Category Archives: War

Memorial Day – 2015

by DAVID BROWN | | May 25, 2015

Fort Hood has put a boot on the ground for every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. A powerful memorial. Fort Hood has put a boot on the ground for every American life lost in Iraq and Afghanistan. A powerful memorial.  Yet, another way to honor the war dead is to put a stop to all these pointless, unconstitutional wars.

If you have time to read the three well-researched and documented books by Antony C. Sutton listed here …

1) Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler; 2) Wall Street and FDR; 3) Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution: The Remarkable True Story of the American Capitalists Who Financed the Russian Communists … the self-righteous myths that tell us the USA is all about the spreading of democracy and the protecting of freedom will become an obvious, painful hoax to you.   Yes, I too believed in these myths, but after the JFK assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin incident and the obvious coverup concerning the attacks on 9/11, it was finally time for me to dig in, invest some time and take a closer look at what our government was actually doing.   Do I disparage our brave soldiers who fight to protect this country; who believe they are fighting for truth, justice and the American way?   Not at all. I honor their well-intended sacrifices.    But I am now aware of the deals made behind closed doors, as documented by Carroll Quigley (Anglo-American Establishment), Sutton and other top historians that base their research — not on official establishment propaganda– but on the facts as they find them; thereby removing the political spin and propaganda that we have all grown up believing. This is the critical point for me: If we care to regain the honorable ideals of a free and prosperous people, we must confront the evil that has infiltrated our government and surreptitiously controls the money system and therefore the government and all its machinery. This can not be done by pretending that facts are not facts. So if you choose to take this brave journey to the truth, buckle your seat-belts, it going to be a bumpy ride.

Here is just one example how our vaulted sultans of American Foreign policy honor our military:

“Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy.”

― Henry Kissinger

P.S. And to all my fellow patriotic citizens:  Before you go about bashing my head against the wall with your fists, please read the above mentioned three books by Sutton and then we can sit down as adults and talk –not fight– about solutions and the sad predicament we all find ourselves and our beloved America in now on this May 25th, 2015 Memorial Day.

More reading on this topic here:

U.S. Soldiers Died for Empire and Hegemony
by Jacob G. Hornberger May 25, 2015

America: The Greatest Force for Good? (ClearNFO)

Is the U.S. a force for good or evil? (ClearNFO)

From Wikipedia: Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. The holiday, which is observed every year on the last Monday of May, originated as Decoration Day after the American Civil War in 1868, when the Grand Army of the Republic, an organization of Union veterans — established it as a time for the nation to decorate the graves of the war dead with flowers. By the 20th century, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions, celebrated on different days, had merged, and Memorial Day eventually extended to honor all Americans who died while in the military service. It typically marks the start of the summer vacation season, while Labor Day marks its end.

War Is A Racket (text)
By Major General Smedley Butler

War is a Racket (Video) by Smedley Butler is a famous speech denouncing the military industrial complex. This speech by two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit few at the expense of many. Throughout his distinguished career in the Marines, Smedley Darlington Butler demonstrated that true patriotism does not mean blind allegiance to government policies with which one does not agree. To Hell with war.

Eisenhower warns us of the military industrial complex.


What if Putin is Telling the Truth?

by DAVID BROWN | | May 18, 2015

F. William Engdahl

F. William Engdahl

Enjoy some brilliant analysis and incredible detail from one of my favorite writers and researchers, F. William Engdahl.   The complete article is linked below.

On the tragedy of Beslan …

“On September 1, 2004, armed terrorists from Basayev and al-Khattab’s IIB took more than 1,100 people as hostages in a siege that included 777 children, and forced them into School Number One (SNO) in Beslan in North Ossetia, the autonomous republic in the North Caucasus of the Russian Federation near to the Georgia border.

On the third day of the hostage crisis, as explosions were heard inside the school, FSB and other elite Russian troops stormed the building. In the end, at least 334 hostages were killed, including 186 children, with a significant number of people injured and reported missing. It became clear afterward that the Russian forces had handled the intervention poorly.

The Washington propaganda machine, from Radio Free Europe to The New York Times and CNN, wasted no time demonizing Putin and Russia for their bad handling of the Beslan crisis rather than focus on the links of Basayev to Al Qaeda and Saudi intelligence. That would have brought the world’s attention to the intimate relations between the family of then US President George W. Bush and the Saudi billionaire bin Laden family.

On September 1, 2001, just ten days before the day of the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, Saudi Intelligence head US-educated Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud, who had directed Saudi Intelligence since 1977, including through the entire Osama bin Laden Mujahideen operation in Afghanistan and into the Caucasus, abruptly and inexplicably resigned, just days after having accepted a new term as intelligence head from his King. He gave no explanation. He was quickly reposted to London, away from Washington.

The record of the bin Laden-Bush family intimate ties was buried, in fact entirely deleted on “national security” (sic!) grounds in the official US Commission Report on 911. The Saudi background of fourteen of the nineteen alleged 911 terrorists in New York and Washington was also deleted from the US Government’s final 911 Commission report, released only in July 2004 by the Bush Administration, almost three years after the events.

Basayev claimed credit for having sent the terrorists to Beslan. His demands had included the complete independence of Chechnya from Russia, something that would have given Washington and the Pentagon an enormous strategic dagger in the southern underbelly of the Russian Federation.

By late 2004, in the aftermath of the tragic Beslan drama, President Vladimir Putin reportedly ordered a secret search and destroy mission by Russian intelligence to hunt and kill key leaders of the Caucasus Mujahideen of Basayev. Al-Khattab had been killed in 2002. The Russian security forces soon discovered that most of the Chechen Afghan Arab terrorists had fled. They had gotten safe haven in Turkey, a NATO member; in Azerbaijan, by then almost a NATO Member; or in Germany, a NATO Member; or in Dubai–one of the closest US Allies in the Arab States, and Qatar-another very close US ally. In other words, the Chechen terrorists were given NATO safe haven.”

What if Putin is Telling the Truth? By F. William Engdahl

Obama knew about Benghazi

by DAVID BROWN | | May 18, 2015

stevens Hillary What does it matter

No surprises here for regular readers of ClearNFO, but now it has been fully documented by the U.S. Government itself; only because of the constant legal pressure of Judicial Watch.  This BTW is only the tip of the iceberg.  Read a summary on the Benghazi / ISIS connection here, and search ISIS and/or Benghazi on the ClearNFO search function for more background NFO.

“These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda? These documents also point to connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”


UPDATE: Russia-China

by DAVID BROWN | | May 13, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

It has always been my opinion that the oligarchs of Russia, China and the West have more in common with each other than they do with their respective citizens within the countries of their origin.  Thus, they are all globalists seeking power without regard to nation-state or the benefit of the individual.   The report below challenges this idea.  China and Russia seek to build a second world order to create a bipolar world order to offer a kinder, gentler world order and an alternative to the failing financial structure of the Anglo-American oligarchs of the West; or so this report would have you believe.  I have no reason to doubt the sincerity of their intentions but human nature is consistent across national and cultural boundaries and absolute power corrupts absolutely, so I wouldn’t expect much better treatment under the new management.  As they say: “Meet the new boss, same as the old boss”.  So Russia and China would convince us to trade one world order for another; yet most of us will have no choice.  I am impressed that this report reveals Russia and China clearly understand what is a stake here and are under no illusions of the real intent and purposes of the ruling elite of the West. The days of the corporatocracy embodied in the American empire are numbered and that is clear to anyone who is vaguely familiar with arithmetic or the facts.  So the question is, what comes next and what will the American empire do in the throws of self-inflicted wounds to save itself?  Will America create WWIII to write off its massive debts?  Will America turn in on itself as it apparently is doing, and destroy itself like it has done to so many other countries: Libya, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, etc. (See America’s Achilles Heal, below)

Russia, China and others are building a new, replacement or alternative NWO (AIIB, BRICS, SWIFT analog, and the conversion of RMB into an international reserve currency based on the introduction of its gold standard), but this time they seek to do it ‘right’; based on the nation-state and with the consideration of the benefit of the individual citizen.

Below is an insightful report based on the recent ‘scientific-practical conference’ held in Beijing on May 4th, 2015. Despite being broken up into four parts it is a relatively short read showing that neither China nor Russia are the USA’s fools.  It is no secret that the West’s oligarchs have destroyed the middle class and therefore the market economy; or that the massive debts created by the central banks  can ever be repaid; and it is no secret that the unfunded liabilities or the promises the USA has made to its citizens can ever be paid and it is no secret that almost 100 million Americans are out of work despite the rosy official jobs reports. Both Russia and China are therefore making plans to combine their efforts financially and strategically to counteract what will inevitably be the failure of the US Dollar and the Western economies. They are very much aware that WWIII may be the West’s only solution for a debt write off, and are preparing for that challenge.  The USA coup in Ukraine and the formation of a Nazi state has put both Russia and China on notice of the abject duplicity and corruption of the USA’s geopolitical strategy.  Nothing could be clearer than the naked overthrow of Ukraine government by the USA to demonstrate to Russia and China that the US cannot be trusted.  This has driven China and Russia closer together.

To counteract the fall of the USA, Russia and China –along with other countries– are currently constructing a second World Order governed not by international corporations but by Nation-States who consider not only efficiencies represented by profit but the benefit of  their own citizens.  A better NWO if you will.  It is uncertain if the current NWO of the Western Globalists will survive or in what form, but in any  event, China and Russia are preparing the infrastructure without asking the USA or its vassal states.

From Fort Russ by Mikhail Delyagin Translated by Kristina Rus. The familiar world has crumbled. Russia and China must create a new one. About the need to unite the potential of both countries. The article is based on the report at the scientific-practical conference “China and Russia in a changing world” in Beijing, on May 4, 2015.

I would also like to direct your attention to America’s Achilles’ Heel By Dmitry Orlov

Additional Reading:


Operation Paperclip and the CIA

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip was a foundational building block for the CIA:

Operation Paperclip “…(originally Operation Overcast) (1949–1990) was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS now the CIA) program in which over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the United States for employment in the aftermath of World War II.

To circumvent President Truman’s anti-Nazi order and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) worked independently to create false employment and political biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from the public record the scientists’ Nazi Party memberships and régime affiliations. Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the scientists were granted security clearances by the U.S. government to work in the United States. Paperclip, the project’s operational name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new political personae to their “US Government Scientist” JIOA personnel files.”  — Wikipedia

More on this topic from ClearNFO:

MK-ULTRA, Monarch & Paperclip

Those Nutty Jade Helm Conspiracy Theorists

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Jade Helm 15

Jade Helm 15

I heard a news clip on the radio yesterday that went something like this: An Army official was giving a speech somewhere and was asked if Jade Helm would be a federal takeover of Texas. He simply said “No.” and the entire crowd broke into a smug, mocking laughter apparently aimed at all the ‘tin-foil hat-wearing conspiracy theorists‘ like Alex Jones. Only problem — Alex never said that. This MEME of the takeover is a creation of the establishment MSM. I read a lot of news, and I’ve never heard any serious person postulate that Jade Helm would be a federal takeover of Texas but rather a very large, unnecessary and expensive exercise to help integrate the military with the local law enforcement while getting the general public used to these sorts of exercises. There are very good reasons for keeping the military and our peace keepers separate as our founders knew, as well as those who wrote the Posse Comitatus Act in 1878. The military kill people and break things. Law enforcement are public servants and keepers of the peace. Very different roles wouldn’t you say? To mix the two is to cause problems we really don’t need. Moreover the military usually try to train where they will fight which means they try to emulate the environment in which they plan to kill and break things. So why the big push to train on the streets of America? We have spent billions on first rate training facilities for our military all over this nation (see below) and we have in excess of 900 military bases strewn across the globe, so why Texas and why now is a very good question that is lost in the self-righteous laughter of the lemmings whose default position is to trust everything the government says or does.

Where are the five major Army Training Centers?

Fort Jackson Website

The largest and most active IET Center in the U.S. Army. Located within the city of Columbia, S.C., Fort Jackson encompasses 52,000 acres and 53 ranges and field training sites to train and prepare Soldiers to take their place in the Army of a nation at war. Fort Jackson also supports a number of other training missions to include the United States Army Soldier Support Institute, Drill Sergeant School, the United States Army Chaplain Center and School, the Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment, and two AIT schools.

Fort Benning Website

More than 108,000 Soldiers train annually in one of the 61 courses conducted seven days a week, 50 weeks out of the year on Fort Benning. Every American who joins the Army as an elite Infantryman does initial training on Fort Benning. Last year alone more than 25,000 new Infantrymen trained here in skills and competencies required to succeed in combat. As they enter our gates as civilians, they graduate as some of the Nation’s most lethal, new warriors.

Fort Sill Website

The United States Army Field Artillery Center and Fort Sill will train Soldiers, Marines, and develop Field Artillery leaders; design and develop fire support for the force; support unit training and readiness; mobilize and deploy operating forces; and maintain installation infrastructure and services.

Fort Knox Website

The Armor Center and School is the largest organization on Fort Knox and performs the mission of training all armor Soldiers and Marines. The Army Recruiting Command headquarters conducts the mission of bringing men and women into the U.S. Army.

Fort Leonard Wood Website

Home of the Maneuver Support Center (MANSCEN) which includes the U.S. Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear, Engineer, and Military Police schools, a gender-integrated Basic Training Brigade, and one of the five reception stations in the Army for newly accessed Soldiers.

Additional Reading on this topic at ClearNFO:

Creeping Fascism – Jade Helm

Jade Helm 15: Additional Thoughts

Craig Hulet on World Turmoil

by DAVID BROWN | | April 17, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

The link below is a recording of last night’s interview with Craig Hulet by George Noory of Coast to Coast AM. While I don’t agree with everything Craig has to say –particularly concerning FDR– he does hit the nail squarely on the head on many issues that confront all of us today as we engage in the battle of minds and information. Make no doubt about it, we are at war and what is at stake is individual sovereignty and freedom. Information contained in this interview will help you understand the big picture and understand better what ‘the powers that shouldn’t be’ have planned for you and me. Relax and enjoy. 

“Craig is a man who I call for expert advice on international and domestic terrorism, and white supremacy, (to name a few)… (Rita Rich, Producer The Jim Bohannon Show)

“I have known Craig Hulet for many years and find him to be one of the brightest guys in the nation with an insightful mind and a wealth of knowledge.

–Oliver Stone

From Coast to Coast AM with George Noory:
World Turmoil/ Old Earth
Thursday – April 16, 2015

In the first half, analyst Craig Hulet offered commentary on current events, terrorism, and world conflicts. “It looks to me unbelievably clear that money is going to buy the presidency, and Jeb Bush will be the next president,” he declared.

Coast to Coast AM Interview with Graig Hulet

Note:  A quick note on Coast to Coast AM and George Noory.  Coast to Coast broadcasts 4 hours Monday – Friday from Midnight to 4 a.m. (CST) and has reruns sometimes on the weekend.  While I certainly don’t endorse all the subjects covered or the opinions expressed,  I must admit that George and team have done a marvelous job building on what Art Bell started many years ago.  There is virtually no topic off-limits including UFO abductions, reptilians, moth man, ghosts, etc. What I like about the format is that they have excellent bumper music and they let the music play for several minutes so that you can actually get a real feel of the music.  Also, my hat is off to George for putting up with all the crazy callers.  He shows each and every one respect no matter how bizarre their comments or questions are.   He is all inclusive of all opinions and ideas and doesn’t just dismiss crazy callers out of hand.  I think this is part of the phenomenal success of this program which is available world-wide.  Some of the top scientists in the world, major movie moguls and other people at the pinnacle of their industries and professions will not hesitate to appear on Coast to Coast because they know that George will give them a fair hearing with great questions and dialogue; not to mention his massive audience.  So if you listen to Coast to Coast sometime, just try to have an open mind and consider all opinions fairly and enjoy the great discussions.

I listen to Coast to Coast AM via iHeart Radio here KTRH NewsRadio 740


9/11 Revisited

by DAVID BROWN | | April 3, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

If you are like me, you found the conclusions of the official 9/11 Commission Report hard to believe.   Why? Because it seemed implausible that two airplanes could bring down two skyscrapers in such a nice, even pattern. Reminded me of all the controlled demolition videos I had watched with amazement prior to 9/11. The 9/11 demolition was picture perfect, and something just wasn’t right. After my initial shock, I was surprised to discover that building #7 fell in just the same way, only it was never hit by a plane. I was even more shocked when I learned that most New Yorkers were unaware that building #7 wasn’t hit by a plane. I would hope that most New Yorkers know by now.  There is overwhelming detailed scientific evidence –that I won’t bore you with right now– which proves the official story is not plausible. You can do your own research if you feel the need.

So here we have three buildings taken down by two planes.  Reminds me of the JFK magic bullet theory, and since the US Government has a long, documented history of lying to the American public, I wasn’t buying their official story without some hard evidence. Videos were confiscated and evidence was shipped to China to be melted down; SEC records were destroyed. The US Government destroyed as much evidence as it could before any real investigation could even be suggested; and before the general population smelled a rat; and in fact NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, was the government agency assigned to investigate the building collapses participated in this government cover-up. NIST likely committed many criminal acts, though was never prosecuted …

Exposing the Criminal Cover-Up of 9/11 – Review of David Ray Griffin: The Mysterious Collapse of World Trade Center 7

I could go on and on with the physical evidence, but even without any of the physical evidence we have insider evidence from whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds in her excellent book entitled ‘Classified Woman’ that proves to me that top FBI officials were also in on the cover-up. And now we have the redacted 28 pages of the 9/11 Report that supposedly implicates Saudi Arabia though no one can give specifics since this information is part of the National Security ruse.  My concern is that if the 9/11 report can’t be trusted, why can we now trust the missing 28 pages?  Is this yet another layer to confound those in search for the truth?

9/11 was  a pivotal event which provided the US Government vast and far-reaching, unconstitutional powers over the good citizens of America and unfortunately many of America’s vassal states have emulated this abuse of their citizen’s rights. What were once rights are now privileges to be doled-out at the whim of a new tyrannical government.   It made it easy to pass the Constitution-killing ‘Patriot Act’ and NDAA authorizing the government to indefinitely detain or murder its citizens without due process; and it has opened the financial flood gates for undeclared and illegal wars across the globe.  It has ushered in the police state with the help of the DHS and removed any expectation of privacy by the NSA.  So who benefited from 9/11? Not the 3,000 who lost their lives or their families. Not the average American citizen. Not the US Constitution or Bill of Rights.  The Government benefited with new powers and the Military-Industrial Complex benefited. Who else? Well the planners at the Pentagon who get their instructions from the likes of the CFR, RIIA, GCHQ, and the Trilateral Commission. In fact, these same folks got their dream (documented in PNAC) for a ‘New American Pearl Harbor’ to help move their agenda along quicker.

In case you haven’t seen these videos, I think you might want to take a look for yourselves…

VIDEO 1: We blew up our Pentagon with a cruise missile. We have it on video…here’s the video and a pic of the missile. The gray object above the Orange Cone on the right. The little gray object is supposed to be a 43′ high 757. It is not. Frames at 24,25, and 26 seconds…

Plane Hits The Pentagon

VIDEO 2: There is another angle from down the street at the Hilton.
NEW: 9/11 Hotel Video Released of NO PLANE hitting the Pentagon!

VIDEO 3: 9/11 – The Truth In 5 Minutes – James Corbett

VIDEO 4:  Excellent film from James Corbett: 9/11 Trillions: Follow The Money
(Published Sep 11, 2015)

“Forget for one moment everything you’ve been told about September 11, 2001. 9/11 was a crime. And as with any crime, there is one overriding imperative that detectives must follow to identify the perpetrators: follow the money. This is an investigation of the 9/11 money trail.”

Until America and the world fully realize that 9/11 was an inside job, there is little hope we can turn back the tyranny and global wars that have engulfed planet earth as a result of this villainy.

Additional information at ClearNFO:
America: The Greatest Force for Good?
Michael Springmann on Visas for Terrorists
Interview with NSA Whistleblower William Binney
Classified Woman
Privacy & Surveillance / The Future of Freedom vs. The Architecture of Oppression



The Russia We Lost

by DAVID BROWN | | March 31, 2015

Tear Drop "A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA"

Tear Drop “A Gift From the People of Russia to the USA”

Folks, the US Media have been spreading lies and falsehoods in the form of propaganda about the Russians; specifically regarding Ukraine. It is very disappointing so many otherwise intelligent Americans have yet again swallowed this same line of BS. Haven’t we learned anything from all the other wars we have started based on officially promulgated propaganda? Well, the Russians are tired of it. Our proxy forces in Ukraine have slaughtered countless innocent men, women and children with impunity all the while blaming Russia. Below you will find some fresh Russian propaganda aimed back at the USA. Enjoy if you can stomach to watch it. The visceral anger and hatred coming from Russia who once wanted to emulate the American success story is now thick as blood and is of our own creation.

“These violent delights have violent ends.” –William Shakespeare

Antimaidan Ukraine:

March 31, 2015 by Su-Lin Tan (Reporter)
Russian analyst urges nuclear attack on Yellowstone National Park and San Andreas fault line
A Russian geopolitical analyst says the best way to attack the United States is to detonate nuclear weapons to trigger a supervolcano at Yellowstone National Park or along the San Andreas fault line on California’s coast.

The Russia They Lost
We loved America. I remember, we did. When we were teens, growing up in the early 90s; most of my friends the same age did not even question their attitude toward Western civilization. It was great, how could it be otherwise?


How The American Neoconservatives Destroyed Mankind’s Hopes For Peace — Paul Craig Roberts (04/18/16)

Creeping Fascism – Jade Helm

by DAVID BROWN | | March 30, 2015

Benito Mussolini

Benito Mussolini

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
Benito Mussolini

Who would doubt that there is a merger of the state and large multinational corporations in the US and around the globe?  The evidence is everywhere: from the bailouts of the banks to the legal liability protection the government provides Monsanto and Big Pharma to the sovereignty-killing secret trade agreements written and designed by corporations; not to mention the Federal Reserve who pretends to be Federal, yet is not Federal and has no reserves; but, in fact is a private cabal of international bankers with no allegiance to any country.


Sometimes the small things are indicative of more ominous changes afloat…

Obey Signs
State Highway signs use to say “Observe Warning Signs”. Now they say “Obey Warning Signs”. Do you detect a difference in attitude or is it just me?

And sometimes they are up-close and in your face as in Jade Helm.

Jade Helm

Jade Helm

Jade Helm is a major exercise planned this summer for Texas, Utah and Southern CA. Texas and Utah are listed as ‘Hostile’. With the massive military training bases strewn all across this country, there is no reason to conduct these drills outside the designated training bases unless this is some sort of PSYOP to get you used to the military presence.  I think there is no question that rogue, criminal elements within the US Federal Government have something very special planned.  While the media cover for the government by misquoting and mischaracterizing the concern with Jade Helm.

The media’s straw-man: To provide cover for government and to discredit those of us who are concerned, the Media incorrectly reports: Conspiracy nuts claim that this is a Martial law takeover by the government.  What is actually being claimed by the so called ‘conspiracy nuts’ is that this is an exercise to get the US population accustomed to a military presence on the streets of America and to establish a close, working relationship between the military and local law enforcement.  No one but the media have said this is Martial law, only a preparation for Martial law and in fact will likely never be called Martial law at all, but some other nicer sounding term.  This goes entirely against fundamental founding principles in the USA and against the now gutted Posse Comitatus Act.

seperate military and police

The Globalist Surge in the USA. Training Americans for Military Occupation:
Jade Helm is clearly a PSYOP (Military Psychological Operation) designed to get the American people accustomed to military presence. Jade Helm will take place from July 15-Sepember 15. An additional benefit is that the military (Pentagon) will be able to establish close, working relationships with local county commissioners and local law officials.  This is not Martial Law but make no doubt about it, it is a preparation for civil disobedience or civil unrest. One of their objectives is to blend in undetected. Texas cities involved: Bastrop/Smithville, Big Spring, Caddo Lake, Caldwell, Christoval, College Station, Dell City, Eldorado, Goliad, Junction, Leakey, Menard, Mountain Home, San Angelo, San Antonio and Victoria. This represents a continued militarization of the police and must not stand. Since one objective is to “Operate Undetected Amongst Civilian Population”, I will be out with my camcorder. If I see something, I will take a picture and I will say something as the DHS has requested. I hope you will do the same.

However, unlike the DHS, I will never, ever spy on my fellow citizens. Rather than report the facts, many in the MSM have mischaracterized what Alex Jones has reported on this topic by setting up a straw-man designed to discredit Jones. This is creeping Fascism and most of the establishment media are co-conspirators in this domestic psyop. If you live in one of the towns listed under the Jade Helm operation, please contact your local county commissioners and sheriffs so that they understand the facts and that they have your support to make the correct decision to just say no to Jade Helm.

MSM Caught Lying: Breaking Jade Helm Update  Press uses disproven government talking points to conceal overall agenda

VIDEO: Military Helicopters Descend over Central Texas for Mass Civil Unrest Drill


“Comply Or Die” Has Replaced “Protect And Serve”  Guest Column by John W. Whithead Fear the police, not terrorists. Police have killed far more Americans than have terrorists.

NOTE: it is important to note that the term “Conspiracy theory” is a weaponized term created by the CIA.  See CIA document 1035-960: CIA Document 1035-960: Foundation of a Weaponized Term