by DAVID BROWN | | February 28th, 2021
Today’s Sunday edition is organized into categories – hopefully making it easier to find a topic that may interest you.
The Neverending Story of Big Tech’s Censorship is ‘the nothing’ Atreyu was fighting…
Please remember to download any important videos, podcasts or articles to a local hard drive — not the cloud. Big-tech’s censorship is in high-gear, so if you want to save our modern day Library of Alexandria from the Big -tech Arsonists, save frequently before Big-tech marks it for deletion. Also, it is important to have your own physical books since physical books –unlike digital books– cannot be edited after the fact. Coming from an engineering and philosophical background, I’m thinking of problem solving 101 to help protect ourselves from this coordinated attack on our First Amendment by the rich and arrogant who seek to control our speech and our thoughts.
Problem solving according to David Brown…
- First step in solving a problem is realizing you have a problem;
- Second step is accurately describing the problem;
- Third step is proposing solutions;
- Fourth step is implementing one or more of the solutions that actually addresses and solves the problem(s);
If none of your solutions work, rerun the process above after doing a retrospective.
Key to all of this –permeating every step– is visualizing the end point or target goal. The solutions proposed may or may not work requiring a retrospective and reiteration, also the solutions may depend on many smaller tactical solutions to achieve a larger goal. In any event, it is my opinion that our institutions are corrupt and therefore many of our people in positions of power are corrupt. No law or constitutional convention can fix a corrupt system. We must therefore ask how corrupt it is and what were the steps taken to corrupt this system; and finally what can we do to target and remove this cancer.
Here is another solution from Brent E. Hamachek entitled Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident
And James Corbett of the Corbett Report also provides many ideas on solutions under #SolutionsWatch …
Big-Tech Alternatives
Part of our solution should be to stop feeding the beast that seeks to devour us and rob us of our freedoms. The beast includes: Facebook, Twitter, Google, YouTube, Patreon, Amazon and others. Look for alternatives. I’ve found MeWe and Gab good alternatives to Facebook and Telegram much superior to anything Twitter has to offer from an application perspective. I shop on Amazon for the product, but I buy directly from vendors, manufacturers or from eBay, Walmart on line, etc. The big question on social media is how do you get all the normies to make the switch with you? The good news is that where you spend your time and your money really do count and they count 100%, 100% of the time.
I’ve found MeWe a good replacement for Facebook. The Facebook Alternative – MeWe Founder and CEO Mark Weinstein Full Interview
BROWN: What we know now… WW1 and WW2 were not about Hitler or the Jews. These wars were planned, orchestrated and financed by the Anglo-American Establishment. The purpose was to keep Germany and Russia apart, because if they joined together, they would be a threat to the wealth and power of this same Establishment. The American people were drawn into both of these wars by lies and deceit. The history you have been told about these wars is a fairytale concocted by the victors.
BROWN: This reminds me of the time a Christian nation (USA) paid ISIS to go over to Syria and kill a bunch of Christians protected by Assad. Who said your masters in the Deep-State have no sense of humor? WW2: The only two Christian cities in Japan BOMBED with Atomic Bombs by Christians. On Aug. 9, 1945, an all-Christian bomber crew dropped a plutonium bomb on Nagasaki City, Japan, instantly vaporizing, incinerating, irradiating and otherwise annihilating tens of thousands of innocent civilians, men, women and children. Very few Japanese soldiers were affected. Ironically, prior to the bomb exploding directly over the Urakami Cathedral, Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan, and the massive cathedral had been the largest Christian church building in the Orient.

Japan nuclear shadows
BROWN: The great Churchill took great joy in melting children into the pavement for no good reason whatsoever… “Seventy percent of the Dresden dead either suffocated or died from poison gases that turned their bodies green and red. The intense heat melted some bodies into the pavement like bubblegum, or shrunk them into three-foot long charred carcasses. Clean-up crews wore rubber boots to wade through the ‘human soup’ found in nearby caves. In other cases, the superheated air propelled victims skyward only to come down in tiny pieces as far as fifteen miles outside Dresden.”
Firebombing of Dresden on 13-14 February 1945, perhaps the largest single massacre in history. The purpose was not to hit military or industrial objectives – there were few such targets in the area, no munitions plants, the rail yards were not hit – but to cause maximum casualties.
Karma of Untruthfulness: “Bearing in mind what has just been said, it is not surprising to learn that the British Empire had, and still has, the highest export figures. We have to know this and take it into account. However, a remarkable circumstance arose: Germany’s exports started to catch up with the British. Not very many years ago a comparison showed that Germany’s export figures13 were very low and those of Britain very high. Now let me write on the blackboard the figures for January to June 1914. For this period Germany’s export figure was £1,045,000,000 and that of Britain £1,075,000,000. If another year had passed without the coming of the World War, it is possible that the German export figure might have been larger than the British. This was not to be allowed to happen!”
BROWN: We fought two World Wars and killed over 100 million people to keep Russia and Germany apart. Now this… what will the Anglo-American Establishment do?
From a great researcher in the mold of Mae Brussel…comes one Mark Kulacz — Ep 75.1: Review of COVID19 pandemic connections to Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML)
Also from Mark: Ep 74.5 : The One Health Bio Threats Scamming Group
Merkel refuses to take Oxford AstraZeneca’s Chimpanzee vaccine … Note: Also funded by the Vaccines Network were the Jenner Institute’s initial studies of novel chimpanzee adenovirus vaccines for coronavirus (in this case, MERS), the same viral vector used for the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.
James Corbett: Interview 1619 – Whitney Webb on the Oxford-AstraZeneca Eugenics Links
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to UK Eugenics Movement The developers of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine have previously undisclosed ties to the re-named British Eugenics Society as well as other Eugenics-linked institutions like the Welcome Trust. BY JEREMY LOFFREDO AND BY WHITNEY WEBB DECEMBER 26, 2020 28 MINUTE READ
Paul Craig Roberts (PCR): Will the Death Rate from the Vaccine Exceed the Death Rate from Covid?
Will the Death Rate from the Vaccine Exceed the Death Rate from Covid?
BROWN: From down under: This is interesting on many levels, but it is curious that the three people I personally know who were hospitalized for COVID-19 all had different doctors at different hospitals and different states, yet all three received the same treatment: steroids with a nebulizer. Yet in this video, they are saying the nebulizer caused the spread. I think mankind has gone insane. The risk of death is extremely low, yet we have decided to destroy the world’s economy and forced everyone to wear an entirely worthless mask. Bizarre. EXCLUSIVE: Patient X calls for a federal inquiry into Victoria’s hotel quarantine
The Covid Vaccine On Trial: If You Only Knew…
CDC Reveals Hospitals Counted Heart Attacks as COVID-19 Deaths
Unusual proportion of deaths in reports on vaccine reactions from January 2021
Still no evidence masks work…
Post-Thanksgiving mask charts: Still no evidence that masks work
Holland’s Top Scientists Say There’s No Evidence Face Masks Work — And May Actually Cause More Harm
Holland’s Top Scientists Say There’s No Evidence Face Masks Work — And May Actually Cause More Harm
Sweden Bans Masks: ‘No Scientific Evidence’ They Prevent COVID
Sweden Bans Masks: ‘No Scientific Evidence’ They Prevent COVID
Lockdowns don’t work either
Lockdown State (CA) vs. Non-Lockdown State (FL). Lockdowns don’t work.
Wholesome Goodness
It is important to remember: There is still some wholesome goodness in this world.

On The Heights by Charles Courtney Curran
More wholesome goodness: Hotgoidiin Unaga by Batzorig Vaanchig with Maral
Space Weather
One way to excise the corruption … The #1 Risk To Earth
Other Space Weather Sites…
CPAC 2021 was held from February 25 – 28, 2021 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando: 9801 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819.List of speakers. GOV. KRISTI NOEM South Dakota Governor delivered an outstanding speech.
Del Bigtree – Build Back Better (Video) BROWN: I’ve seen this WEF / Klaus Schwab video before. I like Del Bigtree, though he seems a little slow in the up take, perhaps on purpose. Seems he is trying to take the middle road and/or speak to the normie and bridge the gap between wholesale information and retail. At the same time Bigtree brings new insight and underscores important connections. He’s still a Democrat and an Environmentalist, etc. You will own nothing and be happy: Of course communism gives up private property for the masses. This reminds me of the old inefficient and corrupt bureaucracy of the old USSR. Many stories of having too many left shoes and not enough right shoes due to five year central planning mistakes. Or the one I find extremely educational: The story of the man who was given a small plot of land for a pig farm. The results were amazing even to the diehard Russian establishment type. This small farm was able to out produce all the other larger government owned, controlled and regulated pig farms by a huge percentage. This is a great object lesson in private property ownership by the individual and shows the folly of the Build Back Better / Great Reset crowd. Back before 1991, I often thought how prosperous the USSR could be if only they would enshrine the concept of immutable private property rights in their culture, tradition, collective consciousness and legal system.
Precedent Trump from James Corbett. So here we are in 2021, living in the smoking wreckage of Pax Americana. What was the meaning of the last four years? What lessons have been learned, and how will those lessons be applied going forward? What, in other words, was Precedent Trump?
Schwab Family Values Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labor and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates. BY JOHNNY VEDMORE FEBRUARY 20, 2021 28 MINUTE READ
Amazing Polly knocks it out of the ball park again with this little video. CRITICAL THINKING IS DANGEROUS! READ LESS TO LEARN MORE! NEW RESEARCH BY “EXPERTS!”
DAWSON ON WITH TIM KELLY Ry and Tim produce a good podcast here, though Ry keeps stepping on Tim during the discussion. Maybe due to a time lag between Japan and the US.
February 26, 2021
Kavanaugh and Barrett: John Roberts Retreads?
By Rabbi Aryeh Spero
Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar
Get rid of that dangerous belly fat now with the brilliant help of Dr. Sten Ekberg
Cray Cray
Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill – Is transgenderism the new state religion?
Powers & Principalities: Episode 192 by Our Interesting Times
The Insanity Act and Why Vaccine Hesitancy is White Supremacy
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