Category Archives: Politics

NWO Update

by DAVID BROWN | | April 03, 2016

human-65930_640The US/NATO’s underhanded destruction of Ukraine and MENA (Middle East & North Africa) has made it abundantly clear to anyone not fooled by the Western Media disinformation campaign, that US/NATO cannot be trusted.  They have completed the same projects; the same way; too many times; too quickly to hide behind the protection of the ‘plausible deniability’ claim except for the profoundly uniformed American citizen.   Since US/NATO has been caught red-handed using virtually identical covert operations to destabilize each of these US-targeted countries; China, Russia, Iran and anyone with an independent geopolitical policy, have taken sharp notice and have therefore been well-schooled in these common US/NATO statecraft techniques, and thus made strikingly aware of the real US geopolitical agenda of a mono-polar hegemony.  China, Russia and Iran for example have no intention of rolling over for this rabid Empire of chaos, death and destruction.  China and Russia have used the past 10 years or so making real improvements to their military –as Russia demonstrated in Syria; at the same time, the US has continued unabated its incestuous and corrupt practice of spending massive funds on unworkable and unneeded technology (for example, It is estimated that the worthless F-35 program will cost US taxpayers more than one trillion dollars in wasted money and effort); not for defense, but to line the pockets of their pals; American national security be damned. In the meantime, Russia and China have learned how to manufacture high-tech, highly-functional weapons of war at a fraction of the cost.

Now that Russia and China have witnessed the repeated lawlessness of the US policy of destabilization and regime change, they no longer contemplate a partner that they can learn to work with, rather they are now preparing to protect themselves from this rabid superpower; and, perhaps how to confront and put it down. Yes, with the EU facade crumbling, the threat of a Trump presidency and the refusal of Russia and China to commit national suicide, the NWO psychopaths have their work cut out for them as the idiom goes.  There is also a global awakening that is eroding the NWO’s well-laid plans at almost every gated juncture, event or milestone in their rush to install their world domination project.

Now, James Corbett goes one step further.  He describes the analysis above as 2D Chess while the real game is played at the 3D level, or as he terms it 3D Chess.  His rationale is that all the oligarchs in each of these power blocks have much more in common with each other than they do with the people they supposedly represent, so the real game is going on at that level, out of sight of the average analyst.  The three major power blocks would be 1) Russia-Oligarchs; 2) China-Oligarchs and 3) the Anglo-American-Oligarchs consisting of US and the UK elite.  So the real game is being played at this level, and my analysis above is merely window dressing.  Not definitive, but possible so we shall keep an eye on both the 2D and 3D chess game that is unfolding on the grand geopolitical chessboard.

BTW, while this game is being played, millions of innocent men, women and children have lost their lives and millions more are suffering horrifically in the wake of this cruel villainy.  This is a game only psychopaths can truly enjoy.

Note: The House of Saud would be considered a 4th oligarch block, but since the Anglo-American Establishment holds a ‘Sword Of Damocles‘ over their ill-gotten throne –not by a single horsehair– but by their proven strategy of tension called Gladio, (or ‘Sword’ in Italian).  With little effort, the Anglo-American Oligarchs could easily run a successful Operation Gladio against the House of Saud as they have done to so many others like Ukraine and Libya.

Additional Reading / Viewing:


More on the F-35 debacle.  The US has done more damage to itself than either China or Russia could dream of…

America’s new trillion-dollar fighter jet under fire again

Smell the Coffee

by DAVID BROWN | | April 03, 2016


No matter who you are supporting –if anyone– for president, it is abundantly clear to anyone with an IQ above that of a stalk of broccoli, both the RNC and the DNC are unabashedly voiding the votes of their party members so that they can steal their respective nominations. This is not a theory, but an in your face conspiracy better known under RICO as Organized Crime and Racketeering. The media may want you to believe that this is acceptable behavior or that a few old boys are misbehaving but this is clearly a crime of deception and misrepresentation. It is a fraud. This is your bellwether notice that this country no longer belongs to the US Citizens but to someone else. This is also your notice that the US Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on until we as a nation rise up and hold these criminals accountable.  Wake up and smell the coffee.


by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 30, 2016



WALL: Am I for a wall on our Southern Border?  Not necessarily.  I would be happy if our Border Patrol Agents were permitted to do their jobs; and I think it is important for any nation that intends on remaining a nation, to know who exactly is entering their country.  Even if a wall is never built, Trump’s wall represents a symbol, a chess piece in the grand globalist game; it says that the days of the globalist are ending; it says no more open borders; it is a gutsy, in-your-face challenge to the establishment power structure that says no more, this charade of yours must end.  The globalists are freaking.

TRADE: Am I for Free Trade?  Hell, yeah!  I am for free trade that is fair trade.  Am I for trade agreements like TPP that cedes our sovereignty to an unelected bunch of bureaucrats who report only to cabals of international banks and corporations?  Nope.

DEFENSE: Am I for a strong defense?  Yep.  Defense is the operative word; not offense.  I am not for going all around the globe kicking everyone’s ass I see.  I am not for foreign entanglements all across the globe which serve only to enrich a select group of military contractors and their bought and paid for pals in congress.

NATO: Has outlived its original purpose and has become a tool of the CFR, the RIIA and their geopolitical agenda.

PUTIN: Am I for working with Putin and Russia? Yes! Putin has proven he is the only adult in this crazy game of chicken our Pentagon planners are playing. There is mutual respect between these two.

VETS: Am I for taking very good care of our Vets? You bet’cha! That’s part of the price of waging all these pointless, illegal and unconstitutional undeclared wars. We need to own this.

FED: Am I for auditing the Fed?  Duh.

ACTING PRESIDENTIAL (a.k.a. being PC): Since we are all so tired of professional politicians lying to us with their nice sounding words, it would be nice to have someone who was not afraid to say what was on his mind, even if it ruffled a few feathers.

FINANCIAL ACUMEN: Since we have fifteen hundred trillion in derivatives floating around the globe, it would be nice to have a president who actually knew what a derivative was.  Since we have $19 trillion in debt and $101 trillion in unfunded liabilities, it would be nice to have a president who has actually read and understands balance sheets and income statements.

HATE: Trump’s list of haters are the same people who are trying to destroy this country and control the world: The Globalists, George Soros, the DNC/RNC duopoly, the Bilderbergers and the Davos crowd.

CAUTION: Will any of the Presidential Candidates be able to deliver on all or most of their promises? No. Why not? Because we have an entrenched structure of special interests and bureaucrats who control the mechanisms of government. Until you change this, there will be no fundamental change. The private CFR for example controls the US foreign policy and dictates our geopolitics. The private Federal Reserve for example can do whatever it wants irrespective of the President or the Congress. The secretive CIA and NSA keeps everyone in line using blackmail or worse.

P.S.  Just Trump mentioning the ‘Wall’, sends shivers of fear and loathing down the spines of the Globalists since that would derail a major part of their plans; likewise, Trump’s comments on the so called trade agreements would set them back decades. I like that a lot; but what I’m curious about is the possibility of a real investigation that would expose their role in 9/11. Trump is a builder, a NYC builder and knows full-well that three buildings could not have been brought down by two planes; free-fall no less. Trump knows that this was a controlled demolition that had to be pre-planned months in advance. I bet the Globalists are wetting their pants over this. On the other hand, this might be a grand opportunity for Trump to make the deal of his life or for his life.  Sit back and enjoy the full-on offensive as the Globalists and their hired hands uncloak and try to wreck Trump’s assault on their one world government Utopia.

Additional NFO:

Roger Stone: Will They Cancel the Election?


Why Vote?

by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 10, 2016

Many of my astute friends make fun of anyone who is stupid enough to even vote.

Why Vote?

Why Vote?

I think their reasoning goes something like this:

  • Why vote when your vote doesn’t count
  • Voter fraud
  • Public manipulation
  • Pre-selected candidates by the party structure: you have no real choice
  • They select and then you choose from their rigged selection
  • Manipulation of the nomination process
  • Manipulation by the press
  • Why vote when by voting you are giving credibility to a corrupt system.
  • Voting is like voting on whose house to burn down.

These are all good reasons not to vote, and so they conclude those who vote are just being bamboozled by the entrenched system, ergo they are stupid.

It’s really hard to argue against their analysis based on history. While the DNC and RNC differ around the edges on divisive issues used to engender support, they are substantially the same on many important issues: More spending, more government, more corruption, more wars, etc. At the same time candidate’s promises are broken on a systemic and regular basis. One side will blame the other for this or that, but if you do a detailed analysis, you will find that both sides are colluding behind closed doors to offer each other cover. Texas Senator John Cornyn is a good example. He put on his boots and cowboy hat and campaigned telling Texas that he was against ObamaCare and would make sure it was repealed. Later we find out through a sneaky cloture vote he in effect voted to fully fund ObamaCare. This cloture vote gave him the cover he needed to maintain to the public that he was against ObamaCare, yet the effect of his vote was to fully fund Obamacare. This sort of thing goes on all the time on both sides and is prearranged out of site of the voters and they know no difference. The Republicans said that they needed the congress to stop Obama. We gave them the congress in 2010 to stop Obama’s unconstitutional usurpation of our rights and our constitution; only to watch them give in to Obama’s slightest whim or desire. Rubio, once the Tea Party darling turned on them once in office and did the exact opposite of what he promised on immigration. Rubio is not the only one.

So each election year is like a grand football game or the super bowl where we get to root for our team Red or Blue. We ignore faults of our team and accentuate the faults of the opposing team; and to make this dance really sad, most of these inflammatory faults are completely irrelevant; provided, du jour, by our master-manipulators in the media and political think tanks. Surly they laugh at us!

American Politics basically boils down to whose lies you like better…do you like the Democrat lies…or, do you like the Republican lies? Once you take sides, you turn your brain off and start yelling at each other until one side gets tired. After a short rest the cycle starts all over. Meanwhile, whilst you are busy passing your time with this popular American sport, your masters in D.C. are taking everything you own. This is the game.

And then along comes Trump. Is he another Marco Rubio or a Mitt Romney or is he different? We shall see.


Is Ted Cruz a Globalist tool or not? You decide…

by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 28, 2016

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

Neil Bush (Globalist), Jeb’s brother, joined Ted Cruz’s finance team on March 8th.

Jeb Bush (Globalist) endorses Ted Cruz for Republican nomination March 22nd.

Cruz’s wife Heidi was a member of the Globalist CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) and helped the CFR craft the document espousing the Globalist North American unity. However, in a campaign event in Tyler, Texas, in 2011, Cruz called CFR “a pernicious nest of snakes” that is “working to undermine our sovereignty.” This BTW is a very true statement that applies to all Globalists including the Bush family and Goldman Sachs.

In the 2007 bestselling book “The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada,” Robert Pastor (CFR), who served as co-chairman of the committee which Hedi served, was called “the father of the North American Union” for the influence the CFR report had on the summit meeting between the heads of state of the U.S., Mexico and Canada.

Heidi served in the Bush White House, under Condoleezza Rice, as economic director for the Western Hemisphere at the National Security Council. She had previously served as the director of the Latin America office at the U.S. Treasury Department and as an assistant to Ambassador Robert B. Zoellick (Globalist), U.S. trade representative; an American banker who was the eleventh president of the World Bank.

Ted Cruz first supported Fast Track which would allow Obama (Globalist) to bypass the constitutional treaty approval requirement of 2/3rd senate vote. He even wrote an op-ed supporting this: “We strongly urge our colleagues in Congress to vote for trade-promotion authority” Cruz stated, along with co-author Rep. Paul Ryan (Globalist), R-Wis., in a Wall Street Journal (Globalist) op-ed on April 21.

This Trade Promotion Authority, also called fast-track would allow this treaty now called an agreement to be negotiated in secret by Obama, dumped on the Senate floor with no time to read, debate or change, and passed with a simple up or down vote of only 51% to pass not the 2/3rds required by the US Constitution. This TPP treaty BTW would end US Sovereignty and place this country and our constitution under the control of international corporations (Globalism). Next, Cruz does a 180 on this decision… “Cruz’s criticism of fast-track comes as a surprise, considering his public praise of the bill only two months prior.”

Where was Ted Cruz on the Audit the Fed vote? Answer: Missing in Action, no where to be found. However, Ted had no such problem when it came to reauthorizing the 100% Unconstitutional Patriot Act.

Cruz also had large, unreported loans with Goldman Sachs (Globalist), one of the major promoters of globalism. His wife is an executive at Goldman Sachs.

Globalism 101 explained … This is the same scheme being cooked up with all these so called ‘Free Trade’ agreements: Labour Minister Tony Benn (shortly before his death) emotionally explains why he fought against the European Union all his life and why we should too.

European Union | Tony Benn | Oxford Union

Additional Reading …

Talk Radio KTRH 740 AM

by DAVID BROWN | | Mar 28, 2016



Talk radio KTRH 740 AM’s talent and employees all agree that Cruz is a saint and Trump is the devil. They have used their own group-think to work themselves up into a frothing mental lather of insanity and in the process turned KTRH into a Cruz echo-chamber. Their folks are constantly pumping Cruz and dissing Trump; and in the process, twisting themselves into unnatural mental pretzels. It is an amazing display of ignorance masquerading as truth and wisdom. All their talent: Michael Berry, Matt Patrick and Shara Fryer; even the weather-person and traffic man are getting in on the action. Add to this their paid programming: Mark Levin’s blind allegiance to Cruz and even Rush spent an hour defending Cruz; though Rush is much more circumspect, and you have a complete programming day designed to pump Cruz ad nauseam. The team at KTRH are amazingly monolithic in their politics. The lengths they will go to protect Cruz is very entertaining. For example, they are 100% positive that Cruz has never, ever cheated on his wife. How could they possibly know this? If it turns out that the National Enquirer is correct, they will all look more ignorant than they already do. How will they explain this to their loyal audience they have misled?

Demographics 101:

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 13, 2016

Demographic Winter?

Demographic Winter?

Demographics are an incredibly important factor in Geopolitics and Economics, yet most people have little understanding of how this works and so their ignorance of this topic is used against them, to deceive them into believing things that are just not true. I will not take the time now to give a detailed explanation but will provide basic information on which we can all agree. First concept is that depending on local customs, religions, etc. most girls/women do not start having children until they are 13 to 20. Also depending on local customs and religions girls/women may have more than one child during a span of one to two or maybe three decades. In the West and the more developed countries child birth starts at an older age and we have less children per woman. So what does this mean? It means that most developed countries cannot produce enough children to keep the population steady and stable … in fact many countries are teetering on a demographic cliff. We can’t see this cliff because it takes a couple of decades to become apparent. What happens during these decades? Well, you have less children and the same number of deaths. This means that the population decreases as we can see all over the Western world. This is bad. Really bad. Why? Because as people age, they become less productive and more expensive to maintain AND you have a smaller number of younger people available to support this.

Another hidden trend is that population growth happens very slowly, but the demographic nightmare happens very quickly and the recovery from falling off this cliff is very slow, some 20 years away if it happens at all.

It is estimated that you need a fertility rate of 2.1 just to keep the population growth at zero. If a country has less than 2.1 children per woman, then they are shrinking and may face the demographic cliff if they don’t increase child birth or import immigrants. 132 countries have a fertility rate less than 2.1. This includes the US @ 1.87; Canada @ 1.59; China @ 1.60; Russia @ 1.61; Japan @ 1.4 and all of Western Europe.

So whilst the propagandists and fear merchants are warning you about the unsustainable population explosion in countries like Niger @ 6.7, what they are not telling you is that the real danger to you, your family, your economy and your country is the massive population decrease that is 10 to 20 years out.

More reading and videos on this topic at ClearNFO:

Demographic Winter and Population Growth


THE PLAN: US Counter-Insurgency

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 10, 2016


Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

Excellent article below by Tony Cartalucci concerning the ‘Showdown in Oregon between Armed Ranchers and Federal Agents’. Tony provides us a real plan that we can use effectively. To be honest, I really didn’t want to read this long article thinking it would be a pain and of small value, but I know Tony as a thoughtful writer so gave him the benefit of the doubt.  I’m glad that I did, because this has provided me the outline for action that I have been looking for.  Like so many, I’m tired of sitting here on the sidelines bitching and watching as our freedoms guaranteed by the constitution are subsumed by Corporate-Insurgents who have infiltrated our government, our schools, our media and our money system.

Based on my default positon on the status of the U.S., it was a little confusing for me to read Tony’s insurgency and counter-insurgency, since I tend to reverse the roles; but after reading this fine article, I agree with Tony.

Tony’s depiction is that the Insurgency are the forces that are trying to take over our country and the counter-insurgency would therefore be us the good citizens of the USA. My default position has always been that the insurgency took over our country way back in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve and the 16th Amendment; so for me, those who want to wrest the control of this country back from private bankers and corporations are the insurgents. In many ways, it doesn’t matter whether you are the insurgency or the counter-insurgency since many of the tactics are similar, but I now tend to agree with Tony that we, the patriots are the counter-insurgency trying to rid our Republic of these interlopers who have taken control of our money, our government and have busied themselves shredding our constitution for the past 103 years. While it is true that the insurgents have also taken control of our media, our schools and our universities, they nonetheless can be seen as insurgents since we are the people living here on the ground suffering the abuse of the insurgents. I may have spent way too much time on this difference, but if we intend to rescue our Republic and our freedoms, we must take seriously the real things we can do in the real world to make real, tangible differences; after all that is what the enemies of freedom have been busy doing with their foundations and think tanks while we have been busy raising our families, working and paying taxes and of course watching Football, Sitcoms, etc.


“Laws and regulations are designed to prevent independent local institutions, services, and economies from springing up and competing directly with the corporate-insurgency. Farmers in America have been fighting laws seeking to disrupt and regulate out of business, local farmer’s markets. Similar laws in regards to “intellectual property rights” seek to stifle the emergence of independent technological innovation and personal manufacturing. Understanding the greater implications of these laws should provide us a greater impetus to organize and find the means of circumventing them.”

I think Tony Cartalucci has provided us some good ideas on how to push back on those who seek to destroy our freedom.

Showdown in Oregon between Armed Ranchers and Federal Agents: How to – and How Not to Fight Tyranny

Russian Documentary “World Order”

by DAVID BROWN | | Jan 07, 2016

Just watched the video below. It was very good. Thanks to Hugh Cameron for directing my attention to this excellent video. Obviously Putin is in a leadership position so must chose his words carefully so that he doesn’t foreclose diplomatic or strategic options to move his agenda forward. What the USA has done to Russia and Ukraine is a crime. The good citizens of America and Russia and in fact the good citizens of the world are facing the same enemy and that is the NWO which seeks to destroy nation-states like Russia to usher in their unworkable Utopia with those in charge of this new order running the globe from a single fulcrum. What Russia, Europe and others may not realize is that part of this new order will be substantial population reductions. I think Putin realizes that he is dealing with certifiable psychopaths who give not a twit about human life. These folks who have insinuated themselves into the halls of power in this country (U.S.) would just as soon step on a bug as kill 100,000 or a million people. There are no mistakes about the Arab Spring or about Ukraine. This is all according to design using proven methods and is documented for all to read; but as Allen Dulles said… “People don’t read.”

Russian Documentary “World Order” with English subs

Additional Reading… 

What I know about Muslims

by DAVID BROWN | | Dec 11, 2015

Iran in 1960 - 70s

Iran in 1960 – 70s

I have known many Muslims as friends, fellow students at the university and as co-workers. What I know firsthand is that most all of them were extremely intelligent, well-educated, affable, approachable and friendly. I have spent many an evening with them discussing religion, philosophy, history, and politics and playing chess. All of them were indelibly and unmovably stuck in their religion. None were violent or cruel as far as I am aware. Most had a fundamentally different view of women than most westerners, but some of my best memories are the times I spent with these incredibly intelligent and well-educated Muslims.

I also know that since WWI, the West has been using and abusing Muslims like property of no individual value or consequence. We have removed their sovereign leaders when it pleased us. We have consistently –at will– imposed the cruelest dictators; and redrawn their national boarders without respect to language, culture or religion as though it was our divine right. We have murdered many millions of innocent Muslim men, women and children in cold-blood without a second thought or the slightest tinge of remorse. We have supported the most radical and violent versions of Islam imaginable and spread this radical Islam far and wide for our own geopolitical agenda.

My Muslim friends at the University were terrified of the Shah of Iran and his secret police Savak; both of whom we installed and supported, yet they did not hate me for this and never blamed me.

The solution to the terrorist and the refugee problem is for the West to stop destroying countries in the Middle East like Syria, Libya, Egypt and Iraq and stop installing, arming and supporting dictators like the House of Saud, stop killing innocent Muslims en-masse and stop spreading the most brutal form of Islam the world has ever known called Wahhabism by our continued support of Saudi Arabia.


Related reading on this topic at ClearNFO: