by DAVID BROWN | | May 2nd, 2021
The Federal Reserve Act was signed into law on December 23rd ,1913 by Progressive President Woodrow Wilson. This one act gave a small group of men unmerited and unearned power to siphon-off billions of hours in work and talent from US Citizens into the open pockets of the ruling elite. This has created within this cabal a shared psychosis manifested as a sense of superiority over those from whom its power is derived and maintained. In addition to this unearned feeling of superiority, the ruling elite are immune to any negative societal or legal feedback; or feelings of empathy for those upon whom they regularly feed. This makes mass murder, child rape and other revolting behavior easy and completely acceptable.
The depths of their depravity, debauchery and degeneracy therefore know no bounds.
With their unearned wealth and power, they have been able to shred our constitution, rewrite our history, control the media, our education systems, scientists, and the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the US Government. They have at their beck and call our federal law enforcement, regulators and military; and they control legions of three letter intelligence agencies that murder, rape, steal, spy, imprison and defame US Citizens without consequence. Money talks and everything else walks.
Marketing fear to the trusting masses of the naïve and uninformed is easy-peasy:

Selling fear for money is easy.
I met several people at a party this week who were very proud and relieved to have taken their vaccine. Everyone had their vaccine but me. They seem to think everything is A-Okay now that they have their vaccine. Thinking they are finally safe, they are willing to give me a hug or gather in small crowds with no fear. I hope they are right. However, none of these people know 1) how the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ works 2) what’s contained in the vaccine, or 3) that it has only an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) – meaning that it has not been fully tested or approved for use. Emergency Authorization was only granted because the vaccine manufacturers claim there is no effective treatment for COVID-19. What are your chances of dying of COVID-19? Extremely low. No one I know is familiar with the data reported by VAERS below and certainly I’ve heard nothing of this in the corporate press. Most adverse cases never get reported to VAERS so this is just a small fraction, but the trend is clear and not reassuring.
According to the government’s own reporting system: VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
2017 (12 months)
Total adverse reactions: 38911
Total deaths: 120
2018 (12 months)
Total adverse reactions: 49138
Total deaths: 164
2019 (12 months)
Total adverse reactions: 48444
Total deaths: 183
2020 (12 months)
Total adverse reactions: 46263
Total deaths: 166
2021 (3 months: 1/1/21 – 3/25/21)
Total adverse reactions: 40384
**Total deaths: 2149 in just 3 months!**
… and in Europe: 8,430 DEAD & 354,177 Injuries: European Database Of Adverse Drug Reactions For COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’
European database of suspected adverse drug reaction reports
Report from Chile by David Robison:

Chilean territory in dark green; claimed but uncontrolled territory in light green (By Addicted04 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0)
Welp. Chile seems to be rapidly descending into a totalitarian hellscape. Following the aggressive mass vax campaign they had an explosion of cases and deaths consistent with what has happened in every other country with similarly high rates of vax uptake. But since most of the country was already under level one lockdown they had to invent new ways to lock down even harder, so I guess we’re under double secret probation lockdown now.
Living out in the countryside at the Fort has meant I’ve more or less been able to ignore the fact that Chile has had some of the worst lockdowns in the world for the past year. I really only had to put up with the nonsense for the few hours per month I would go into town to buy some things. But now since they are shutting down the borders and preventing nationals and foreign residents from leaving, I’m taking that as my queue to flee the country.
During the 2019 riots here an “Estado de Emergencia” (State of Emergency) was declared, but once covid mania came around it was escalated to “Estado de Catástrofe” (State of Catastrophe). Estado de Catástrofe is the last step before “Estado de Sitio” or “State of Siege,” which is basically full blown military junta-style martial law.
The 2019 riot situation was only resolved when there was an agreement to rewrite the constitution, but now with the recent covid spike the Chilean senate decided to postpone the vote to elect the constitution commission. So the Chilean govt already has every incentive to milk covid mania for all it’s worth, and I don’t really want to wait around to see what happens with winter approaching in the southern hemisphere along with a flu season which takes off towards the end of June.
Chile’s current president, Sebastián Piñera, is like a Chilean Mitt Romney, he has that square-jawed used car salesman kind of scummy politician grin, and he’s not a populist but a representative of the local billionaire elite. During the 2019 riots Piñera was declared public enemy número uno by the rioters, who were primarily leftists riding on the back of populist rage towards the country essentially being one big fiefdom ruled by a tiny aristocracy. That and Chile has this f’ed up “AFP” retirement system thing everyone has to pay into which the banksters get to gamble with by “investing” it, and when they lose everyone’s money they basically just go “oops lol.” Aaaaaaand it’s gone.
Politically the situation is a bit awkward though because the lefties, who for whatever reason have decided to be the vanguard of the new global health dictatorship, seem to have criticized Piñera’s Estado de Catástrofe and hardcore lockdowns only on account of being too lax, which ironically has provided him with the pretext for postponing the constitution commission vote that the revolution worked so hard for. All those molotov cocktails for nothin’ I guess.
In fact, there seems to be very little questioning of anything related to covid here. There’s not much independent media, the sources of information are highly centralized, and as far as I can tell most everything is being taken at face value. Overall while I really appreciated the general friendliness and helpfulness of the countryside Chileans I lived around, I have to say there does seem to be an overwhelmingly unquestioning obedience and docility built into the culture unlike anything I’ve ever seen. The enforcement of the covid rules from the military on the streets on down to the employees stationed at store entrances can only be described as robotic order-following.
