Category Archives: Politics

Car Cyber Attacks

by DAVID BROWN | | July 27, 2015

Michael Hastings serveimageBy the very nature and fundamental design, the Internet is NOT secure and therefore you can never, ever guarantee your privacy. Add to this the denaturing and bastardization by the CIA and NSA of the existing attempts at security and the internet leaks like a sieve. These two evil twins have been caught red-handed putting backdoors into security software, thus enabling yet another pathway for hackers: mistakenly believing that the backdoors were for their exclusive use. Since there is no guarantee of security on the internet, it necessarily follows that there can be no iron-clad security concerning the matter of remotely controlled vehicles. Thus, when car manufactures claim that they have fixed certain security holes and that now you are safe, this is a bold-faced lie. Simple logic, folks. Get a clue. Just say no to being their trained Lemming, else wise if you get crosswise with the all mighty and powerful Federal Government, you might find yourselves in a brand new Mercedes rushing headlong into a tree.

Michael Hastings

… Michael Hastings was killed. (credit: Al Seib/Los Angeles Times)

In 2013, former U.S. National Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection, and Counter-terrorism Richard Clarke told The Huffington Post that what is known about the single-vehicle crash is “consistent with a car cyber attack.”

Clarke said, “There is reason to believe that intelligence agencies for major powers” — including the United States — know how to remotely seize control of a car.

“What has been revealed as a result of some research at universities is that it’s relatively easy to hack your way into the control system of a car, and to do such things as cause acceleration when the driver doesn’t want acceleration, to throw on the brakes when the driver doesn’t want the brakes on, to launch an air bag,” Clarke told The Huffington Post. “You can do some really highly destructive things now, through hacking a car, and it’s not that hard.”

“So if there were a cyber attack on the car — and I’m not saying there was,” Clarke added, “I think whoever did it would probably get away with it.”

The Ashley Madison hack: Age of self-delusion
by John McAfee | Jul 21, 2015

Michael Hastings was afraid his car was tampered with
Published time: 22 Aug, 2013

Update: Chrysler recalls 1.4M vehicles after Jeep hack
By Lucas Mearian Computerworld | Jul 24, 2015

How much did NSA pay to put a backdoor in RSA crypto? Try $10m – report
21 Dec 2013 by Neil McAllister

by Bill Blunden |San Francisco State University | 12 August 2015
Thoughts About Michael Hastings

Freedom and Bondage

by DAVID BROWN | | June 25, 2015


Freedom and Bondage

As America moves toward a more authoritarian and tyrannical government, the Russians have finally broken the bondage of their former Czars (1917) and the Soviet Union (1991); which replaced the Czars. Now Russians appear to be moving into more liberty tough their progress is uneven. It is interesting to see this juxtaposition of these two great countries. One embracing bondage, the other having had enough, now moving away from bondage.

SCORE: America 9, Russia 3…

In 1776 Alexander Fraser Tytler, a European historian published The Decline and Fall of the Athenian Republic. In his publication, Tytler reported that from his research he had determined the following:

“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising them the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over a loss of fiscal responsibility, always followed by a dictatorship. The average of the world’s great civilizations before they decline has been 200 years. These nations have progressed in this sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith,
2. From spiritual faith to great courage,
3. From courage to liberty, (Russia?)
4. From liberty to abundance,
5. From abundance to selfishness,
6. From selfishness to complacency,
7. From complacency to apathy,
8. From apathy to dependency,
9. From dependency back again to bondage.” (USA?)

Additional Reading:

Vladimir Putin’s Christian Faith – in his own words

 Update: (7/14/15)
Judge Orders Anti-Obama Filmmaker D’Souza Receive Psychological Counseling
By Lauren Walker 7/14/15 at 9:13 AM

Ahhh... memories of the old Soviet Union

Ahhh… memories of the old Soviet Union: Dinesh D’Souza was ordered to continue community service and psychological counseling in court on Monday. Lucas Jackson/Reuters


Eurasia, the “World Island”

by DAVID BROWN | | June 24, 2015

Interesting, but lengthy analysis of Mackinder and Zbig’s theory of the World Island from 2006 in the link below. Though Eurasia may not possess the specific strategic qualities identified by Mackinder, it is nonetheless the major game on today’s geopolitical stage, bringing together Russia and China while the Anglo-American Establishment (represented by US/UK) is being left out in the cold.

North America

North America

The World Island

The World Island

As a result of my Anglo-American education, most maps I grew up with had the USA as the center of the known universe with the globe slightly tilted to display more of the northern hemisphere. And of course across ‘the pond’ was Western Europe. However, if we reposition our vantage point to be centered over central Asia, the world takes on an entirely new flavor. This view is a view of the great ‘World Island’ (including China, Russia, Middle East, Africa, India, Europe, the *stans, etc.) and is what our geopolitical planners and of course Russia, China and others are keenly aware of. From the late 16th century to WWI (World War One), the British extended and maintained its empire by controlling the seas. After the Empire’s pentacle of power marked by WWI, the control of the seas was bequeathed to Briton’s Prodigal child, the USA. Implicit in controlling the seas is the desire to control the land masses behind the seas since it is far easier and less expensive to control the seas and project power from the seas than to attempt to control all the land inland. So, from WWII to present, this has been the USA’s default position. Control of the seas was essential to control those who lived on the land behind the seas.

China and Russia fully understand they are no match for the military might of the USA, but the USA is heavily committed to the old, outdated British paradigm of controlling the seas to control the land. Zbig and others recognized this one dimensional weakness and set about new methods and strategies (including Gladio Operations, Color Revolutions, NGOs, forward NATO bases, USAID, World Bank, IMF, etc) to contain their existing vassal states and to bring Russia and China under control or at a minimum limit their ability to contest the primacy of the mono-polar world of the Anglo-American power structure. If you look at a map of US Military and NATO bases, you will quickly discover the USA’s plan of encircling and containing Russia and China.

Russia and China are pragmatic and realize that they cannot control the seas or directly contest the USA’s massive military; so have decided to go inland, rehydrate the old Silk Road and build a new financial infrastructure without the Anglo-American Establishment’s permission.

“A victorious Roman general, when he entered the city, amid all the head-turning splendor of a `Triumph,’ had behind him on the chariot a slave who whispered into his ear that he was mortal. When our statesmen are in conversation with the defeated enemy, some airy cherub should whisper to them from time to time this saying: Who rules East Europe commands the Heartland; Who rules the Heartland commands the World-Island; Who rules the World-Island commands the World.” –Sir Halford Mackinder, 1919

“Paradoxically, our attempts to prevent a Eurasian anti-American alliance may make that outcome more likely. As Steven Walt has persuasively shown, imbalances of threat, not imbalances of power, drive alliances together. Our attempts to project power into the Heartland, if done clumsily, can heighten threat perceptions in its capitals, making such counterproductive alliances more attractive.” – Christopher J. Fettweis

Eurasia, the “World Island”: Geopolitics, and Policymaking in the 21st Century
By Christopher J. Fettweis Global Research, March 14, 2006

Additional Reading:

Open Mic: Tehran

by DAVID BROWN | | June 18, 2015

This is an interesting piece from the Compromised News Network a.k.a. CNN whose function is to spread U.S. propaganda. It does however comport with my view of reality concerning the Iranian people. Why? Because I went to school with many Iranians and this speaks to the truth of the majority of Iranians as I know them.  My big question is why a state-controlled media organ like CNN would publish something so obviously true? Scratching my head. This open mic news piece was published on Sep 25, 2013


Iran in 1960 - 70s

Picture of Iran from 1960 – 70s…

Despite reformatting their countries after WWI, Islam was on the path to moderation and modernization, until the U.S. began stirring the shit in earnest according to the ‘Made in America’ geopolitical strategies cooked up by Wolfowitz, Brzezinski and others.  Seems the average Westerner is happily indoctrinated by the many fictions created by the media and so follows the direction given without question; critical thought or examination of false assumptions promulgated by the state/corporate propaganda organs rarely makes it to the general public’s awareness, and if by chance it does, is soon forgotten.

Related NFO on this and other topics form ClearNFO:

Stop drinking the ‘Hater-Aid’

Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen

by DAVID BROWN | | June 1, 2015
Yemen Crisis

Yemen Crisis

Same story, different country … seems like a repeat in every nation the U.S. has attacked over the past 12 years.  You may not care about the plight of these poor people in Yemen or about the plight of the folks in other countries the U.S. has attacked without provocation (Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Syria), but these war crimes are being orchestrated and facilitated by your own Pentagon under your control. What goes around, comes around and these psychopaths who are slaughtering or causing to be slaughtered these now millions of innocent people across the globe will not have a second thought of turning on you when the time comes. Now is the time to rein in those in the U.S. Government who are engaging in the pointless murder and mayhem across the globe in your name with your tax dollars under false pretenses of the so called ‘National Security’ ruse. Get a clue.

“As you are aware the crisis has reached dire proportions. According to the UN’s own estimates about nine million Yemenis, over a third of the population, are believed to be in dire need of humanitarian assistance, and hundreds of thousands have become internal refugees.”
Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen: Civil Society Organizations’ Letter to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon

Global Research, May 29, 2015

A one of a kind interview with the head of the Russian Government’s foreign intelligence service

by DAVID BROWN | | June 1, 2015

A one of a kind interview with the head of the Russian Government’s foreign intelligence service.

Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov (Rtd) - Director of Russia's Institute of Strategic Research

Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov (Rtd) – Director of Russia’s Institute of Strategic Research

“A few weeks ago Colonel General Igor Sergun, the Head of the Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Russian armed forces, gave a brief interview in which he publicly linked the U.S. to jihadi terrorism. Now it is the turn of Lieutenant General Leonid Reshetnikov, Director of the Russian Institute of Strategic Research (RISR), the Russian government’s chief centre for foreign policy analysis.”


Q – That is, the joint Russian-American fight against terror, in particular, against ISIS – is a fiction?

“Of course. America creates terrorists, feeds them, trains them, and then gives an order to the whole pack: “catch”. Perhaps, they can shoot one “rabid dog” in the whole pack, but the other dogs will be set even more actively.”

Q – Some European leaders already lament that the USA effectively forced sanctions on them. Europe may break out of the “friendly” American embrace?

“Never. America holds her on several chains: the Federal Reserve printing press, the threat of color-coded revolutions and of the physical elimination of unwanted politicians.”

Q – Are you exaggerating about the physical elimination part?
“Not at all. The Central Intelligence Agency of the USA is not even an intelligence service based on the level of the tasks set before it. The PGU KGB or the SVR of the RF are classical intelligence services: information gathering and reporting to the leadership of the country. In the CIA these traditional features of an intelligence service are at the end of the list of its problems. The main goals are: elimination, which included physical elimination, of the politicians and the organization of coups. And they do this in real time.”

Q – Leonid Petrovich, you think that the USA and the American presidents are just an instrument. Who do you think determine their policy?

“There are communities of people who are effectively unknown to the public, which not only determine the American presidents but also determine the rules of the whole “big game”. In particular, these are the transnational financial corporations. But not only them.”

Russia’s Chief Intelligence Analyst Comes Out of the Shadows
Lieutenant General Reshetnikov of the Russian Institute of Strategic Research gives a wide-ranging interview on threats Russia faces from the West, to militant Islamic groups, to the conflict in Ukraine by Alexander Mercouris Thu, May 28 | 3,003 6


Obama knew about Benghazi

by DAVID BROWN | | May 18, 2015

stevens Hillary What does it matter

No surprises here for regular readers of ClearNFO, but now it has been fully documented by the U.S. Government itself; only because of the constant legal pressure of Judicial Watch.  This BTW is only the tip of the iceberg.  Read a summary on the Benghazi / ISIS connection here, and search ISIS and/or Benghazi on the ClearNFO search function for more background NFO.

“These documents are jaw-dropping. No wonder we had to file more FOIA lawsuits and wait over two years for them. If the American people had known the truth – that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and other top administration officials knew that the Benghazi attack was an al-Qaeda terrorist attack from the get-go – and yet lied and covered this fact up – Mitt Romney might very well be president. And why would the Obama administration continue to support the Muslim Brotherhood even after it knew it was tied to the Benghazi terrorist attack and to al Qaeda? These documents also point to connection between the collapse in Libya and the ISIS war – and confirm that the U.S. knew remarkable details about the transfer of arms from Benghazi to Syrian jihadists,” stated Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch president. “These documents show that the Benghazi cover-up has continued for years and is only unraveling through our independent lawsuits. The Benghazi scandal just got a whole lot worse for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.”


Putin’s Number One Enemy?

by DAVID BROWN | | May 11, 2015

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin

Below is a fascinating –and I believe important speech– by Putin critic Mr. Bill Browder given on April 20th, 2015 at The Chicago Council on Global Affairs entitled Putin’s Number One Enemy?.  It is fascinating, because of the very personal and up close accounts and the unique delivery style of Mr. Browder; and it is important, because it provides some insight and detail on Putin and his relationship to the criminal oligarchs he must manage to stay in power.  I think  Mr. Browder identifies key elements necessary for Russia to prosper as a nation.  Those elements are the rule of law and the ideal of personal property rights.  It has been proven back in the Soviet era that a single pig farmer who owned his land was ten times more productive than a large collective of the state.  individual protections by law and the right to own land are primary for any society to prosper in my opinion.  These issues also point to what is wrong with America today and how America has strayed from its founding documents.  The Russian people are striving for a new and better way, yet the oligarchs –as in America– seek to secure monopolies and unfair advantage.  A fatal flaw in Mr. Browder’s speech is his unfortunate and mistaken belief that Putin invaded Ukraine, but much of the remaining is well worth your time.

While Mr. Browder is affable, likable and seemingly very approachable, he definitely has an insider’s pedigree evidenced by his massive fortune, attendance at Davos and his personal friendship with former Managing Director of Goldman Sachs Muneer A. Satter who provides the introduction to this speech.  Not only this, the money laundering bank, HSBC, serves as the trustee and manager at Browder’s Hermitage Capital Management Company. BTW,  HSBC was fined almost $2 billion for laundering money for the Mexico’s Sinaloa cartel and Colombia’s Norte del Valle cartel.

And of course you should know I can’t agree with some of the default positions of the sponsor (The Chicago Council on Global Affairs) regarding Russian aggression against Ukraine which is a myth whipped up by Western globalists and their vassal media organs. The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, was founded in 1922 and includes a who’s who of elites from Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve, Boeing and token political lightweight elite wannabes like Michelle Obama.

Show notes from The Chicago Council on Global Affairs:

“In 2013 foreign investment in Russia reached a record high of $94 billion and Bloomberg Business called it one of the “50 Best Countries to do Business In.” Just one year later, the Ukraine crisis decimated Russia’s international standing, and the country’s economic fortunes plummeted in tandem with the value of the ruble. As the relationship between Russia and the West continues to deteriorate, economic problems appear of little concern to Vladimir Putin—a fact that former hedge-fund manager Bill Browder attributes to the endemic corruption among top Russian officials. Since 2005, Browder has publicly lambasted Putin for leading a regime he characterizes as brutal and corrupt, comparing it with a widespread criminal enterprise. Can Russia’s aggressive actions be attributed solely to Mr. Putin, or do they instead represent a return to the politics of Russia’s past? And as companies continue to invest in Russia and other emerging markets, what lessons can they take from Browder’s brush with Vladimir Putin’s Russia?”

Putin’s Number One Enemy?  The Chicago Council on Global Affairs (Apr 20, 2015):

Mr Browder has also written a book about his experience in Russia entitled Red Notice: A True Story of High Finance, Murder, and One Man’s Fight for Justice.

Additional Reading from ClearNFO related to The Chicago Counsel of Global Affairs:

George Friedman, “Europe: Destined for Conflict?”

More on HSBC and the illegal drug industry:

HSBC Bank: Secret Origins To Laundering The World’s Drug Money


Operation Paperclip and the CIA

by DAVID BROWN | | May 8, 2015

Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip

Operation Paperclip was a foundational building block for the CIA:

Operation Paperclip “…(originally Operation Overcast) (1949–1990) was the Office of Strategic Services (OSS now the CIA) program in which over 1,500 German scientists, technicians, and engineers from Nazi Germany and other foreign countries were brought to the United States for employment in the aftermath of World War II.

To circumvent President Truman’s anti-Nazi order and the Allied Potsdam and Yalta agreements, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) worked independently to create false employment and political biographies for the scientists. The JIOA also expunged from the public record the scientists’ Nazi Party memberships and régime affiliations. Once “bleached” of their Nazism, the scientists were granted security clearances by the U.S. government to work in the United States. Paperclip, the project’s operational name, derived from the paperclips used to attach the scientists’ new political personae to their “US Government Scientist” JIOA personnel files.”  — Wikipedia

More on this topic from ClearNFO:

MK-ULTRA, Monarch & Paperclip

The Big Picture

by DAVID BROWN | | May 1, 2015

David Brown

David Brown

Having read the Antony Sutton books James Corbett references in his excellent podcast (below), certainly helps provide for a much better historical context; and helps to fill in the gaps in any story this big.  As usual, this is a well-researched video/podcast that will provide a deeper understanding of the ruling oligarchies, and also an understanding of the way James vets and conducts his research. Many hours/years put into this short piece.   If you are familiar with Antony C. Sutton’s and Carroll Quigley’s work, all of this will make much more sense.   In any event, Hope you enjoy and benefit.

James Corbett: “Military tensions, cyber espionage accusations, a brewing currency war; with every passing day, the headlines paint a convincing portrait of an emerging cold war between China and the West. But is this surface level reality the whole picture, or is there a deeper level to this conflict? Is China an opponent to the New World Order global governmental system or a witting collaborator with it? Join us in this in-depth edition of The Corbett Report podcast as we explore China’s position in the New World Order.”

China and the New World Order…

A final thought: So what is the Big Picture?  First off, the state does not equal the oligarch. One oligarch will play, maneuver and influence one or more states into a particular configuration to his liking to influence relatively current events. More often one or more oligarchs will combine their efforts for a particular goal. See the specific techniques used by Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner of the Milner group. For the longer-term strategies, they use the outer rings of the kindergarten, along with the media, prestigious Universities rewriting history if necessary by cultivating and seducing those bright minds it discovers and supports financially for doing the right thing. Remember, they are the establishment.  All other opinions are suspect.  Quigley gives specific, documented examples of how this is constructed and how it is accomplished in the real world. Joe Plummer does an excellent job making some of these techniques up-close, personal and real in his novel ‘Leaving the Illusion’. It is important to remember that despite the position of the state and the people within the state, the oligarchs have much more in common with each other than they do with their respective citizens. The state represents pieces on the chessboard and they are not generally emotionally vested in a state the same way commoners are. Many in Lord Milner’s day did, however, believe that the British culture was superior; today’s oligarchs are less inclusive and represent a ‘break-away’ civilization. Most of these people show all the love and care and remorse of your typical psychopath and LITERALLY see most of their fellow citizens as bugs to be squished beneath their feet. To most of these folks, we are worthless breeders and eaters consuming their resources.  –David Brown

Postscript and additional clarification: Let’s see if I can deconstruct my comments above just a bit: My first comment was that the state does not equal the Oligarch. What this means is that to a certain extent, the state and those who support and believe in the state do not necessarily have parallel agendas with the real power centers. For example, within the state, you have true believers of the state’s authority and legitimacy in the general population, in universities, authorities, politicians, bureaucrats and the trained technocrats (who BTW work for the oligarchy without realizing it); and of course, certain elements in the defense apparatus. So this collection of folks in say China or Russia can have disagreements with their analogues in say the USA, etc. But what none of these folks are aware of, is the real power which controls the overall vector (direction and force). These folks can be seen as looking at just part of the elephant without ever seeing the entire beast and thus the beast is not recognized for what it is. This is what Quigley calls rings within rings.

The Quigley Formula – G. Edward Griffin lecture

Additional NFO:

At least 18 of the Immortals’ descendants own or run entities linked to companies registered offshore, including the British Virgin Islands and the Cayman Islands, as well as Liberia and other jurisdictions that offer secrecy, the reporting showed.

While the Immortals vilified the “bourgeois individualism” of capitalist nations, almost half of their heirs lived, studied or worked abroad, some in Australia, England and France. The princelings were among the first to travel and study overseas, giving them an advantage not available to ordinary Chinese.

The U.S., which established diplomatic ties with Communist China in 1979, was the top destination: At least 23 of the Immortals’ descendants and their spouses studied there, including three at Harvard University and four at Stanford University, according to the Bloomberg data. At least 18 worked for U.S. entities, including American International Group Inc. and the law firm White & Case LLP, which hired one of Deng’s grandsons. Twelve owned property in the U.S.

There is no accepted measure for the degree of control the princelings exert on the economy. Academics who study China estimate that wealth and influence is concentrated in the hands of as few as 14 and as many as several hundred families.

“MAO WAS A YALIE – Back in 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as ‘Yale in China.’ It has since been shown that ‘Yale in China’ was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American “Establishment” hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to growing dope. One of ‘Yale in China’s’ most important students was Mao Zedong.

“During World War II, ‘Yale in China’ was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power. ‘Yale in China’ was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden, the husband of Bush’s cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones.

“The Maoists made China into the world’s largest opium producer. “‘Yale in China’ was also closely associated with the New York-based Union Theological Seminary, which has been a center for U.S. subversion of Asia (literal wolves in sheep’s clothing – Branton). Every prominent radical leader operating in Korea today, for example, was trained at Union Theological. Union Theological was dominated for twenty years by Henry Sloane Coffin, a U.S. intelligence executive from the Sloane and Coffin families. He was a Skull and Bones member as were a dozen of his relatives.

“Nor should it be forgotten that Averell Harriman, the former Ambassador to Moscow who did so much to build up the Soviet Union, was a member of Skull and Bones. Harriman was also a business partner of Prescott Bush, Sr., the father of Maoist enthusiast George Bush.”
Note: This Skull and Bones – Communist connection is also confirmed by geopolitical and economicsresearchers such as Dr. Antony Sutton (Sutton’s books may be obtained through THE PATRIOT REVIEW., 33836 SE Kelso Rd. #6., P.O. Box 596., Boring, OR 97099; OR via THE MIDNIGHT MESSENGER., P.O. Box 472., Altadens, CA 91001). Not only did the Skull and Bones (Western Illuminati) help to build up the Communist movement in China, but they gave considerable financial aid to the Soviet Union communists as well. According to Sutton, this power cult has for centuries been playing a “two ends against the middle” type of game, attempting to control America (the thesis) and Russia (the anti-thesis) and other countries or movements, carefully pitting them against each other at the lower levels in order to keep the populations of the world in a state of confusion and despair, to the point that they will – hopefully – resign themselves into accepting the New World Order “synthesis” as the only alternative to solve the very “problems” which THEY, the New World Order initiators, created in the first place! One startling, though documented, claim which Mr. Sutton makes is that the Nazi Movement was largely financed by the Skull and Bones -Illuminati as well. This connection was recently described in a mailer describing Val Valerian’s book MATRIX III (c/o Leading Edge Research., P.O. Box 481-MU58., Yelm, WASH 98597). Part of this mailer states:
“Interspaced with the material comes a host of data, supplementary material, interviews, and revealing information. The ‘Final Scenario’ is discussed relative to the New World Order and the plans for total economic control, a one-world religion, and the electronic mind control objectives, schools of thought, and research. MATRIX III brings out in detail how various families in the United States and Europe are also involved in a scenario which has as its main tenet the suppression and elimination of human beings on many levels – a scenario which includes worldwide traffic of drugs, vast laundering of drug money by national banks of several countries, and assassination and murder. These are the people who arranged and supported all the wars. There is discussion of the Bush family, and how Prescott Bush assisted the finance and management of the Nazi empire – the so-called Hitler project…

The membership list of the Trilateral Commission (Pacific Asian Group), the Rockefeller org similar to the Atlantic Bilderbergers is litered with Chinese names:

Central Bank President, Zhao Xiaochuan, who is a member of the Group of 30, the Rockefeller-sponsored group of leading Central Bankers and academics.

Only countries NOT in the NWO are listed on the US State Department’s or IMF’s shit-list, and China isn’t one of them.

ClearNFO Book Reviews and additional NFO on Antony C. Sutton: