Destruction of the American Republic

by DAVID BROWN | | April  2, 2017

Now it is no secret that US President Woodrow Wilson helped lay the foundation for the current destruction of our Republic we are witnessing today.

So what did Wilson do?

  1. Signed into law the Federal Reserve Act (December 23, 1913) which handed over control of our money system to a small group of private bankers.
  2. Signed into law the 16th Amendment (February 3, 1913) which created the heretofore unconstitutional income tax
  3. Tricked Americans into entering WWI, after promising he wouldn’t. (see the sinking of the RMS Lusitania)
  4. Attempted to create the first world government (League of Nations) which was later replaced by the UN.

What is generally not known is that none of these were Wilson’s ideas, they emanated from Edward Mandell House who served those international bankers who met in secret on Jekyll Island October of 1910 to create the Federal Reserve.


Additional Reading at ClearNFO

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