alfred Nobel generated from his implements of death, my prize will be much more honorable and prestigious; once the qualifications and the list of nominees are made known.
Here’s the list of nominees I have so far…
- Julian Assange – Winner for 2016
- Republic of Ecuador
- Judicial watch
- Project Veritas
- DCLeaks
- William Binney
Qualification: Those persons or establishments who unselfishly and at great personal risk achieve a significant impact on the establishment, preservation or advancement of individual freedoms.
Note: Please feel free to nominate anyone you feel worthy of this honor.
Prizes for 2016 will be awarded January, 2017.
Additional nominees:
- Trey Gowdy
- Jason Chaffetz
- Posthumously to Gary webb, Micheal Rupter, Quigley and Sutton.
- Dinesh D’Souza