by DAVID BROWN | | April 17, 2015
Monsanto’s Sneak Attack on Europe
17.04.2015 Author: Ulson Gunnar from New Eastern Outlook
“When the Washington Post chooses to pen an insulting, condescending editorial targeting entire nations speaking up against Western impropriety, one can just as well assume the precise opposite of whatever narrative the Post is trying to push forward is true.
Regarding American biotech companies and their attempts to infest the planet with genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and in particular their attempts to corrupt the whole of Europe with their unwanted poison through a backdoor (Ukraine), has prompted Russia to speak up for their Eastern European neighbor. Up until the armed coup in 2013-2014, also known as the “Euromaidan,” Ukraine had adamantly rejected GMOs.”
Ukraine a Vector for GMO Poison’s Spread Through EU
Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields
How to spot and handle a Troll: A Troll can be paid or just do it for fun but in any case they add no new information or facts to the discussion. Their only purpose is to snipe and to disrupt otherwise respectful, honest conversations. They usually make many, short attacks which are almost never born out or backed up by any facts. They add nothing to the discussion.
What trolls need: In order to attack others, trolls need a victim pool and a public forum of some kind, and they usually want an audience.
This means trolls gravitate to anywhere online users interact – like blog sites, FB, etc.
How to handle: Ignore them. If that doesn’t work, then remove them from the discussion. To interact with them or to call them names is to only play into their game which is to sucker you into a pointless, waste of time argument. They get pleasure or money from this activity.
If the Auto Industry Operated Like the Vaccine Industry…
Can you handle the cognitive dissonance? Get a taste of what is behind the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation’s big push for vaccines. James Corbett has an excellent podcast/video on the roots of ‘Rockefeller Medicine’ too. You might be surprised what you learn. Not hearsay, not conjecture. Just the facts.
The article below is written by the brilliant author F. William Engdahl who is strategic risk consultant and lecturer, he holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and is a best-selling author on oil and geopolitics, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
Unscrupulous Special Interests and Their Vaccine Crusade
Polio is something I have more than a passing acquaintance with. Two days before my fifth birthday a medical doctor in Minneapolis diagnosed me with polio. I only learned decades later that it was not polio, poliomyelitis or infantile paralysis as it was also called. It was shortly after World War II. Then a few years later we were presented Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine, and the world believed that because of that vaccine and the Sabin variant, polio had been stamped out. The reality was that polio was not and is not a “virus,” nor did the vaccines of Salk or Sabin eradicate.
By F. William Engdahl
Global Research, April 17, 2015
New Eastern Outlook
Shakedown of Unvaccinated Students Begins in Spokane, Washington by Eric Blair April 16, 2015.
Spokane public schools in Washington state began to audit the vaccine records of students this week to identify those who are not in compliance with the recommended required vaccine schedule.
Once identified, the students will be detained along with their parents to be re-educated about vaccines, as well as to receive free jabs to get in compliance with vaccine schedules.
I wish this was satire.
Raymond Chandler Quote: “down these mean streets a man must go who is not himself mean, who is neither tarnished nor afraid. He is the hero; he is everything.”
Remembering the Bundy Ranch …
Although no gunshots were fired, what happened at the Bundy Ranch was a shot
fired across the bow that still reverberates one year later. We look at the lies, the
spin and the reality of a federal government openly defying The Posse Comitatus
Act as it threatened and brutalized citizens of the community. Although the sheriff
did nothing to protect the community, neighbor stood with neighbor in true posse
comitatus, the “power of the community”, to expel the federal army from the
The USA Police State:
Seems our local law enforcement officers are really digging playing Army with
their new Federally-issued toys… I doubt the founders of this once great country
would be pleased with all these tough guys loitering around looking for a fight.
Wonder if they realize that the folks they love to harass are the same people who
paid for their toys?
A video out of Gainesville, Florida shows a man being pulled over by camoflague-wearing cops driving an armored vehicle, a disturbing reminder that law enforcement in America is becoming increasingly militarized.
Porky – the Chocolate King!
The picture of the man below is a picture of the USA-Installed Puppet Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, known as Porky to the folks in the Donbass area whom he is mercilessly slaughtering at the behest of the USA.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko answers a TV journalist’s question in the Swiss mountain resort of Davos January 21, 2015. Ruben Sprich/Reuters
Yes, he is making deals with the USA and in fact Joe Biden’s crack-head son, Hunter Biden has been installed into Ukraine’s largest gas co: “Hunter Biden was appointed head of legal affairs at Ukraine’s largest private gas producer Burisma Holdings. Burisma announced Hunter Biden would join its board of directors and head the company’s legal unit.” Not only is Porky a good hit-man for the corrupt USA Geopolitical planners at the Pentagon, his behind the scenes mafioso tactics have been revealed in the interesting article below concerning his magical chocolate factory Roshen, which doesn’t pay its bills, only because it doesn’t want to….
Explosive Court Case Puts Ukraine’s Chocolate King in Dock
By Maxim Tucker / February 19, 2015 10:39 AM EST
Boston Marathon bombings
I haven’t looked into the Boston Marathon bombings in much detail: only enough to realize that the official story is full of unanswered questions…not for the now convicted Boston Bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, but questions for the police and others…. and the official story which really doesn’t make sense from a timeline / incident perspective and actually raises more questions than it answers, so one must ask why is this?
Here are a few actual facts that I haven’t seen MSM pay attention to:
1. Ruslan Tsarni is the uncle to the Boston Bombing Tsarnaev brothers
2. Ruslan Tsarni was married to Samantha Fuller
3. Samantha Fuller’s father is Graham Fuller
4. Grahm Fuller retired from the CIA in 1987 to go to work for the RAND Corporation as a senior political scientist. If you know anything at all about the RAND Corp., your Spidy senses should be going off about now.
5. Next, we know that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was born in Kyrgyzstan but his father Anzor (Muslim) is from Chechnya.
6. We also know the CIA has been operating terrorist camps for many years out of Chechnya used as proxies to cause mischief for Russia.
So, do I know if Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is guilty or not? Nope. Do I know if the official story is full of holes you could drive a Mack Truck through? Yep. Do I know that there are potential CIA and RAND Corp links to the Tsarnaevs? Yep. Do I know that the Tsarnaevs are from Chechnya? Yep. Do I know that the CIA trains, funds and operates terrorist groups out of Chechnya? Yep.
So another disturbing questions is: Why isn’t our Great Press doing a little digging here, rather than accepting whole-cloth an obviously flawed ‘official’ story verbatim and reporting the same as fact to the American people?
CIA Financing of Chechen and Other Caucasus Regional Terrorists
Washington’s «Civil Society» and CIA Financing of Chechen and Other Caucasus Regional Terrorists by Wayne MADSEN (USA) Through a myriad of «civil society» organizations, the United States has been financing Chechen groups inside the autonomous republic, in Russia, and abroad.
More BS from your trusty government… at least they got their man. Maybe not the guilty man, but their man none the less. Boston After-Action Report Raises Still More Questions–Inadvertently April 11, 2015 by Lara Turner
Egos unleashed: The Narcissistic Psychopathy of both Hillary and Obama … can you tell?
Psychopathy Hillary: “We came, we saw, he died! HAHAHAH!!!” Obama: “I’m really good at killing people”
The Armenian Genocide
The Marxist/Nazi/Ottoman/Islamist ISIS pogrom against Christianity continues to this day
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh — Bio and Archives April 16, 2015
Ukraine: These are the guys who are slaughtering countless innocent men, women and children in the Donbass area of Ukraine and are the same folks the US and NATO are supporting and supplying with armaments. US tax dollars at work in yet another war where we destroy sovereign countries to please the geopolitical planners at the US Pentagon. How is this helping you America? Is this the purpose of the US Federal Government? Real lives, real death, real tragedy all paid for by your tax dollars. This is happening today, not in some old faded black and white photo in a history book. If the US Government can do this to these people, what makes you think they won’t do the same to you when it is your turn?
The Military – Industrial Pig Pen:
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