by DAVID BROWN | | April 25th, 2021
Cadence & Cascade
Those familiar with the 76-year-old ‘Strategy of Tension’ a.k.a. Operation Gladio developed after WW2 by NATO and the CIA, will certainly recognize this strategy being implemented today across America and across the globe. This strategy was first uncovered in a 1984 court case in Italy. Since that time, Operation Gladio — Latin for “sword”—has been honed and refined into a useful and predictable tool to undermine existing governments for regime change. You can see its footprint in the Mosaddeq coup – CIA Operation Ajax, the Arab Spring operations and more recently in the 2014 overthrow of the Ukraine government in 2014 by the CIA, US State Department and others including George Soros who bragged he contributed $10M to this operation.
The Bologna Massacre, the ‘Strategy of Tension’ and Operation Gladio
Victoria Nuland (Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs) and Geoffrey Pyatt (8th United States Ambassador to Ukraine) were deciding who to put in charge of Ukraine after the CIA’s successful Gladio operation. Read here: Leaked Victoria Nuland and Geoffrey Pyatt phone call. Listen here: “Fuck the EU!” original File Victoria Nuland phone call with Geoffrey Pyatt.
Interesting to note Nuland is married to Robert Kagan. Robert Kagan co-founder in 1998 of the Project for the New American Century (PNAC); who along with Bill Kristol identified and presaged the necessity of the attacks on 9/11 to rehydrate military spending after the fall of the Soviet hobgoblin in 1991. With defense spending down, we needed a new villain and PNAC was ready with the solution: “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”

The 9/11 Project
The reason I paint the recent thumbnail history above is to provide some context for how this same strategy of tension is being deployed here in the US today by the same deep-state operators.
Like Ukraine, in 2014 old injustices and grudges were flammed into action by Gladio operators to prep the ground for a hot civil war. Ukraine sits at the bottom of Russia, between Russia and the Black Sea. On the Western end you have mostly Ukrainians ethnically and as you move East you move to the Donbas area and into Crimea where there is a higher concentration of Russian-speaking residents who identify with Russia ethnically. A study of the history of Ukraine would reveal a bitter hatred of Russia based on the Holodomor where millions of ethnic Ukrainians were starved to death by Stalin in 1932-1933. BTW, the New York Times received a Pulitzer Prize for covering up Stalin’s genocide. See Hitler, Stalin and Mr. Jones.
Ukraine remembered the Holodomor during Operation Barbarossa and assisted Hitler in his failed attack on the Soviet Union in 1941. Thus, you can still find the remnants of this support in the form of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine today. These same Neo-Nazis were used by the US State Department in Ukraine in 2014 to ignite civil tension much like Antifa, BLM and others are being used today in the US. During the Euromaidan Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv, CIA-backed snipers were deployed on buildings around the Maidan Square to shoot both the students and the police to help stir up the crowds and increase anger, fear and of course the tension.
This worked brilliantly and provided the State Department and Victoria Nuland the opportunity they needed to use the muscle power of the Neo-Nazis to complete their takeover of Ukraine.
This short historical lesson above is important to understand what is going on here in the US today. Operation Gladio has now been turned in upon the previous benefactors.
The necessity of a flawed victim
The George Floyd fiasco is a perfect example of an effective PSYOP to increase tension. This case gives each side something to be angry about – it inflames emotions no matter what side you are on; thus, a great tool to divide and increase civil tension. George had to be an imperfect victim. Why? To give each side something to complain about no matter the outcome. George was not blameless and the police officer was a white male so our corrupted media served up the perfect entrée of tension –hot and steamy– for both sides to gorge on. Had George been a saint and the white police officer a bad guy, everyone could get behind the the guilty verdict, but this would not escalate the division (tension) the media have worked so hard to create and sustain. The media chose this case from potentially 100s of other cases –which might have demonstrated real police abuse– to assure both sides could feel hurt and wronged with the required ‘Politically Correct’ guilty verdict. To tip the scales for guilt, the press made sure the jurors were sufficiently doxed in case anyone dared to side with the evil white guy — ‘wrong-vote’ would get your ass beat or worse.
COVID and –more importantly– the irresponsible reaction to COIVID by our ‘well-paid experts’ has increased tension just as the Floyd-Chauvin theatrical media production did. The COVID reaction is discarding the old idea of informed consent and violating the Nuremburg Code. A civil war is just what is needed to complete the total and complete destruction of any civil rights which may remain.
The impediments and thus the enemies of the Ruling Elite are: the family, the white male, culture, history, traditions, 1st, 2nd, and 4th Amendments and of course Christianity; and so all are under attack by the same folks who are running the George Floyd and COVID PSYOPS.
Here are two links I think are important in context to the above that will bring this closer to home:
Tim Kelly & Joe Atwill discuss The Trial of Derek Chauvin
Powers & Principalities: Episode 200 by Our Interesting Times
James Corbett discusses the future according to the oligarchs that rule our world.
Episode 400 – Visions of the Future
18 Reasons I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine
MIT researchers challenge indoor social distancing rules: ‘No safer at 60 feet than 6 feet‘
- VIDEO: Off Guardian, Perspectives on the Pandemic #13, Leemon McHenry
- VIDEO: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny/ Dr. Lee Merritt
- VIDEO: Amazing Polly: Epstein, Maxwell & the Control of Science Since WW2
- RFK quote about Roger Ailes of Fox TV (SOTT)
- Canada’s Censorship, Post Millennial
Former Pfizer Chief Scientist claims Covid-19 pandemic effectively over, no need for any vaccine
Michael Levitt, a winner of the Nobel Prize for chemistry, believes COVID-19 eventually won’t be seen as a terrible disease and that lockdowns “may not have been needed.” SOURCE: REUTERS/Stephen Lam
Dr. Luc Montagnier, who won a Nobel Prize for his part in discovering HIV, said last year he believes the coronavirus was created in a Chinese lab. SOURCE: REUTERS/Yuri Gripas
European Commission Introduces EU-Wide COVID Passports
California’s public universities to require COVID-19 vaccinations for fall term
Interview 1633 – Mark Crispin Miller Exposes Propaganda in the Academy
Mark Crispin Miller teaches a course on Mass Persuasian and Propaganda at the NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development for 20 years. He is now suing 20 department colleagues for libel after they signed a letter to the dean of his school demanding a review of Miller’s conduct. Today we talk to Miller about his course, his views, his libel suit, and the state of free speech in the era of increasing COVID tyranny.
Interview 1634 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
9/11 Cover Up Director Appointed to Chair COVID Cover Up Group
JAPAN: Pandemic? I think not. Most of the deaths were of the elderly and infirm. Look at the data, not the experts; and yes, do the math.
Japan issues third COVID emergency ahead of Olympics State of emergency for Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo declared from April 25, just three months before the Olympics
BROWN: How can you get better if you don’t know what the problem is?
It is frustrating to sit here and listen to otherwise intelligent people discuss the sacrifices of our armed forces in Pearl Harbor for example, not realizing FDR had foreknowledge of this attack and let it happen to gen up support for the war. FDR even made sure –despite protestations– all these ships were clumped together to make a nice, easy target for Japan. The more American deaths, the better to motivate a gullible public to war. Later FDR attempted to cover-up his involvement — all documented. Most people have no idea the attack was cooked up by FDR and others to convince the American public to join in WW2 – which itself was orchestrated by the Anglo-American Establishment. None of this is theory. These are empirical facts based on evidence and source documents. However, our school systems and our media continue to promulgate the myth of Pearl Harbor… and our righteous brothers and sisters eat it up like candy. “My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.”
Tim Pool’s Limited Hangout is paying BIG
BROWN: Tim Pool is bright and entertaining, but very much a limited hangout. Still earning big bucks from ‘ThemTube’ while everyone else has been deplatformed. Estimated monthly earnings, North of $100K — always occupying the middle where it is safe. While Tim’s competition has been destroyed; Tim somehow has remained monetized by Big Tech. Sweet!

Tim Pool – telling it like it is… almost.
NOTE: If you don’t play the game, you might find yourself on this list: ‘Canceled People’: Online database of victims of the new McCarthyism nears 200 listings
You can contact David Brown at | You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO