by DAVID BROWN | | September 19, 2020
On September 7th, 2020 I was banned from Facebook for 30 days for the fourth time this year. That’s a total of 120 days out of 365 days per year. That’s about a third of the year. And add the countless pictures and posts Facebook has removed from my account and it is obvious to me Facebook does not appreciate this user’s views on a variety of topics.
I have never posted anything promoting violence or anything illegal. I have never posted any gross pictures of violence or sexuality or anything that could be considered X-rated, yet here I am banned again from Facebook and now today I have been banned from Twitter after pointing out RBG was not some sort of hero to mourn, but rather a mass murderer of the unborn. This is a fact. We should be able to say these things. We should be able to state the truth without the threat of punishment by big tech.

GOP Rep. Offers Condolences to ’30 Million Innocent Babies’ Who Died From Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Defense of Abortion
On the matter of Facebook’s fact-checkers:
“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi
I do point out Facebook’s attempts to control political narratives and misrepresent facts. I point out that Facebook’s fact checkers aren’t fact checkers at all but political henchmen out to promote their agenda. Facebook’s Truth Ministry is staffed by Democrat Donors and Ex-CNN Employees.
A recent example of the Grand Zuck’s diabolical agenda can be found in this astonishing quote:
Zuckerberg: “what we and the other media need to start doing is preparing the american people that there is nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or weeks to make sure all the votes are counted.”
More evidence on Facebook’s egomaniacal treachery:
Facebook’s ‘fact checkers’ are the real fake news after censoring Post story
Now, just in case you are curious, I’m just a regular guy. I have never been convicted of a crime, have a perfect driving record. I am married with kids and have held down a job pretty much permanently since high school. In short I am a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen with a perfect record, yet Facebook and now Twitter consider me some sort of riffraff to be shunned, censored and excommunicated from the two biggest social media platforms on the planet. But why? Their lame explanations makes no sense. They claim I have violated some amorphous terms of service agreement when the only thing I have done is to report on well-established historical facts. Seems my only crime is that I refuse to link my mind to their cybernetic Borg in their hive mind called “the Collective”. I dare not stray from their well-established dogma composed of unexamined assumptions, lest I be savagely shunned and banished from their collective group-think.
Unfortunately our science community has fallen to this same collective group-think as has been proven by all the false information promulgated by our so called medical experts (See the Lancet) in their rush to misrepresent HCQ and the media’s scheme to defame the reputations of those front-line doctors who have found this drug –along with Azithromycin and Zinc– useful if used early.
These same truth-tyrants claim to support science on a wide swath of topics, but it is obvious to anyone capable of critical thought they have no clue what science is all about. Their version of science is settled and so cannot be debated. These self-appointed ministers of truth are in fact zealots spreading false information that in the case of COVID-19 has undoubtedly cost many lives. In short these lies kill.
Like most of you, I am just a poor working slob, paying my taxes, obeying the laws and raising a family the best way I can. However, unlike Zuckerberg, I was not handed a ready-packaged DARPA company like LifeLog or Facebook paid for at taxpayers’ expense if I would carry their water. So far Zuck is doing their bidding, but why should I and my fellow taxpayers be forced to pay for Facebook’s propaganda and disinformation while they feel free to take a dump on our face anytime they feel like it?
Tucker Slams Facebook Censorship Of Chinese Virologist: “It’s Turning Us Into The Soviet Union”