Category Archives: War

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 21st, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | March 21st, 2021



My first topic this morning is health.  Until I discovered a few key pieces of data last year, I thought I had a better than average understanding of health.  After all I was exercising almost daily, ate almost no sugar and ate mostly healthy foods, yet I discovered how blissfully ignorant I was when no matter how hard I tried, I could not get below 185 lbs.  My goal was 165 to 175 but that was not possible under my current regimen.  Enter Dr. Sten Ekberg (YouTube).  Dr. Ekberg taught me a few simple changes that would allow me to break the 185lb barrier.  Here’s how I was able to quickly and easily get below the impossible 185:

My steps to lose weight

  • No sugar (I was already doing this)
  • Little to no carbs
  • No snacks between meals (my biggest challenge)
  • Eat once or twice a day
  • Aerobic exercise (walking 3 miles per day: I was already doing this)

Not only did I learn how to reach my goals, I learned much, much more about the dangers of belly fat and type-2 diabetes.

Some of my benefits:

  • My clothes fit better
  • I look much better (looking at some of my old photos is revealing about how fat I really was)
  • My blood sugar is within range (no longer am I borderline diabetic)
  • I breathe better while I sleep (reduced fat around my neck and throat area)
  • I feel better, think better and have more energy
  • I have a better self-image

One final note on the good doctor:  The thing I like the most about Dr. Ekberg (Web site) is that he gives you the logical and scientific reasoning for everything he says.  This makes it much easier for me to become motivated to think through and follow his guidelines.  Why?  Because it makes sense.

Of course all the topics and categories below are related in some way.

  • HEALTH – We need to maintain our good health for our happiness, to protect our families and to resist and defeat the propaganda war machine aimed at destroying our families, our culture, our traditions and our freedom.  Without your health, you don’t have much.
  • COVID – Just another tool used to destroy the financial viability and strength of the middle class while enslaving the rest of us in this orchestrated medical tyranny.
  • CRIME –  Many or most of the attempts by the enemies of man in their foolish rush to subdue the world for their own selfish interests depend on crimes against humanity.
  • POLITICS – Another tool to place the power of government under their control to advance  their hidden, duplicitous goals.
  • HISTORY – History is a well-established PSYOP used to inoculate the vast unwashed masses against a true understanding of the history and crimes of the ruling elate. The false history we are taught provides an inaccurate map of the territory in front of us since we know not what was behind and we are thus unprepared to recognize the bandits waiting along the road we are traveling to fleece, shear and render us.
  • MEDIA – A propaganda cannon mixing truth with lies to control our perception of truth and therefore our reactions.
  • EDUCATION – Used to advance the globalist agenda destroying our culture, critical thought, individual freedom and self-determination.
  • GLOBALISM – A false idea that all our wars were born from a sense of nationalism and this and other global challenges can only be mitigated or solved with a global control infrastructure.
  • PERSONAL – The good things we can to as individuals for ourselves.
  • MUSIC – Can be manipulative, healing, inspiring or a mixture.
  • HUMOR & SATIRE – Consisting mostly of MEMEs, this category can provide some comic relief to help cope with the challenges before us.  Effective ridicule can also damage these enemies of man and be a most simple means of communicating with the masses.

One important category I’ve left out may be the most important of all: the war against our culture

The Globalists’ Creed:

  • Sustainability via UN Agenda 21, 2030 and beyond
  • Man-made global warming and carbon taxes
  • Abortion on demand for any reason at any age
  • One world governance by a singular government or power structure – preferably the existing power structure
  • All 51 to 71 gender flavors recognized by FB
  • Vaccines are safe and effective
  • Supporting and promoting the lies, obfuscation and disinformation of the Mainstream Media cabal.
  • No borders with unlimited and unregulated immigration
  • Anti-male; anti-family; anti-white; anti-Christian

The Building Blocks for their unworkable New World Order:

  1. Common Core (Control Education)
  2. UN Agenda-21 & 2030 (Control Private Property Rights)
  3. Affordable Care Act (Control Health Care)
  4. Federal Reserve (Control Money)
  5. The Patriot Act & the USA Freedom Act (Control Civil Liberties)
  6. Free Trade Agreements like TPP (Control the movement of goods, services and people)
  7. Strong Cities Network (SCN) (Global Police Force)
  8. Global Warming (Install a Global Tax of $100 trillion)
  9. CFR (Control of US Foreign Policy and Geopolitics)
  10. Vaccines (Population Control)
  11. Main Stream Media (Perception Control)
  12. Open Borders  (destroy the idea of the nation-state)
  13. NATO (destabilize targeted countries)
  14. Supreme Court (pack the Supreme Court; undermine the rule of law)
  15. Terrorism and proxy army support (ISIS, Al Qaeda, Daesh, Al-Nusra Front, Wahhabism, etc.)

Below, you will find a list of links I found interesting and informative this past week.


A COMING COVID CATASTROPHE  The HighWire with Del Bigtree.  World renown vaccine specialist, Geert Vanden Bossche, gave a groundbreaking interview this week risking his reputation and his career by bravely speaking out against administration of #Covid19 vaccines. In what may be one of the most important stories ever covered by The Highwire, the vaccine developer shared his extreme concerns about these vaccines in particular and why we may be on track to creating a global immunity catastrophe.

“Crash Course” PCR Testing: What is It? How Does it Work? What Are Its Strengths and Weaknesses?  by John E Hoover

John Cullen LIVE, Without a Net..!!!

Tax receipts in Texas look healthy despite the COVID scamdemic … (download the csv files)

The Global Public Health Mafia – Follow the Connections! Amazing Polly Published March 20, 2021


BROWN:  Looks like the DS may have to turnaround and eat their own vomit: This had to be hard on this criminal buffoon’s knees and shins. Ouch! This lifetime fraud demonstrates for the world he can’t walk much better than he can talk. An appropriate icon to represent the current state of the union.  Like most Americans, the world knows Biden is a fraud and does not possess the legitimacy or the support of the American people. The USA is a joke and everyone knows it: Chinese Official To Secretary Of State Blinken: USA “Not Qualified To Speak To China From A Position Of Strength”  This circus show was created by the established power structure, a compliant DOJ, FBI, Supreme Court, the MSM and the Three hyaenas in Big-Tech.

The Fraud

Bayer Exposed ( HIV Contaminated Vaccine )

This next story is sad, very sad.  This man was likely murdered because he would not yield  to the global ScamDemic hoax.  A true hero.   R.I.P. dear hero Magufuli… UPDATED: President Magufuli dead at 61  A corporate coup has removed Tanzania’s “Covid denying president”, and nobody should be surprised.

Look at the propaganda they are teaching our military:  Oh… poor little old Pepe the frog … and the Oath Keepers, seriously? The folks running our military are a joke.  Can’t even afford to recognize or identify our real enemies: too busy twisting themselves in knots trying to please their globalist masters.  In sum: our pitiful military are selling their birthright, their oath, and the US Constitution for a chance to lick the boot of the DS.

Norwegian media says some people “have to die” from coronavirus vaccines as a sacrifice to humanity

BROWN: You might also want to look into who owns and is benefiting from Genie Energy.  Syrian Oil Minister Reveals US Has ‘Pirated’ $92 Billion In Crude

The Deadly Precedent of the Waco Whitewash


The Biden pay-for-play frauds “can’t get no respect” WATCH: China, U.S. Trade Rebukes At Alaska Diplomatic Talks | NBC News NOW‌

Tim Kelly interviews Josh Neal on American Extremism in Our Interesting Times
Josh Neal joins Our Interesting Times to discuss his new book American Extremist: The Psychology of Political Extremism from Imperial Press. Neal provides a clinical analysis of American culture and explains how mainstream institutions create and enable extremists of both the Left and Right.

Confronting Deep State Swamp Monsters: Solutions   In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman interviews John Birch Society Executive Field Coordinator Evan Mulch about his recent action confronting Deep State swamp monster Richard Haass, president of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations. In addition to explaining a lot about the role of the CFR in the Deep State, Newman and Mulch talk about building relationships with elected officials and other leaders, always speaking the truth, and working in one’s community to educate the electorate. Mulch encouraged activists to ask their legislators to allow them to represent the legislator on the CFR’s ongoing webinar series seeking to recruit state and local officials into the Deep State’s agenda.

Deep State CFR Boss Haass Asked About “New World Order”
The New American

Ghost Town USA – Huntington Beach, CA Worldwide Freedom Rally by Jason Goodman

Great piece by Tucker… I rarely link or quote anything from Fox News since they have proven to be controlled opposition and a limited hangout, but Tucker did a good job here…

Katii Blood: “Beware the BAIZUO”  Tucker: Chinese government using Black Live Matter as a weapon against us

Interview 1625 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato


BROWN: If you read this book, you will never see WW2 the same way again



Media Propaganda:  At this point, what on the MSM is NOT propaganda?  Almost nothing, but this is particularly egregious and in your face BS… credit to James Corbett …

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make in Life Today


North Carolina School District Launches Campaign to ‘Disrupt White Culture,’ Urges Teachers to Subvert White Parents and Families


The Good Club | Grand Theft World by Richard Grove

Tim Kelley & Joe Atwill: Powers & Principalities: Episode 195 by Our Interesting Times

TECHNOCRATIC TAILSPIN The Highwire with Del Bigtree

from /pol/ … Iron triangles resulted in the defense industry prioritizing blowing up their supply chain for political support and pork barrel spending rather than making good products, same with every other industry under the sun. The US government shields failing businesses and shitty planned obsolescence habits and MBA globohomo hiring practices but demands little to nothing in return

Opening the CIA’s Can of Worms


BROWN: Pretty cool applet for translating bitmapped Russian (or other languages) images into readable and translatable text…



Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor (Chapter 2)


by DAVID BROWN | | March 13th, 2021

Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor Chapter 2
The New Germany 
Germany Prostrate 

On February 10, 1933, Hitler discussed his economic program at a mass meeting in Berlin for the first time as chancellor. Telling the audience, “We have no faith in foreign help, in assistance from outside our own nation”, the Führer opined that Germany had no friends beyond her own borders. World War I had ended in 1918 when the German Reich and Austria-Hungary surrendered, and harsh terms imposed by the Allies, despite U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s promise of an equitable settlement, had left the Reich more or less on a solitary course.

Allied delegates opened the peace conference in Versailles, France, in January 1919. They demanded that Germany accept blame for the war and compensate the victors for damages. This enabled them to initiate reparations requirements that reduced the Germans to virtual bondage. To extort the Reich’s signature onto the treaty, Britain’s Royal Navy maintained a blockade of food imports destined for Germany. The blockade had been in force since early in the war. Over 750,000 German civilians, mainly children and the elderly, perished from malnourishment.

Despite Germany’s capitulation, the British continued to block food deliveries until the summer of 1919. On March 3 of that year, the English cabinet minister Winston Churchill told the House of Commons, “We are holding all our means of coercion in full operation or in immediate readiness for use. We are enforcing the blockade with vigor. We have strong armies ready to advance at the shortest notice. Germany is very near starvation. The evidence I have received from the officers sent by the War Office all over Germany shows first of all, the great privations which the German people are suffering, and secondly, the great danger of a collapse of the entire structure of German social and national life under the pressure of hunger and malnutrition. Now is therefore the moment to settle.” Allied leaders bluntly told German delegates at Versailles to accept the treaty or face a military invasion and extension of the blockade. The Germans signed on June 28, 1919.

The Allies’ conditions degraded Germany to a secondary power. The victors divided 13 percent of the Reich’s territory among neighboring states. The 7,325,000 Germans residing there became second-class citizens in their new countries. Lost natural resources and industry included 67 percent of Germany’s zinc production, 75 percent of iron ore, a third of the coal output and 7.7 percent of lead. The Allies demanded twelve percent of Germany’s exports, with the option of raising the amount to 25 percent, for the next 42 years.

The malnourished German nation also surrendered a million cattle including 149,000 milking cows, plus 15 percent of the harvest. The Allies confiscated a quarter of Germany’s fishing fleet. In addition to large amounts of timber, 7,500 German locomotives and 200,000 freight cars went to the former enemy.  Germany also relinquished her prosperous African colonies to the Anglo-French overseas empires. Every transport vessel exceeding 1,600 tons, practically the Reich’s entire merchant fleet, enriched the Allies’ war booty. Germans forfeited private investments abroad.

Morally justifying the terms, the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, described how the Allied victory accomplished Germany’s “liberation from militarism.”  He gloated on another occasion, “We have got most of the things we set out to get. The German navy has been handed over, the German merchant shipping has been handed over, and the German colonies have been given up. One of our chief trade competitors has been most seriously crippled and our allies are about to become Germany’s biggest creditors. This is no small achievement!”  Between 1880 and 1900, Germany’s share of world trade had risen from 10.7 percent to 13.8 percent. During that period, Britain’s had declined from 22 to 16 percent, and France’s from 13 to eight percent.  Woodrow Wilson remarked in September 1919, “Is there any man or woman—let me say, is there any child—who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? This was an industrial and commercial war.”

The war transformed Germany from a flourishing industrial power to a distressed state. Military service had cost 1,808,545 German soldiers their lives.  Another 4,247,143 had been wounded. The country was bankrupt from defense expenditures. Marxist agitation provoked labor walk-outs. There were 3,682 strikes in 1919, which impacted 32,825 businesses and 2,750,000 workers.  Decline in industrial output and reparations burdens contributed to massive unemployment. Demobilized soldiers couldn’t find jobs. A new law required managers to reinstate former employees who had served on active duty during the war; however, many business owners were among the slain and their companies were gone.

Additionally, large numbers of foreign workers were in Germany, having taken over the manufacturing positions of men inducted into the army. Soldiers returning home found their pre-war jobs occupied by ersatz labor. People out of work lacked purchasing power. This decreased demand for consumer goods, leading to production cut-backs and further lay-offs. Unemployment fluctuated dramatically. The downward spiral began late in 1927. In 1931 alone, 13,736 companies filed for bankruptcy. An average of 107,000 people per month lost their livelihood. In mid-1932, almost 23 million Germans (36 percent of the population) were receiving public assistance.

The London Declaration of May 5, 1921, established Germany’s aggregate debt at 132 billion reichsmarks (RM). One mark equaled approximately 50 cents. It also imposed a “retroactive payment” of twelve billion gold marks plus another billion in interest. The German government in Weimar could not meet the obligation. Without foreign commerce, Germany had little income. Fearing inordinate taxation to meet Allied demands, affluent Germans invested capital abroad. The flight of currency and the national deficit contributed to inflation. In November 1922, Weimar requested a moratorium on cash payments. The Inter-Allied Reparations Commission declared Germany in default. The French army garrisoned the Ruhr-Lippe region, source of almost 80 percent of Germany’s coal, steel and pig iron production. Demonstrating passive resistance, civil servants and laborers there boycotted the work places. This increased the number of persons on public aid and further reduced productivity. The Ruhr debacle precipitated the currency’s slide into worthlessness. Inflation wiped out the savings of Germany’s middle class.

A commission chaired by the American Charles Dawes made recommendations to balance Germany’s budget and stabilize the money system. The Allies assumed control of the Reich’s Bank and sold shares in the national railroad. They fixed annual payments at $250 million. Another committee convened in Paris in February 1929 under the American banker Owen Young. The Young Plan arranged a new payment plan for Germany to extend to 1988. Since 1924, Weimar had been borrowing from Wall Street banks to meet reparations demands. The worldwide fiscal crisis of 1929 curtailed this source of capital. Despite tax increases, the German government failed to generate sufficient revenue to restore the economy. By March 1933, the German national debt amounted to 24.5 billion reichsmarks.


You can contact David Brown at |  You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

Additional Resources:

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday March 7th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7th, 2021

Of course we are still living in the aftermath of the unabashed, in-your-face political coup which installed a globalist puppet into the Oval Office to continue the work his establishment predecessors teed up before the four year pause created by naïve outsider Trump.  The Trump phenomenon must have scared the holy crap out of our globalist masters since they are moving so quickly to secure their control and make sure this never happens again.  Unlike the tepid Trump, Biden’s controllers have no problem firing and hiring the right people to promote their agenda.  So as Trump exits, we are left to deal with this mess.  The great hope of returning America to a nationalistic stance has now been upended; we are rushing at warp speed to secure globalist control of every citizen and asset in this country— the law be damned and the Constitution be damned.  At this point it is crystal clear the FBI, DOJ, Supreme Court, Big-tech and the MSM are all part of the coup.   Even the military –who some believed would protect this Republic– are now protecting not the Republic– but the traitors hunkered down in Washington, DC.  This same military has no problem following orders happily killing innocent men, women and children in Syria for no good reason whatsoever just to please the psychotic frauds they serve.

Why is the Capitol still so heavily guarded? Something doesn’t add up… 1) Politicians finally figured out how much the public hates them or 2) Because Biden is the most popular president?







Why is it that the most popular President in history still hasn’t had a press conference?

This week, I’ve collected an amazing collage of interesting and enlightening articles, videos and podcasts for your edification.  So much great new information and so little time.

Focus on the crime and villainy surrounding the COVID project…

Continue reading

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 28th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 28th, 2021

Today’s Sunday edition is organized into categories – hopefully making it easier to find a topic that may interest you.


The Neverending Story of Big Tech’s Censorship is ‘the nothing’ Atreyu was fighting…

Please remember to download any important videos, podcasts or articles to a local hard drive — not the cloud.  Big-tech’s censorship is in high-gear, so if you want to save our modern day Library of Alexandria from the Big -tech Arsonists, save frequently before Big-tech marks it for deletion.  Also, it is important to have your own physical books since physical books –unlike digital books– cannot be edited after the fact.   Coming from an engineering and philosophical background, I’m thinking of problem solving 101 to help protect ourselves from this coordinated attack on our First Amendment by the rich and arrogant who seek to control our speech and our thoughts.

Problem solving according to David Brown…

  1. First step in solving a problem is realizing you have a problem;
  2. Second step is accurately describing the problem;
  3. Third step is proposing solutions;
  4. Fourth step is implementing one or more of the solutions that actually addresses and solves the problem(s);

If none of your solutions work, rerun the process above after doing a retrospective.

Key to all of this –permeating every step– is visualizing the end point or target goal. The solutions proposed may or may not work requiring a retrospective and reiteration, also the solutions may depend on many smaller tactical solutions to achieve a larger goal. In any event, it is my opinion that our institutions are corrupt and therefore many of our people in positions of power are corrupt. No law or constitutional convention can fix a corrupt system. We must therefore ask how corrupt it is and what were the steps taken to corrupt this system; and finally what can we do to target and remove this cancer.

Here is another solution from Brent E. Hamachek entitled Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident

And James Corbett of the Corbett Report also provides many ideas on solutions under #SolutionsWatch …

Big-Tech Alternatives

Continue reading

Confessions of a Normie

by DAVID BROWN | | October 28, 2020

I use to be a normie.

But I’ve learned truth is rare, necessary for survival and hard to come by,  so now I’m a collector of data points.  I collect data points until a picture emerges which may point my way to truth.

I am of the age of the US-Vietnam conflict era.  Too young to be drafted, but I did get a draft card near the end of the war.   I remember being in high school and watching “the most trusted man in America” tell us “…And that’s the way it is,” at the end of each broadcast.  The  name of this trusted figure was Walter Cronkite.  I later learned this man couldn’t be trusted at all. In fact Walter had a big secret to hide.   See video.   I remember the nightly body bag count and seeing black body bags and flag-draped metal coffins full of dead boys about my age being loaded into the back of large military planes for shipment back to the USA. Neither I nor any of my friends in high school knew why we were way over there fighting this bloody, unwinnable war in a land far, far away.  We were told we were fighting against the Godless communists who desired  to enslave us all, but something just didn’t seem to make sense to our young minds.

Image by Monica Volpin from Pixabay

I remember the Vietnam memorial –the wall of names– and I remember mothers going to that wall to see their son’s name and to make a trace of their memory.

I was nine when someone shot the president  in the head in broad daylight.  I still remember the horrible feelings I had that day.  I remember the Warren Report and thinking something is just not right, but I accepted the official story and moved on with my life.

I remember the attacks on 9/11 and I remember the official story as told by the news media and by the 9/11 Commission thinking something is just not right about this story; so this time, I paused and started to observe and study.  Yes, I did move on with my life, but I had enough data points to start asking questions about what I believed to be true.  And I did.  The answers were unexpected.

I read a lot of books, written mostly by very careful historians who do not make their statements lightly, or  without the documentation to back them up. Some like Antony C. Sutton paid a price for their honesty.  Among my favorite are:

Reading List: 

What I learned

We were lied into the following wars by our government and by our media…

  • The Spanish American war
  • World War I
  • World War II
  • The Korean War
  • The Vietnam War
  • The Invasion of Iraq
  • The Invasion of Afghanistan
  • The attack and intervention in Libya
  • The intervention and civil war in Syria
  • The civil war in Ukraine

James Perloff does an excellent job summarizing many of these lies in his PowerPoint and lecture.

So today in the year 2020 as I sit here writing these words, I am no longer a normie.  I don’t believe anything our government or our established media tell us.  What they say is just another data point to consider; to collect and to compare with other data points — and observable facts, when available.   What I do know, is that these lies cannot be a mistake and are therefore used to control and enslave us — to herd us like livestock to be skinned and rendered– so long as we believe the lies.  The cure is simple.  Stop believing their lies and do it now.   If you don’t want to be treated like livestock, stop acting like livestock.

The solution above was exposed some 500 years ago in an excellent book called ‘The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude’ by Etienne de la Boetie

Additional related topics:


A History Written by Victors

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2019

I’ve been steeped in the Jewish Holocaust of WWII most of my life. I’ve read many books on the topic and have visited Holocaust museums to observe the documented horror and show my respects. In high school, I read ‘Man’s Search for Meaning’ by Viktor Frankl (Holocaust survivor, surviving Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Kaufering and Türkheim). In his book, Viktor describes in gruesome detail his time in the Nazi concentration camps and how he managed to survive.  I credit this book with my own personal survival of a different holocaust some three decades later. My favorite 13-part British documentary ‘The Ascent of Man’ presented by British mathematician and historian and Polish-Jew Jacob Bronowski expressed profound and moving conclusions on the lessons of the Holocaust. I had Jewish rabbis as friends and neighbors, whom I’ve had long philosophical discussions with, helped repair fences (literally), move refrigerators, stayed in touch with over decades, eaten dinner with, watched their kids grow up, etc.

The Truth Fears No Questions

And I’ve watched all the historical documentaries you have depicting all the emaciated Jews behind barbed wire fences in Nazi concentration camps saved by the US Military. I’ve seen the stacks of shoes in piles next to the ovens at these same camps. And I heard of the lamp-shades made out of human skin, and I’ve heard that Hitler ordered the extermination of 6 million Jews and this was the Holocaust. And so today if you are really pissed at someone, you can call them Hitler which is the worst approved pejorative possible, since we all know it is a ‘well-established fact’ Hitler was a monster.

Despite all the above, I am no fool. After reading Quigley, Perloff and Sutton, I discover most of what I knew about WWII is just not true; and so, I wonder about the Holocaust too. Only problem, it is illegal to wonder about the Holocaust in 17 countries; and if you dare ask any questions here in the good old US of A –no matter how innocent– you are quickly labeled a ‘Holocaust denier’, attacked by the powerful ADL and may lose your job, your friends, your internet platform, etc. I must ask though, if this truth is so very true, why then must we enact laws to protect this fragile truth from critical scrutiny? I’m thinking the truth of the Holocaust might just be one of the biggest red pills ever.

What if the real monster was Winston Churchill? What if Churchill was a drunkard, gambler in debt up to his eyeballs to Rothschild; and what if Churchill delighted in firebombing 200,000 – 500,000 innocent men, women and children melting them into the pavement when there was zero military benefit for this mass murder. What if the gassing chambers were really to get rid of lice? What if the emaciated bodies were due to the Allied forces embargo? What if it were only 300 to 600,000 and not 6 million? What if FDR knew about the attack on Pearl Harbor prior to the attack and did nothing? What if Rockefeller’s Standard Oil was selling a special synthetic oil to Hitler (without which there would have been no war) while denying the same to our troops? And what if there were no lamp-shades made out of human skin?  And what if “History is written by the victors.”?

Additional reading:

World War II – A Necessary Re-Evaluation 

Sanctions Are War By Other Means by James Corbett (May 14, 2023)


Defrauding America

by DAVID BROWN | | November 18, 2019

On this Memorial Day, the nation honors the 58,000 dead American soldiers killed in the CIA initiated and directed Vietnam War. The mass media says virtually nothing about the ugly side of that war, in which GI’s were cannon-fodder, and used to protect and escalate the drug trafficking into the United States.

Flag-draped coffins of eight American Servicemen killed in attacks on U.S. military installations in South Vietnam, on February 7, are placed in transport plane at Saigon, February 9, 1965, for return flight to the United States. Funeral services were held at the Saigon Airport with U.S. Ambassador Maxwell D. Taylor and Vietnamese officials attending. # AP

Even in the death GI’s were used by the CIA. An officer heading a group of investigators from the army’s Criminal Investigation Division uncovered a large-scale heroin smuggling scheme. The group filed reports with the Pentagon, describing how the bodies of the dead GI’s were gutted, and filled with sacks of heroin. Approximately fifty pounds of heroin with a multi-million dollar street value were stuffed into each body…Document’s accompanying the drug-filled corpses were coded so that people at Air Force Bases in the United States, including at Travis and Norton air-force bases, could remove the drugs upon arrival in California.

In typical fashion, the military hierarchy reacted to the report by disbanding the investigative team. Other reports plus those given to me by my CIA contacts, provide further confirmation of this sordid practice. This coverup made possible the continued drug smuggling and constituted criminal coverup.

Crates returning to the U.S from Vietnam on military aircraft often contained bags of heroin, and the coded labels false indicated the contents were military supplies. The coverup by the military, the CIA,and the Justice Department, were part of the overall epidemic.

These aspects of the CIA-initiated and directed Vietnam War, and the debauchery of American GI’s, were never addressed at Memorial Day ceremonies. Instead the American public was led to believe that the hundreds of thousands of dead, maimed, and injured Americans suffered for an honorable cause, protecting the United States.

Even the heads of veteran organization, including the Veteran Foreign Wars and the American Legion, withheld this information from their members.

This is not to discredit those brave men and women who were ordered into battle and who endured such terrible fear, injury and death. But the American public must wake up, to realize that the extreme losses in human life and dignity were a farce perpetrated upon them.

Rodney Stitch –
From his book, “Defrauding America”.


Additional reading: 

The CIA Drug Connection Is as Old as the Agency
By Larry Collins, International Herald Tribune
Dec. 3, 1993


On the matter of the Vietnam War…

by DAVID BROWN | | November 17, 2019

Vietnam was an ugly, pointless war based on a US Government lie called the ‘Gulf of Tonkin Incident’. This undeclared war in Southeast Asia brutally slaughtered and maimed millions of innocent men, women and children, including our young American boys: 58,315 KIA; 153,303 WIA; 1,618 MIA; & 778 POWs. It changed this country forever; enriching only the defense contractors, the MIC and those who financed this war effort. Though many of my fellows in high school had been sent off to Vietnam –only to return in body bags– I was too young to go; but I watched the slaughter and the returning body bags on TV every night from the safety and comfort of my home. The Vietnam War brought us the anti-war movement, psychedelic drugs (aided and promoted by the CIA), eastern religions, free love, increased state domestic power and surveillance, huge debts owed to the central bankers and changed American culture forever.

Later, my college biology teacher told me he had served in Vietnam. He was a fit, small guy with a wily, dry sense of humor, and a pure white shock of hair jetting out of his hairline; and he was a good teacher. He served in the ground infantry and said he enjoyed his stay there so much he re-enlisted three times. I asked him what he learned in Vietnam and he said how to survive. Later when I was running my own business I hired several Vietnam veterans. Most would never speak a word about their time there, but two confided in me. One made me swear that I would never tell his wife he served in Vietnam since he had never told her. I found this to be very strange if not implausible. Another broke down and cried in my office for all the bad things he had done. He had even been ordered to kill US POWs since they represented a threat to the US negotiations. Another Vietnam veteran told me that all their ammo was locked up in a bunker and they couldn’t return fire, until they received approval from headquarters. My father-in-law also served in Vietnam, but never speaks of his time there.

Since WWII, the US has not declared one single war, yet since that time our war efforts have increased exponentially as well as our debt to those who finance these undeclared wars; and if we choose to look over the walled garden in which we live, we will discover that every single one of these wars are based on lies similar to the lie which brought us Vietnam. And so it goes.

On the matter of Iran:

by DAVID BROWN | | June 22, 2019

I know everyone wants to hate Iran, but they didn’t get here by themselves…

On the matter of Iran:

  • Iranians are Persian not Arab
  • Iranians are Shia Muslims
  • Arabs are Sunni Muslims 
  • Shia has about 200 million followers 
  • Sunni has about 1.2 billion followers
  • Shia and Sunni don’t like each other
  • Iranians are well-educated, sophisticated, intelligent people. 
  • Iran is currently a Theocracy or an Islamic Republic which the Iranian people do not like. How did they get this reprehensible government?

Mosaddeq coup – CIA Operation Ajax:
Mohammad Mosaddegh was the 35th prime minister of Iran, holding office from 1951 until 1953, when his government was overthrown in the 1953 Iranian coup d’état orchestrated by the United States’ Central Intelligence Agency and the United Kingdom’s MI6.

The USA replaced Mohammad Mosaddegh by a brutal, murderous U.S. lap dog and psychopath known as the Shah of Iran. The CIA ran the Shah and his secret police SAVAK. My Iranian friends here in the USA were terrified of SAVAK even while studying here in the land of the free and the brave. They would only whisper and speak of certain things privately because of their abject fear of SAVAK. They knew my government put the Shah in power, yet they did not hold this against me, a U.S. Citizen.

Ruhollah Khomeini as Supreme Leader 1979 – 1989 founded the cruel Islamic Republic of Iran of today. This new and improved psycho murdered many people including little 13 year old girls because they were of the Bahá’í Faith. He would hang 6 at a time from cranes.

Khomeini’s fatwa ‘led to killing of 30,000 in Iran’

Q: Why is the rest of the Middle East in such a mess?

A: Sykes–Picot Agreement* for starters which partitioned the Ottoman Empire in 1916 across culture and religious lines assuring continued destabilization of the Middle East. From here the US meddling and bloody regime change just gets worse.

So put away the hater-AID until you’ve taken some time to think.

* Lines were drawn to impose maximum destabilization to make it easier to rule. “The line across a map of the Middle East it drew created colonial spheres of influence that cut directly and artificially across a region that had previously been divided along ethnic, linguistic and religious lines.”

The Sykes-Picot Agreement and the making of the modern Middle East

Lord Milner’s Second War

Recommended reading…
Lord Milner’s Second War: The Rhodes-Milner Secret Society; The Origin of World War I; and the Start of the New World Order by Mr John P. Cafferky (2013-01-03)


Why did European diplomacy fail to avert World War I? Revisionist historians have long suspected that the President of France and the Russian Ambassador to France cooperated in bringing about the war, but they failed to identify the British partner to the plot. Lord Milner’s Second War exposes the role played by the Rhodes-Milner secret society in fomenting World War I. Lord Milner and his friends staged a coup in British foreign policy, culminating with the appointment of Sir Edward Grey as Foreign Secretary, Richard Haldane as War Secretary, and General Sir Henry Wilson as Director of Military Operations. With his team in place, Milner painstakingly prepared Britain for war.

Lord Milner inherited his secret society from its founder, Cecil Rhodes, and he dedicated himself to implementing Rhodes’ dream of a world state based on the British Empire. He started the South African War, demonstrating he had the ruthlessness to start a war and the determination to finish what he had started. After his first war, Lord Milner set his sights on a Great War to eliminate European opposition to the hegemony of his Anglo-American Banking cartel. Victory in his second war allowed him usher in the New World Order, an alliance of elites that since 1919 has accumulated immense power and has exercised unprecedented influence in world affairs. This is the story of how the New World Order began.


The Rhodes-Milner secret society (The Milner Group), based in England, colluded with President Poincare of France and Ambassador lzvolsky of Russia to foment the seminal event of the twentieth century—the 1914-18 First World War. lzvolsky destroyed Czarist Russia; Poincare led a million-and-a-half of his countrymen to their graves; but victory for the Milner Group left this secret organization of imperialists and financiers wielding enormous influence in world affairs. The primary source on the Rhodes-Milner secret society is Carroll Quigley, a Georgetown professor. He wrote two books, Tragedy And Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, in which he revealed the existence of this secret society, and partially revealed what they do and the enormous influence they wield. In the former he says:

There does exist, and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network . . . I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies . . . but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known.’

In his later work, The Anglo-American Establishment, Quigley examines the “Anglo” side of the organization and he makes the following claims about the Rhodes-Milner secret society:

For these men were organizing a secret society (in 1891) that was, for more than fifty years, to be one of the most important forces in the formulation and execution of British imperial and foreign policy?

The power and influence of this Rhodes-Milner group in British imperial affairs and in foreign policy since 1889, although not widely recognized, can hardly be exaggerated.

Any effort to write an account of the influence exercised by the Milner Group in foreign affairs in the period between the two World Wars would require a complete rewriting of the history of that period.

Quigley claims he read the secret documents of this organization. His claim leaves no wriggle room: either we dismiss him as a crank or we test his claim against the historical record. I have written a monograph to test Quigley’s assertions that a powerful secret society exercises enormous political and financial influence in the western world by examining the role the Rhodes-Milner Group played in bringing about the Great War. I concentrate on the Great War because it is both the defining event of the Twentieth Century and also immensely rich in documentary evidence. My monograph uses Quigley’s revelations, hints, and subtle signposts to outline how the Rhodes-Milner secret society, under the stewardship of Lord Milner, fostered the Great War.

Additional resources…

Myths of the first World War