Category Archives: Politics

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 28th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 28th, 2021

Today’s Sunday edition is organized into categories – hopefully making it easier to find a topic that may interest you.


The Neverending Story of Big Tech’s Censorship is ‘the nothing’ Atreyu was fighting…

Please remember to download any important videos, podcasts or articles to a local hard drive — not the cloud.  Big-tech’s censorship is in high-gear, so if you want to save our modern day Library of Alexandria from the Big -tech Arsonists, save frequently before Big-tech marks it for deletion.  Also, it is important to have your own physical books since physical books –unlike digital books– cannot be edited after the fact.   Coming from an engineering and philosophical background, I’m thinking of problem solving 101 to help protect ourselves from this coordinated attack on our First Amendment by the rich and arrogant who seek to control our speech and our thoughts.

Problem solving according to David Brown…

  1. First step in solving a problem is realizing you have a problem;
  2. Second step is accurately describing the problem;
  3. Third step is proposing solutions;
  4. Fourth step is implementing one or more of the solutions that actually addresses and solves the problem(s);

If none of your solutions work, rerun the process above after doing a retrospective.

Key to all of this –permeating every step– is visualizing the end point or target goal. The solutions proposed may or may not work requiring a retrospective and reiteration, also the solutions may depend on many smaller tactical solutions to achieve a larger goal. In any event, it is my opinion that our institutions are corrupt and therefore many of our people in positions of power are corrupt. No law or constitutional convention can fix a corrupt system. We must therefore ask how corrupt it is and what were the steps taken to corrupt this system; and finally what can we do to target and remove this cancer.

Here is another solution from Brent E. Hamachek entitled Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident

And James Corbett of the Corbett Report also provides many ideas on solutions under #SolutionsWatch …

Big-Tech Alternatives

Continue reading

Trump’s Smart Move

by DAVID BROWN | | February 14th, 2021

Trump’s smart move may not include running for President in 2024. 

After defeating two impeachment conviction attempts by the corrupt establishment, Trump is set to win bigly and according to SEBASTIAN GORKA there is no stopping him now.

Many think Trump will run for President in 2024, but I think the smart move is to consolidate his control over the RNC, clean up the fraudulent voting machinery and then turn his sights on the MSM and their technocratic coconspirators in Big-Tech.

With a minimum of 75M Trump voters in tow and likely much more than that, Trump has a massive user base that could rocket a successful challenge to the hegemony of information gatekeepers Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube to name a few.   The thousands of talented  content creators who have been financially damaged or ruined through shadow-banning, de-monetizing, de-platforming and deletion from these unaccountable predatory platforms will rush to Trump’s new free-speech platforms; bringing their millions of fans with them.  A missing piece to this puzzle is some sort of financial clearing house for payment processing that cannot be cut off by the Deep-State or roiled by the criminal banking cartel.  Maybe a SWIFT-lite, and/or some payment processing systems that bypass the likes of PayPal, Patreon and their evil cousins.  While he is at it, Trump could replace the Deep-State controlled and manipulated 4Chan and Reddit for truly uncensored content.  And for the final death blow, create some real competition for the MSM by replacing the vacuous, mockingbird Deep-State talking-heads with a real network consisting of real investigative reporters who can ask real questions and report the unvarnished truth without fear of reprisal.

Too much hopium you say?  Perhaps, but if we aim for the stars we just might hit the ceiling– and I have learned from experience we must have goals and targets if we are to ever accomplish anything.

None of this will work however until Trump wakes from his slumber, smells the coffee and unhooks from his biggest ball and chain:  That ball and chain has a name and its name is Jared Kushner.


You can reach me at


Hitler as the fool

by DAVID BROWN | | February 9th, 2021

Despite repeated deceptions, lies, extortions and murders of his fellow countrymen; Hitler continued to  negotiate in good faith, trying to understand his opponent’s logic.  Their only logic was total destruction of Germany.   Unfortunately for the German people, Kaiser Wilhelm had already sprung the trap set in 1914 — well before Hitler’s pointless and naïve attempts to negotiate with the Anglo-American Establishment.

Chapter 3 documents Hitler’s futile attempts.  Listen and learn.

On the Matter of Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary

by DAVID BROWN | | February 9th, 2021

Unneeded and Unnecessary…


Evidence the 2020 election was stolen, is clear and abundant.  Additional proof is not necessary, so why the rush and exuberance for this new and improved absolute proof?  We already have ‘Absolute Proof’, if anyone cares to look.

Many in the MAGA movement seem excited about My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary.

But what if this is not a “blessing from God” as Mike believes, but yet another psychological operation (PSYOP) designed to make fools of our sincere Trump supporters who want to believe:

“if only the existing power structure would just see this new, absolute proof documentary, they too would believe”.

NOTE: The people who stole the election know they stole the election and they don’t care about your evidence.  The Democrats and the Republicans also know the election was stolen and they don’t care. Add to this the FBI, DOJ, the State Department, the Supremes and the MSM — all know the election was stolen.   All are now running a PSYOP against reason and logic peeing on your leg and telling you it’s raining. 

However, if Mike’s documentary is proven false,  this stench will perfectly discredit existing REAL evidence already in abundance.  The Deep-State is not stupid and knows how to run a PSYOP. Its propaganda media arm will be ready and able to prove the HAMMER narrative false and Dennis Montgomery a con man: soon, everyone will forget the real proof, and the believers in Mike’s new hopium will become demoralized, cynical and therefore unable to trust or support any credible evidence.

Why do I doubt the seemingly sincere Mr. Lindell?

  • Dennis Montgomery has been proven to be a con man per Jason Goodman, and many, many others.
  • Where is the validation the deep-state supercomputer called “The Hammer” and software called “Scorecard” was ever used in the 2020 elections?
  • General McInerney has a long history of being wrong.

Be aware of your own confirmation bias and beware of Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary which is based on Marry Fanning’s research, which is based on Dennis Montgomery, who is not very based.

A house of cards based on hopium?

Additional reading:

February 10, 2021
Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption
By J.R. Dunn


Calling All Minutemen!

by DAVID BROWN | | December 12, 2020

After the massive fraud on America that occurred November 3rd, 2020 it has become clear to me the FBI, the DOJ and our Court System are worthless in helping correct this fraud; they are corrupt and cannot be trusted.

Notwithstanding Trump’s September 12, 2018 Executive Order report (due on December the 18th) which may allow Trump to correct the election, we need a Plan B: My plan is to communicate with those state officials who have shown a willingness to fight the voter fraud.  Joining the Texas lawsuit is one big way many state Attorney Generals demonstrated their desire to see an equitable election.

Who do we have to help? We have 100 million plus wide-awake Americans who can now see this blatant, in-your-face fraud up-close and personal.

There is nothing wrong with clicking the ‘like button’ and sharing information on social media, but we need real action in the real world that will make a difference.   This means we must invest our time and effort to make a difference.

To that end, I will be starting an email and phone call plan to contact all the people on this list (Attorney Generals and Governors) to let them know they have my support to help clean up the corruption demonstrated so clearly by this fraudulent election. Why these people? Because –unlike the Supreme Court, the FBI and the DOJ who have shirked their responsibility– they were brave enough to stand up and be counted with the Texas lawsuit and/or they voted for Trump. This is the core support plus the 100 million or so citizens who realize what deep dodo we are ALL in if we let this fraud stand.

My Golden list of our ‘Virtual Minutemen’ can be found here: List   It is important for these AGs and Governors to know they have our support.

Please take time to call and write the AGs and Governors at least once a week until January 20th to let them know where you stand and that you support their effort to assure the 2020 election was fair and equitable.  Their contact information can be found here: AG addresses.

I have listed their phone numbers, and you can check on their web site for their email address.

Sample letter:

Begin writing your letter by addressing the attorney general as follows:

Dear Mr./Madam Attorney General :

I am deeply troubled by the overwhelming evidence of election fraud and corruption that occurred on November 3rd of this year.  I’m writing you this letter to let you know I support your efforts to correct this fraud; and that I, and many more like me, are here as a backstop to support you in these efforts.  We cannot let this fraud stand.


Your name (and contact information, if you choose to provide it)



Reducing the Unaccountable Power of Information Monopolies

by DAVID BROWN | | October 25, 2020

Congress has no problem passing ‘The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012’, but shows little appetite in reigning in Big Tech’s manipulative propaganda.  The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 is Operation Mockingbird on steroids — officially recognizing, legitimizing and funding the CIA’s previously illegal domestic propaganda and psychological operations designed to manipulate the media you consume.

What’s at stake?   

  • Power to control reality: Your sense of history, science, truth and reality.
  • Manufacturing consent: Your informed or misinformed consent regarding the safety and efficacy of medicines.
  • Power to control elections in the hands of the unelected few: Control and manipulation of public opinion on politics using hidden algorithms and AI.
  • We are witnessing a modern-day book-burning orgy while financially destroying our best and brightest content creators – we are destroying knowledge to satisfy a few selfish interests.


  • Regulate: will only create barriers to competitors since smaller companies can’t afford the large staff needed to comply with onerous government regulations. It is an historical fact that monopolies prefer to be heavily regulated to prevent entry into their markets by smaller competitors.
  • Break-up: Think Standard Oil. The breakup only made Rockefeller much wealthier.
  • Total transparency: Force Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other monopolies to publicly post and otherwise reveal ALL their methods to serve up and manipulate data — including source code, algorithms and AI.

Operation Mockingbird Wikipedia:

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program The Church Committee

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012


Using the Internet to Manufacture Obedience

by DAVID BROWN | | October 17, 2020

The established power structure is bringing the internet to heel…

  • Google search is censored and propagandized
  • YouTube is censored and propagandized
  • Twitter is censored and propagandized
  • Reddit is censored and propagandized
  • Wikipedia is censored and propagandized
  • Facebook is censored and propagandized
  • Main Stream Media (News & Entertainment) are censored and propagandized
  • Amazon books are censored and propagandized

Beyond the obvious censorship above, many other sites have been removed and or damaged by Cloudflare, PayPal, Vimeo, Discord and others in an effort to censor content – 8Chan for example was removed by Cloudflare. And many Discord servers were deleted including Digging Deeper and PSB. Amazon has removed excellent books written by historians like James Perloff and others. Even the seemingly innocuous WordPress got into the action by removing Jay Dyer’s web site.

All these actions have prevented millions of people from getting the news and information they want: some of these channels have over a million subscribers each. Additionally, these actions have destroyed careers, businesses, incomes, and decades of work by content creators.

What is it they desire to censor? Anything the established power structure perceives as a threat. If you want to beat an idea, it seems to me the best way is with refutation and evidence, not propaganda and deletion. Censorship drives ideas underground and gives them credibility they may or may not deserve.

The tyrannical reasoning –if any is given– is a thinly-veiled, unfounded allegation of hate speech, the 17th letter of the English alphabet or other specious augments.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
unknown (sometimes mistakenly attributed to Voltaire)

With all the deception and false information being pushed by the established power structure, the responsibility of untangling this mess is up to you and me; which is where it should be anyway.

The quick and easy way is to trust authorities, but this is what got us into the mess we are in today. We must become self-sufficient or we become livestock to be herded by our masters.

If we intend to progress, we must develop tools to help us chart an accurate map of the topology before us– because without an accurate map, we are easy prey for the gangsters who lie in wait before us. Equally important is the path we have traveled; if you don’t know where you have been, how can you determine reasonably where you want to go?

There are many tools already available to make our travels much easier and safer. These include a healthy dose of skepticism especially when it comes to known liars like those listed above. Include with this list government agencies like the FBI and CIA and other known liars. There is absolutely no reason to trust a known liar, so become adept at collecting data points from many sources without accepting them as fact. Once you have collected data points, start your analysis to see correlations and make some connections. Putting events on a timeline is always helpful. Other tools include learning the Trivium and learning how to spot logical fallacies which are used abundantly by the MSM and others. Learn the top 24 or so, how to spot them and how to dismantle them. Takes some practice.

NOTE: Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric)  More on the Trivium can be found here:

9/11 Was a Revenue Enhancement Project

by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, US Military spending declined rapidly – see chart below.  The Neocons and the US Military Industrial Complex needed a new bad guy to scare US taxpayers. A group of Neocons (William Kristol and Robert Kagan) formed the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) in 1997 to come up with a solution.  PNAC proclaimed “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”   At the time, few realized that the new Pearl Harbor would go-live September 11, 2001.

Defense Spending

BTW, Robert Kagan is married to the lady (Victoria Nuland) who ran the violent regime change in Ukraine for the Obama State Department.


Related topics: 

More from ClearNFO on Ukraine:

Banned from Facebook AND Twitter this time.

by DAVID BROWN | | September 19, 2020

On September 7th, 2020 I was banned from Facebook for 30 days for the fourth time this year.   That’s a total of 120 days out of 365 days per year.  That’s about a third of the year. And add the countless pictures and posts Facebook has removed from my account and it is obvious to me Facebook does not appreciate this user’s views on a variety of topics.

I have never posted anything promoting violence or anything illegal.  I have never posted any gross pictures of violence or sexuality or anything that could be considered X-rated, yet here I am banned again from Facebook and now today I have been banned from Twitter after pointing out RBG was not some sort of hero to mourn, but rather a mass murderer of the unborn.  This is a fact.   We should be able to say these things.  We should be able to state the truth without the threat of punishment by big tech.

GOP Rep. Offers Condolences to ’30 Million Innocent Babies’ Who Died From Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Defense of Abortion

On the matter of Facebook’s fact-checkers:

“You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.” — Obi-Wan Kenobi 

I do point out Facebook’s attempts to control political narratives and misrepresent facts.  I point out that Facebook’s fact checkers aren’t fact checkers at all but political henchmen out to promote their agenda.  Facebook’s Truth Ministry is staffed by Democrat Donors and Ex-CNN Employees.

A recent example of the Grand Zuck’s diabolical agenda can be found in this astonishing quote:

 Zuckerberg: “what we and the other media need to start doing is preparing the american people that there is nothing illegitimate about this election taking additional days or weeks to make sure all the votes are counted.”

More evidence on Facebook’s egomaniacal treachery:

INVESTIGATION: 18 of 20 Facebook “independent” fact checkers have ties to political activist Soros or his foundations

Facebook’s ‘fact checkers’ are the real fake news after censoring Post story

Now, just in case you are curious,  I’m just a regular guy.  I have never been convicted of a crime, have a perfect driving record.  I am married with kids and have held down a job pretty much permanently since high school.   In short I am a law-abiding, tax-paying citizen with a perfect record, yet Facebook and now Twitter consider me some sort of riffraff to be shunned, censored and excommunicated from the two biggest social media platforms on the planet.  But why?  Their lame explanations makes no sense.  They claim I have violated some amorphous terms of service agreement when the only thing I have done is to report on well-established historical facts.  Seems my only crime is that I refuse to link my mind to their cybernetic Borg in their hive mind called “the Collective”.  I dare not stray from their well-established dogma composed of unexamined assumptions, lest I be savagely shunned and banished from their collective group-think.

Unfortunately our science community has fallen to this same collective group-think as has been proven by all the false information promulgated by our so called medical experts (See the Lancet)  in their rush to misrepresent HCQ and the media’s scheme to defame the reputations of those front-line doctors who have found this drug –along with Azithromycin and Zinc– useful if used early.

These same truth-tyrants claim to support science on a wide swath of topics, but it is obvious to anyone capable of critical thought they have no clue what science is all about.  Their version of science is settled and so cannot be debated.   These self-appointed ministers of truth are in fact zealots spreading false information that in the case of COVID-19 has undoubtedly cost many lives.   In short these lies kill.

Like most of you, I am just a poor working slob, paying my taxes, obeying the laws and raising a family the best way I can.  However, unlike Zuckerberg, I was not handed a ready-packaged DARPA company like LifeLog or Facebook paid for at taxpayers’ expense if I would carry their water.  So far Zuck is doing their bidding, but why should I and my fellow taxpayers be forced to pay for Facebook’s propaganda and disinformation while they feel free to take a dump on our face anytime they feel like it?


Tucker Slams Facebook Censorship Of Chinese Virologist: “It’s Turning Us Into The Soviet Union”

Feigning Our Shock and Horror at Netflix’s ‘Cuties’

by DAVID BROWN | | September 12, 2020

So we are having a big kerfuffle over the Netflix’s film ‘Cuties’ as though this is without precedent.  Au contraire!  Before ‘Cuties’ we had:

  • 1976 film: Jodie Foster plays a 12-year-old prostitute working at a 42nd Street brothel in New York, in the film ‘Taxi Driver
  • 1978 film: Brooke Shields ‘Pretty Baby‘- soft core child porn
  • 1980 film: Brooke Shields ‘The Blue Lagoon‘ – soft core child porn
  • 1994 film: Natalie Portman ‘Léon: The Professional‘ – Unusual relationship between Leon and Mathilda, a 12-year-old girl.
  • 1997 film ‘Lolita’ based on a 1955 novel written by Vladimir Nabokov of the same name detailing a sexual relationship between a middle-aged man and a 12-year-old girl.
  • 1999 film ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ where Leelee Sobieski played a jailbait prostitute, Milich’s daughter.

And many foreign movies push the envelope farther.

    • 1977 Italy and West Germany –  Eva Ionesco in Maladolescenza – child porn
    • 2017 Argentinian film “Desire,” which opens with a scene involving a young girl having her first orgasm.
    • 2020 Austria and Germany – ‘The Trouble With Being Born‘ 10-year-old android and her “Daddy”

Of course this list is only a small part of mainstream’s exploitation of child sexuality.   So can we at least say ‘Cuties’ sexualizing children is nothing new?  Add to this all the kiddie beauty pageants across America sexualizing kids and you can see the sexualization of children is widespread, systemic and nothing new.

And it is historic

As far back as July 1885 The Pall Mall Gazette published “The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon” written by William Thomas Stead:  a series of newspaper articles on child prostitution in England.   Stead even purchased a 13 year old girl to aid in his research.

More on ‘The Maiden Tribute’ can be found here:  On the matter of William Thomas Stead …

Wikipedia: “Prostitution of children dates to antiquity. Prepubescent boys were commonly prostituted in brothels in ancient Greece and Rome. According to Ronald Flowers, the “most beautiful and highest born Egyptian maidens were forced into prostitution…and they continued as prostitutes until their first menstruation.” Chinese and Indian children were commonly sold by their parents into prostitution. Parents in India sometimes dedicated their female children to the Hindu temples, where they became “devadasis”. Traditionally a high status in society, the devadasis were originally tasked with maintaining and cleaning the temples of the Hindu deity to which they were assigned (usually the goddess Renuka) and learning skills such as music and dancing. However, as the system evolved, their role became that of a temple prostitute, and the girls, who were “dedicated” before puberty, were required to prostitute themselves to upper-class men. The practice has since been outlawed but still exists.”