Category Archives: Politics

Hitler’s Revolution by Richard Tedor (Chapter 2)


by DAVID BROWN | | March 13th, 2021

Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor Chapter 2
The New Germany 
Germany Prostrate 

On February 10, 1933, Hitler discussed his economic program at a mass meeting in Berlin for the first time as chancellor. Telling the audience, “We have no faith in foreign help, in assistance from outside our own nation”, the Führer opined that Germany had no friends beyond her own borders. World War I had ended in 1918 when the German Reich and Austria-Hungary surrendered, and harsh terms imposed by the Allies, despite U.S. President Woodrow Wilson’s promise of an equitable settlement, had left the Reich more or less on a solitary course.

Allied delegates opened the peace conference in Versailles, France, in January 1919. They demanded that Germany accept blame for the war and compensate the victors for damages. This enabled them to initiate reparations requirements that reduced the Germans to virtual bondage. To extort the Reich’s signature onto the treaty, Britain’s Royal Navy maintained a blockade of food imports destined for Germany. The blockade had been in force since early in the war. Over 750,000 German civilians, mainly children and the elderly, perished from malnourishment.

Despite Germany’s capitulation, the British continued to block food deliveries until the summer of 1919. On March 3 of that year, the English cabinet minister Winston Churchill told the House of Commons, “We are holding all our means of coercion in full operation or in immediate readiness for use. We are enforcing the blockade with vigor. We have strong armies ready to advance at the shortest notice. Germany is very near starvation. The evidence I have received from the officers sent by the War Office all over Germany shows first of all, the great privations which the German people are suffering, and secondly, the great danger of a collapse of the entire structure of German social and national life under the pressure of hunger and malnutrition. Now is therefore the moment to settle.” Allied leaders bluntly told German delegates at Versailles to accept the treaty or face a military invasion and extension of the blockade. The Germans signed on June 28, 1919.

The Allies’ conditions degraded Germany to a secondary power. The victors divided 13 percent of the Reich’s territory among neighboring states. The 7,325,000 Germans residing there became second-class citizens in their new countries. Lost natural resources and industry included 67 percent of Germany’s zinc production, 75 percent of iron ore, a third of the coal output and 7.7 percent of lead. The Allies demanded twelve percent of Germany’s exports, with the option of raising the amount to 25 percent, for the next 42 years.

The malnourished German nation also surrendered a million cattle including 149,000 milking cows, plus 15 percent of the harvest. The Allies confiscated a quarter of Germany’s fishing fleet. In addition to large amounts of timber, 7,500 German locomotives and 200,000 freight cars went to the former enemy.  Germany also relinquished her prosperous African colonies to the Anglo-French overseas empires. Every transport vessel exceeding 1,600 tons, practically the Reich’s entire merchant fleet, enriched the Allies’ war booty. Germans forfeited private investments abroad.

Morally justifying the terms, the British Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, described how the Allied victory accomplished Germany’s “liberation from militarism.”  He gloated on another occasion, “We have got most of the things we set out to get. The German navy has been handed over, the German merchant shipping has been handed over, and the German colonies have been given up. One of our chief trade competitors has been most seriously crippled and our allies are about to become Germany’s biggest creditors. This is no small achievement!”  Between 1880 and 1900, Germany’s share of world trade had risen from 10.7 percent to 13.8 percent. During that period, Britain’s had declined from 22 to 16 percent, and France’s from 13 to eight percent.  Woodrow Wilson remarked in September 1919, “Is there any man or woman—let me say, is there any child—who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry? This was an industrial and commercial war.”

The war transformed Germany from a flourishing industrial power to a distressed state. Military service had cost 1,808,545 German soldiers their lives.  Another 4,247,143 had been wounded. The country was bankrupt from defense expenditures. Marxist agitation provoked labor walk-outs. There were 3,682 strikes in 1919, which impacted 32,825 businesses and 2,750,000 workers.  Decline in industrial output and reparations burdens contributed to massive unemployment. Demobilized soldiers couldn’t find jobs. A new law required managers to reinstate former employees who had served on active duty during the war; however, many business owners were among the slain and their companies were gone.

Additionally, large numbers of foreign workers were in Germany, having taken over the manufacturing positions of men inducted into the army. Soldiers returning home found their pre-war jobs occupied by ersatz labor. People out of work lacked purchasing power. This decreased demand for consumer goods, leading to production cut-backs and further lay-offs. Unemployment fluctuated dramatically. The downward spiral began late in 1927. In 1931 alone, 13,736 companies filed for bankruptcy. An average of 107,000 people per month lost their livelihood. In mid-1932, almost 23 million Germans (36 percent of the population) were receiving public assistance.

The London Declaration of May 5, 1921, established Germany’s aggregate debt at 132 billion reichsmarks (RM). One mark equaled approximately 50 cents. It also imposed a “retroactive payment” of twelve billion gold marks plus another billion in interest. The German government in Weimar could not meet the obligation. Without foreign commerce, Germany had little income. Fearing inordinate taxation to meet Allied demands, affluent Germans invested capital abroad. The flight of currency and the national deficit contributed to inflation. In November 1922, Weimar requested a moratorium on cash payments. The Inter-Allied Reparations Commission declared Germany in default. The French army garrisoned the Ruhr-Lippe region, source of almost 80 percent of Germany’s coal, steel and pig iron production. Demonstrating passive resistance, civil servants and laborers there boycotted the work places. This increased the number of persons on public aid and further reduced productivity. The Ruhr debacle precipitated the currency’s slide into worthlessness. Inflation wiped out the savings of Germany’s middle class.

A commission chaired by the American Charles Dawes made recommendations to balance Germany’s budget and stabilize the money system. The Allies assumed control of the Reich’s Bank and sold shares in the national railroad. They fixed annual payments at $250 million. Another committee convened in Paris in February 1929 under the American banker Owen Young. The Young Plan arranged a new payment plan for Germany to extend to 1988. Since 1924, Weimar had been borrowing from Wall Street banks to meet reparations demands. The worldwide fiscal crisis of 1929 curtailed this source of capital. Despite tax increases, the German government failed to generate sufficient revenue to restore the economy. By March 1933, the German national debt amounted to 24.5 billion reichsmarks.


You can contact David Brown at |  You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

Additional Resources:

Meet Rudolf Steiner

by DAVID BROWN | | March 7th, 2021

Important dates / information to keep in mind:

  • World War I: 28 July 1914 – 11 November 1918 (4 years, 3 months and 2 weeks)
  • Rudolf Steiner: 27 February 1861 to 30 March 1925 (64 years)
  • Born in Murakirály, Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire (now Donji Kraljevec, Croatia) Died in Dornach, Switzerland.

The Karma of Untruthfulness | Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
Vol 1, 13 Lectures 1916

The Karma of Untruthfulness | Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
Vol 2, 12 Lectures 1917

As I’m listening to and reading Rudolf Steiner’s Karma of Untruthfulness, I am struck by how much detail he is able to provide from history and his current events surrounding WWI.   What a wonderful treasure-trove of fascinating information.

I was completely unaware of Steiner’s Anthroposophy or spiritual science and would tend to dismiss this kind of foolishness out of hand, but on closer inspection I can find some agreement with his motives and some of his conclusions.  Worth a look, and Wikipedia seems to do a great job on Anthroposophy– worth reading the entire article.

Wikipedia: Anthroposophy’s supporters include Hilma af Klint, Pulitzer Prize-winning and Nobel Laureate Saul Bellow,[15] Nobel prize winner Selma Lagerlöf,[16] Andrei Bely,[17][18] Joseph Beuys,[19] Owen Barfield, architect Walter Burley Griffin,[20] Wassily Kandinsky,[21][22] Andrei Tarkovsky,[23] Bruno Walter,[24] Right Livelihood Award winners Sir George Trevelyan,[25] and Ibrahim Abouleish,[26] child psychiatrist Eva Frommer,[27][28] Fortune magazine editor Russell Davenport, Romuva (Lithuanian pagan) religious founder Vydūnas, and former president of Georgia, Zviad Gamsakhurdia. Albert Schweitzer was a friend of Steiner’s and was supportive of his ideals for cultural renewal.[29] The historian of religion Olav Hammer has termed anthroposophy “the most important esoteric society in European history.”[30] However, many scientists and physicians, including Michael Shermer, Michael Ruse, Edzard Ernst, David Gorski, and Simon Singh have criticized anthroposophy’s application in the areas of medicine, biology, agriculture, and education to be dangerous and pseudoscientific.

I’ve been listening to an audio version during my morning exercises but have discovered I must actually read these writings if I hope to have any retention.  Still, listening to the audio version does raise my interest in reading, thinking and discovering more of the meaty little morsels contained in Steiner’s dense writing.    There is just too much information to provide a summary or high-level review, but I have picked out a few tidbits below to perhaps whet your apatite.

Steiner speaks of the old slogan of 1789: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity and compares it to the new slogan of 1914: Order, Duty, Justice.

Steiner: “Looking more closely we find that these so-called new words are in fact quite old and pretty threadbare. Comparison between the two reveals the ancient conflict that characterizes human spiritual life, the conflict between an inner world of free personal activity and an outer world of rigid laws, coercive measures. Even as long ago as the time of Christ, justice as the fulfilment of the law was balanced by mercy, duty by love, and the legal order by voluntary imitation of Christ.”

WWI was pre-planned and orchestrated: “I have told you before that in certain secret brotherhoods in the West—I have proof of this—there was talk in the 1890s about the present war. The pupils of these brotherhoods were given instruction by means of maps which showed how Europe was to be changed by this world war. The English brotherhoods in particular discussed a war that was to take place—indeed, that was to be guided into being and properly prepared. I am speaking of facts, but there are certain reasons why I have to refrain from drawing maps for you, though I could quite easily draw for you the maps which figured in the teachings of those western secret brotherhoods.”

Propaganda against Germany: “Without stating my own opinion one way or the other, I must admit that outside Germany I have hardly met a single judgement about Germany that is really understanding and friendly. Judgements have been pronounced with immense confidence, yes, but not with genuine understanding. On the other hand, there are innumerable extraordinarily benevolent judgements about everything in the periphery. Nobody need believe that this surprises me. It certainly does not. I am not in the least surprised, but I do try to understand why it is so. The reason is that there is absolutely no will to gain a proper perspective. People do not even suspect that a judgement about what lives today in Central Europe has to be made from a perspective that differs utterly from that needed to judge what lives in the periphery. They have no idea what it means that with everything contained in Central Europe each single individual is vulnerable and threatened, and therefore that the scale of affairs is at a human level, whereas in the periphery the scale is that of state and political affairs which require to be judged from an entirely different perspective. Each is judged on the same basis, but this is meaningless in this case.”

Steiner on the MSM aka the Press: “Nevertheless, we do stand in the world and it does influence us via at least one fatal indirect route, for we always allow ourselves to be influenced by what some people have called a major power: the Press! The effect of the Press really is most disastrous, for it falsifies and blurs virtually everything. How little would be written if those who write were really called upon to write properly! Who does not write today about the relationship of Romania to Russia, or Romania to any of the other states? It does not even occur to them that a fundamental prerequisite for saying anything about these relationships is to read the memoirs of the late King Carol of Romania.  Those who write without having done this only write things which are not worth reading, even by the simplest people.

Times are grave; therefore only grave and earnest views of the world and of life can serve in these times. So it is important to sense something of a feeling that I have often described as essential: above all not to judge rashly but, instead, to look at things side by side and wait for them to speak. In the course of time they will say a good many things to us. To acquaint oneself with as many aspects as possible is the best preparation for penetrating thoroughly into the difficult and complicated conditions of life today.”

The Karma of Untruthfulness V.1, Lecture five (Dornach, 16 December 1916), Page 95
Secret Societies, the Media, and Preparations for the Great War
13 Lectures by Rudolf Steiner

Things now developed in such a way that in 1888, a year in which war could have broken out just as it did in 1914, the crisis was averted because Crispi remained loyal to the Triple Alliance. He remained loyal to the Triple Alliance because France was proceeding to spread herself in North Africa. France embarked at that time on a political tactic aimed at Italy, who was starting to turn away from her. The French themselves said this tactic was intended to bring about the ‘re-conquering of Italy by means of hunger’, that is, a kind of trade war was attempted against Italy, and this trade war certainly played an important role at that time. The consequence was that Italy’s practical links with Central Europe were increasingly strengthened. It is perhaps just as well if I give you the opinion of a Frenchman on this, rather than that of a German. He said that modern Italy was economically a German colony.

It has often been stressed, not only by Germans but by others as well, that Italy was saved by her close economic ties with Germany from the danger of being conquered by France through hunger—not a nice prospect. All this contributed to the peaceful settlement of the crisis at the end of the eighties. It is most interesting to study this crisis in all its details. It reveals something quite special to someone who is inclined to take account of interconnections and not be deceived. I did the following: I called to mind the events of 1888 and superimposed on them the date 1914. The events are absolutely identical! Just as in 1914 the incitements in the press were started in Petersburg and then taken up in Germany, so it was in 1888. As then, so also in 1914, a conflict was to be brought about between Germany and Austria. In short, every detail is the same. It is interesting that I have read aloud to various people a speech made in 1888 in which I replaced the date 1888 by 1914. Everybody believed that the speech was made in 1914!

When such things are possible we are not inclined to speak of coincidences. We have to understand that there are driving forces and that these driving forces work in a systematic way.

Related resources:

Rudolf Steiner Audio web site:
Rudolf Steiner Web Site:
calibre reader:
epub version for Vol 1 & 2:

Psychology & the separation of the conscious and subconscious
Freud and Steiner: Contemporaries:
-♦ Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 – 23 September 1939 (83 years)
-♦ Rudolf Steiner: 27 February 1861 to 30 March 1925 (64 years)

►Steiner’s separation of the conscious and subconscious: Our Connection with the Elemental World
►Freud’s separation of the conscious and subconscious: Observations on Psychology


You can contact David Brown at |  You can catch up with him on MeWe here… | And on Telegram here @ClearNFO

David’s Stack of Stuff (Sunday February 28th, 2021)

by DAVID BROWN | | February 28th, 2021

Today’s Sunday edition is organized into categories – hopefully making it easier to find a topic that may interest you.


The Neverending Story of Big Tech’s Censorship is ‘the nothing’ Atreyu was fighting…

Please remember to download any important videos, podcasts or articles to a local hard drive — not the cloud.  Big-tech’s censorship is in high-gear, so if you want to save our modern day Library of Alexandria from the Big -tech Arsonists, save frequently before Big-tech marks it for deletion.  Also, it is important to have your own physical books since physical books –unlike digital books– cannot be edited after the fact.   Coming from an engineering and philosophical background, I’m thinking of problem solving 101 to help protect ourselves from this coordinated attack on our First Amendment by the rich and arrogant who seek to control our speech and our thoughts.

Problem solving according to David Brown…

  1. First step in solving a problem is realizing you have a problem;
  2. Second step is accurately describing the problem;
  3. Third step is proposing solutions;
  4. Fourth step is implementing one or more of the solutions that actually addresses and solves the problem(s);

If none of your solutions work, rerun the process above after doing a retrospective.

Key to all of this –permeating every step– is visualizing the end point or target goal. The solutions proposed may or may not work requiring a retrospective and reiteration, also the solutions may depend on many smaller tactical solutions to achieve a larger goal. In any event, it is my opinion that our institutions are corrupt and therefore many of our people in positions of power are corrupt. No law or constitutional convention can fix a corrupt system. We must therefore ask how corrupt it is and what were the steps taken to corrupt this system; and finally what can we do to target and remove this cancer.

Here is another solution from Brent E. Hamachek entitled Understanding and Embracing the Role of the 21st-Century American Dissident

And James Corbett of the Corbett Report also provides many ideas on solutions under #SolutionsWatch …

Big-Tech Alternatives

Continue reading

Trump’s Smart Move

by DAVID BROWN | | February 14th, 2021

Trump’s smart move may not include running for President in 2024. 

After defeating two impeachment conviction attempts by the corrupt establishment, Trump is set to win bigly and according to SEBASTIAN GORKA there is no stopping him now.

Many think Trump will run for President in 2024, but I think the smart move is to consolidate his control over the RNC, clean up the fraudulent voting machinery and then turn his sights on the MSM and their technocratic coconspirators in Big-Tech.

With a minimum of 75M Trump voters in tow and likely much more than that, Trump has a massive user base that could rocket a successful challenge to the hegemony of information gatekeepers Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube to name a few.   The thousands of talented  content creators who have been financially damaged or ruined through shadow-banning, de-monetizing, de-platforming and deletion from these unaccountable predatory platforms will rush to Trump’s new free-speech platforms; bringing their millions of fans with them.  A missing piece to this puzzle is some sort of financial clearing house for payment processing that cannot be cut off by the Deep-State or roiled by the criminal banking cartel.  Maybe a SWIFT-lite, and/or some payment processing systems that bypass the likes of PayPal, Patreon and their evil cousins.  While he is at it, Trump could replace the Deep-State controlled and manipulated 4Chan and Reddit for truly uncensored content.  And for the final death blow, create some real competition for the MSM by replacing the vacuous, mockingbird Deep-State talking-heads with a real network consisting of real investigative reporters who can ask real questions and report the unvarnished truth without fear of reprisal.

Too much hopium you say?  Perhaps, but if we aim for the stars we just might hit the ceiling– and I have learned from experience we must have goals and targets if we are to ever accomplish anything.

None of this will work however until Trump wakes from his slumber, smells the coffee and unhooks from his biggest ball and chain:  That ball and chain has a name and its name is Jared Kushner.


You can reach me at


Hitler as the fool

by DAVID BROWN | | February 9th, 2021

Despite repeated deceptions, lies, extortions and murders of his fellow countrymen; Hitler continued to  negotiate in good faith, trying to understand his opponent’s logic.  Their only logic was total destruction of Germany.   Unfortunately for the German people, Kaiser Wilhelm had already sprung the trap set in 1914 — well before Hitler’s pointless and naïve attempts to negotiate with the Anglo-American Establishment.

Chapter 3 documents Hitler’s futile attempts.  Listen and learn.

On the Matter of Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary

by DAVID BROWN | | February 9th, 2021

Unneeded and Unnecessary…


Evidence the 2020 election was stolen, is clear and abundant.  Additional proof is not necessary, so why the rush and exuberance for this new and improved absolute proof?  We already have ‘Absolute Proof’, if anyone cares to look.

Many in the MAGA movement seem excited about My Pillow Guy Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary.

But what if this is not a “blessing from God” as Mike believes, but yet another psychological operation (PSYOP) designed to make fools of our sincere Trump supporters who want to believe:

“if only the existing power structure would just see this new, absolute proof documentary, they too would believe”.

NOTE: The people who stole the election know they stole the election and they don’t care about your evidence.  The Democrats and the Republicans also know the election was stolen and they don’t care. Add to this the FBI, DOJ, the State Department, the Supremes and the MSM — all know the election was stolen.   All are now running a PSYOP against reason and logic peeing on your leg and telling you it’s raining. 

However, if Mike’s documentary is proven false,  this stench will perfectly discredit existing REAL evidence already in abundance.  The Deep-State is not stupid and knows how to run a PSYOP. Its propaganda media arm will be ready and able to prove the HAMMER narrative false and Dennis Montgomery a con man: soon, everyone will forget the real proof, and the believers in Mike’s new hopium will become demoralized, cynical and therefore unable to trust or support any credible evidence.

Why do I doubt the seemingly sincere Mr. Lindell?

  • Dennis Montgomery has been proven to be a con man per Jason Goodman, and many, many others.
  • Where is the validation the deep-state supercomputer called “The Hammer” and software called “Scorecard” was ever used in the 2020 elections?
  • General McInerney has a long history of being wrong.

Be aware of your own confirmation bias and beware of Mike Lindell’s ‘Absolute proof’ documentary which is based on Marry Fanning’s research, which is based on Dennis Montgomery, who is not very based.

A house of cards based on hopium?

Additional reading:

February 10, 2021
Beating Democrat Electoral Corruption
By J.R. Dunn


Calling All Minutemen!

by DAVID BROWN | | December 12, 2020

After the massive fraud on America that occurred November 3rd, 2020 it has become clear to me the FBI, the DOJ and our Court System are worthless in helping correct this fraud; they are corrupt and cannot be trusted.

Notwithstanding Trump’s September 12, 2018 Executive Order report (due on December the 18th) which may allow Trump to correct the election, we need a Plan B: My plan is to communicate with those state officials who have shown a willingness to fight the voter fraud.  Joining the Texas lawsuit is one big way many state Attorney Generals demonstrated their desire to see an equitable election.

Who do we have to help? We have 100 million plus wide-awake Americans who can now see this blatant, in-your-face fraud up-close and personal.

There is nothing wrong with clicking the ‘like button’ and sharing information on social media, but we need real action in the real world that will make a difference.   This means we must invest our time and effort to make a difference.

To that end, I will be starting an email and phone call plan to contact all the people on this list (Attorney Generals and Governors) to let them know they have my support to help clean up the corruption demonstrated so clearly by this fraudulent election. Why these people? Because –unlike the Supreme Court, the FBI and the DOJ who have shirked their responsibility– they were brave enough to stand up and be counted with the Texas lawsuit and/or they voted for Trump. This is the core support plus the 100 million or so citizens who realize what deep dodo we are ALL in if we let this fraud stand.

My Golden list of our ‘Virtual Minutemen’ can be found here: List   It is important for these AGs and Governors to know they have our support.

Please take time to call and write the AGs and Governors at least once a week until January 20th to let them know where you stand and that you support their effort to assure the 2020 election was fair and equitable.  Their contact information can be found here: AG addresses.

I have listed their phone numbers, and you can check on their web site for their email address.

Sample letter:

Begin writing your letter by addressing the attorney general as follows:

Dear Mr./Madam Attorney General :

I am deeply troubled by the overwhelming evidence of election fraud and corruption that occurred on November 3rd of this year.  I’m writing you this letter to let you know I support your efforts to correct this fraud; and that I, and many more like me, are here as a backstop to support you in these efforts.  We cannot let this fraud stand.


Your name (and contact information, if you choose to provide it)



Reducing the Unaccountable Power of Information Monopolies

by DAVID BROWN | | October 25, 2020

Congress has no problem passing ‘The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012’, but shows little appetite in reigning in Big Tech’s manipulative propaganda.  The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 is Operation Mockingbird on steroids — officially recognizing, legitimizing and funding the CIA’s previously illegal domestic propaganda and psychological operations designed to manipulate the media you consume.

What’s at stake?   

  • Power to control reality: Your sense of history, science, truth and reality.
  • Manufacturing consent: Your informed or misinformed consent regarding the safety and efficacy of medicines.
  • Power to control elections in the hands of the unelected few: Control and manipulation of public opinion on politics using hidden algorithms and AI.
  • We are witnessing a modern-day book-burning orgy while financially destroying our best and brightest content creators – we are destroying knowledge to satisfy a few selfish interests.


  • Regulate: will only create barriers to competitors since smaller companies can’t afford the large staff needed to comply with onerous government regulations. It is an historical fact that monopolies prefer to be heavily regulated to prevent entry into their markets by smaller competitors.
  • Break-up: Think Standard Oil. The breakup only made Rockefeller much wealthier.
  • Total transparency: Force Google, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and other monopolies to publicly post and otherwise reveal ALL their methods to serve up and manipulate data — including source code, algorithms and AI.

Operation Mockingbird Wikipedia:

Operation Mockingbird, CIA Media Control Program The Church Committee

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012


Using the Internet to Manufacture Obedience

by DAVID BROWN | | October 17, 2020

The established power structure is bringing the internet to heel…

  • Google search is censored and propagandized
  • YouTube is censored and propagandized
  • Twitter is censored and propagandized
  • Reddit is censored and propagandized
  • Wikipedia is censored and propagandized
  • Facebook is censored and propagandized
  • Main Stream Media (News & Entertainment) are censored and propagandized
  • Amazon books are censored and propagandized

Beyond the obvious censorship above, many other sites have been removed and or damaged by Cloudflare, PayPal, Vimeo, Discord and others in an effort to censor content – 8Chan for example was removed by Cloudflare. And many Discord servers were deleted including Digging Deeper and PSB. Amazon has removed excellent books written by historians like James Perloff and others. Even the seemingly innocuous WordPress got into the action by removing Jay Dyer’s web site.

All these actions have prevented millions of people from getting the news and information they want: some of these channels have over a million subscribers each. Additionally, these actions have destroyed careers, businesses, incomes, and decades of work by content creators.

What is it they desire to censor? Anything the established power structure perceives as a threat. If you want to beat an idea, it seems to me the best way is with refutation and evidence, not propaganda and deletion. Censorship drives ideas underground and gives them credibility they may or may not deserve.

The tyrannical reasoning –if any is given– is a thinly-veiled, unfounded allegation of hate speech, the 17th letter of the English alphabet or other specious augments.

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”
unknown (sometimes mistakenly attributed to Voltaire)

With all the deception and false information being pushed by the established power structure, the responsibility of untangling this mess is up to you and me; which is where it should be anyway.

The quick and easy way is to trust authorities, but this is what got us into the mess we are in today. We must become self-sufficient or we become livestock to be herded by our masters.

If we intend to progress, we must develop tools to help us chart an accurate map of the topology before us– because without an accurate map, we are easy prey for the gangsters who lie in wait before us. Equally important is the path we have traveled; if you don’t know where you have been, how can you determine reasonably where you want to go?

There are many tools already available to make our travels much easier and safer. These include a healthy dose of skepticism especially when it comes to known liars like those listed above. Include with this list government agencies like the FBI and CIA and other known liars. There is absolutely no reason to trust a known liar, so become adept at collecting data points from many sources without accepting them as fact. Once you have collected data points, start your analysis to see correlations and make some connections. Putting events on a timeline is always helpful. Other tools include learning the Trivium and learning how to spot logical fallacies which are used abundantly by the MSM and others. Learn the top 24 or so, how to spot them and how to dismantle them. Takes some practice.

NOTE: Trivium (grammar, logic, and rhetoric)  More on the Trivium can be found here:

9/11 Was a Revenue Enhancement Project

by DAVID BROWN | | September 20, 2020

After the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, US Military spending declined rapidly – see chart below.  The Neocons and the US Military Industrial Complex needed a new bad guy to scare US taxpayers. A group of Neocons (William Kristol and Robert Kagan) formed the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) in 1997 to come up with a solution.  PNAC proclaimed “the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.”   At the time, few realized that the new Pearl Harbor would go-live September 11, 2001.

Defense Spending

BTW, Robert Kagan is married to the lady (Victoria Nuland) who ran the violent regime change in Ukraine for the Obama State Department.


Related topics: 

More from ClearNFO on Ukraine: