Category Archives: Science

Episode 001 – Meet Joe Plummer (Video)

Joe Plummer SnowPlease join me in a video conversation with author and researcher Mr. Joseph Plummer below.  Joe is the author of several excellent fiction and non-fiction books including  Leaving the Illusion, Dishonest Money and Tragedy and Hope 101. You can find reviews on each of these books and many others at  Despite some serious Skype issues, this interview turned out great. Enjoy!

Meet Joe Plummer

Episode 001 – part 1 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 2 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 3 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 4 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 5 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by

Episode 001 – part 6 of 6: ‘Meet Joe Plummer’ by


Patterns of Life

Watching the video below provides more than entertainment.  If you notice the repeating patterns, you suddenly realize there is a lot of information in the ‘Pendulum Wave pattern’ whose analogue can be found in natural cycles, rhythms, Feng shui, golden ratios, mathematics, karma, yin yang and the circle of life … we can see the same patterns repeating themselves at the quantum, classical and relativistic levels; and yes, even within our own lives: emotionally, intellectually, culturally, politically and geopolitically.  There are built-in, ontological structures to all that we can see, feel and experience on every scale, underscoring what Horatio said to Hamlet so many years ago “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

Pendulum Wave patterns …


Helix Nebula (NGC 7293)The Helix Nebula (NGC 7293) is a large planetary nebula located in the constellation Aquarius. The Helix Nebula’s estimated distance from earth is about 215 parsecs or 700 light-years. The Nebula has sometimes been referred to as the “Eye of God” in pop culture because of it’s eye like appearance. It was the first planetary nebula discovered to contain cometary knots, which can be seen as globs with tails around the center of the “pupil”. Astronomers have sense discovered similar structures in other planetary nebulae and use the Helix Nebula as a base case for comparison. There are more than 20,000 cometary knots estimated to be in the Helix Nebula. These knots remain somewhat of a mystery to astronomers.

Credit: NASA/Hubble/JPL/Cal Tech

Math and Movies (Animation at Pixar) – Numberphile …

Misc Musings on the surety of science or why I am skeptical of ‘Well-Established’ facts.

by DAVID BROWN | | December 12, 2014

Math-for-Piano-PerformanceNewton’s 3 Laws of Motion were proven science for 100s of years and helped put a man on the moon and are still used today … only one problem: they are incorrect. Newton’s laws of motion, together with his law of gravitation, provide a useful basis for explaining the motion of everyday objects under everyday conditions. However, when applied to extremely high speeds or extremely small objects, Newton’s laws break down.

How about the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle? It put a big crack down the middle of the well-behaved universe.

How about Zeno’s paradox Achilles and the tortoise? How about the a priori? The fallacy of logic: If A=B and B=C, then A=C, right? But the entire logic is based on an unexamined assumption of the IF which is the a priori which can never be proven.

How about the Precambrian explosion of life forms in the geologic record?

How about the three sets of laws that don’t agree? The big laws (Relativity), the medium laws (Newtonian) and the really small laws (Quantum). They are all correct except when they are not.

In ancient times mathematicians ran into a logical brick wall which no one could overcome. This had to do with the interplay of the linear, logical, discontinuous mind-set of the day –that many of us today still possess– and the reality of infinity. Corollaries to this conundrum would be the asymptote (y – 1/x), Zeno’s paradox or just trying to find the area under a curve for y = x^2 or y equals x squared.

The area of a square or rectangle is easy enough to determine. If the box is 4 ft. by 5 ft. you just multiply 4 X 5 and the area is 20 sq. ft. If however you want to determine the area under a curve defined for example by the equation of y = x^2 (Note: y is also called the function at x or f(x)), you can subdivide the area under the curve into smaller and smaller boxes but you can never determine the exact area under the curve because you can never make the boxes small enough since there are an infinite number of box sizes before you can get them small enough to determine the exact area under the curve.

The Calculus solved this problem by saying that the limit of f(x) is exactly = to the area as the change in x goes to zero. So, we never really get there, we just say that the limit or the point beyond which it can go is limited by the curve.

Mathematics…is man’s way of cutting up and compartmentalizing the world he is able to experience into digestible units and then describing relationships that seem to have some meaningful use. The result of this activity can produce useful understanding and some ability to control / manipulate our environment.

Science…I believe in the empirical method. I also believe that many in our scientific community have let their emotions and political point of view turn their science into a religion. You either believe certain “well-established facts” or you do not get tenure or you are ridiculed or…. These “well-established facts” represent a dogma or a credo similar to any religion. The result is that many place their minds in a box and their ability to take in new information and process this information critically and honestly is therefore necessarily aberrated.

 Related ClearNFO Topics

The structure supporting cherished beliefs…
On Religion…

Feynman: Mathematicians versus Physicists …

Additional reading …

“However, accelerating expansion requires a mysterious source of energy in space acting against gravity, dubbed “dark energy.” Calculations show that the energy required is equivalent to 73% of the total mass-energy of the universe! Historians will look back at science today with disbelief and amusement at the ‘science’ of today. Following equally mysterious ‘black holes’ and ‘dark matter,’ if we continue to discover darkness at the present rate we shall soon know nothing!”  A Nobel Prize for the Dark Side

Defying textbook science, study finds new role for proteins

Leaving the Illusion – Book Review

Leaving the IllusionClearNFO Rating: 5 / 5 Stars
Leaving the Illusion by Joseph Plummer
Paperback: 190 pages
Joseph Plummer’s first Novel
Available at Amazon and other book resellers

Joseph Plummer’s wonderful Novel called ‘Leaving the Illusion’ reveals the reality behind the illusion most of us can never see.   Using a clever mechanism of a debate between a brilliant elite named ‘Howard’ (who has a hidden agenda) and ‘Alex’ (who is living the illusion), Howard brings Alex into a frightening but all too real understanding of the dominant class in the hope that he can teach and train Alex to willingly become one of the chosen few.  The tools, techniques, sources and methods Howard reveals are spot-on and shows that Plummer has done his homework.   Howard’s cold logic is the best argument I can imagine to promote the elite’s agenda.   The debate that emerges between Howard and Alex is brilliant and reaches into the deep core set of  beliefs and assumptions that most of us share.  Great read.  I also recommend Tragedy and Hope 101 by Plummer.

NOTE: I’ll be conducting an interview with Mr. Joseph Plummer in the near future.  Stay tuned.

‘Scientific study backs intelligent design’ ?


Good informative article below entitled ‘Scientific study backs intelligent design’ but I have a few comments.   First, I would not have used the term ‘Intelligent Design’. Why? Because there is no clear definition for this term.  It means different things to different people and it is so divisive it causes many to disengage.   What we can say is that Darwinian-style Evolution is a theory not a fact.  I have been preaching this for years to my kids teachers who try to fill their heads with this fuzzy thinking.  Are there natural and other types of selection for a better genotype? Yes. We have the ‘Delicious Apple’, the ‘Hereford cattle’, and all the different breeds of dogs, cats, etc. so yes there is a mechanism for genetic change and stabilization both natural and assisted by man. But how do you get from a primordial soup to an amoeba or from an amoeba to a horse; and why don’t our evolutionists tell us that Dr. Leakey’s missing link called Lucy wasn’t a missing link after all?  Why is it that sharks or lampreys haven’t changed one gene in millions of years?  What about the Pre-Cambrian Explosion of Life forms in the Geologic time scale?  No one has adequately answered that question!  Why does man build spaceships, computers and massive skyscrapers while the ants build dirt mounds?  These are important questions that the myth of “Settled Science” omits from the domain of logical discussion.

“Cause-and-effect physical determinism…cannot account for the programming of sequence-dependent biofunction.’”

‘Scientific study backs intelligent design’

Some additional thoughts …

We are told that Chimps and Man share 96 – 99% of the same genes, but they neglect to tell us that man also shares 55% of the same genes with a banana. So what are we to conclude from this? First that the dogma of “Settled Science” attempts to stop any questioning or logical discussion of their sacred dogma as with the Global Warming hoax.

Secondly I think we can conclude that if chimps and man share 99% of the same genes, we may have over emphasized the determinative importance of adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine as the DNA bases.

So our vaulted scientists tell us that Darwin’s theory of evolution is a fact not a theory and in their hubris they talk about the Universe as if they know what this is when they should use the modifier ‘KNOWN’ universe.

Our scientists –while a very useful tool– don’t even know what gravity is or the cause of –as Einstein called it “Spooky Motion at a Distance”– or quantum entanglement

More information:

David Berlinski Explains Problems With Evolution.


The Three Religions of science…

November 25, 2010 at 10:58am

What are the Three Religions of science or the three sets of laws?  First, to handle the really big stuff, we have Einstein’s general theory of relativity, string theory, M-Theory, etc.  Second, for the medium-sized stuff– that is generally understandable by the human mind– we have Newton’s classic laws of physics and for the really small stuff we have the third child in this sibling rivalry called Quantum Physics .   The problem with all three of these separate and distinct sets of rules is that no one can stitch them together into a consistent set of rules that are universally applicable.  In short they are not in agreement.  All three theories are true except when they are not.  The solution is for us to change our religion or more precisely our epistemic system based on what we are observing.  So, is there some enduring truth to be offered up by science or is science just a grand illusion based on the pragmatist philosophy that if it works then it’s true?  What kind of enduring truth have we found here?  We change our rules based on what works as dictated by our environment; but we are not very well equipped to probe beyond merely being a reaction to external events and then inventing a language and a resultant description of what we have observed.

We can create and then memorize the Phylum, Genus and Specie of every plant and insect in the Trans-Pecos Wilderness but what do we really know?  As gods we sit on our lofty body of knowledge assured in the truth of what we know but what do we know really?   Just because we can regurgitate the Phylum, Genus and Specie of the Creosote bush, do we know more about the Creosote bush than the Creosote bush grasshopper who makes his living there?

On Mathematics…

October 18, 2009 at 11:14am

Mathematics…is man’s way of cutting up and compartmentalizing the world he is able to experience into digestible units and then describing relationships that seem to have some meaningful use. The result of this activity can produce useful understanding and some ability to control / manipulate our environment.

Recognize that logic has its limits. We can say if A = B and if B = C, then A = C and we can feel good about this, but on closer inspection no philosopher or physicist has been able to prove the a-priori in this argument (a priori: Latin phrase for designated in advanced; the usual statistical hypotheses are regarded as having been specified without reference to the data…). Someone must make the initial postulate to jump start any logical thread. The “if” is the problem. Our assumptions are the heartbeat of any argument or conclusion. With Quantum, we now assume that the world is fundamentally digital (discrete) not analogue (continuous) while everything is interrelated. Once our assumptions take hold, we become slaves to our assumptions and can no longer see clearly. Truth is a variable and evolves as well. You can teach a robot to go look into a mirror and write a thesis about what he saw in the mirror but who would say he possesses anything resembling man’s sense of self awareness? Schrödinger is one of my heroes but there is much more to this world than Schrödinger could ever imagine. Many men are deceived because they can hand out many names to many things and derive relationships of these named things believing as a result they have achieved some sort of ontological understanding of that thing.

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On Religion…

by DAVID BROWN | | October 18, 2009
David Brown
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

Many of us claim to know the most about that which we know the least. This aberration can result in feeling and acting self righteous. Self righteous thought manifests as a temporary or sometimes chronic condition of being “self-righteous”; the particular target of this self righteousness can be related to an emotional charge that hasn’t been thoroughly processed through the intellect…in other words, some people may have a predisposition to this state of mind due to partially processed information. Whether a character defect, lazy-brain or an uninformed brain I think most would see self righteousness as disagreeable despite the source or the object of self righteousness. I would guess that we all could be or have been subject to this repugnant state of being. Not sure the mechanics of how we succumb but it might be that it can reside beneath our awareness, bypassing our normal “bull shit protector” criteria for knowledge also known as our epistemic system; possibly through acceptance of faith as a legitimate source of knowledge or scientific theory as immutable fact. In defense of religion, I hope to prove, that faith is a normal and necessary condition of man while scientific theories are tools to improve man’s condition.

I believe that I can also prove that much of science is a religion.

Someone once said that “all politics are local”. If we peal back the obvious meaning of this statement a bit, there is more to see. First, the obvious meaning is that people vote on what is directly effecting them before considering the broader dynamics of national or global politics, for example. A second derivative might point to our tendency to myopic points of view wherein we are limited by our own personal experiences. If we, for example, have had limited experiences with one partition of a particular religion and this experience was not a satisfying experience we would naturally tend to leverage this direct experience and along with our judgment or invalidation therein include the entire offending belief system of which our experience is merely a part—possibly an aberrant part. This judgment could be accurate or not but this method definitely saves time. This experience may have produced fear, disgust or even hatred if you have felt bamboozled. If however after this limited, unsatisfactory experience there still exists somehow an interest in further evaluation, more data must be gathered to make a more accurate assessment.

If you accept my premise that roughly 80% of any population are “sheeple” or followers, then you might share my appreciation that weekly “Church-going” offers an incredible reoccurring opportunity for the work-a-day average folk to partake in a pause to consider something outside of their normal diet of sitcoms, football and movies…to consider the profound, the supernatural, the philosophical…to ask questions and to contemplate their existence. Of course they have guides on this weekly tour and they have structure. In Christiandom we call the guides preachers and the structure is a combination of tradition, dogma and liturgy. Of course there are many out-of-band sub-currents weaving in and out of this dynamic weekly communion of the “sheeple”. Examples would be the tour guide’s need for money and validation from an ever-increasing flock and you have the social element of friendships, etc.

So what are some of the benefits of church going? The first one I have already mentioned…the meeting once a week to ponder matters of the profound. You might consider your fellows uninformed, unenlightened or buffoons but you share much with these mere mortals, I assure you. For the astute, there is much more, I think. The astute have the opportunity to directly observe, appreciate and try to understand the interplay of the archetypes on display; to breathe the aroma of the sublime and seek to understand the emotional and metaphysical content. Other benefits are a sense of belonging to a group, joy, happiness and opportunities to interact socially. For me, the “be attitudes” and the sermon on the mount represent pearls of wisdom that have produce much good thought and understanding in my life and have also stimulated my intellectual curiosity on my quest for understanding.

Ah…but you say this stuff is for the weak-minded and cannot be true. Evolution, science and the belief in my own intellectual powers are the mooring by which I will secure my ship.

What if I could prove to you that faith was pervasive and more importantly a necessary part of the human condition? There are too many examples in every day life. You believe that this metal box with wheels you call a car will get you to work safely or you would probably just stay in bed that day, right? You believe that there is something you can do to improve your current status in life or you would just stay in bed and never get up. You believe that if you will your finger to move or your hand to grasp a glass of water that it will obey…what if you didn’t believe? Would your hand tremble? Faith is a necessary part of everyone’s life every day. The person who commits suicide is the eternal optimist because he believes that the next world or the lack thereof will be better than this. So belief is the natural state of being and there is nothing wrong with believing.

So how do you know what you believe is true? You know the same way you know all things… by experience.

Additional Reading:

In Pursuit of Lady Truth

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.


lips-308060_150THE SCIENCE OF KISSING By Brann the Iconoclast

published in 1899 in Waco, Texas

I note that a Britisher named Prof. Bridger has been infringing my copyright by proclaiming, as an original discovery, that kissing is an excellent tonic and will cure dyspepsia. When the o’er busy bacteriologist first announced that osculation was a dangerous pastime, that divers and sundry varieties of bacteria hoped blithely back and forth engendering disease and death, I undertook a series of experiments solely in the interest of science. Being a Baptist Preacher and making camp-meetings my specialty, I had unusual opportunity for investigation, for those of our faith are strict constructionist of the Biblical law to “greet one another with a kiss.” I succeeded in demonstrating before the end of the tenting season that osculation, when practiced with reasonable discretion and unfaltering industry, is an infallible antidote for at least half the ills that human flesh is heir to. The reason the doctors arrived at different conclusions is that they kissed indiscriminately and reasoned inductively. They found on casting up the account that bad breath and face powder, the sour milk-bottle of youth and the chilling frost of age, comprised six-sevenths of the sum total. Under such conditions there was nothing to do but establish a quarantine. I pointed out, as Prof. Bridger has since done, that a health microbe as well as a disease bacillus nidificates on the osculatory apparatus, and added that failure to absorb a sufficient quantity of these hygiologic germs into the system causes old maids to look jaundiced and bachelors to die sooner than benedicts. Kisses, when selected with due care and taken on the installment plan, will not only restore a misplaced appetite, but are especially beneficial in cases of hay fever, as they banish that tired feeling, tone up the liver, invigorate the heart, and make the blood to sing thro’ the system like a giant jewsharp. I found by patient experiment that the health microbe becomes active at 15, reaches maturity at 20, begins to lose its vigor at 40, and is quite useless as a tonic when, as some one has tersely expressed it, a woman’s kisses begin to “taste of her teeth.” Thin bluish lips produce very few health germs, and those scarce worth the harvesting; but a full red mouth with Cupid curves at the corners, will yield enormously if the crop be properly cultivated. I did not discover whether the blonde or brunette variety is entitled to precedence in medical science, but incline to the opinion that a judicious admixture is most advisable from a therapeutical standpoint. Great care should be taken when collecting the germs not to crush them by violent collision or blow them away with a loud explosion that sounds like hitting an empty sugar hogshead with a green hide. The practice still prevailing in many parts of this country of chasing a young woman over the furniture and around the barn like an amateur cowboy trying to rope a maverick, rounding her up in the presence of a dozen people , unscrewing her neck and planting almost any place a kiss that sounds like a muley cow pulling her hind foot out of a black-waxy mud-hole, and which jars the putty off the window panes, possesses no more curative powers than hitting a flitch of bacon with the back of your hand. I prithee, avoid it; when a girl runs from a kiss you may take it for granted either that the germ crop is not ripe or you are poaching on somebody else’s preserves. The best results can be obtained about the midnight hour, when the dew is on the rose, the jasmine bud drunken with its own perfume, and the mockbird trilling a last good-night to his drowsy mate…and on and on it goes.

Note: I thought this was an interesting insight into the real history of the day. Hope you enjoyed this! -db