by DAVID BROWN | | February 21st, 2021

Igloo our son built in the back yard.
BROWN: A week of winter in Houston like none I’ve ever experienced. I’ve lived in snowy areas like Boston and Denver, but the greater Houston area is known for its mild winters where you will find yourself wearing shorts and sandals during much of the winter months. Not so much starting the night of Valentines Day 2021. We had predictions of 4 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit (Celsius: -13 to -16). We wrapped our pipes as best we could not knowing that we would also be without power for almost 5 days during this bitter cold spell. Our house is 100% electric, so no gas to heat the house or the water. Many of my neighbors and co-workers suffered through 20 °F internal house temps and numerous frozen and broken water pipes. Luckily our house never got below 43 °F but still without power it was dark and cold. We had no frozen pipes I think because we of course opened a few faucets and let the water run out slowly. We also would turn off the water at the meter every evening at ~5:00 p.m. drain the pipes and then refill the next day around 11:00 a.m. We had no power to cook with so we used a Colman camping stove outside to heat water for coffee. After a few days a friend from work brought over an extra power generator that we put on our covered back porch. This ran one space heater for one room and our computer equipment. Prior to that, I was running my business out of my warm running car with my cell phone. Looking for POs on a cell phone or conducting WebEx meetings and taking notes is not easy. Laptop battery was dead, so I had no choice. One unfortunate lady we knew was set to close on her house only to find the ceiling fell in from water damage on the day of closing.
This cold week without power has taught us many, many lessons on preparedness. I thought I was prepared, but I would do so many things differently if I had a do-over: buy more bread for sandwiches, paper plates, paper or plastic bowls, plastic eating utensils, an electric hot plate, water proof shoes, gloves, etc., I believe we are now motivated to act on our plans for a full house power failover system with a 500 or 1,000 gallon LP tank. I’ve already been shopping prices and have requested a bid. This is exciting. No longer will I be subject to our unreliable power company during rain, cold or hurricanes. It will be nice to just sit here as though nothing at all has happened and carry on as usual.
BROWN: My reaction to the winter forecast below on 2/14 was this: Hey, this is Houston-F’ing-Texas for Pete’s sake!!!! 9 °F tomorrow and 4 °F Tuesday!!!! WTF HOMER!!! Is there a vaccine for Global Cooling?
BROWN: This is beyond stupid: Seriously, Texas? Putting someone from MI in charge of Texas Power???? Sally Talberg, ERCOT Chairwoman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know…
Sally Talberg, ERCOT Chairwoman: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
ERCOT failed us and so did our foolish expenditures and dependency on ‘green energy’.
Winter Storm Destroys Texas – (Video) Power Outages Persist – Politicians Embarrass & Preparations Neglected
BROWN: I’m hearing bad things about BitChute lately. They have refused to post at least two or three of my recent videos for no apparent reason that I can discover. No reason given, but my only option after they have ‘processed’ the video is to delete the video. Just based on this, I’m tired of wasting my time trying to upload. So the question is: Has BitChute hitched a ride on the Censorship bandwagon with YouTube, Facebook and Twitter? If so, why? And, if so, bye bye BitChute.
BROWN: Some miscellaneous links I ran across on Freemasonry… Freemasonry secret organization Britannica
Film completo Forze Occulte (1943) FR sub ENG – Denounce against Freemasonry
James Corbett does a good job on this one… How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? – Questions For Corbett …
How Can A Global Conspiracy Work? – Questions For Corbett #074
Ryan Dawson, short and sweet on the: LINCOLN PROJECT PEDOPHILES
Bobby Fischer on Paul Morphy and how opening theory destroyed chess
BROWN: Remember all the China peeps dropping dead in mid-stride from the COVID-19? Pretty scary, eh? Got my attention. Haven’t seen any of this since this Premier of the COVID project back in March of 2020. Remember how absolutely wrong Neil Ferguson‘s model was? Yes, this was not his first preposterous model yet world governments blindly based their COVID policy on Ferguson’s false data.
Beware of COVID “Vaccine,” Warns Top Doctor
Charles Ortel is CLOSING IN (video) – The F Team with Special Guests Larry Johnson & David Hawkins Since posting this, YouTube has deleted this video. Maybe you can find it on BitChute or other venues. Sorry.
Tim Kelly: Musonius Rufus returns to Our Interesting Times to discuss the tumultuous end of the Trump era. We also talk about controlled opposition and how the cynical and hysterical reaction by the establishment to the Capitol Hill incident signals a crisis of legitimacy for the DC Regime. Musonius is the proprietor of Identity Dixie and host of the Rebel Yell podcast.
Stages Of Genocide | Clip from Grand Theft World 014
James Corbett: Unplugging From the Matrix – #SolutionsWatch
Ep 74.4: Tracey McNamara’s NeverLab West Nile Story – One Health 911, Plum Island, Saddam Hussein
Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor
Democracy (p19/422)
Hitler argued that the absence of sufficient state controls in a democracy enables the wealthy class to manipulate the economy, the press and elected representatives for its own gain. A widening gulf between poverty and affluence develops, gradually dragging the working class to ruin. Addressing Berlin armaments workers in December 1940, he claimed that the public’s voice in democratic systems is an illusion: “In these countries, money in fact rules. That ultimately means a group of a few hundred persons who possess enormous fortunes. As a result of the singular construction of the state, this group is more or less totally independent and free. . . . Free enterprise this group understands as the freedom not only to amass capital, but especially to use it freely; that is, free from state or national supervision.
“So one might imagine that in these countries of freedom and wealth, unheard-of public prosperity exists. … On the contrary, in those countries class distinctions are the most crass one could think of: unimaginable poverty on one hand and equally unimaginable riches on the other. These are the lands that control the treasures of the earth, and their workers live in miserable dumps. … In these lands of so-called democracy, the people are never the primary consideration. Paramount is the existence of those few who pull the strings in a democracy, the several hundred major capitalists. The broad masses don’t interest them in the least, except during elections.
Die SA discussed another fault of parliamentary systems particularly irksome to Hitler: “There is practically no responsibility in a democracy. The anonymity of the majority of the moment decides. Government ministers are subject to it, but there is no opportunity to hold this majority responsible. As a result, the door is open to political carelessness and negligence, to corruption and fiscal mismanagement.
The history of democracies mostly represents a history of scandals. According to Was will Roosevelt?, “Corruption has spread so much that… no American citizen gets upset anymore over incidents of shameless corruption in civil service, because mismanagement is regarded as a natural phenomenon of government. Hitler once recalled how a visit in his youth to the Austrian parliament revealed “the obvious lack of responsibility in a single person. Germanisches Leitheft stated, “Absence of responsibility is the most striking indication of a lack of morality. Democracy failed because it was a product of liberalism. Focus on the individual led to “self-idolatry and renunciation of the community, the unraveling of healthy, orderly natural life,” according to the German army brochure Wofur i<ampfen wir? (What do we fight for?). “The inordinate value placed on material possessions from the economic standpoint formed social classes and fractured the community. Not those of good character enjoyed greater respect, but the rich. . . . Labor no longer served as a means to elevate the worth of the community, but purely one’s own interests. Commerce developed independently of the people and the state, into an entity whose only purpose was to pile up fortunes.
Tim Kelly interviews Guido Preparata on Conjuring Hitler
Guido Giacomo Preparata joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his book Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America made the Third Reich. We talk about how Great Britain fomented two world wars to prevent an alliance forming between Germany and Russia and how the rise of National Socialism in Germany was not an aberration or accident of history but the result of Anglo-American financial support and intrigue.
Guido Giacomo Preparata has been an Associate Professor of Political Economy at the University of Washington. He completed his PhD in Political Economy and Economic History at the University of Southern California in 1998. He is the author several books including The Ideology of Tyranny and New Directions for Catholic Social and Political Research. His website is
Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program
BROWN: Directly from the CDC – What are the benefits of taking the vaccine?
The CDC are masters of equivocation. Lots of “mays”, “suggests”, “believe” and “experts” …. Bill Shakespeare might be tempted to say “signifying nothing but BS” if he were still alive.
Read the CDC link below and think about all this gobbledygook….
- Experts believe …
- May also protect people around you
- Experts continue to conduct more studies about the effect of COVID-19 vaccination
- Getting COVID-19 may offer some natural protection, known as immunity.
- Current evidence suggests that reinfection with the virus that causes COVID-19 is uncommon in the 90 days after initial infection. However, experts don’t know for sure how long this protection lasts
- Both natural immunity and immunity produced by a vaccine are important parts of COVID-19 disease that experts are trying to learn more about, and CDC will keep the public informed as new evidence becomes available.
- As experts learn more about how COVID-19 vaccination may help reduce spread of the disease in communities, CDC will continue to update the recommendations to protect communities using the latest science. [This is not science, folks!]
It’s like the CDC know they are subject to regulatory capture by the very people they are charged with regulating, yet, they still try to eek out some credible rationale which to any sane person capable of critical thought would see as fraud. If American’s knew how to read we would not be putting up with this foolishness.
The CDC exposes their tortured logic here… the Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
- Report: NIH Confirms Wuhan Lab Authorized to Receive Taxpayer Funding Through 2024
- Coca-Cola Tells Employees To ‘Try To Be Less White’: Internal Leak
- Neocon Robert Kagan: Americans Opposing Forever Wars Is An ‘Example Of Their Intolerance’
- Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt’s 9/11
BROWN: I have a lot of friends who can’t wait to take the vaccine. When I ask why, they say so they can stop wearing the mask. I tell them there is no evidence –zero– that masks work to prevent COVID despite recommendations from our well-paid experts. And besides that, you will still have to wear the mask (so say the experts) even after taking the vaccine. If you look at the data, not at their opinions, you can easily see there is zero empirical evidence masks have any impact on preventing COVID. Next step, they want the immunity the vaccine offers, but the experts don’t know how long the vaccine will provide immunity –if at all. Some say 5 months, others don’t know. If you happen to look at the legal definition of a vaccine provided in various state statutes, you will discover the mRNA is not a vaccine at all but rather unproven, experimental form of gene therapy.
So, how can all this be good news, if the so called ‘experts’ don’t know how long the vaccine will last? How many jabs? No one knows. This is total unvarnished horseshit … How long could the Covid vaccine last? Experts warn we may need the Pfizer jab again if effects are ‘short term’
BROWN: Today is February 20th, 2021 and there is still no evidence masks work… look at the data folks! Post-Thanksgiving mask charts: Still no evidence that masks work
BROWN: Even the regulatory-captured CDC admit there is zero evidence cloth masks work…
CDC Admits: No Conclusive Evidence Cloth Masks Work Against COVID
Sweden Bans Masks: ‘No Scientific Evidence’ They Prevent COVID
BROWN: This is interesting on many levels, but it is curious that the three people I personally know who were hospitalized for COVID-19 all had different doctors at different hospitals and different states, yet all three received the same treatment: steroids with a nebulizer. Yet in this video, they are saying the nebulizer caused the spread. I think mankind has gone stark raving mad. The risk of death is extremely low, yet we have decided to destroy the world’s economy and force everyone to wear an entirely worthless mask. Bizarre. EXCLUSIVE: Patient X calls for a federal inquiry into Victoria’s hotel quarantine.
Amazing Polly now on Rumble What is to Become of Us, Conservatives?
Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill Powers & Principalities: Episode 191 by Our Interesting Times
Texas Freeze, Rush Limbaugh RIP, Hating Whitey 2.0 and more
Jason Goodman… Does Joe Biden Know the Truth About the Las Vegas Shooting? with Special Guest John Cullen. Less than one month in office, President Dumb Joe is reversing Donald Trump’s pro Saudi policies and drawing the Kingdom’s ire. Does Joe know what really happened in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017? John Cullen joins me to explore the possibility.
BROWN: We fought two World Wars and killed over 100 million people (37M WW1 & 70M WW2) to keep Russia and Germany apart. Now this… what will the Anglo-American Establishment do? Do our current batch of apex psychopaths even care? If so, what will they do?
More on Nordstream 2:
And finally, farewell to an old friend.
You can contact me at or on MeWe @