Even before the recent escalation of the lockdown, things in the cities were already pretty insufferable. Everyone has to request permission from a police website to go outside to do anything, and you only get two of these “salvoconductos” per week.
Originally each one granted you a whopping three hours out of your house-prison, so six hours in total per week on the yard, a challenge thanks to the max capacity rules meaning you spend most of your time waiting in lines outside of stores just to get in the damn things. At some point they arbitrarily decided to lower that to two hours per salvoconducto, perhaps to see if it would arouse some resistance, yet it failed to inspire so much as a proletarian whimper.
Already everyone has been acclimated to salvoconductos, military checkpoints creating huge traffic jams everyday for people commuting in from the countryside, and generally having to navigate an ever-changing and unpredictable landscape of arbitrary bureaucratic dictates reminiscient of Terry Gilliam’s 1985 dystopian film “Brazil.” And the double secret probation lockdown as you can see in the attached image has taken things to a whole new level. Now only “essential” items can be sold (“non-essential” items cannot even be bought online and delivered). Clothes, for example, are apparently non-essential. Nationwide curfew after 9 PM. Etc.
If there’s a country ripe for adopting the Israeli-style “green passport” system I think Chile is next in line. I suspect introducing medical apartheid through their permission system would likely be rolled out to thunderous applause. Vaccine “passports”…that’s my kryptonite son! Hell no.
I was in the process of acquiring Chilean property but thankfully everything takes forever down here so I had not yet been able to sign the land contracts. Instead I’ve decided to return to the mother country, my dear sweet Mexico. All my friends outside the US are there, and it’s much closer to friends and family in the US. Culturally speaking Mexicans have a healthy distrust of political power too, something which I obviously resonate with.
My last post over two months ago stated I was deleting my Facebook. Since that time I’ve somewhat had a change of heart, for now anyways. I do believe these vax “passports” present one of the greatest threats to human liberty we have ever faced, and they must be resisted at all costs. I thought maybe I could just go hide in the corner of the ball Earth until humanity pulled its head out of its ass, but I finally realized that Chile is about the last country I want to be in.
So now the jet engines are revving up and they’re telling us to put our phones on flight mode. 8.5 hour night flight, imma go to sleep and teleport to the promise land. Take me home, Aeromexico!
Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID‐19 vaccines worsening clinical disease: “The elicitation of antibodies, specifically neutralising antibodies, is the goal of nearly every current SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccine candidate. The prior evidence that vaccine‐elicited, antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE) of disease is likely to occur to some degree with COVID‐19 vaccines is vertically consistent from controlled SARS studies in primates to clinical observations in SARS and COVID‐19. Thus, a finite, non‐theoretical risk is evident in the medical literature that vaccine candidates composed of the SARS‐CoV‐2 viral spike and eliciting anti‐SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies, be they neutralising or not, place vaccinees at higher risk for more severe COVID‐19 disease when they encounter circulating viruses. Indeed, studies in mice of prior SARS vaccines revealed this exact phenotype, with four human vaccine candidates eliciting neutralising antibodies and protecting against SARS challenge, but viral re‐challenge of thus vaccinated animals resulting in immunopathologic lung disease.5 Independently, SARS/MERS vaccine candidates, commonly exhibited ADE associated with high inflammatory morbidity in preclinical models, obstructing their advancement to the clinic.4, 12 SARS ADE of both disease in non‐human primates and viral infection of cells in vitro was clearly mapped to specific antibody‐targeted SARS viral spike epitopes.6 This phenomenon was consistent across a variety of vaccine platforms, including DNA, vector primes and virus‐like particles (VLP), irrespective of inoculation method (oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, etc). An unknown variable is how long this tissue damage lasts, possibly resulting in permanent morbidity (eg, diabetes from pancreatic damage7).”
Geert Vanden Bossche (DVM, PhD): Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants. Key document on mass vaccination and immune escape. Response to critics. Why do mass vaccination campaigns promote dominance of selective immune escape variants? I repeat with utmost urgency my call for a public scientific debate with the WHO, qualified experts and authorities worldwide.
The CDC announced this week that people who have been fully vaccinated can now go outside without masks on. Meanwhile in many of the open states people have been outside all along without masks. The Texas Rangers baseball team played its opener to a full stadium of mostly unmasked people. Meanwhile the mainstream media continues to obfuscate and propagandize over the “embarrassing” successes of “free” states like Texas and Florida, still quoting “experts” who have been wrong over and over.
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CDC admits: no RCTs support mask efficacy vs covid. none.
At Least 9,245 Americans Tested Positive for COVID-19 After Vaccination; 132 Dead
Our lawless federal government prosecutes the righteous while the guilty go free.
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BROWN: I don’t think this is what Ben Franklin had in mind. The modern police state that is America. We have 17 spook agencies spying on US citizens, what’s one more? The Postal Service is running a ‘covert operations program’ that monitors Americans’ social media posts
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The Uncertainty of Science by Richard Feynman
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FDA poised to ban menthol cigarettes this week, experts predict The action would not remove menthol tobacco from stores immediately, but rather kick off the rule-making process to do so, which could take several years.
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PCR: Federal Authorities Shift Investigation From Joe & Hunter Biden to Giuliani
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You can contact David Brown at | You can catch up with him on MeWe here…